Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 192

Three days later, Hoffa followed the guide of fatier map and came to a riverside town. The houses on the street were low and crisscross, and several old fishing boats were moored on the wharf.

It's just that these fishing boats are all burning now. There was black smoke. Countless ghostly figures walk through the dark night sky, covering their heads and shaking. Some take bricks and stones and repeatedly smash them. I don't know what's going on.

Someone is tearing his body, like a numb body, walking in the street.

also sardine, like what sardines swim, where they swim, where they swim behind, and do not understand why they are behind what they are.

Chaos and madness constantly erode people's reason, which makes Hoffa surprised. He began to understand that everyone is the product of loneliness, but few people can really learn to get along with loneliness.

People invented entertainment, invented social interaction, invented order, invented division of labor, invented all kinds of things.

The whole world will fall into a primitive state of chaos and pain, which is probably what greendevo wants to see.

Now, under the attraction of the nihilistic dragon, the hope of the whole world is collapsing in a chain state.

There is not much time left for him.

He looked at the map and strode through the chaos and madness of the crowd. Now, he can only hope that Norbert has not been affected by himself.

Not far away, he felt the magic wave of "if there is nothing", which was very weak.

As soon as Hoffa's eyes brightened, he was lucky. There was a wizard in this town. He followed the magic wave to track the past.

Following the wave of magic, Hoffa came to an alley full of garbage. The shops on the street are shining with broken neon lights, and the dirty water on the ground reflects the light of red and blue.

The top of his head was densely covered with wires, and the walls were covered with psoriasis like advertising signs. Seeing this kind of place, Hoffa couldn't help thinking of Wu's orphanage.

A whimper came into Hoffer.

"Let me go! Let me go... "

there was a crackling sound in the garbage, mixed with someone's cry. As soon as Hoffa turned the corner, he saw several boys about his age blocking the garbage dump at the end of the alley, kicking something with their feet.

They had white spit on their mouths, red eyes and crazy looks.

He slowly approached and looked around. These children were attacking a tall adult. The man, dressed in a shabby and dirty cloth shirt, collapsed in the rain, shivering. The surface of the rain water, has been mixed with a trace of pink.

"Monster, you are a monster..."

said the first yellow haired boy.


another child fanatically said.

"... let's kill him..."

a boy drew out a knife: "I can't help it."

"What's the hurry... Let him die, isn't it... Very happy..."

The Yellow haired boy stammered: "I... I don't want him to die, he's too evil..."

"what should I do..."

"I'm going to cut his limbs and then save him. Ha ha

He said, shaking his head and laughing.

"It makes sense."

A boy raised the blade and licked it madly. His mouth was full of blood. Then he raised the blade and tried to stab the body of the man who fell to the ground.

At the moment when the sharp blade stabbed him, a pincers like palm held his wrist and made him unable to move.

As soon as the boy turned his head, he found a strange boy about his age standing beside him. But before he really saw who the boy was, a knife fell on the back of his neck and knocked him out.

Then, in less than three seconds, all the four confused and crazy teenagers passed out. They fell to the ground like sacks.

Hoffa sighed and turned to look.

Until then, he could see which one was huddled in the middle of the two trash cans, and there was a man covered with bruises. And the man was looking at himself with a pair of beetle brown eyes.


A flash of lightning illuminated his face.

No, maybe it's not a man, because although he is big, his face is surprisingly young and scared. Yeah, he's the one with the magic wave.

Hoffa looked at him for a while, always feel a little familiar, so he stretched out his hand, gentle way: "Hello, are you ok?"

Ruber Hagrid looked down at the young man, still twitching and foaming, in the garbage beside him. He curled up in fear and said nothing."Are you ok?" Hoffa tilted his head. "You're a wizard, aren't you?"

"I'm not, I'm not..."

the big man covered his face in horror and stepped back, but behind him was a wall, and there was no way to retreat.

Hoffa carefully looked at each other's face, and Norbert is so similar, a long memory finally surfaced, he understood each other's identity. The magic animal fanatic, the most important supporting role in the future Harry Potter era.

He is not crazy, which makes Hoffa see some hope. He stepped forward and asked softly:

"Norbert is your father, isn't he?"

Maybe his mental field is quite soft, or maybe his tone is different from those crazy people. The big boy in front of him gradually calmed down.

He looked up into Hoffa's eyes and nodded slowly:

"yes... Yes."

Hoffa held Hagrid down and whispered, "let me see your father, will you?"

Rupert was stunned, then turned his lips and said wrongly.

"My father is out of his mind."

"Crazy, isn't it..."

Hoffa murmured, and he didn't have too many accidents for this answer. He had seen too many people falling into madness along the way. "Never mind. Let me see him."

Looking at the golden eyes under his gray hair, Hagrid nodded. He got up from the ground and picked up a small paper bag. There are two buns in the small paper bag. He put the bread away carefully and said to Hoffa.

"Come with me."

Hoffa followed Hagrid through the madness and chaos of the town, through the dark burning woods, through the crow flying wheat fields.

Finally, they came to an abandoned farm. Just standing at the gate of the farm, Hoffa smelled a pungent smell of alcohol.

When he opened the door, he saw a man with a shaggy head and a bare face lying on a tall pile of straw. He was wrapped in a thick coat, surrounded by piles of discarded wine bottles.

It's Norbert Hagrid, but this man's eyes are no longer as positive and sharp as he saw in the summer vacation. Instead, chaos and exhaustion.

When he saw Hoffa coming, he took a numb look at him. Hoffa was surprised. His eyes were the same as when he chose to die.

Hagrid came forward and pulled out two buns from his pocket, but Norbert pushed him away. Yelled: "where's the wine... Where's my damn wine..."

"It's finished. I can't find it."

Lubber whispered.

"Trash... Get out of here!"

Norbert roared to push him, but he rolled down from a pile of wine bottles with too much force. He didn't care. Blindfolded, he turned over on the ground for a long time, but the bottles were empty for a long time. He got angry and splashed about the bottle like a paddle.

Hoffa looked around and saw that there was half a bottle of wine on the closet, so he went over and picked up the bottle. He went up to Norbert, bent down and handed it to him.

"It's you..."

Norbert drooled, gave him a squint, then snatched the bottle. He looked up and took a gulp of wine: "do you know... Who can go to heaven... Burp..."

Hoffa whispered: "people who are not allergic to alcohol."

"Ha ha, you are so smart. I knew you were not a simple boy at the beginning."

Then he lay on the ground and kicked Hagrid's ankle.

"Get out of here... You don't have a... Stranger looking good."

Hoffa took his shoulder and pulled him away. Then he got up, went to the big boy in vituba, patted Hagrid on the arm, and whispered, "you go out and wait for me."

Hagrid looked at each other with pure eyes. Although he was only shoulder high, he had no reason to trust the man in front of him.

He nodded, turned and ran out, stopped outside the haystack on the farm, and peeped inside.

Inside, Hoffa sat down next to Norbert, with his knees crossed.

"What the hell are you out of here?"

"I thought... I thought you were locked up in Azkaban," he said, his eyes bleary

"There was a rebellion in Azkaban and all the prisoners escaped." Hoffa said softly, "grindevo has destroyed that place."

"So you ran out of here? You are very clever

Norbert took another sip of the wine: "why, what are you doing here? Revenge. "

Hoffa just looked at him and didn't speak.

"Don't look at me like that, son."

"If you were me at that time, you would have run," he said. If you want to blame it, it's because you can't change your shape... "

" I'm not here to fight with you. "Hoffa broke him.

"Did you make that monster?"

Norbert: I made... What did I make

"The dragon of nothingness?"

"Nothingness... Dragon..."

nobo laughs, "... What are you talking about? Can nothingness be made? Don't be kidding....

he took a gulp of wine, threw the bottle, and then he lay on his back, ready to sleep. Hoffa reached for his collar and pulled him up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to stop it."

"Stop? You're done... The world is done. You don't know grindevoir. You don't know how crazy he is. "

Hoffa: I didn't tell you about grindevo. I told you about the monster


Norbert suddenly roared:

"what a bloody monster, you keep saying it's a monster. I'll tell you what the hell that is, that's reality, meaningless reality!

I've been working hard for 40 years. I've been working hard for 40 years on bio fusion technology. Before it took shape, it was taken away and made wedding clothes for others!

This is my life's hard work. Now it has been taken away by others. What else do you expect from me? My existence is worthless... "

Hoffa pressed his shoulder and tried to calm him down. I didn't expect that this action caused the other party's strong resistance.

"Don't you dare touch me! You little beast, if it wasn't for you, how could I...

Hoffa pressed nob under his body and pressed his arm like a wounded beast.

"Don't think about it."

"Don't think about it!"

Norbert growled: "that's my 40 years of hard work. Do you want me to stop thinking? Don't you understand that we are just other people's pawns...

"do you remember that cabin?"

Hoffa asked.

"We are chess pieces!"

"It's a fuckin 'pawn!" Norbert bellowed sadly

"Do you remember that cabin?"

Hoffa increased the volume.

"What the hell do I remember? Get out of here!"

Norbert tried to push Hoffa away. He touched a glass bottle with his finger and smashed it on Hoffa's face.


The bottle was smashed in Hoffa's face.

The wine wet his hair and cheeks, but he didn't even change his expression. He took the palm of nober's hand and pulled off the bottle.

"Do you remember what you said to me?"

"What the hell did I tell you?"

Norbert struggled.

"Man must live like a dragon!"

Hoffa held him down.

"The Dragon doesn't care if it will die tomorrow, it doesn't care if it will be eaten by a bigger dragon, and it doesn't even care if it is assassinated by another male dragon."

Hoffa held him down and said in a loud voice: "the dragon only cares about whether it can eat enough, whether it can cultivate enough offspring, and whether the offspring can survive."

"Go away! I didn't say that! "

Norbert struggled, his muscles cramped.

"I don't remember, I don't remember!"

"You still have descendants. Your life goal has not been completed yet!"

Hoffa roared, pointing to Rupert standing outside, to his frightened little face.

"Your son may make a great career in the future! Are you going to bury his future here? "

This sentence was like a sharp arrow to the point. Nob did not move. His rigid body slowly relaxed.

Hoffa stood up, looked at Nob lying in the bottle pile, and gasped: "listen, I can help you become the top dragon trainer, but you have to follow my plan."

Finally, with his face covered, he began to howl like a wild animal. He hit the ground with his head heavily.

Hoffa didn't speak. He just stood aside, waiting and observing silently.

Finally, accompanied by Hoffa, he got rid of the anxiety of existence. After a painful struggle, Norbert got up, leaned against the haystack and raised his head with a black face,

"what can you do?"