Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 187

Grindevo walked out of the house of need and returned to the appearance of Jacob Bohan. He calmly went down the stairs and headed for the school hall.

At the moment, Hogwarts is at Christmas. In the cold air, there are some Christmas carols, but the misty Hallelujah sounds more like an elegy.

When he came to the corner of the stairs in the hall, he stopped. The fluctuating mental field in the air made him understand what was waiting for him.

He looked out of the window at the snow capped mountains of Scotland, breathed out the fog, sighed and said with a smile:

"are you here to invite me to the Christmas dinner, Albus?"

Bright wand light from the darkness, the darkness quietly out of a man, he has a russet beard and hair, wearing a gray red robe, wearing a pointed Wizard Hat, it is Albus Dumbledore, he is now dressed very formally.

Behind him, more than a dozen Hogwarts professors, holding their wands flat, surrounded him slowly. Everyone's wands were shining with magic light, and the fluctuating mental field was almost breathless.

After a moment's silence, Dumbledore drew out his wand, pointed to grindworth's head and said coldly:

"we have received a message from fatil. How long have you been hiding?"

"Not long, half a year."

Grindevo said carelessly, fingering the snow on the edge of the window.

"What about the missing student? What have you done to them? "

"I said I killed them, do you believe it?"

Grindevo laughs.

All the professors' faces changed. They raised their wands and stepped forward. Only Dumbledore raised his hand and stopped them.

Dumbledore: why do you do this

Grindevo: why kill people

Dumbledore: why do you take everything to yourself

"Ha, my greatest pleasure is to listen to the ignorant call me the devil, desperately slander me, hiss and beg me, and then I don't look at them at all. This process can give me a great sense of intellectual superiority."

After a few seconds of silence, Dumbledore whispered, "you're a complete jerk."

At this time, the huge Slughorn came out of the crowd and said angrily, "cut the crap. What do you want to do when you come to Hogwarts?"

Grindwall glanced at him. "Nothing, Horace. I'm just here to meet my students. That's it."

Dumbledore: who are your students

"Can't you guess?" Grindevo grinned.

Dumbledore's face suddenly turned white, and his face, which had been slightly mild, was suddenly cold. "Where's Bach?"

"What time is it?"

"What did you say?"

"Oh, because depending on the time, he may be a person or a dragon now."

"What do you mean, what dragon?"



the situation in the house is extremely strange. The two people are as like as two peas, standing and sitting.

Hoffa doesn't know what to do now. In this strange journey, he has met all kinds of enemies, but he never thought that one day he could meet another himself. Not only that, he felt that something in himself had been stripped, something very important but ignored by himself.

"Who are you?" Hoffa was the first to break the silence.

"I'm nothing. I'm anybody."

Another he light way, "but you can think I am you."

"Are you kidding?"

"I have everything about you, your ability, your memory, your life. Why can't I be you?"

The other one stretched out his arm, appreciated his palm and said, "the only difference is that I don't want to stay in Hogwarts. I want to stay in a big place and follow a group of simple minded guys to die."

Hoffa: "that's why you turn other students into animals to prove your difference?"

"It's not me, it's us. I want to determine where I am in this universe and in this long food chain

He opened his arms and looked into Hoffa's eyes. "Why are we still in this school? Why do you want to repeat the daily cycle of mediocre life? "

Hoffa did not answer. He has not recovered from the fact of schizophrenia.

Another self: "why do you want to waste your time and accept the fate of seeing your head at a glance?"

Hoffa still did not speak, his chest heaved violently.

His silence made the other himself very unhappy. He grabbed Hoffa's collar and said, "speak up!"

Before the words came down, it flew straight out and fell heavily into the garbage mountain that had accumulated for thousands of years.Hoffa stood up and entered a state of activation, his body raised and his fist clenched. He can't answer each other's questions, so he has to start first.

In less than five seconds.

The figure climbed out of a pile of rags again. It shook its teeth, frisbee and old books, moved its head, and also entered a state of activation.

It became strong and tall, and at the same time, there was incomparable hatred in its eyes. That hatred was that it would devour itself.

It came to Hoffa step by step:

"why waste life? Year after year, year after year? Do I live in this world for Hogwarts? "

It stood in front of Hoffa again: "tell me, why do we live?"

As soon as his voice fell, Hoffa punched again, and his body trembled slightly. The torture from his soul made him unavoidable.


It flew backwards again. This time, it smashed through two old wooden cabinets and countless abandoned potion glass bottles.

as like as two peas in the mountain, the man who was just like him was walking away from the broken glass hill of the glass bottle. He was all wound that was burnt out by the dangerous magic medicine. He was green, purple and red. He looked very embarrassed.

But with a strong irony on his face, he stood in front of Hoffa again:

"don't you know?"

"You don't have a goal in life, do you?"

Hoffa didn't do it again, he stepped back.

The other "Hoffa" was furious. He grabbed Hoffa's head, put his eyes on his face, and growled, "tell me, what are you doing these years?"

"I... Protected the school." Hoffa said with a thump.

"Are you a hermit crab?"

The other party roared wildly:

"what about the height of our lives?"

"Without Hogwarts, what do you have left?"

"Am I going to die like filch?"

"After seven years of waiting to die, I graduated and became an employee of the Ministry of magic, and finally I died in a hospital bed full of regret. That's what you want?"?? Is that what you want? "

He asked questions crazily, but Hoffa didn't answer. His inner nothingness made him unable to face this ambitious self. He didn't know how to answer these questions.

"Say something!"

His head swells, his voice becomes like thunder, his whole body changes shape directly, colorful colors flow in his body, and his every muscle is like huge colored granite.

Hoffa tried to push him away, but found that the other side's strength is great, in the human body deformation attainments, the other side is far better than himself.

"Since you can't answer, go to hell!"

He grabbed Hoffa's neck, his fingers tightened, and layers of scales appeared on his arm. It shows its teeth as sharp as a cruel razor.

"Er... Er..."

Hoffa's eyes began to blur, and he could even hear the wailing of his own bones.

Just as his palm tightened, a black-and-white cat jumped to his face and grabbed it with a heavy claw. This claw caught each other's eyes.

He ate painful side head, one hand heavy grasp Hoffa, the other hand will be black and white cat picked up: "I hate everything about you."

With that, he smashed the black-and-white cat out and broke through two high walls in a row. Immediately, its chest like a blower high uplift, and then, it ejected a hot blue flame. The scorching heat directly melted the garbage mountain, forming a lava gully.

Looking at the burning garbage mountain, Hoffa struggled more fiercely.


he grabbed his arm around his neck, which was like a pair of pincers, and felt the other hand on the ground. He thought that his magic wand was still there. If he could make a giant hammer, he might knock it to death...

just at the beginning of his idea, his right hand touched a handle, and a hammer came out of his hand, and he raised it The hammer hit the other one heavily on the head.


The hammer smashed it more than 20 meters away.

Hoffa breathlessly looked at the hammer in his hand, and suddenly realized something. This is the house of response, and all his requests may be realized.

It gave him hope.

He threw away the hammer and looked at the fire in front of him.

I need to put out the fire, I need to put out the fire, I need to put out the fire.

All of a sudden, countless huge pipes came out of the ceiling of the house on demand, which spewed out a torrent of water and immediately put out the burning fire.

Hoffa rushed to the garbage with his hands and feet. The black-and-white cat was not dead, but half of its fur was burned and it was shivering in the water. He turned the black-and-white cat out and hugged it. He was deeply relieved.At this time, there was another bang in the distance.

as like as two peas of a man, he was a man with half a man and half a dragon. He had golden eyes, and his body was all a hideous thorns and a variegated scale.

Hoffa: are you crazy? Do you want to kill all your friends

"Hum, my incurable kindness, disgusting compassion, and tolerance without bottom line are not on me!"

The Dragon said, and then it disappeared directly into the air.

Hoffa was shocked. It was his own ghost walk. This guy actually used it.

He knows the horror of this ability, and he also wants to use the ghost walk to avoid subsequent attacks. However, to his great horror, he was unable to use the ghost walk, and his ability was taken away by the other party.

Hoffa immediately held the black-and-white cat in his arms and retreated madly. As he retreated, he thought in his heart,

"trap it, trap it, I want a place where I can trap it."

Ten seconds after the ghost strolled, the Dragon appeared in front of Hoffa. Its head was as big as a rhinoceros, and it said coldly, "now, who is Hoffa Bach?"

With that, it opened its mouth and bit, vowing to kill its weakness on the spot.

Hoffa roared, "trap it!"


The environment of the house changed in an instant.

Instead of the mountain of rubbish piled up high and high, it was replaced by heavy chains and huge knives and axes like a pendulum.

The whole depression of the floor is like the layers of Russian dolls.

The Dragon stepped into the trap. The trap rotated 360 degrees and stretched out layers of blades. It was like a rotating meat grinder, in which many cages were pierced layer by layer.

Every time the trap rotates, the creature like itself will be seriously injured, but in the blink of an eye, its injury will recover, and its body will become larger and more like a dragon.

Hoffa is scared. Every time this guy gets hurt, will he be stronger than before? He had never met such a terrible enemy.

"You can't trap me. Are you lying to yourself?" The Colossus locked up in layers of cages made a deafening roar. It opens its mouth and spits out a hot blue breath.

Breath lit up Hoffa's face. Hoffa held the cat in his arms. He was afraid and kept repeating.

"Close it, close it, close it!"

The shape of the dungeon changed again. The stone doors closed tightly. Every time Hoffa said anything, the house would add a layer of protection.




As the stone gates and iron gates cross and close, the blazing dragon breath is resisted, like a closed Pandora's box, and his face illuminated by the dragon breath is dim.

Hoffa fell to the ground with a cold sweat on his forehead. Only a few times, he knew that this monster was more strange than any one he had ever met.

And, just as the Dragon hated himself, he hated the dragon. As like as two peas, he did not want to see a thing that is exactly the same as himself in the world, which makes him doubt his existence.


All of a sudden, the whole sealed dungeon bulged out. The sound of thunder came from the dungeon, and Hoffa was knocked to the ground.

Then the dungeon raised a big block, and the whole tower was shaking slightly.

The guy wasn't dead, and Hoffa swallowed.

He dare not hesitate. Holding a black and white cat, he crawled out of the house on demand. He didn't know how long it would be trapped by the house's ability, but the most urgent thing was to evacuate all the people in the school.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, Hoffa ran with the cat in his arms.

At the moment, the sky was shining with strange colors. He didn't know whether he was the only one looking at the sky, or whether other people were looking at the sky like this.

He rushed to the school hall, hoping to find help. But when he came to the school hall, it was empty, just a few residual Christmas trees and mistletoe fluttering on the ceiling.

Although the man was gone, he was aware of the magic in the air.

He followed the magic wave to touch the past, not far away, in the corridor to see the confrontation between the two sides.

On one side is the college professor with a magic wand, and on the other side is Dumbledore with an arm in his hand.

Far away, there came Dumbledore's fierce voice, "where's Bach?"