Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 172

That night, all the students gathered in the hall.

There is an old piano in the corner of the hall. Its buttons go up and down automatically, making a soft Ding Dong sound. Thousands of tiny candles were burning on the dark dome, shining blue. With the strange makeup of the students above and below, the whole atmosphere of Halloween is mysterious and gloomy.

It's supposed to be exciting, but it's not. The hall was filled with oppressive silence.

Because there are dragons.

The dragon training team, who came back from outside the school, had a separate row of tables. They sat on the right side of the teaching staff table. Everyone is surrounded by a young dragon.

Everyone's eyes stay on the young fire dragon, the atmosphere of silence and depression has been maintained.

It wasn't until Jacob Bohan came through the door holding the dim eyed headmaster dipert, that the atmosphere was a little calmer. Hoffa glanced around the desk and half the professors were absent.

Slughorn, Dumbledore, Meles, fatil, they're not here.

Headmaster dipert went to the statue of the giant eagle and coughed twice: "before the banquet, I'll say a few words. Today I called the dragon training team back, coughing..... On the one hand, I'm very satisfied with the results. On the other hand, I hope you can play a leading and exemplary role. In the next few days, all students will learn from the dragon training team In line with... "


dipert said a few words dryly in the teaching staff, encouraging the dragon training team. Let them behave well, don't go astray, the future of Hogwarts depends on you, and so on, Balabala.

After that, he left the desk with the help of Jacob Bohan, and the other teachers chased him out, as if there were other things to discuss.

The professor just left.

The atmosphere of silence was suddenly torn apart, and the students under the seat were divided into two groups with the speed visible to the naked eye.

One party was very friendly to the dragon training team and surrounded them.

On the other hand, his eyes were not willing, but his expression was cold. They sat far away, ignoring the students who came back from training the dragon, and even pointing out to them.

Antonio, Hoffa's roommate, belongs to the former type. He wandered in the crowd, surrounded the group of dragon training students, asked excitedly, sat beside and listened with relish.

(William, on the other hand, sits next to Hoffa and says in a low voice with disdain, "well, haven't you ever seen a fire dragon? It's like nobody's ever seen it before... I've seen a norskeleton since I was six years old, and I've even ridden it. ")

Hoffa quietly ate the pumpkin pie of Halloween. William was one of the people who crossed the lake at that time. However, he swam less than three kilometers to the Black Lake, which was more than fifty kilometers at that time.

(William keeps on saying: "it's just a group of wild animals, and fatil drassez even talks about building a single wooden bridge... It's funny, I haven't seen a dragon trainer who can be Minister of magic..."

he keeps on talking, and Hoffa feels like a group of mosquitoes buzzing in his ears. He looked blankly at aglia and Miranda, who had not been seen in the crowd for two months.

I haven't seen them for two months, but I don't think about them many times. I sit in the same place and look at them, but their image is very vague.

(William also said: "I think it's funny. I have to swim to raise a dragon. It's true that the taxpayer's money comes from the wind... That draises, I heard that his family runs a hospital... He looks dirty... He doesn't look like a good man...)

his voice is mixed with the voice of other students, and it goes in and out of Hoffa's left ear, right ear, right ear, left ear, and the whole hall is chattering. A strange atmosphere in the air began to ferment.

(William: "without you, those people were blown to dust last year. I'm still pretending to be forced here. If I say, haven't you crossed the river? Why didn't you train the Dragon... There must be something dark in it, right? There must be something wrong with Professor drasse... ")

he kept talking about drasse.

At this time, a doubt appeared in Hoffa's mind. No, where's professor drasse? Where's Dumbledore? Are they busy with other things?

(William: "I'm still sitting in the hall with a dragon. Why don't I go to heaven? What can I be proud of? Without you, those people would have died in last year's explosion.")

When Hoffa was thinking about it, he was hit on the shoulder heavily. He was surprised and came back to himself. It was William who patted him.

"What's the matter?" Hoffa asked. He has been habitually wandering. He didn't listen much to what the other party said.

William: "I said, those dragon trainers are nothing, are they?"

When he said this, there was a lot of silence around him. Many people looked at him and stared at Hoffa.It's a look that yearns for affirmation, recognition and understanding. At this moment, he vaguely felt that he had touched something. He could not tell clearly, but the real existence was floating over the hall.

Hoffa looked into William's eyes, and he nodded, "you're right."

William's eyes burst out with dazzling brilliance. He excitedly said to the people beside him:

"look, they're no big deal. Hoffa swam past and didn't stay with those people."

His words were like a stone smashed into a calm pool. Before Hoffa could stop it, it stirred up a thousand waves among the students. Immediately, all the words around spread.

"Hoffa said they were nothing."

"Hoffa said those people are not bullshit."

"They would have died without Hoffa."

"Huo FA said..."

one pass ten pass hundred. One person to one person, and finally, when this sentence reached the ears of the dragon training team, it had completely changed its flavor.

Hoffa didn't know what the words were, but after a student whispered to them, the whole dragon training team turned its head in amazement and stared at itself in disbelief.

There was a thump in his heart.

Shylock in the dragon training team stood up. Agraia and Miranda immediately grabbed her, but she broke away. She walked to Ravenclaw's table where Hoffa was. Stare at him coldly.

"What did you just say?"

Hoffa's face was blank: "what did I say?"

She laughed angrily: "what do you say you don't know? Here's the garlic. "

At this time, another tall boy came to Hoffa slowly, pressed the table and said angrily, "didn't we help you in the back last year? This is what we do together. It's the glory of Hogwarts. How did you get here and become your own glory? "

With his anger, a fat Swedish short nosed dragon propped up his fat body, slowly came to the boy's back, snorted.

At this time, Shylock's Hungarian wasp quietly disappeared in the same place and crawled towards his master.

Shylock: go away, Diggory. I'll take care of this

The tall boy looked at her and shook his head. "Calm down."

"I won't say it a second time." Shylock looks at Hoffa.

The boy straightened up, took a silent look at Hoffa, and turned away with his short nose dragon.

As soon as he left, Shylock grabbed Hoffa's collar and whispered: "you can think I'm a fool, you can ignore me, but you can't deny the efforts of our team!"

She was so angry that her fists were shaking. It must be that the words just passed were too bad.

Hoffa tried to explain, but as soon as he looked back, the students who had just passed on the message in private suddenly quieted down and did not make a sound any more. They just looked at Hoffa. All kinds of strange Halloween make-up, combined with a unified silence. It was grotesque but neat, and Hoffa couldn't even tell who was who in the group.

For a moment, he was pushed out and stood in the front. Their desire, their desire, their will are like clear symbols floating in the sky.


Hoffa murmured, not knowing what to say. At this moment, he became the agent of the collective will and could no longer be alone.

Shylock turned his head: "look at me! You talk! Do you think dragon training is a simple and ridiculous thing? "

"I don't think so." Hoffa immediately denied it.

"I don't think you're so ugly!" Shylock's cold fingers almost deformed Hoffa's face.

At this time, Miranda rushed over, grabbed Shylock's hand and said calmly, "it's OK. What's the matter, Hoffa. You can apologize. It's over."


As soon as Miranda's words came out, the silent eyes of hundreds of students behind her became sharp like knives. The will and spirit boiling in the air almost darkened the whole hall. None of them spoke, but the message was clearly delivered to Hoffa.

Never apologize.

Never compromise.

It's a pressure Hoffa has never felt before. At this moment, it doesn't matter what he thinks.

He looked into Shylock's blue eyes and whispered, "sorry, I didn't say anything."

"Nothing." Shylock laughed. After laughing, she released her hand and her eyes were completely cold. "When agraia and I mentioned you, I still had some expectations for you, but now it seems that you are just like that."

Miranda was pushed away by Shylock and submerged in the crowd. Shylock drew out his wand from his waist and stepped back. At this step, all the students stood up. They stepped back together, drew out their wand and surrounded them. There was an atmosphere of irritability and fanaticism in the air.After last year's defense against the dark arts class, he naturally knew the meaning of this gesture. This guy actually planned to fight with himself.

"Must it be so?" Hoffa didn't move.

"Are you so indecisive? Bach

As she spoke, another gas engine was always locked on Hoffa. He saw the young Hungarian wasp approaching him in the shadow. His wings were half folded, and his cold yellow eyes were fixed on Hoffa. It twists its spiny tail slightly, leaving tiny traces of friction on the hard marble floor, like a young lion following a lioness.

Hoffa looked at the wasp and said, "I don't want to fight with you."

"And then?" Shylock raised his wand at the tip of his nose. "Do you think you are very generous and don't agree with me?"

Hoffa was silent. The young Hungarian wasp was getting closer to him. The air was full of danger.

"What reason do you want to leave this time? Do you want to go to the toilet again in front of so many people? Mr. Bach

Several people in the dragon training team began to laugh, with a faint disdain. The crowd behind Hoffa was like being stabbed in a sensitive nerve, which exploded instantly.

"Fight, fight!"

"Who's afraid of you!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Is the prefect great?"

"The teacher's children are great?"

"Isn't it a relationship?"


"shut up

Hoffa turned and roared.

Hoffa: what's the point

What is the meaning of Shylock? You don't respect us, Hoffa Bach.

Fight, win me, whatever you scold, lose, I want you to apologize to us in front of the whole school