Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

v2 Chapter 217: Shabby funeral

Seeing this touching scene, Harry couldn't help but cry out.

In front of himself, Sirius kept tears and hugged the body of Regulus. He cried so sadly and kept muttering, "Go home, Regulus, let us go home"

In the arms of Sirius, Regulus is ignorant.

His squinting eyes were fascinated, and there seemed to be a cobweb inside. He stretched out his pale, dry hands and hugged him back. Not a normal hug, but full of malice, to drown Sirius into the lake and drown.

"Be careful, Sirius"

Harry hurriedly shouted loudly, but the sound came to an abrupt end.

He felt his arm smothered himself from behind, cold, dead flesh like death, and hugged him from the ground, slowly and without hesitation to the Black Lake.

Harry struggled to get out, but without success, the strength of the corpse was much greater than him. He was dragged and slowly moved toward the lake.

The magic wand in his hand made a few spells in vain and relapsed into silence.

Harry was desperate. He knew that he would be drowned in this way. Like Regulus, he became another corpse that guarded the soul of Voldemort.

But at this moment, there was a flame in the darkness, which was much stronger than the red flames that Evan and Hermione had.

A bright, golden-red fire ring wraps around the rock, and the corpses that hold Harry tightly become a step-by-step, body-shake.

They did not dare to enter the lake through the flames, so they had to drop Harry.

Harry fell to the ground, his feet slipped on the rocks, and his arm was rubbed, but he quickly struggled to get up. He saw Dumbledore, Avon, and Hermione coming out of the flame. Evan and Hermione were pale, but they looked okay. In front of them, Dumbledore looked serious and the golden light beat in his pale blue eyes.

His wand was held as high as a torch, and a flame was drawn from the tip of the wand, like a huge, warm lasso that surrounded the corpses.

The power of these flames is amazing, the corpses that are encountered are directly turned into ashes, and the remaining corpses are slamming together, stunned to escape the flames surrounding them.

"Professor, Avon, Hermione!" Harry shouted cheerfully.

He ran forward two steps forward and stopped immediately.

He heard the shouting of Sirius, and he hurried back, seeing Sirius and Regulus fight on the edge of the flame, and Klee cuts his hand without a move.

Because of the fire, Regulus struggled fiercely and wanted to escape to the lake, but Sirius clung to him and did not let go, because his face was too strong.

Harry hurried to help, and Avon and Hermione hurriedly followed.

The three of them worked together to help Sirius to hold Regulus, and Evan even used magic to make a few ropes to tie him.

But Regulus's strength is amazing, completely beyond the human sphere, and they are not opponents.

Just as everyone was about to hold on, Dumbledore came over.

Without gorgeous magic, he just tapped the head of Regulus with his wand in his hand, and Regulus immediately calmed down and turned back into a real body.

In the dark cave, Evan gasped, looking at the horrible, strange scenes around him, and Regulus, who was quieting down. He knew that everything was over, and they finally freed Regulus from endless torture. come out.

They completed the last wish of Regulus, destroyed the locket, and found his body, lifting the evil black magic on him.

At this moment, his soul is finally able to rest in peace.

At sunset, a remote cemetery near Grimaud Square.

Here is the black family's cemetery. The center is a tall, very impressive dark black marble monument with the emblem of the Black family. Next to the family emblem is the one made of sheet metal and strikingly marked. Language: The noblest and oldest Black family is immortal.

Around the monument, densely-eared tombstones of different ages, they have different shapes, but one thing in common is that the materials are extremely elegant.

On the right side of the cemetery are the three tall yews and the black outline of a small church; on the left side of the cemetery, you can see the exquisite old house at 12 Grimmauld Place.

Like No. 12 Grimaud Square, everything here is neglected to manage the glory of the past.

There are weeds in the cemetery, and from time to time there are crows on the tombstones, watching the intruders in front of them.

Under the ruthless destruction of the years, most of the tall and exquisite tombstones have been damaged. They stand there quietly, silently telling the story of the Black family.

In the innermost corner of the cemetery, Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin, Avon, Harry, Hermione, and Kreacher stood in a very narrow and ordinary manner, which was not very consistent with the surrounding style. In front of the tombstone, they gathered here to make the final departure for Regulus.

Lu Ping arrived after receiving the news. He was waiting for everyone at the Kettle Bar, ready to spend a perfect Christmas. He did not expect to wait for such a news.

There is no one other than Lupin.

In fact, they originally planned to invite some people to come to participate in the funeral of Regulus, but Sirius wanted to come and wonder who should be invited.

Regules had madly worshiped Voldemort before his death. He wanted to be a Death Eater, and most of his former relatives and friends were such people. They are almost all students of Slytherin College, and eventually became Death Eaters. Now they are not dead, they are being held in Azkaban, and it is impossible to be invited.

So, until the end, there are only a few of them.

Klee's stern, dry crying sounded intermittently, like someone pulling a violin without tone, which sounded uncomfortable.

Ivan had never attended a funeral before. He didn't know what the normal funeral should be, but the funeral of Regulus was undoubtedly shabby, and everything was prepared in a hurry.

On the tombstone of Regules, shortly written: Regulus Akturus Black is always here. He is a kind of Death Eater who defends his dignity and justice with his own life. He sacrificed his life against Voldemort. He is a well-deserved hero. He is the eternal pride of the Black family.

Before this, Ai Wen never thought that the words good and the Death Eaters could be linked together.

This may be a great irony for other Death Eaters, but it is the most faithful evaluation for Regulus.

As mentioned later, Regulus defends justice with his own life and resists Voldemort. He is a true hero.

Next to the tombstone, Sirius looks stunned, no tears, just silently looking at his younger brother's coffin.

For a long time, Lu Ping took a picture of Sirius's shoulders, and then they slowly filled the graves and buried Regulus. (To be continued.)