Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 204: Traces of magic

"Kelce, please let me hold your right hand. After I counted three times, the apparition took us to the cave." Dumbledore looked around for a week and muttered, "You four can catch me, don't It’s too tight, I’m just guiding you.”

There was a strange scene in the room, with Sirius, Avon, Harry, and Hermione placing their hands on Dumbledore's arms, and Dumbledore holding Kreacher's right hand.

"one two Three"

Dumbledore’s voice just fell, and Avon felt like he was spinning.

The feeling of horror and uneasiness reappeared when Sarah Slytherin was moved with a phantom.

Evan can't breathe, like being squeezed into a thick rubber tube, and every part of the body is squeezed, just beyond the limits of his tolerance.

Then, just as he thought he was going to suffocate, the invisible tube suddenly split.

He stood in the cool outdoors and breathed fresh, salty air.

Ai Wen can smell the smell of the sea and hear the choppy sound.

He looked up and found himself standing on a high black rock that was exposed to the sea. The waves rolled under his feet and foamed.

A cold sea breeze blew his hair, the sky in the distance, the winter sun with a faint, warm temperature, and it felt very comfortable on the body.

Then he turned his head and looked back.

There was a cliff behind them, and the steep rock wall fell straight down.

There are a few large rocks around the cliff, just like the one standing under their feet, it seems to have fallen off the front of the cliff sometime in the past.

It was bare and desolate, except for the vast sea and rocks, there was no tree, no grass and no beach.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Ai Wen said with concern, holding Hermione, who was standing beside her, she was the first apparition.

"I'm fine, Avon, have we just experienced the apparition?" Hermione said with her ear. "How do you say it is suddenly stuffed into a tube and forced to compress into a liquid?"

"You need to adapt to this feeling slowly. When you are an adult, you can go to the Magic Phantom Appearance exam." Dumbledore said slowly, "We should be at the destination. What do you think of it?"

He said as he carefully looked at the cliff.

That breath is like asking them, is this an ideal picnic spot?

"If it's summer, it's a picnic spot to deal with." Harry shook his head, his face mixed with emotions such as nervousness, excitement, and anxiety.

Then he noticed that Sirius standing next to him was not very good.

"How do you feel, Sirius?" Harry hurriedly asked, "You seem to have something."

"Very bad, isn't it?!" Sirius's pale face was very ugly. He said disgustedly, "I just remembered some bad things. Azkaban also has such a cliff. It is a narrow window in my room. The only sight that can be seen."

"Azkaban?!" Ivan was the first time I saw Sirius mentioning the place.

"Yes, it's almost exactly the same, the dark sea and the black rocks are endlessly desolate, without any anger. No one will go there unless the dementors are ready to throw the dead from there."

"Oh, Sirius!" I heard that he was worried, and Evan, Harry, and Hermione were worried. They went up to hug him.

"I'm fine, everything is gone!" The weak side of Sirius was fleeting. He instantly returned to normal and shouted, "Klipche, here is where my brother died last, where is the cave?"

"On the cliff over there, Master!" Kreacher pointed to the steep cliff.

Ai Wen, they rushed to look there, but did not see anything.

"I didn't see anything, why didn't you bring us directly into the cave?"

"Kreacher can go in, but can't bring you in. There is magic to stop Kreacher from doing this!" Kreacher widened his eyes and said anxiously, "Young Master Regulas climbed up from here."

"It’s Tom Riddle’s magic, preventing others from moving into the cave through the apparition, but he ignores the magic of the house elf, which is like his style. He has always been dismissive of the house elf. Dumbledore said shortly, and asked again, "How do you feel about it, Ivan?"

"I agree with Harry that this is a good camping location nearby."

“It’s really a good idea, it gives me a lot of inspiration and it makes a lot of sense!” Dumbledore pondered for a moment and said calmly, “If I remember correctly, there should be a village nearby, summer. At the time, they should bring the children here, let them breathe the air of the sea and see the waves."

Harry and Hermione looked at Dumbledore puzzled, only Ivan knew what he was talking about.

"Ridel must have been here before he was at Hogwarts." Dumbledore watched the bare cliffs carefully. "It's too suitable. Muggles can't climb this big rock unless They are especially good at rock climbing; the boat can't get close to the cliff, the surrounding waters are too dangerous. I can imagine how Riddle climbed up, magic is definitely more useful than the rope. He should also bring other children, probably to enjoy Intimidate their fun."

They took a few steps forward and walked to the edge of the rock.

Ivan saw a lot of jagged voids on the rock that could be stepped on the foot, leading to the giant pebbles that were halfway out of the cliff and half exposed.

It is very dangerous to climb from here, and the low rock is washed away by the sea. Ivan feels the cold water splashing on the face of the sea.

"Where is that cave?" Sirius asked again.

Kreacher was only anxious to show them, the mouth of the cave was constantly squatting in the mouth, but in addition to the black rock wall and the raging waves, Ai Wen did not see anything.

It must be right here, you must be close, you can

"In that direction, I already felt its position." Dumbledore said suddenly.

He pulled out his wand and walked to the giant pebble closest to the front of the cliff, and squatted and sang a spell.

The next second, a red light group flew out from the end of his wand.

The group floated out and flashed on the sea a few feet below him.

"Have you seen it?" Dumbledore whispered, using a wand to control the light.

At the position where the light group is located, below the water surface, Avon sees a crack on the cliff, and the sea water swirls inside.

That location is very concealed, behind a large rock, plus the reflection of the Shanghai surface, if it is not Dumbledore guidance, it is impossible to notice.

"Professor, have you been here before?" Harry rubbed his eyes and asked in surprise.

"I am like you, it is the first time." Dumbledore stood up.

"But how did you find the crack?"

"Don't look at it with your eyes, Harry!" Dumbledore whispered. "With the heart to sense, the magic will always leave traces. Sometimes it will be very obvious. I can already feel the magic in the crack. The candlelight in the dark is more obvious." (To be continued.)