Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince

Chapter 17 - Louis has very bad social interaction skills

Back at the Princeton household, the kids were in a rush around the house making sure they did not forget anything of importance for they had to return to Hogwarts the very next day.

Their parents in the other hand, were casually sipping their cup of tea catching up on what they missed while the six Princetons were away. " The m.o.m came again while you were away. " Lyren informed as she sipped from her warm cup. " What did they want this time? " Natalia asks with an exaggerated sigh.

" Oh you know, the usual. Wanting us to become part of their group of wizards, go to the meetings all the stuck up people go to, and join the light side. Nothing much really. " Alfred mutters numbly as he takes a bite from his scone.

" Really? " Justin asks, skeptical of his step siblings. " Yes really, although....." Lyren trails off, deep in her thoughts.

" Although what? " Natalia questions raising a brow at the two. " They did mention something about how they would \' force \' us into joining them one way or another. " Corren speaks as quickly as she can, hoping that the two didn\'t catch what she said. Alas, her hope came crashing down when Natalia and Justin started setting nearby plants on fire. \' Ohhh dear. \' Alfred and Corren thought as they watched Their step siblings leave their seats and calmly strolled to the chimney. Their silence was what scared Alfred and Corren the most.

" WHOA WHOA WHOA, Justin! Natalia! Calm down! Don\'t do anything that\'ll scare the kids, especially Louis! " at the mention of Louis, they calmed down significantly.

" Their gone the moment they make their move. " Justin informs as he storms out to the garden. " They think their all that just \'cause their the ministry of magic, but I\'ll show them what power and authority means. I may not be part of the ministry but I am someone they\'ll \' listen \' to with little pressure. " Natalia darkly smiles, laughing like a villain from those television shows and comics about superheroes and their villains.

Louis turned his head to the living room from a chill that ran down his spine " Louie? What\'s wrong? " Annie asks while shoving her clothes for the rest of the school days before their break. " It\'s nothing. I thought I felt something evil in the house for a second. " Shaking his head he continues to pack his suitcase with all the necessities for his animal companions, Bandit especially.

Now on platform 9 3/4 the Princeton family are saying goodbye to one another. " Louis, " Natalia calls for her sons attention, " let\'s make a deal. " He nods his head " If you can make friends - or a friend - before your break starts again, I\'ll allow you to accompany your father to Egypt. Apparently he found a treasure map from one of the pyramids there. " Eyes lighting up like a star, Louis violently nods his head to agree with his mother - to excited to utter a sound. " Annie, Richard, you wouldn\'t mind watching over him to make sure he properly makes a friend, would you? " Natalia looks at the two knowing her son, he would probably \' force \' someone to befriend him, or shape shift one of his animal companions into a human - which had happened before.

" You got it boss! " Annie salutes with Richard nodding his head behind her.

It just so happened that Louis caught sight of a particularly sad scene. The Malfoy family, though purebloods were not really one for affection all that well. One example would be the scene Louis was witnessing at the current moment.

Draco Malfoy - The Drama Queen - stood I\'m front of his father and mother saying his goodbyes. However, the two had no affection on their faces, Lucius Malfoy - Louis guessed - practically ignored his son the whole time, while Narcissa Malfoy - Louis guessed, he cant remember names all that well - behaved like a stuck up stick in the mud woman, where the only thing she cared about was her appearance and position in society.

Louis could metaphorically feel the hurt and sadness the young Malfoy emitted made the him feel even sadder for Draco. Even the boys that Louis thought were the companions of Draco, stood on the side and did nothing whil they watched the scene unfold.

" You better get going now, wouldn\'t want to miss your train now do you? " Lukas says rhetorically, pulling Louis\' attention back to his family.

One last round of hugs and the three Princeton kids boarded the train. " Well I better go find my friends and catch up. " Annie says suddenly catching the two boys off guard " Wait, you have friends? " " And their real? " Louis and Richard ask simultaneously. Rolling her eyes at their \' wise \' questions, she turns around and waves goodbye to her two very surprised cousins.

" Well that was new. " Richard states, still surprised that their headstrong cousin has friends, though she is more friendly then them. " Should we go then? " shaking his head Louis asks as he picks a random cabin to enter.

Five minutes after the two settled down, the cabin door burst open revealing Neville Longbottom shining with excitement " Richard! I just discovered something extraordinary! Come with me! " Dragging Richard by the arm out the cabin, Louis was laughing the whole time.

Alone in the cabin Louis speaks, " Wellll, since I\'m by myself now might as well walk around. Don\'t you think so Bandit? " With a nid of agreement from his partner in crime, the two head out to explore the train.

Though he did find something interesting, to say the least. Faint sniffles could be heard from one of the cabins Louis passed by, even though they were faint he did manage to catch them. \' Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. That and I\'m pretty sure I wont die if I stick my nose in, or not. \' Shrugging his shoulders, he opens the cabin doors slowly, not wanting to scare the sad person.

" Draco Malfoy? " Louis whispers in surprise. The heir to the Malfoy family looked horrible, his hair was a disheveled mess and his eyes were red from all the crying he had done.

Looking around, it appeared the boy was alone by himself. \' No dummy 1 and dummy 2 around \' He mentally notes as Draco begins to tidy up himself, slowly. Being the curious cat he was, Louis turned invisible and slipped in. He wanted to take a closer look and find out why the boy was crying.

\' Is that a picture? \' He observes the boy as he carefully places the picture of what appeared to be a three-four years old Draco in the middle of his parents, Narcissa and Lucius. That looked.....Happy in the photo. It was obvious the picture had triggered the boy and made him cry.

Now realising why Draco cried, Louis felt that the situation he out himself in was...awkward to say the least. He wanted to just leave the cabin and continue on his wandering \' Should have followed Bandit when he jumped off my shoulder before I got in. \' Silently cursing himself he slowly got up and headed towards the door.

However, the situation only turned worse for the young Princeton as he was on the verge of a sneeze. No matter how much he tried to keep it in, he couldn\'t. And thus, he sneezed, losing his concentration and turned visible.

The sudden and abrupt sneeze startled Draco to the point he jumped from his seat. Looking towards the door and finding Louis standing there, absolutely embarrassed at being caught.

Draco - to Louis\' relief - didn\'t seem to recognise the boy whom had invaded his personal - and very embarrassing - space, spoke " Who are you and what do you want. " the harshness in his voice was partially blocked due to his throat closing up and soar from all the crying, made Louis flinch.

" Ummmm, how do I say this? Hi? I guess, we never really greeted each other properly. I\'m Louis, Louis Princeton. " Placing a hand in the air to shake Draco\'s hand. The youngs Malfoy takes it and shakes it as he returns his greeting " Draco, Draco Malfoy. And it appears I\'ve finally met the vanishing boy. " the boy snickers as he sees the flabbergasted face on Louis.

" Haha hilarious. " Louis drawls out rolling his eyes. " For your information, it\'s the fact that classes are to boring for me to actually pay attention long enough thus, leading me to leave the room or read a book. " Eyebrow raised, Draco points out " and that leads you to invading my privacy when I\'m at my lowest? "

Hands in the air he speaks " Look, I\'m sorry I invaded your privacy while you were at your weakest. My curiosity got the best of me, that and I was extremely bored by myself. " Draco ponders for a bit, hand on his chin. " How about this, we keep what\'s happened between us, and say we met on nicer terms? Saves my reputation and your image. "

Tilting his head to the side, he nods it in understanding. " Why not, let\'s be friends then. " The young Malfoy crosses his arms over his c.h.e.s.t, a smirk on his face " You\'re way too straight forward, you know that? " He asks, " Eh, the only companions I\'ve had are mystical creatures, human interaction isn\'t my thing if you\'ve noticed. " Shaking his head in defeat he takes his seat once more, Louis following right after. " Let\'s play a game of twenty questions to know each other better, what do you say? " Louis questions, crossing his legs to get more comfy. " Why not. "

As the Hogwarts express train arrives at it\'s stop. The students alight and head back to their dorm rooms.

Annie and Richard, who had been busy the whole ride conversing with their friends, were waiting on the platform for Louis. The train was almost empty by the time they heard laughter coming from the train. Louis and Draco got off the Hogwarts express train, laughing their heads off at a joke the blonde boy told.

Noticing Annie and Richard, Louis waves his arm in the air and says hi. " Ann, Richie, meet Draco. Draco, meet Ann and Richie, my cousins. " he introduces with sparkles in his eyes. " I see you\'ve made a friend already. " Richard remarks as he watches Draco\'s movements closely. " Yup! " Louis smiles brightly at his cousin\'s remark, completely ignorant of the way Richard observed Draco.

" So how did you two meet and become friends? " Annie asks, completely intrigued at how they became friends, though the worry she had for Louis was clearly seen through like glass by Richard.

" Oh that\'s not important at the moment Ann! And we\'re going to be late for dinner if we don\'t head back soon! " He exclaims as he starts to head back to Hogwarts.

" We\'re watching you. Make our cousin cry and you\'ll be three feet under. Got that? " Annie threatens menacingly as she glares at Draco. " Pfft. Why would I want to hurt my friends feelings? Sure we\'ve only been friends for a short while, but it doesn\'t mean we\'re not close. He understands me, and I understand him and his ways. isn\'t that good enough? " Draco rhetorically asks as he follows behind a happy Louis.