Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince

Chapter 15 - Holidays Are Fun

Three short hours after they arrived back in kings cross, Justin, Natalia, Lukas and the three children were now on a plane like normal people and heading off to their destination.

Louis was beyond excited, so much so that he was moving constantly in his plane seat barely able to contain his excitement. Justin was faring no better than his son, considering he was rambling continuously about all the things he could see in the country his only been to once.

" Louis! Aren\'t you as excited about seeing and exploring the unknown as I am?! Can you imagine all the possibilities awaiting us in the staes? " He asks his son as his eyes sparkle in delight.

As the family members rolled their eyes at the father and son\'s behaviour deciding to let them be at the moment. Richard\'s eye caught a peculiar sight in the clouds outside from his window seat. There, in the clouds a dark blue colour was spotted as it clashed with the clouds. Though the object of the colour seemed to have thought it could blend in with the scenery, it clearly did not think things through. Watching closer, the figure started to become clearer. the two continuously moving forms from both sides of the figure turned out to be wings, while the body figure was what appeared to be of a horse.

Not seeming to believe his eyes, Richard poked at Annie who sat next to him reading a book on sword fighting. Frustrated due to her reading being interrupted Annie turned her head towards her cousin, ready to scold him, only to stop when her eyes caught the flying figure out the window.

" My eyes aren\'t tricking me are they? " Richard asks not able to believe what his witnessing, " I\'m afraid they aren\'t Richie. " Annie replies flabbergasted at the creature outside.

A pegasus was in the clouds flying next to the plane in which the Princeton family were taking to America.

Louis now noticing that his cousins were intrigued by what was outside the window, became curious and decided to take a look. Once his eyes landed on the pegasus, no one was going to stop him from meeting it.

" Louis! No! Get back here, we\'re in the sky on a plane for goodness sake! " Natalia whisper shouted the moment she caught her son taking off from his seat. Justin followed after the second he saw the pegasus, " Justin! No! You\'re supposed to act like a responsible a.d.u.l.t in situations like this! Why did marry him? " Natalia questions herself as she follows after the two while the rest of the family snicker quietly in their seats.

Louis had hidden himself in the luggage compartment and opened a whole in the aeroplane making sure there was a barrier he kept the air pressure out. Prepping himself with a simple flight spell, he readied himself to jump. That was until a hand placed itself on his shoulder, halting his movements.

Not expecting the sudden human contact, Louis let a out a screech, turning around to look at who caught him. " Dad! You nearly gave me a heart attack! " He exhaled in relief seeing the cheeky smile his father gave. " You didn\'t think I\'d let you go alone and meet a Pegasus without me, did you? " He says as he preps himself with his own flight spell.

Now that both father and son were ready to head out of the plane. On the verge of jumping, seven words were spoke that froze them in place " And where do you think you\'re going? " Slowly turning around, they were met with a literally flaming Natalia.

" To meet the pegasus? " Justin answers sounding like a question. " Please mum? It\'s the only time we can actually see it! Please! " Louis begs not wanting to lose this chance.

Knowing nothing would deter the two from their goal, Natalia heaved a heavy sigh with a shake of her head, pointing to the hole on the ground " Ten minutes then you come back. " Happy with her answer, they jump out of the hole and fly off to where the pegasus was.

Shaking her head, Natalia heads back to the passenger aisles to keep an eye on the two as she sips her cup of tea.

" Man, wish I could go and have fun with the pegasus. " Annie w.h.i.n.es, watching as the two outside the plane have their fun. " You sure about that? " Richard asks skeptically with a raise brow. Thinking over it again, Annie decided it would be best if didn\'t go out and have fun with the pegasus, \' There could be things beyond our understandings that we have yet to see or experience after all. Rather be safe than sorry. \' she thought going back to her book she had brought about the history of sword fighting.

The plane had at last landed in the late morning after an excruciatingly long flight. The Princetons alighted the plane with creaks In their backs and sour looks on their faces, all except two. " I can\'t believe the two of you. Immediately after you became friends with the pegasus, MORE turned up! How does that even happen? You two are like magnets for the rare and mysterious! " Natalia states turning to face the father and son duo who had the time of their lives thousands of kilometers in the air.

Not wanting to deal with her husband anymore, Natalia faces Lukas whom had fallen asleep twenty minutes into the flight and continued to sleep whole flight " Tea? or Coffee? " She asks making sure he was awake enough to answer properly.

" Tea with sugar, and a coffee preferably black. I\'ll need both if I\'m to function properly. " He informs stifling a yawn as he stretches his stiff neck.

Nodding her head, Natalia heads to the nearest coffee shop to purchase beverages for everyone to stave off the jet lag. Once everyone had their d.e.s.i.r.ed beverages and thanked Natalia for purchasing them, they headed off to their hotel nearby.

Louis who had been pleasantly surprised with how the holiday had been so far, was absorbing the every inch of anything his eyes landed on. Too absorbed in what he was seeing, he missed the right turn he was supposed to take and ended up straying from his family.

" Hold up. Where\'s Louie? " Lukas asks when he notices one of the kids were missing. Natalia and Justin who had been checking in with the front desk for their rooms were - Thankfully - too far in range to hear what he had just said.

Richard and Annie who were still a tad bit jet leg and were swaying like the undead, instantly perked up at the mention of their cousin and where his whereabouts were.

Slowly looking behind them, to afraid of what they might find when they turned around too fast. Eyes widened when they noticed that they were the only ones present, no Louis in sight.

" We\'re so screwed. " Richard mindlessly mumbles eyes wide.

Not wanting for his funeral to be so soon, Lukas was quicker then a flash of lightning and dragged the two kids with him out the doors of the hotel, leaving their baggage - and Louis\' as well, thankfully - acting as casual as they could with their panicking state.

Not wanting to bother with what his brother was doing with the kids, Justin shrugs his shoulders and continues what he was doing.

" We\'re dead the moment aunt Nat and uncle Justin realise Louie got lost! " Annie mutters to the two for they all know how scary the two could get if something bad happened to Louis. " He goes on adventures with his father and by himself, but those are to remote areas with no muggles or humans around. The last time something bad happened to him..... " Lukas trails off his sentence to horrified to finish it, even the thought of what they did sends shivers down his spine.

" Can we save story time for later? We gotta find Louie before we\'re ALL dead! " Richard exclaims brisk walking near the point of running.

Louis was having a swell time. He had found a park relatively empty though it was In the middle of the day. There was fair sized lake in the centre of the park where the magic seemed to be the strongest, it was what brought him to the park in the first place.

Peering into the water, the young Princeton catches sight of an interesting shimmer. " Hm I wonder what that could be? " He wonders casting water repellent spell and underwater breathing spell wandless and proceeds to dive into the waters of the lake to get a closer look.

\' How peculiar, it appears to be pen but what would a pen be doing here? Underwater and not rusted? And from what I\'ve seen, it should have been quite some time since it fell in. Yet this metallic looking pen is still in pristine condition. How strange. \' Louis ponders on it for a while longer, finally deciding to just take the pen back up to the surface with him. \' I\'ll become a prune if I stay any longer, I should probably see what I can do to improve the water repellent spell. \'

Once he broke out of the water and was back on the ground, Louis sat there and pondered about what he just discovered. Though that only lasted a short time before his attention was grabbed by a familiar creature in one of the alleys in the crowded city. " Huh? What\'s that doing here? It\'s to far fro. it\'s natural habitat from my knowledge. " Walking towards the alley to find out what had happened to the creature and why it was here, Louis had completely forgotten his frantic family members searching for him.