Harry Potter And The Hidden Prince

Chapter 12 - An Interesting Game Day

As Louis and his mini adventure with bandit comes to a close, classes continue as per usual while students still gossip about a certain scarred, raven haired boy playing in the upcoming quidditch game coming close.

" Gods! This is so annoying! Everywhere I turn all I hear is, \'Harry this..\' \' Potter that..\' I swear, ONE more WORD about him, and I\'ll end everyone where they stand. " Annie states out loud in frustration towards the Gryffindor students in the dining hall.

A few snickers were heard from the other tables once silence fell upon the students from Annie\'s threat. Annoyed at them and their presence in general, she turned her head to face them at an alarming speed, eyes narrowed she spoke once again " Are you sure you want to laugh at their situation? Because I meant what I said towards my fellow housemates. But I will curse you, before dunking you into a pit of lava to learn your lesson about equality. " Lifting her wand, as she emmits a dark aura staring into the souls of every person she made contact with. Some students could have sworn they peed their pants a little due to how terrifying she was.

Louis on the other hand became invisible again before entering the hall to be able to catch up on some sleep due to a long night of fun. Head perched on the table top, Richard kept a watchful eye on Louis to make sure nothing bad fell upon him while in dream land. " Anyways....What in the heck happened to Louis in one night, to be able to make him so....lethargic. " Annie questions with worry etched in her voice.

Richard just sighs as he prepares to explain what happened while they were both asleep. " Apparentely, after Louis had his \' eureka \' moment, he decided to go for a little adventure, which you were there to witness, " she nods her head signalling for him to continue, " he travelled down the hallways and found the DADA classroom after sometime. He apparantely saw bald man with slits for a nose, on our professors head. " Annie gave a digusted look when she imagined what it looked like, " I know, i had the same face you have thinking about it. " He shivers at the thought.

" So after he got his evidence,he decided to roam the halls for a little bit. Which led him to the third floor corrider. You know....the forbidden door. " disbelief is shown on Annie\'s face at the recklesness Louis did, " so upon him entering, he met a three headed dog that he and bandit became friends with, went through Devils snare, A flying keys room, an enlarged chess board game room, a room where walls of fire surrounded him where you have to drink a potion to get through the said wall of fire, and at the end, stare hard into a mirror to get a stone the size of a pebble. " Richard finishes off with a piece of muffin in his mouth.

After processing the information completely, both Annie and Richard go into a complete discussion about the tests while Louis was still asleep on the table.

Once breakfast was done, Louis finally awoke from his nap, stretching out the aches in his body with a stifling yawn. " Finally awake now huh? Let\'s get going then, with got class in ten minutes. " Richard informs Louis softly as both cousins get ready to leave for their classes.

The day of quidditch season has finally arrived and the students are in a excited yet nervous mood, considering that the next day would be the first time in many years a first year has played quidditch for his house. While the other houses are still salty about it, Harry on the other hand has begun suspecting a certain someone for the incidents that has been occuring for some time now. " I\'m telling you guys, it has got to be professor Snape that released the troll into the dungeons! He was walking around with a limp when I saw him in his office! " Harry says to Hermoine and Ron in the common room. " I knew it! I knew it was Snape who released the troll into the dungeon! " Ron exclaims proudly with his c.h.e.s.t out.

As the three continue to speculate about Snape, Louis finally snapped listening to the three next to him. As he was on the couch next to them, he finally decided he had to knock some sense into them. Turning visible again, he finally spoke, " Can you three be anymore ridiculous? " Startling the three who were deep in their conversation. " Excuse me? Who are you? " Hermoime asks Louis, unable to recall who he was.

Rolling his eyes at them, he continues to talk, " Look here you three especially you golden boy, just because you hate a teacher and have a personal grudge against him, doen\'t mean that his a bad guy. For all you know, he could have been fixing some things behind the scenes to make sure us students don\'t get involved and or injured because of it. " Louis says his reasoning to them.

Ron seeming as if he doesn\'t believe Louis, retorts back, " And why should we believe you? For all we know, YOU could be the traitor. " Pointing his finger in Louis\' face as he stands from his sitting place on the couch next to the one Louis was sitting on. " And so says the prat who can\'t tell right from wrong cause his to stuck up in his own fantasy land? " Louis spits back to him. Befuddled by the words, Ron was only able to sit back down onto the couch speechless with his mouth opening and closing like a fish.

\' Imm.a.t.u.r.e prats \' he scoffed in his mind. " Whatever, just keep what I said in mind or you\'ll suffer the consequences of your actions one way or another. " He states while waving them goodbye and walking towards the potrait.

" Hey Louie, what are you doing out here? I thought you\'d be in your suitcase with a book to keep you company sending a clone to class instead. " Richard asks the boy. " Shush dear Richie, my secrets are to remain one, that and I\'m ahead in my studies to the point where I\'m working for the ministry in secret, those people don\'t even know who I am, yet still try to track me down through those simple tracking spells. " Louis states begrudgingly with an eyeroll. Annie snickers at the thought of the old men tracking down Louie to a forest in the middle of mowhere, only to find that they\'ve been tracking a bird.

Not wanting to bother with the subject any longer, the three Princeton\'s made their way to the dining hall for supper.

The day of the game came as the sun rose to greet the young wizards. Classes were cancelled for the game, and everyone was more tense then ever. \' Must I go to the game? \' Louis asks Richard telepathically, \' For the last time Louie, you cannot go into your suitacase to isolate yourself from the world. You have to at least appear for the game in person, NOT a clone. \' Richard replies back almost hysterical. Rolling his eyes Louis begrudgingly leaves the comfort of his suitcase and makes his way to the game.

At the game, Gryffindor and Slytherin were up against each other and were tied 20:20. Louis was having a swell time at the stands reading a book he brought along to keep himself company.

Things took a turn for the better for Gryffindor the moment Harry found the snitch and started chasing after it. The Gryffindors were excited, they were going to win the game, or so they thought. Harry\'s broom started going wonkers, malfunctioning on him the second he got to close to the snitch. Hermoine being the reasonable one, snatched Ron\'s binoculours out off his grasp and looked towards the opposite side through it. " You already know who it is don\'t you? " Annie whispers to Louis whom was next to the trio. " Have you forgotten? I already found out who the traitor is, and based on my findings and observations, the bald man is the culprit. " " Can\'t you remember the names of our professors Louie? " Richard questions, sad for their DADA professor, " Why bother, his going to lose his job when the year ends anyways. "

" And wy do you say that? " Annie questions Louis.

" With the rate the three by my side are going in their \' investigation \' they\'ll no doubt find out who it is by the end of the year, their just 100 times slower than me is all. " He states metter of factly. While Louis is explaining his reasoning, Hermoine had snuck off and headed to the stands were the professors were. \' Not to interupt you or anything Louie, but it seems that the girl you stated as reasonable has snuck under the seats of the professors to stop the spell. \' Richard telepathically informs Louis, cutting him off of mid-explanation.

Whipping his head to look over to the stands, he finds that Richard was indeed right at the fact that she was under the seats, but wrong about whom cast the spell on Harrys broom.

Seeing her take out her wand and pointing it towards Snapes robes, Louis has a sneaking suspicion he knows what she\'s about to do. \' Crap. \' Was all he thought when he saw her light the robe on fire and knowing he was right. \' Gotta put it out and quick, or golden boy won\'t be the only one targeted in potions class after this. \' With that he casts his spells silently while still invisble. Putting the fire out on Snape, he then proceeds to send a strong gust of wind towards Quirrel, making him fall on his back due to the amount of wind pressure that he was hit with.

While these events were happening, Gryffindors and Slytherins game was coming closer to the end. Once Harry gained back his balance, much to the relief of Gryffindors and chagrin of the Slytherins, he continues to chase the golden snitch he caught sight of once again. Whooshing past the unsuspecting Slytherin seeker and floor dives towards the golden snitch, while the Slytherin seeker follows him close behind.

The Gryffindor stands celebrated their first win, the Slytherin\'s were slumped into the seats at their first lost in six years. Louis, feeling bad for the team though he didn\'t know why, swept his eyes over the stands to check on the condition of the students in the house. To his surprise, the pale white haired boy was the one whom caught his eye, \' Those eyes.....they radiate sadness, not for the game...but for something much deeper than what meets the eyes. \' He notices deciding to look into it later.

As the students left the stands and headed out of the stadium, Louis hung back still invisible watching the movements of both professor Quirrel and Snape. " Now comes the question, Snape or Quirrel? " The bulge in his pocket started wiggling around and out came the head of a certain star nose mole, already sniffing the air for the mini adventure that had the most fun.