Harem Palace Sect's System

Chapter 103 - Chaos!~

Author\'s Note: Sorry for irregular schedule since my psycho father found out about his wife\'s (my stepmother) laptop was in my room! So I always waited for him to sleep or gone from home to borrow it again!

Well, please bear with this author who didn\'t have his own laptop! Also, this chapter is only edited using Crio since Grammarly is an error in this laptop! I don\'t know what they did to this laptop! Hopefully it\'s still readable!

Sorry again if this chapter feels like filler hahaha!

Thanks to my loyal reader who is still staying with me until now!

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Since the box seems to be ignored sometimes I will write it here again!

I hope you can support me to buy laptop (who know when it would be saved up enough!) here:



"Teacher!!" Tiara called Ningyan after seeing her, aside from feeling startled Ningyan also felt relief that nothing had happened to her disciple.

Although she was told by Zars nothing would happen to her, she\'s still worried about Tiara since she sees her disciple as her little sister.

She remembered that in the past Tiara always had an unstable temper, so many disciples were injured by her back then.

From that she knew that Tiara\'s mentality was basically unstable, fortunately she didn\'t rampage on killing if not to her enemy.

"Hmm, how is it? Did you feel uncomfortable somewhere? You should stay in bed for now before doing training!" Ningyan held her hand and asked with a concerned tone.

"I\'m fine! Rather it feels more awesome! I feel that my sword\'s skill should be advanced now!" Tiara answered her teacher with a smile which made Ningyan feel relief since she doesn\'t know what\'s wrong with her disciple.

"…it\'s good then!" Staring at her disciple, finally Ningyan felt burden was lifted from her shoulder, she felt joy since Tiara seem to be fine like what Zars told her.


The room that is not far from their location.

Neisyah opened her eyes after she detected Tiara waking up, and she glanced at her direction slightly before going back to sleep.

Tiara, who was talking with her teacher, felt shiver all of a sudden. She felt that someone was monitoring her yet she couldn\'t find anyone beside her teacher and maid.

"What\'s wrong?" Seeing her disciple suddenly stop talking and looking around alertly, Ningyan asked her worriedly since she thought Tiara felt uncomfortable somewhere.

"Uh? Nothing!" Startled from her teacher question, Tiara recovered fast and answered her while smiling.

However, she still felt her back was full of cold sweat from earlier feeling. She don\'t know if that was a foe or ally, but she felt danger from it yet she can\'t feel malice intention.


Azure Continent, Green Cloud Island - Capital City which is located opposite from Gold Reef Island.

Within a luxurious room in one of the biggest and most famous brothels.

Ginvork finally felt relaxed, after being so busy that he didn\'t have time for his wife and daughter.

Fortunately he left them in a safe place close to the wall of Harem Palace Sect. At first he was surprised that his new master is the head of a sect which has a strange name, but when he sees that all members are only female he can only stare with bewilderment.

Now that he has finished his task, he can go back temporarily. However, he knows that he should stand by in case his master gives a new order.

Taza was hugged from the back by a woman who was one of the prostitutes he saved. The woman was adamant to be with him but he knew that once she saw their master, she would let him go without hesitation.

However, his daughter told him that he didn\'t need to let the woman go back to domain since he can let her stay here managing the place.

He thought that was a good idea since he knew that his master wouldn\'t mind this woman at all. Unknown to him, Zars wouldn\'t mind about it much, since the current Zars\'s harem was managed by Neisyah.

He agreed to let her close since the woman\'s appearance is almost similar to that of his deceased wife, which he missed dearly.

"Taking over all brothels within the Azure continent has been finished faster with the help of Spectra Assassin! I think we can go back for a while!" Ginvork suggested to Taza, who is still being hugged from the back while standing.

"You can go back alone! I think it\'s better for me to stand by here!" Taza answered without much hesitation, he didn\'t want to go back now since he knows it\'s better staying here.

After all their master could order them from afar with that runic symbol within their soul.

"Oh, okay then! I will go back tomorrow using the flying ship which our master sent to us!" Nodding his head Ginvork didn\'t comment on his friend\'s reply.

He knows that Taza is scared of their master\'s presence, but Ginvork can\'t join him here since he has a family in their master\'s domain.

"Hmm!!" Taza grunted in reply while leaning his head to the woman.

While they were in their own world, the little pixie pouted slightly, staring at the distance.


Somewhere far away from Azure Continent, where no one knows its exact location.

A thick aroma wafted from black tea, its filling the luxurious room with a calming scent. However, it could not diffuse the icy cold atmosphere inside the room.

Currently there are secret meetings adjourned within this room, if people within this realm seeing them they would be surprised since they were all people who have special identity.

"Mr. Dean, I can\'t agree to your suggestion!"

The middle aged man firmly disagreed as he placed the cup down on the table.

"Why? I think my reasoning is good! That pressure back then should be from some mythical beast or stronger, if we attack it fully with our association\'s force! There would be good chance we can tame it, and since I heard there\'s dragon in that direction there\'s still possibility that was a dragon!" The old man which called dean asked back while explained his suggestion is good, he felt greedy about it but he don\'t want to risk it alone.

He suggested this because he needed to sacrifice other\'s force while maintaining his own, but of course he didn\'t let it show on the surface.

"How are you sure that it wasn\'t intelligent lifeform? Do you want to destroy this a realm\'s lifeline? Don\'t be too greedy since there\'s no way that being would be easy to confront! Don\'t mention dragon!" The man still felt its risky so he\'s still adamant on opposing Dean\'s suggestion, he also felt this Dean is sly with his talk.

"...." Dean couldn\'t retort back since he could see that he was at a disadvantage, he signaled one man who seemed to be closer with him to support him.

"Forget it, we can\'t even confront beast from Gloomy Island before it\'s changed! What make you lot think that it\'s possible to confront the current Gloomy Island? I bet even all the force within this realm would only come there to die!" However, the woman who sat nonchalantly commented with domineering tone. She didn\'t give them a chance to scheme behind or in front of her.

"....." All the people who attended were speechless after hearing the woman\'s claim, but they don\'t dare to voice their thoughts since she was a legendary figure within this realm.

The man known as Dean has been cursing her inwardly since his scheme failed, with this no matter how he does try so he can\'t use other\'s force to achieve his goal.

Although the strength which people could reach was limited, they could still polish their skill and mastery so there\'s nothing strange about this fact. This woman could be called strongest and she could wipe out all people within this room with her alone.

After the woman\'s giving her comment, all the people there stood up and went from the location which could make other feel strange. If array master was there, they would know its work of teleportation array which long lost from this realm.


Chaos happened suddenly in Capital city where Su Clan located, a messed up situation happened because the King which named Su Dingfang has been killed by his own closest guard.

"Search her!! Don\'t try to confront that woman directly if you found her!! Just sent the signal for all people to gather before attacking!" Bulky man who has authority aura was ordered by his subordinate with stern tone.

"Vice leader!! What\'s wrong with our leader? Why did she suddenly be labeled as traitor who did treason?" After seeing almost half of his comrade was spreading out to find what they tasked, one man who seemed to be brave asked to bulky man.

"If you were to ask me, then who am I to ask? huh? I don\'t even know why she killed king all of sudden since from the past she always protected him!" Seeing half of them was searching for their former leader with high spirit, the bulky man frowning and answered his subordinate\'s question.

"Alas, Commander Su Zhentian wasn\'t here so we can\'t capture her even if we found her!" One of them who was still staying there was sighing with complex feelings.

"Don\'t talk about him! He wasn\'t even in King\'s side, there\'s possibility for him to side with the leader! Although she\'s Leader of us Imperial Guards, she always has different view with higher ups!" The bulky man who was their vice leader scolding the man who called Su Zhentian\'s name casually which should be taboo.

After all, he was the strongest commander that hold the military\'s power within this Kingdom, so no one would dare to call his name casually, especially at this moment, which seems chaotic.

"I know, but wasn\'t he in the same clan as our King who was killed by the leader? After all Su Clan is also Royal Clan..." The man who was rebuked murmured in a low voice while scratching his hair awkwardly.

"It was not our business, so guard your mouth carefully! Just be careful, or just try to search for her slowly! It\'s not like we can capture our leader, so we don\'t need to think to get achievement by risking our lives!" The vice leader spoke with a stern tone while glancing around to check if someone heard their conversation.

He reminded them to be careful and not to overestimate themselves, he knew that even if all of them joined their hands to capture their leader, it was impossible unless they wanted to risk their lives to the last man standing.

"We know! After all she\'s kind leader who always protects us! However, some of us who spread to find her earlier are ungrateful bastards so there would be casualty this time!" The man which seems shortest than all of Imperial Guards said with scorn staring at distance which is direction of their comrade who eager to capture their leader.

"You don\'t need to care about those who overestimate themselves! It would be good if those ungrateful ingrate was gone!" the Vice leader said with a tired tone, it\'s because no matter what their leader did, there would be someone who feels dissatisfaction in the past.

"Yeah, I know some of them are spies or people who entered our force with bribing!" The man who has bigger stature than others sneered with disdain, he was the one who felt shame since he\'s lumped together with trash which is now spreading to capture their leader.

Although he felt disdain, hidden deep within his eyes, he felt gleeful since the trash would be gone if they really did try to capture their leader.

After all, he knew that woman who were their leaders weren\'t weaklings who could be captured by numbers.

"Stop chatting! Spread out and be careful!" The vice leader straightened his body, he stared at them and shouted his order with stern tone.

"YES!!" Saluting at their vice leader, all imperial guards who were loyal to their leader were spreading out to find the leader which they worship.

Some of them felt conflicted and confused yet they can\'t defy order from their higher up. These people who only now spreading out were majority that had their lives saved by their leader.

If they could choose, they would rather join her than try to capture her. Alas, they have family which they can\'t risk to die just for their gratitude.