Harem God Of Origin (ATG)

Chapter 94 - Minor Conflict in the Floating Cloud

"Old man, you are only at the Emperor Profound Realm 1st Level, before I was crippled I had a higher cultivation than you, do not insult this young master in thinking you can make me acknowledge you as my master, no one under the heavens can claim that they are my master"

Gasps could be heard from around the restaurant.

'This old beggar is at the throne realm?! Oh, my goodness I had been disrespecting a throne this whole time, please god spare me'

'No one under the heavens can make him acknowledge as his master? Hmph, even if you were a genius, the current you is just a washed-up cripple'

'He had a higher cultivation then this old beggar? Wouldn't that mean that at an age less than twelve the Young Master of the Xiao Clan was at minimum the throne level, a child at the Emperor Profound Realm? He must be bluffing'

Expecting a massacre to happen, the customers were watching with fear and expectation in their eyes.

"Hmm, you said you are crippled… yet it would make sense that you once had a higher cultivation base then me… it would make sense… I feel confident that if I raised a hand against you the only outcome that would occur is my death, if you can make me feel like this as a cripple… Haiii, forgive the foolish wish of an old man Young Master" the old man sighed as he prepared to leave the restaurant

As he was walking outside the restaurant was completely silence.

'Threat of death? A mighty throne actually feels fear from Young Master Xiao Long? is this a joke? this has to be a joke… right?'

'I have to sell this news quickly, for a child to have reached a realm that even as a cripple he can make a mighty throne, an Emperor Profound Realm expert feel fear, he must have a secret that goes against the heavens, hehehe and these two little girls would be an excellent **** toys for the young master, after all he needs to refine the vital yin of many girls, he would reward me if I brought such exquisite beauties to him'

Yun Long felt a cruel and greedy intent, and saw an old pervert look towards him as if he was a gold mine, he felt odd and decided to search his memories before he felt like puking.

He then looked towards Lingxi and Qingyue "Yue'er, Xi'er, look away for a minute and seal your hearing" he instructed them, much to their confusion.

They wanted to respond but he sternly said "Do it quickly!"

They were a little scared so they just did as he asked, before Yun Long disappeared from the customers view and reappeared next to the old pervert as he grabbed his neck and just snapped it, before purging his soul by injecting Asura Element into his soul without anyone else witnessing.

The old man did not even have the opportunity to respond as Yun Long had sent a mental attack to 'fry' his mind, but he did not want to show his ability so he just 'killed' him physically.

Even though Yun Long was currently 'crippled', his soul strength still remained at the Half-Step Divine realm.

"To think an old fart would dare to scheme against my Yue'er and Xi'er, if I didn't kill you the heavens would have found their own way to ending your filthy existence" he mumbled in an ice-cold tone as everyone else who had the ability to hear his ramblings had nearly pissed their paints.

"Shopkeeper, sorry for the trouble, do me a favour and dispose of his body, you can keep his belongings, also here is a tip to cover the trouble I have caused you today"

Yun Long apologised in a tranquil tone, as if he didn't end a life a second ago. He brought out a pouch with 100 purple profound coins before he waited for them to move the body.

Qingyue and Lingxi had watched the whole thing, and whilst they felt sick when they saw this different side of their Big Brother Long, they remembered that their Big Brother Long had activated his mental powers (Which Qingyue figured out happened when his eyes sparkled brightly when he used his powers on her father, HSGG OP!) on this old man.

Then he said that sentence full of wrath ''dare to scheme against my Yue'er and Xi'er" which made them ȧssume that the old man that he killed must have been aiming for them

Although Qingyue had seen this side of her Big Brother Long before, she always knew that it was the actions of other that caused him to act cruel.

She knew him the most in this world... at his core being he is a lazy, but extremely loving and gentle person to those he opens his heart to.

She would find out sooner or later he is the most shameless, narcissistic and perverted individual that roams the cosmos!

Her memories were extremely sharp, she remembered how people would scheme just for her beauty, let alone if they were to find out about her physiques…

Thinking of this she unconsciously released Ice profound energy within her surroundings, to the point where some of the weaker customers started to puke blood.

Until a warm gentle hand covered hers as she heard her beloved speak.

"Yue'er, do not get angry, always be level headed when making decisions, just take this as a lesson you need to learn, and that in the future the most important skill is to read a person's eyes, as the eyes are the window to the soul, and you can see a person's true intentions just through what you can read from their eyes, you too Lingxi, you are far too innocent compared to Yue'er… Haiii"

He sighed he went and healed everyone around the restaurant as he took their hands and walked home.

The Floating Cloud City was on fire today, the Young Master of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Long, had actually killed a person within a restaurant with what seemed to be a person who was scheming after Xia Qingyue and Xiao Lingxi.

Not only this, an esteemed throne had wanted to take him as a disciple before being rebuked by Xiao Long.

Then another rumour came out that the throne expert actually said he felt fear from the Young Master Xiao Long and the respected Throne senior himself believed that his realm had surpassed the throne realm before he had been crippled.

Giving birth to the belief that Young Master Long indeed was once a fierce-some genius, as many were happy at his current cripple status.