Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 502: Inescapable heat

According to the method taught by Feng Yifan, Zhao Daxia put the fried rice aside, slowly broke the straw oven biscuits in her hands, and soaked them in a bowl of small wontons.

The soup slowly penetrated into the sesame seed soaked in the bowl, and then Zhao Daxia raised it and put it in her mouth to take a bite.

After a bite, the sesame seed soaked in soup exploded in the mouth like a soup dumpling.

The rich chicken soup base of crepe small wonton quickly releases a very delicious taste in the mouth.

Coupled with the fragrance of the sesame seeds when they are chewed, the taste is really delicious.

Zhao Daxia took a bite and didn\'t stop, and in a blink of an eye, she finished two sesame seeds.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei, who stood on the side looking at them, stared incredulously.

Feng Ruoruo exclaimed: "Ah, Aunt Zhao ate so fast."

Chen Yaofei followed and said, "Well, Aunt Zhao ate deliciously."

Yang Xiaoxi widened his eyes and asked, "Is it really that delicious?"

Zhao Daxia simply ate the small wontons in the bowl. The small wontons once again surprised Zhao Daxia. The delicious soup was paired with the wontons with thin and thick fillings, as well as the combination of seaweed, sea rice and egg crust. It\'s really delicious after eating.

Originally, Zhao Daxia thought that the sesame seed cake would absorb the soup, which might make this bowl of small wontons no longer so delicious.

But after eating it, I discovered that it didn\'t affect the taste of the small wontons at all.


Even the soup and water cleaned up a bowl of small wontons, and Zhao Daxia couldn\'t help but burp.

Then she looked at the three little girls, smiled and said, "It\'s delicious, it\'s really delicious, you surely don\'t know that the biscuits are soaked in the soup of the small wonton, it\'s really delicious."

After listening to Aunt Zhao\'s words, Feng Ruoruo immediately turned around and said to her father: "Dad, I want to eat too."

Feng Yifan saw his daughter\'s appearance and smiled and said, "Didn\'t you come here after eating? Can you still eat your little belly now?"

Feng Ruoruo was stopped by her father, and then Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei stepped forward, and the two little girls whispered a few words in Feng Ruoruo\'s ear.

The adults still heard it vaguely, and both Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei said that they were full and could not eat.

Feng Ruoruo was actually full, and now I really bought her sesame seed cakes, even if it wasn\'t a small wonton, but just made a bowl of chicken broth and pao cakes, maybe the little girl couldn\'t eat this bite.

The little girl can only say: "I can\'t eat it, then dad you make it for us tomorrow."

Feng Yifan smiled and promised her daughter: "Okay, Ruoruo don\'t worry, dad promises to get Ruoruo to eat tomorrow."

Su Jinrong said at this time: "Yes, buy sesame seeds first."

Feng Yifan immediately smiled and nodded: "Yes, we can buy the biscuits first, and when they are heated tomorrow, they can eat it for the children."

Feng Yifan also came up with an idea and said to the little apprentice: “You can also buy some sesame cakes in the future, and then put them on the iron plate for a little frying and heating. If there are customers who like it, you can sell them together with small wontons. , Of course remember to give more soup."

Zhao Daxia has already started to eat fried rice, and heard Feng Yifan\'s words: "Yes, you have to give more soup, otherwise there will be no soup to eat wontons if you soak the biscuits."

Almost waiting for Zhao Daxia to eat, the small market began to enter people one after another, most people still came to Feng Yifan\'s small stall, wanting to taste the taste of Chef Feng\'s stall.

And the small crepe wontons added in the evening naturally quickly become something that the diners come after at night.

The unusually thin wonton wrapper, plus the very plump filling, and the delicious chicken soup as the soup base, really made many diners applauded.

As the sky gradually dimmed, many parents began to bring their children, all of them were coming to Feng Yifan\'s stall.

Among them are the children from Feng Ruoruo kindergarten. The first child to come was Liu Yan, the little girl came with her mother.

Seeing Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei who were wearing small aprons and greeting guests in front of the stall, Liu Yan hurried to the three little girls.

"Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, Chen Yaofei, why are you three here?"

Seeing Liu Yan, Feng Ruoruo smiled and waved her little hand and said: "Hello Liu Yan, we are helping my father to greet the guests, Liu Yan, are you here for dinner too?"

Liu Yan nodded and said, "Yes, I came with my mother. My mother took me to go shopping in the afternoon. In the evening, my mother asked me what I want to eat, and I remembered it. Feng Ruoruo, you said, your father is going to set up a stall here. , So I will bring my mother together."

Feng Ruoruo immediately stepped forward and gave Liu Yan a hug: "Thank you Yanyan."

After Liu Yan was hugged, the little girl was a little embarrassed and said, "You\'re welcome Ruoruo."

Then Liu Yan turned around and waved to her mother: "Mom, come here quickly, look at Ruoruo and they are all here."

Mother Liu Yan also walked over quickly and saw the three little girls smiling and greeting them.

"If it\'s good, streams are good, Faey is good."

The three little girls greeted Liu Yan\'s mother in unison: "Hello Auntie."

Then, Feng Ruoruo immediately introduced Liu Yan and her mother: "Yanyan, you and auntie are going to eat at my father\'s place. You must eat that little wonton. My father said that it is called "Crepe Little Wonton", which is very delicious. ."

Chen Yaofei said seriously: "Yes, that little wonton is very delicious. You can also buy that sesame cake there and eat it in wonton soup. It is also very delicious."

Yang Xiaoxi saw that the small wontons and pao biscuits were all told by two good friends. She thought about it and introduced other things.

"Auntie, you and Yanyan can also buy fried rice. Father Feng\'s fried rice is also delicious here. You can add that meaty meat. That meaty meat is sweet and very delicious."

Hearing the introduction of three kindergarten children, Liu Yan said in surprise: "Ah, Ruoruo, Xixi, Feifei, you know a lot, how do you know how to eat?"

Feng Ruoruo smiled and said, "Because we have eaten it, the small wonton is very delicious, Liu Yan, you must eat it."

Liu Yan quickly turned around and said to her mother: "Mom, let\'s buy small wontons to eat."

In fact, Liu Yan’s mother came here to ask if there are any snacks like small wontons for her and her daughter to eat together. Now, listening to the introduction of three little girls, she also thinks it is quite appropriate.

Mother Liu Yan smiled and responded to her daughter: "Okay, then let\'s eat small wontons."

Feng Ruoruo pointed to the side and said, "Auntie, go there and line up, and you will be there soon."

Liu Yan\'s mother nodded: "Okay, thank Ruoruo, then you guys play with Yanyan for a while, aunty go to line up."

Liu Yan was naturally very happy. The little girl talked with the three kindergarten children, and also went to greet the guests with the three little girls. It seemed very interesting here.

Liu Yan\'s mother quickly lined up in front of the cart window. Feng Yifan raised her head and saw Liu Yan\'s mother, smiled and said hello: "Oh, hello, Yanyan mother, did you bring Yanyan over to eat?"

Mother Liu Yan responded with a smile: "Yes, if you listen to them say that you have small wontons that are especially delicious, then my daughter and I will have two bowls of small wontons."

Feng Yifan promised: "Okay, two bowls of small wontons, do you want anything else?"

Mother Liu Yan thought for a while and said, "By the way, I also want a fried rice. I heard Xixi said that there is a fried rice with sweet meat."

Feng Yifan smiled and pointed to the char siu hanging aside: "It\'s actually char siu. Should the fried rice be small or large?"

Liu Yan’s mother quickly said, “Let’s have a small portion, or less. Yanyan and I don’t eat much at night.”

Feng Yifan nodded: "Okay, then I will give you a separate egg fried rice? Then add a few pieces of barbecued pork to your mother and daughter. I\'m afraid you are not used to eating sizzling fried rice at night, right?"

In front of the window, my mother immediately said: "Well, I really trouble you."

Feng Yifan smiled and nodded: "You are welcome."

Feng Yifan handed the number plate to Liu Yan\'s mother again, and then asked the little apprentice to prepare, and he followed the list to prepare other things.

This evening, Feng Yifan almost completely entrusted the work of frying rice to his apprentice. He just cooked noodles, or gave other people some small wontons.

This can also be regarded as a training for the apprentice, so that the apprentice can adapt as soon as possible by doing more.

After Liu Yan\'s mother ordered, she walked back to see that her daughter was here with the three little girls, learning to greet those guests. As a mother, she couldn\'t help but laugh when she looked at her lively appearance.

While smiling, Su Ruoxi walked to her and said: "Mother Yanyan, there is a place over there, you go and sit down first, just wait a while."

Mother Liu Yan turned her head to look at Su Ruoxi, and said hello with a smile: "Hello, Ruoxi, your business is really good."

Su Ruoxi nodded and said: "It\'s okay. Actually, they are all old diners. They are here to cheer. Besides, it\'s the weekend. I have to see whether business can be stable after two years on Monday.

Mother Liu Yan said: "It\'s definitely okay, if my father cooks so well."

Su Ruoxi responded with a smile: "Well, thank you."

It didn\'t take long for Mother Liu Yan to sit down, when she heard the number plate in her hand, she went over to bring her and her daughter\'s dinner, and then called her daughter to sit down and eat.

When sitting down to look at the small wontons in the bowl, especially when scooping up one to look carefully.

Mother Liu Yan was as surprised as most people who saw this small crepe wonton at first glance.

It was the first time she saw the small wontons with thick stuffing because of the thin skin.

Thinking back to the price of such a bowl of small wontons, she still felt that it was a bit expensive before. It can be seen that the size of this small wonton really made her not feel expensive at all in an instant.

I quietly counted the quantity in the bowl. There were ten whole wontons with thin skin and thick stuffing, as well as seaweed, egg crust, and sea rice. Such a bowl is really not expensive.

Just as her mother was stunned, Liu Yan scooped up a small wonton with a small spoon, and the little girl also exclaimed.

"Wow, mom, look, Ruoruo\'s little wonton is so big."

The little girl shouted in such an exclamation, not only pulled back her mother\'s thoughts, but also alarmed the diners around.

A young girl next to her also smiled and said, "It\'s really big. I feel like I can\'t eat this bowl."

The friend at the next table immediately said: "Can\'t you eat it? Then I\'ll help you eat it."

The girl immediately pushed a boy who had stretched the spoon over, and shouted directly: "Nizoukai, dare to touch my wontons, be careful I fight you hard."


Seeing this scene, people around could see that the two young men and women should be boy and girl friends, and they all burst into laughter.

For Liu Yan\'s mother, she suddenly felt that bringing her daughter over to eat a bowl of wontons every night would be a very good choice.

At this time, someone next to you suddenly said: "In fact, you didn\'t observe carefully. When Chef Feng cooked the wontons and served them out, he just put salt, sugar and pepper in the bottom of the bowl, not MSG."

Immediately some diners were surprised and asked: "Isn\'t there any MSG?"

It happened that this question was heard by Lu Cuiling, and the old lady stood up to rectify her son\'s name.

"There is absolutely no MSG. Put MSG to make wontons. That\'s what the roadside stalls do. Our little wontons don\'t need a little MSG throughout the whole process. The soup is also made of boiled chicken soup. What you eat is the original flavor."

After listening to Lu Cuiling\'s words, the diners present suddenly clapped together.

"It\'s great, it really deserves to be Chef Feng from Su Ji, even if he is setting up a stall, he insists on this real thing."

"Yes, where is the MSG needed for this cooked chicken soup as a soup base?"

"No wonder this soup is so fresh, I thought it contained those MSG or chicken essence."

"Hahaha, it really is right to come to Chef Feng to eat here, not to mention hygiene, but also very healthy."

"I will eat every day from now on."

"You can bring your kids to eat. It\'s better than any street stall."


With the recognition of the diners, naturally the diners will also help publicize it.

With the publicity of the diners, Feng Yifan\'s small stall was also known to more and more people.

On the second night of setting up the stall, more parents brought their children here to eat small wontons. In addition, it was due to weekends, which once caused the small market to become very crowded. There were also many people in front of Su Ji\'s cart.

Feng Yifan was really busy with his apprentices, but he still took every guest very seriously.

After two days of weekends, the popularity of crowds in the small market quickly fermented on the Internet.

Some young people came over and took the video and posted it on the Internet.

As a result, ~www.novelhall.com~ Su Ji’s stall has once again become a hot topic on the Internet.

Many people are discussing whether the snacks at Feng Yifan\'s stall are really clean and hygienic, with good selection of ingredients, and very healthy.

On the Internet, there are still some people who questioned it, thinking that the person who took the video deliberately exaggerated it.

The two views oppose each other, and it is natural to quickly let the topic become louder and hotter.

Even without Feng Yifan and the others, "Su Ji Stall" was once on the hot search list.

With such a large amount of heat flow, how could it have escaped the eyes of some video makers who explored stores?

Li Feier hurriedly contacted Meng Shitong and the others, and discussed that they should come over to shoot a special issue, which will be broadcast on "The Common Evidence of the Philippines", and let Meng Shitong and the others publish the store-exploring video on the Internet.

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