Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 498: Think of ideas to attract customers

After the booth was cleared, Feng Yifan asked Zhao Daxia to go back to Su Ji to rest for a while, and wait until four or five o\'clock in the afternoon to set up the stall again.

   Zhao Daxia asked with some worry: "Boss, we all left like this, so what should I do with the things here?"

   Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It\'s okay, isn\'t there someone in the small market to help you watch it?"

   Zhao Daxia looked at the small market, and it was true that not only some food stall owners did not leave, but almost none of the non-snack owners at the intersection did not leave. There were even a few that just came to set up stalls.

   The bosses in the small market at this time are actually a lot more than in the morning and noon.

Feng Yifan saw Zhao Daxia glance around, and said with a smile: "Look, so many people are here, and I am afraid that someone will push our stall away? And we all take away the cash, the rest of the kitchen utensils are actually It\'s not worth the money, you can buy another set if you lose it."

Zhao Daxia said with a serious face: "Boss, why bother? Or go back, don\'t you want to prepare things for business at night? I\'m here to guard, anyway, I don\'t need to take a nap." One second Remember [щщщ.78zщм] Wonderful novels are free to read without pop-up windows!

   Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Is this not good? You are working hard like this, and there are no people at this time. Sister, you stay here alone, and you can\'t take it easy."

Zhao Daxia waved her hand and said: "Boss, you are really too polite. You didn\'t give me money. I took your salary. Didn\'t you do this? Besides, it is not tiring to guard the stall. It’s getting hotter, and it’s pretty cool to sit here."

   Seeing that Zhao Daxia insisted, Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Okay, I\'ll trouble you, sister."

   Zhao Daxia smiled and waved her hand: "You are welcome, boss, you go."

   Feng Yifan cleaned up again, cleared the charcoal fire in the hanging furnace, opened the lid of the hanging furnace to cool off, and then leisurely wandered out of the small market.

  Walking out of the small market, Feng Yifan stood on the intersection outside and looked back carefully.

   found that although the temporary small market is close to the intersection, it looks simple and plain facing the intersection because there is no publicity for the bosses at the intersection, and even a simple sign is not hung up.

   does not even look as lively as some shops nearby.

   Feng Yifan felt that even if he was in front of the small market opening? Seeing such an ordinary scene? I would not have the interest to go in for a stroll.

   Thinking of this, Feng Yifan didn\'t leave directly? He returned to the stall facing the intersection again.

Looking at the bosses who set up stalls here? Feng Yifan also said directly: “Boss, don’t you think it’s too monotonous for you to set up stalls like this? Why don’t you get some light cards? Hang up your stuff?"

   The bosses who set up the stall were all taken aback when they heard it. These ideas seem to have never been thought of by the bosses.

Feng Yifan looked at everyone in a stunned look? Then he said, "Nothing? You can just get a big speaker. We are setting up a stall, not on an ancient street. Why don\'t you shout with a big speaker? A promotion? Soliciting some guests."

   The bosses who set up a stall facing the intersection, looked at Feng Yifan with some surprise.

   A group of bosses really never thought of doing that.

   In the old street, these bosses were all guarding the shop, and then waiting for those who went to the old street to go through their shop and go in to buy the things in their shop.

   Now that they come here to set up a stall, they still put on the same posture as before.

   Obviously? Such a posture does not bring them any benefits.

   And it doesn\'t have the convenience of a place similar to the ancient street? Setting up a stall in this small market really made these bosses see what it means to be bleak.

   here? Some bosses sell some traditional handicrafts? Some bosses sell some more practical utensils? Some bosses sell some daily goods that come in.

But no matter what it sells, it seems that these bosses, including those who sell snacks, are used to the mode of quietly waiting for customers to come to their door in the ancient street. Everyone has never thought about changing the way of setting up a stall here. , It\'s not like setting up a stall at all.

   Now Feng Yifan is not polite, and directly points out the problems of these bosses.

   The bosses are also dumbfounded, but they still don’t seem to realize the problem.

Feng Yifan reluctantly continued: "Think about it, everyone. We set up a stall here together to support each other in business. It\'s not that we are all counting on Su Ji to drive business. The people that Su Ji attracts, they may really be just a group of foodies. , The help to your business is not so great.

   So you all need to promote it too. Don’t put everything here flat, show it so that others can see it at a glance. "

   Feng Yifan\'s teaching made the bosses seem to understand.

Seeing these old street bosses thoughtful, Feng Yifan finally said: "We must support each other, let our foodies buy some of your goods, and then you will bring some new customers in and buy our food. Everyone helps each other to make this small market flow more people and do business better."

   Feng Yifan\'s remarks touched the bosses present.

   One of the owners who specializes in firing pottery and porcelain immediately said: "Yifan is right. We really should do more publicity. We can\'t just count on Yifan to drive our business."

It may be the oldest of the stall owners. Lin Zekang, the owner of the woodcarving shop, smiled and said, "Yifan is really busy today. Not only does he have to do his own business, but he also needs to take care of the garbage business. Now I have to teach us old stubborn stubborn students."

   Feng Yifan said with a smile: "Lim Bo, you are not old and stubborn. In fact, everyone is just used to the old street mode and has not changed your mind."

   Tang Zhuochen smiled and asked, "So Yifan, how should we change?"

Seeing that everyone was asking, Feng Yifan thought for a while and said, "I think everyone can engage in publicity, such as recording things in our small market, and making a video to introduce people to what we sell, and publicize. We are a small market and promote ourselves."

   A group of bosses listened to what Feng Yifan said, and felt that they were really reasonable. In today\'s era, consultation is changing rapidly, so it is still inevitable that the wine smells and the alleys are deep. Publicity is indeed a necessary means.

  Lin Zekang thought for a while and said, "Why don\'t we look back and find Li Fei\'er to shoot us a show?"

   Some bosses nodded and thought it made sense, but didn\'t know how to invite Li Fei\'er?

When everyone looked at Feng Yifan, he quickly said: "Everyone has misunderstood. Actually, I am not talking about courtesy Li Fei\'er to shoot. It is everyone who shoots the video by themselves, or everyone can start a live broadcast and go online. Promote your own stuff."

  \'S words made the bosses present a bit embarrassed, because everyone hasn\'t tried this kind of format.

Feng Yifan saw that everyone was a little confused, and continued: "In fact, webcasting is also popular nowadays. We don\'t go to learn those live broadcasts to bring goods, we just broadcast our hard work, such as Lin Bo’s woodcarving craftsmanship, Uncle Tang’s craftsmanship, There is also the firing process of these pottery and porcelain.

   These things are not accessible to ordinary people, they will be curious, and they may come to buy them when they see it. "

   Feng Yifan said this, everyone understands it, and they all think that this kind of publicity is also very good.

   But Lin Zekang added: "But we don\'t understand this live broadcast, and we don\'t know how to use those things. We need someone to teach us."

   Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, I will contact you and find professionals to teach you."

   After hearing Feng Yifan\'s words, Tang Zhuochen suddenly said, "Yifan, you have told us so much. This is to let us all promote ourselves and bring you more business, right?"

   Seeing the smile on Tang Zhuochen\'s face, he knew that the old man was joking.

Feng Yifan said: "In fact, it is true. I can\'t let my diners come here just for a meal, but if you all advertise, those who come here to buy your products will be able to stop by our house for a meal. Rice."

   Hearing such undisguised words, the bosses were first taken aback, and then everyone laughed.

   The bosses understand that this is what Feng Yifan said about mutual promotion.

Feng Yifan felt that everything that should be said was said, so he waved to everyone and said, "Okay, everyone think about it. I will contact a professional to teach everyone how to use the live broadcast equipment, and then everyone can purchase a batch together and we can do it. Up."

   After saying this, Feng Yifan swaggered around and left.

   Watching Feng Yifan leave behind, the stall owners couldn’t help sighing.

   "Feng Yifan is really doing his best. He wants to help us increase our business and also wants to make our old street better."

   "Indeed, he thinks very comprehensively. The business of Gujie really requires everyone to support each other."

   "Yes, we should all tide over the difficulties together."

  Lin Zekang smiled and said: "We really can\'t just count on the Su Ji family to drive our entire street business, but we must have our own characteristics, attract some customers, and promote each other\'s business."

   Tang Zhuochen also said: "No, just relying on Su Ji\'s family is still a little too dependent on Su Ji."

  After discussing together again, the bosses also began to think about changes.

  Some bosses also hung up the things on the stalls, or tilted them towards the intersection, so that people could see things at a glance.

   This can be regarded as some changes brought by Feng Yifan.

   At this time, Feng Yifan crossed the road and returned to the ancient street very quickly.

   After passing a shop opposite Liu Wanhua, Feng Yifan glanced inside and saw Lin Ruifeng and Shen Qingluo.

   The two seem to be discussing how to decorate the shop rented by Shen Qingluo.

   Seeing the two people discussing seriously, Feng Yifan did not go in and disturb them.

   continued eastward and came to the rice wine shop of Fan Chaodong and Wang Cuifeng\'s house. At this time, someone was carrying goods out of the shop.

   Feng Yifan came to the shop, looked at the busy couple in the shop and smiled.

   "Not bad, it seems that our old street is closed, and it will have the least impact on Fan Ge and Wang Jie, no wonder you don\'t have to set up stalls in the past."

   Hearing Feng Yifan\'s voice, the couple looked out of the shop.

Wang Cuifeng immediately rushed out from the inside and said unceremoniously, "Do you dare to come? I ask you, did you forget to deliver food to us at noon today? It was agreed that you would deliver food to our couple, but you did. Where is it? You are going to starve our couple to death, right?"

   When Feng Yifan heard this, he patted his forehead and quickly apologized to Wang Cuifeng.

   "I\'m sorry, sorry, sister Wang, this is my negligence, I really forgot when I got busy."

  Wang Cuifeng said unceremoniously: "Come on, you did it on purpose, to blame us for not setting up a stall with you, not going to cheer for you, right?"

   Feng Yifan said quickly: "No, really not, sister, don\'t get me wrong, I really forgot."

   Then Feng Yifan said: "Well, I will give you dinner for my sister and brother-in-law. I will make it for you first. I won\'t give you this dinner. I won\'t do business tonight."

   Fan Chaodong came out from the shop, smiled and said, "Okay, don\'t scare Yifan here. He is also very busy to set up a stall and do business. It\'s not easy, so don\'t make faults."

   Speaking of this, Fan Chaodong said to Feng Yifan again: "In fact, at noon, we had eaten there. You were busy in the line, so there was no call for you."

   Feng Yifan said quickly: "I was negligent. Thank you sister and brother-in-law for joining me."

Wang Cuifeng waved his hand and said, "Come on, don\'t be here, go home and rest. I think there are still you busy at night, maybe you don\'t know? The photos and videos of your stall are spread all over the circle of friends. It\'s ~www.novelhall.com~ There will definitely be more people here at night."

   Fan Chaodong also said: "Yes, you have to be prepared at night, and don\'t be too flustered at that time."

Wang Cuifeng went on to say: "Remember to let Ruoxi take good care of the children at night. The small market place over there is a bit smaller. If there are too many people at night, it may be crowded, but you must take good care of your children and don’t let your children bump into it. Now."

   Hearing the two reminders, Feng Yifan thanked them earnestly: "Thank you sister and brother-in-law, I will let Ruoxi take care of the children at night and prevent them from getting hurt.

   Fan Chaodong smiled and said, "Okay, you can go back and rest."

   Then Fan Chaodong continued to be busy in the shop, and Wang Cuifeng also turned back to the shop to help.

   Seeing that the couple were busy, Feng Yifan also turned and walked towards Su Ji.

   returned to Su Ji, and as soon as he entered the door, to Feng Yifan\'s surprise, the three little girls had already gotten up and were lying on the square table in the restaurant, learning to draw with Fei Fei\'s grandmother.

   It can be seen that the three little girls are very serious, holding a paintbrush in their little hands, and drawing carefully on the drawing paper.

   Even the grandparents next to each other would not disturb the three little girls at all.

  The most naughty of these is Feng Ruoruo. She stood on a chair and lay down on the table with her little **** to draw. During the painting process, she would twist her little **** from time to time. The appearance of being naughty is also very interesting.

   Seeing this scene in the restaurant, Feng Yifan really felt very comfortable. The exhaustion of the whole noon was dispelled by all this in front of him.