Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 178: Still have to compare (three/five)

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Zhuang Daozhong led Zhuang Zhebin into the private room. Several people including Chen Wei all got up and greeted Zhuang Daozhong respectfully.

With a rare smile on Su Lanxin\'s face, she stepped forward to support Zhuang Daozhong: "Uncle Master, you can count on it. Why didn\'t you come here in advance and tell me why? I\'d better make arrangements for you in advance."

Having said this, Su Lanxin looked at Zhuang Zhebin, and said strangely: "Xiaobin too, she didn\'t even tell Grandma Xin."

Faced with Su Lanxin\'s enthusiasm, Zhuang Zhebin said embarrassedly: "Grandma Xin, I can\'t be blamed for this. Grandpa won\'t let me say it, and grandpa said that if I say it, I won\'t let me go into the kitchen.

Su Lanxin laughed when she heard the words: "What are you afraid of? If the old man doesn\'t let you in, then you can come and learn from Grandma Xin."

Zhuang Zhebin might be very happy if it were before the change, but now he is with the grandfather who has seen Su Ji. In particular, I learned about Su Jinrong\'s stroke and Feng Yifan\'s craftsmanship.

In fact, at this moment, Zhuang Zhebin looked very unnatural when facing Su Lanxin.

Su Lanxin saw it naturally at a glance, and probably also guessed the reason why Zhuang Zhebin was unnatural.

But she didn\'t point it out, instead she helped Shishu Zhuang Daozhong to sit down first. Then he said to Chen Wei and his apprentice: "Okay, the uncle has arrived, are you two going to show your hands?"

After Zhuang Daozhong sat down, he smiled and waved his hands: "Don\'t bother. Xiao Bin\'er and I have already had dinner before we came."

Chen Wei\'s expression did not change much, he had obviously guessed it a long time ago.

Tan Xueli was obviously prepared originally, but now she has no chance to display it, she still can\'t conceal her loss.

Su Lanxin paused for a while and continued to smile and asked, "Uncle Master, did you go to Su Ji? Have you met my elder brother? It seems that you have tasted the craftsmanship of my elder brother\'s son-in-law?"

Zhuang Daozhong nodded without concealment, and then asked, "Lan Xin, I heard you have tasted it too? Then you can talk about it first."

Su Lanxin\'s expression began to become unnatural, and there was some hesitation sitting there, and she was reluctant to express her intuitive feelings for a long time.

Zhuang Daozhong looked at Su Lanxin\'s hesitation and entanglement, smiled at Chen Wei and said, "Xiao Wei, it\'s been a long time, do you think that if you come to cook the fried shrimps that year, will it exceed the level of the past?"

The smile on Chen Wei\'s face was frozen when he was asked like this, and his expression also became solemn.

Zhuang Daozhong\'s so-called "the dish of fried shrimps back then" is a pain point in Chen Wei\'s mind over the years.

When Chen Wei and Su Lanxin left Su Ji together, they went straight to the capital with great ambitions. He planned to open a private kitchen restaurant in the capital, to become famous directly in the capital, and to prove himself to Grandpa Su.

It\'s just that they didn\'t have enough funds at the time, so Su Lanxin and Chen Wei found Zhuang Daozhong together.

The two were also very courageous, and directly offered to borrow money from Zhuang Daozhong, and threatened to pay back the money five years ago.

Zhuang Daozhong had actually talked to Elder Su on the phone, knowing that Elder Su still felt sorry for his daughter, and asked him to lend his daughter money.

However, Zhuang Daozhong added a condition of his own.

That is to ask Chen Wei to fry him a plate of fried shrimps. If he is satisfied, Zhuang Daozhong will lend them the money without interest.

Stir-fried shrimp is actually not that difficult, and all the cooking process can be traced. But it can test a chef\'s precise control over fireworks.

Chen Wei was also extremely confident at the time. After all, he had already obtained the status of Big Brother in Su Ji before he left.

In many cases, Su Kee’s dishes are cooked by his brothers as the head chef.

Therefore, Chen Wei readily accepted.

The result is self-evident, Chen Wei naturally failed, and the fried shrimps did not really reach the top level.

Years have passed, now that Zhuang Daozhong mentions the things of the year and talks about this "stir-fried shrimp", the knot in Chen Wei\'s heart is obviously not solved.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Wei could only helplessly say: "Uncle Master, I admit that now let me cook fried shrimps, it may be a little bit worse than the previous year."

In fact, Chen Wei cannot be blamed. After all, he has been the executive chef of the entire restaurant group these years, and he rarely cooks such dishes as fried shrimp when he is abroad.

In addition, foreign cooking does not pay attention to firework, so Chen Wei\'s regression is inevitable.

Zhuang Daozhong did not blame or ridicule, but just nodded and said: "In this case, I think that Lanxin, you should do your catering company. As for Su Ji, let Jinrong and his family handle it."

After hearing Zhuang Daozhong\'s words, Su Lanxin\'s expression changed immediately, and the smile on her face could no longer be hung up.

Seeing his mother\'s face changed, Su Liancheng stood up first, pulled up Tan Xueli and said, "Parents, Shi\'s uncle, let\'s go back with Shirley and I. There is still a lot of work for the two of us in Fujing Building."

Tan Xueli hadn\'t awakened yet, she was forced to drag away by Su Liancheng with a dazed expression.

After Su Liancheng and Tan Xueli left, Su Lanxin pressed what he wanted to say, and said to Zhuang Zhebin first: "Xiaobin, do you want to go to Fujinglou with you, uncle Liancheng? Give them some guidance?"

Zhuang Zhebin glanced at the great grandfather, and when he saw the great grandfather nodded, he got up and said, "Good grandma Xin, I will go out first."

After the juniors had left and the private room door had been closed, Su Lanxin finally couldn\'t help but said, "Uncle Master, you have been eccentric once in the past. Are you still eccentric this time?"

Su Lanxin had obviously restrained her anger, but her voice still raised a little bit unconsciously when she spoke.

Upon seeing this, Chen Wei hurriedly said: "Lan Xin, calm down. Actually, I think what Shishu said is correct. Our current company model is doing very well. When we return to China, we don\'t necessarily need to use the old Su Ji plaque."

Su Lanxin knocked off her ex-husband’s hand, and then said angrily: "You will always be like this. Do you remember what you promised me when you took me away? You said that you will prove your strength. , You will definitely help me get back the old plaque."

Facing Su Lanxin\'s cathartic questioning, Chen Wei\'s face was full of helplessness.

After so many years, as far as Chen Wei is concerned, he has long stopped coveting that old plaque, and he does not want to fight for the orthodox of Su Ji.

But Chen Wei also knew very well that Su Lanxin never let go, she still stubbornly wanted to get back Su Ji\'s old plaque.

Su Lanxin just couldn\'t swallow that breath.

When Zhuang Daozhong saw this situation, he sighed and said, "Lan Xin, do you know that when you came to me, I called your father. At that time, your father asked me to lend you the money, and even your father was willing to do it for you? You pay back the money."

Su Lanxin froze for a while, and then said: "I don\'t need to be stubborn and pity me."

Zhuang Daozhong stood up, stared at Su Lanxin and said, "Do you think that is pitying you? But in my eyes, that is the unbearable heart of a father who loves his daughter. He wants to do his best to do something for his daughter, even if the daughter hates him. ."

Without telling Su Lanxin again, Zhuang Daozhong went on to say: "Think about it for yourself. If your father really did not teach you cooking because of his old-fashioned idea of\'passing on men and not women\', you would really have a chance. Steal the teacher?"

Speaking of this, Zhuang Daozhong felt that there was no need to stay, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

When he walked to the door, Zhuang Daozhong finally said: "Your father is because he loves you, and even the hard work of the cook. He doesn\'t want you to guard the stove like him and your brother. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Pass on cooking skills to you.

Speaking of this, my old man also expressed his attitude, I will not support you to get the old Su Ji plaque.

That old plaque belongs to your eldest brother. "

After that, Mr. Zhuang Daozhong didn\'t stop, opened the door of the private room and walked out.

Su Lanxin and Chen Wei were left in the private room. Chen Wei looked at Su Lanxin and said softly, "Don\'t continue to be stubborn. Things have passed for so many years. You have succeeded. The old plaque has no value to you."

Su Lanxin came back to look at Chen Wei, and finally she asked: "What if I still want you to compare?"

Chen Wei sighed helplessly: "If you have to compare with me, I will try my best to compare."

Su Lanxin said with satisfaction: "Okay, I will arrange. I want you to compare Feng Yifan before that old street begins to be closed for reconstruction."

Chen Wei sighed again, but could only nod and promise: "Well, I will be ready."