Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 172: Stir-fried soft pockets and serve (Wednesday/Friday)

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In fact, when Mr. Zhuang Daozhong ordered dishes, he also left a hole for Feng Yifan. The four meat dishes of the old man only asked for "chicken, duck and goose", but he did not specify the dishes.

The pit left in this is the protagonist of the twelve dishes, which are obviously four kinds of river fresh "fish, shrimp, eel, and mussel".

And this fresh food is so fresh, so it is impossible to re-season most of the fresh food.

In this way, if the four meat dishes are presented in a heavy mouth, it will definitely take away the protagonist position that originally belonged to the four meat dishes.

Therefore, Feng Yifan also gave up the heavy meat dishes he originally prepared, but chose a lighter way to present the "chicken, duck and goose meat."

But in the banquet, there must always be heavy dishes, so as to increase the overall sense of the banquet. So this fried soft pocket has become one of the key dishes.

The soft-pocket long fish is actually a rice field eel.

The rice eel used for frying soft pockets is the smaller eel.

The most important thing is that when the fried soft pocket is processed, it must be fresh pen eel. If it is dead, there must be a huge difference in meat quality.

Feng Yifan puts an iron bucket on the stove, and heats it with green onions, **** and cooking wine.

When the water in the iron bucket starts to boil, use a net bag to put the rice eel into it and put it directly into the iron bucket to scald. So it\'s hot.

The four-step process of frying soft pockets must be very stable.

One hot, two strokes, three boiling, four frying.

The second step is to take the eel out of the iron bucket after it is half-cooked, and then use a bamboo stick to break the belly, leaving only the back of the eel for the vegetables, and the bamboo stick to break the eel out of it, and part of the belly is discarded. You can cook other dishes on the side.

Then still use the bamboo stick to remove the bone spurs inside the back, so that the second stroke is completed.

Next, it is also the most critical step in the entire frying soft pocket.

Perhaps many people have heard the name and think that frying the soft pocket is not the most important step?

But in fact it is not. The most critical and easily overlooked step of this dish is this "three boil".

When boiling the eel back, instead of boiling the eel with water, you need to boil it in the broth, and cook the eel back in the broth, so that the taste of the broth is boiled into the eel back. So let the eel memorize it in advance.

After Feng Yifan finished the first few dishes, he was also devoted to cooking such a dish.

Zhuang Zhebin served two vegetarian dishes and stir-fried river prawns, and also hurried back to the kitchen.

The purpose is naturally to take a closer look at how Feng Yifan cooks this dish.

At first glance, Zhuang Zhebin understood that such a seemingly not-so-difficult dish, in fact, every step of the process is one-handed.

To what extent is hot, the process of slashing the eel must also be astute, and there should never be the slightest stagnation.

Of course, the third step of boiling is also the key to the whole dish.

The process of boiling, the degree of boiling, and how to ensure that the back of the eel is cooked and delicious without losing the softness. It is really not something you can see with your eyes.

In the last step, add the bottom oil to the wok, add the garlic slices and stir fragrant, then put the cooked eel back into it.

Then add the seasoning prepared in advance to it all at once.

Then this stir-fry is a fixed stir-fry three times, and then it will be served directly.

It can only be three times, beyond which the eel\'s back will grow old.

Therefore, in these three times of stir-frying, it is necessary to ensure that the sauce can be evenly wrapped on the back of the eel, which is also quite a test of skill.

After Feng Yifan served the dish, he didn\'t let Lin Ruifeng and Zhuang Zhebin who were still stunned to serve the dishes, but after finishing the dishes, he quickly walked out of the back kitchen with the dishes.

This is another dish that needs to be eaten hot, and 50 degrees is an excellent eating time.

The so-called "Ning people wait for food, don\'t wait for people."

Feng Yifan opened the door of the back kitchen and brought the food to the table where his daughter was sitting around. Feng Ruoruo immediately yelled when he saw his father coming to serve the food, "Ah, here comes Dad, it must be delicious."

Hearing that it was delicious, Zhang Zhuangzhuang, the only little boy, immediately looked over attentively, even ignoring the prawns in front of him.

With a smile on his face, Feng Yifan came to the table and put the dishes on the table and said, "Come on, fry soft pockets."

Upon hearing the plain name of the dish, Yang Zhiyi and Zhang Zhuangzhuang’s father said almost at the same time: "This is a good dish."

However, after the dishes were on the table, the two fathers naturally didn\'t dare to move the chopsticks casually.

After the fried soft pocket was turned in front of the old man Zhuang, the old man was not polite, and picked up one with his chopsticks.

The chopsticks are clamped in the middle of a bar, and the back of the eel hangs naturally to both sides, indicating that the dish has arrived.

Next, the old man put the sandwiched eel back with a spoon underneath, then put it to his mouth and blew it lightly, taking advantage of the remaining temperature, and bite it. The tender eel back and the simple taste are really fragrant. .

After eating, Zhuang Daozhong immediately said: "Everyone, eat quickly, this is also something you can\'t wait. Let the children taste it, it\'s delicious."

Naturally, the mothers and grandmothers present here must first give the children a piece, and let the children have a taste.

But it was really hot, so the children put them in the small bowls, holding their own bowls and blowing them there.

Seeing four children, especially three little girls, blowing gently there, and seeing the only boy, Zhang Zhuangzhuang, blowing very hard there, it was a sharp contrast.

Feng Ruoruo carefully blew a few times, and just wanted to raise his head to let his father blow, but when he looked up, he saw that his father was gone.

The little girl pouted and was unhappy at first, but after another thought, father should be busy in the kitchen again. Feng Ruoruo was not unhappy, and continued to play with the small bowl.

When Lu Cuiling saw this process, her grandmother took the initiative to help, helping the little granddaughter to mash the eel back meat with a spoon while blowing back.

"Look, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is broken like this, you can eat it with a small spoon, okay."

Feng Ruoruo found that grandma\'s method was really good, and it was very convenient to use a small spoon to scoop up a spoon to eat. The little girl smiled and said, "Thank you grandma, grandma really has a way."

With Lu Cuiling\'s method, other parents of children also learn to make it, so that the children can eat it while it is hot.

Zhuang Daozhong also helped Su Jinrong get a piece in the bowl. He wanted to feed it to Su Jinrong, but Su Jinrong refused, so he insisted on taking the spoon.

After eating, Su Jinrong was still very satisfied with the taste, and his son-in-law\'s craftsmanship was indeed not lost.

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and whispered to Su Jinrong: "I am more looking forward to what Yifan will make that roasted mussel."

In the back kitchen at this time, Feng Yifan returned to the back kitchen and was not eager to make fish fillets and mussels, but first prepared the remaining vegetables and meat dishes, and then he still had to intersperse the meat and vegetables with the dishes.

The hibiscus fish fillet should be placed in the middle of the two meat dishes. It is a supporting role, but it is still necessary to maintain the charm of a supporting role.