Hard life of Abandoned Princess


Luoluo suddenly took a step back, and placed the sword tightly around her neck: "Do not use knockout drugs! "Think about it, is it because your knockout drug is fast or my sword is fast? When I smell it, I can immediately let this sword see blood!"

"You …." Xuanyuan Ye Hen furrowed his brows.

"Let's go!" Luoluo clenched her teeth, she turned and looked at Ming Liehan who was clenching her fists: "Feng Han, I beg you, quickly leave!"

"Luoluo!" Ming Liehan took a step forward.

"You're still bleeding. Don't you want to keep your life and take me away?" "Let's go!" The Luoluo cried out loudly as she pushed the sword even deeper into her neck. The bright red blood flowed down the sword bit by bit.

"No!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen was so frightened that he wanted to step forward, but Luoluo glared at him.

Ming Liehan gritted her teeth as she watched Luoluo hurt him like this.

"Let's go!" Luoluo shouted.

Ming Liehan suddenly took a deep breath, turned around abruptly and walked out quickly without even turning her head around.

He couldn't bear to turn back … He could not bear to look at Luoluo's eyes that were filled with tears …

Xuanyuan Ye Hen's eyes turned cold. He turned his head and was about to order his men to stop them.

"Xuanyuan Ye Hen, if you dare to block my way, I'll kill you!" Luoluo suddenly shouted.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen paused for a moment and abruptly put down the hand he had just raised. Clenching one hand into a fist, he helplessly turned to look at Luoluo.

Only when Ming Liehan safely walked out with the people from the Duke Palaces, until the entire courtyard became completely silent, did Luoluo powerlessly put down her sword and laugh out loud.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen frowned, took a step forward and firmly hugged the Luoluo who had fainted while laughing.

When Luoluo woke up, it was already night.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen was sitting on the edge of the bed, quietly watching her pale sleeping face. Even when she slowly opened her eyes, she could not shift her gaze away from him.

Luoluo blinked her eyes, raised her hand to feel the layer of gauze wrapped around her neck, and laughed.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen raised his eyebrows and looked at her unkindly.

"What do you think …?" Luoluo suddenly opened his dry mouth and asked word by word.

"How about what?" Xuanyuan Ye Hen sighed.

"How was my play?" Luoluo chuckled as she supported herself with her hands on the soft bed. She sat up and looked at Xuanyuan Ye Hen with a pleased smile, "The scene that I acted out today …" Did you see any flaws? "

"Acting?" Xuanyuan Ye Hen coldly looked at Luoluo's clearly haggard and lifeless eyes that unexpectedly released a crafty light.

"I was the one who used the sword to kill you..." You didn't even see that I was acting, you definitely didn't see that, either, right? "Hehe …" Luoluo suddenly laughed complacently, he raised his hand and gently touched his neck, it was truly painful.

"Do you really think I'm going to commit suicide …?" "Hehe …" Luoluo suddenly laughed again: "Even if I die, I will still wait for that damn day to come before I die. I haven't lived enough yet … …" "Hehe …"

"You!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen suddenly glared at her.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen suddenly laughed coldly and stood up.

Luoluo knew that he was angry … Because he did not want to let Ming Liehan go … She knew …

"You're waiting for him to come back and save you?" Xuanyuan Ye Hen suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Luoluo sighed and looked up at him. "Who knows when his injuries will heal? "If he doesn't recover from his injuries and comes running over, I will definitely force him away with my life …"

"If I told him to step on my corpse in order to take you away, would you look forward to the day he takes you away?"

Luoluo stared blankly for a moment before abruptly raising her head to look at Xuanyuan Ye Hen, the pain in her eyes.

"Night Scar …." Luoluo frowned.

"Do you know how much pain I'm feeling right now?" Xuanyuan Ye Hen suddenly let out a light laugh, laughing as if nothing had happened.

Luoluo looked at him in puzzlement, then turned and got off the bed, wanting to walk in front of him, but suddenly her heart felt a fierce pain, the pain made her powerless to sit on the ground, holding onto her heart tightly.

"Ahh …" Luoluo clenched her teeth, where did this pain come from? Why did it seem like tens of thousands of bugs were biting her heart?

"It hurts." He stood in front of Luoluo and lowered his head, quietly looking at the cold sweat on her face. "In this life, the only poison that I have developed that could harm the human world was for you …"

"You …." The Luoluo suddenly widened her eyes in shock as she looked towards Xuanyuan Ye Hen with a faint sneer on her face.

The pain in her heart was so intense that it felt like she was about to die. Luoluo held onto her chest and bit down hard on her lips, until fresh blood finally flowed out from the corner of her mouth. She didn't know whether it was the blood that came out from her mouth, or the blood that came out from her mouth …

The pain in his heart grew deeper and deeper, as though it was being forcibly torn apart by someone, being hammered by something, as though it was being ruthlessly bitten by millions of bugs or something that he doesn't recognize …

"Ahh …" Luoluo cried out in pain, falling to the ground suddenly and curling up her body to resist the waves of pain.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen lowered his head and looked at Luoluo's pained expression. He squatted down and gently caressed her sweaty hair. "Luoluo, you can't leave me …"

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Ye Hen pulled Luoluo into his embrace and adjusted her body so that she could look at him, "Do you know how painful this is? This pain … "It was on the day you married Ming Liehan that I endured …"

"Ah …" "It hurts …" Luoluo cried softly, her entire body was in pain and powerless, she only felt fresh blood coming out from her throat and falling down along the corner of her mouth.

Xuanyuan Ye Hen took out a black pellet that she had taken once before and placed it next to Luoluo's mouth. "It won't hurt if you eat it."

When Luoluo saw Xuanyuan Ye Hen's pill at first glance, she turned around in shock and refused to open her mouth no matter what.

"This is the antidote!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen raised his brows and used his strength to support her waist from behind Luoluo. He then forced her head up, opened Luoluo's tightly-shut mouth and stuffed the medicine inside.

"Ugh …" Luoluo struggled to not swallow it, so Xuanyuan Ye Hen had no choice but to lower his head and pour some true energy into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it.

"Ugh …" "Woo …" Luoluo shook her head in fear, but she gradually felt the pain in her heart lessen. The pain in her body also slowly disappeared, and the blood at the corner of her mouth also started to dry up …

Xuanyuan Ye Hen tightly held Luoluo's body and lowered his head to kiss her forehead. "Alright, it shouldn't hurt anymore!"

Luoluo opened his eyes and took a deep breath. His eyes were filled with tears and fear as she looked at Xuanyuan Ye Hen.

"This poison is the pain from your heart. I didn't really want to poison you, but that day, I got so angry, so …"

"Do you think I can take the medicine so that I won't have to suffer any more?" Luoluo suddenly said powerlessly, but there was still a bit of fear in her eyes. Heavens, he actually gave her poison …

Suddenly, Luoluo pushed Xuanyuan Ye Hen away and sat up, hugging his stomach.

"The medicine will have no effect on the child." Xuanyuan Ye Hen stood up and knew what she was worried about.

"I …." Luoluo caressed her stomach and suddenly looked at him. "Then, I …"

"As I said before, the antidote will be consumed every three days, and today is the third day. I want to punish you to let Ming Liehan leave just like that, so that you can experience this heart-wrenching pain!"

"Three days to eat …?" Luoluo's eyes widened in shock. "What if she doesn't eat …?"

"Then it will be like what you did just now, too painful to live on, too desperate to die …" Xuanyuan Ye Hen's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Heh …" Luoluo suddenly sat powerlessly as he sneered. He looked up at him and said, "You want to use this to keep me? "Imprison me …?"

"Maybe so." Xuanyuan Ye Hen turned his head, unable to bear to look at the wounds in Luoluo's eyes.

"What will you do to give me the real antidote?" Luoluo clenched his teeth.

Hearing the word 'antidote', Xuanyuan Ye Hen's expression suddenly flickered with sorrow. "As long as you are by my side all your life and take the antidote on time every three days, you won't have to endure the pain anymore. You don't even need the antidote!"

"I'm not going to be with you, you bastard!" Luoluo clenched his teeth fiercely.

"It's not up to you." Xuanyuan Ye Hen gave a cold laugh.

"Heh …" Luoluo suddenly imitated his cold smile, turned around and slowly climbed back onto the bed. She lowered her eyes, and no longer spoke. She suddenly didn't know what to say … She was so tired. The pain she had just experienced was like the day she knew that Ming Liehan had lied to her. It was so painful …

But she didn't expect to experience such pain again, she was actually so powerless …

"It's just that I'm in so much pain …" "Maybe the pain won't kill me …" Luoluo sniffed.

However, Xuanyuan Ye Hen only faintly smiled. "Indeed, it may be painful, but it doesn't mean that you will die. However, the pain will only grow stronger and stronger with each attack, until you finally can't endure it anymore …" "He chose to kill himself …"

Luoluo looked at him in shock.

"Rest well. I will have the antidote delivered to you in three days." "If we let Ming Liehan go, perhaps the guards in the ancient castle will train a new batch!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen suddenly frowned.

Luoluo suddenly laughed and turned her head, no longer paying any attention to him.

Three days later.

He looked at the black pill that was brought over by a servant girl who often came to serve her, and said that the Sect Leader had instructed her to give it to him to eat.

However, even after four hours had passed, Luoluo still did not touch the pill.

Even when the sky gradually darkened, Luoluo still quietly sat on the bed, staring blankly at this cage-like room.

Like this, day after day passed, and she would often be talking to a five-month-old baby by herself while stroking her belly in a daze. The baby was very obedient, and after she finished talking, her stomach would often move as if she was feeling something, allowing her to not be so lonely …

At least, with Ming Liehan's child by her side, it was as if she could feel his presence by her side.

Suddenly, a throbbing pain came from his heart …

Luoluo held her chest tightly, gritting her teeth, enduring the pain of being killed.

The antidote was clearly on the table, but she didn't want to eat it …

She didn't believe that she could not endure this kind of pain …

She did not want to be threatened by Xuanyuan Ye Hen, and even more so, she did not want to stay by his side for the rest of her life just because she was afraid of this pain.

"It hurts …." Luoluo clenched her teeth as tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

Blood came out of his mouth and fell onto his white clothes. Luoluo clenched his teeth and suddenly felt an even more painful sensation than the last time …

The pain made her roll over and over on the bed, shouting hoarsely.

She could not take that antidote. She had to endure it. She absolutely could not accept this kind of imprisonment. Even if it would kill her, she would not allow him to use this kind of poison to control her soul!

The moment he entered, he saw Luoluo lying limp on the bed. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, as if he had endured the pain, but right now, he was like a willow leaf in the wind, weakly lying on the bed as he stared at the ceiling of the bed with a blank look in his eyes.

Bright red blood dyed her mouth and clothes red. Xuanyuan Ye Hen fiercely gazed at the untouched pill on the table and suddenly clenched his fists tightly. He quickly walked over to the bedside.

"Why don't you take the antidote?"

Luoluo turned her head weakly, a proud smile blossoming on her pale face. "I will endure this …"

"Bastard!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen clenched his teeth and suddenly scooped Luoluo out of his bed. He lifted his hand and placed a drop of the pill that was used to regulate her vital energy and blood. "I'm asking you why you don't eat the antidote. This kind of pain is not something you can endure!"

Luoluo did not know what he gave her to eat, but she felt her strength slowly recovering and her breathing had also calmed down. She blinked her eyes and said, "If you don't want me to suffer such pain, why can't you give me the antidote?"

"Didn't I give it to you?" I already called for someone to give it to you a few hours before I knew you were going to cook! "You're the one who doesn't want to eat it!" Xuanyuan Ye Hen furrowed his brows and clenched his teeth as he looked at the person he held in his arms.

Luoluo sneered, "Isn't that the antidote …"

"At least that drug won't make you go crazy!" He did not want her to be in such pain, yet he did not want to let her go. However, she did have a way to make him angry enough to want to kill someone, so how could she bear the pain of actually taking her own life as a joke?

"Give me the antidote …." Suddenly, the Luoluo raised his hand and raised it in front of Xuanyuan Ye Hen, "Give me the real antidote!"

"No." Xuanyuan Ye Hen clenched his teeth.

"Then I won't take that pill you gave me. Even if I'm in pain, you won't be able to control me!"

"Luoluo!" "Other than giving you the antidote and letting you go, I can promise you anything else, okay?"

Luoluo suddenly closed her eyes and turned around, not intending to listen to his nonsense.