
Chapter 981

hk969 launches two Swift Arrow a-type Air-To-Surface Guided Missile!

On the 4th of June, the night is close to the 12 point. ******

Second Generation The Steel and Iron Shi In the waters around AIRE n Island, Shi Lei did not rush to order attack AIRE n Island, but patiently observed the situation of AIRE n Island.

Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel, in the name of stranding in 1997, stayed at the AIRE N Island of Xia Nation. Then I stayed on AIRE n Island and carried out actual violations of AIRE n Island.

At the time, Li Jian Nation and Xia Nation had a very serious conflict, so that Xia Nation took care of the issue of AIRE n Island. Afterwards, although Xia Nation wanted to expel Fei Lu Nation, retract the Controlling Right of AIRE n Island. However, due to the interference of Li Jian Nation, Xia Nation has not been able to successfully return to AIRE n Island.

“Sr, System method confirmed, and whether AirE n Island has Air Defense System.” Izual asked Shi Lei for Shi Lei to give further orders. Shi Lei did not attack AIRE n Island, exactly as stated. It is not yet clear whether AIRE n Island has Air Defense System.

Shi Lei thought about it and asked: “Izual, how big is the enemy’s ultra-low altitude radar detection range?”

The Ultra Low Altitude Radar is a radar specifically designed for the Ultra Low-altitude Flight Vehicle, which detects flying objects less than one meter from the sea surface. However, ultra low-altitude radars also have the disadvantage that the detection range is very limited, and the law is comparable to traditional radar.

“Sr, the method obtains the information from the other side’s radar signal, and determines the effective detection range of the ultra-low-altitude radar.” Izual replied with a bad answer. [

Shi Lei snorted, even if Second Generation The Steel and Iron, was limited by the volume issue of the body, and the law installed more electronic detection and countermeasure equipment. I want to solve this issue unless I design the Steel and Iron large. Just large The Steel and Iron, there are a lot of issues to overcome.

“Is the outer contour and internal structure of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, is the detection clear?” Shi Lei asked again.

For the treatment of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, Shi Lei decided to kill it at the beginning. If some issue methods are detected clearly, Shi Lei will not force detection, but directly Destroy.

Nine No. 10 military naval vessel is a Large-scale military naval vessel, although its appearance is very worn, the internal conditions, what it is, no one knows.

If you do not know the outer contour and internal structure of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, it is highly probable that the No. 10 military naval vessel will be destroyed by using the No. 10 military naval vessel.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron learned a technique from the Rongcheng Military District that added the Sonar Detection System. This technology can help The Steel and Iron obtain the internal structure simulation of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel in Sonar Detection.

Izual showed the internal structure diagram of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel on the side of the projector. “The internal structure of the sr, target is abnormal, and the Sonar Detection method completely penetrates the internal structure of the target.”

If the Sonar Detection method penetrates the internal structure of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, it indicates that there is a dense material structure inside the N. No. 10 military naval vessel, which is said to be more explicit. There may be a high-density lead layer, or it may be a specialized explosion-proof alloy.

Shi Lei’s face is lightly smiled. For this result, Shi Lei has no accident of too much. After all, Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel occupied AIRE N Island for a decade, and if there is no Shi Lei’s interference, they will continue to occupy. If Fei Lu Nation’s Nine No. 10 military naval vessel does not have a little stable defense, can it block the attack of Xia Nation?

Xia Nation is indeed not on the bright side, showing the action of retracting AIRE n Island, but how could it be hidden?

“Izual, keep the Super Low-altitude Flight status and move forward to AIRE n Island!” Shi Lei said a seemingly unsettled command.

Izual immediately gave a hint, “Sr, target has ultra low-altitude radar, The Steel and Iron’s ultra Low-altitude Flight attitude, can not be guaranteed not to be present.”

“implement command!” Shi Lei confirmed the order and did not explain it to Izual. Izual is only the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Izual does not have True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence.

Shi Lei ordered The Steel and Iron to keep the Ultra Low-altitude Flight attitude close to AIRE n Island, not to avoid ultra low-altitude radars, but to avoid the possible Air Defense System. The No. 10 military naval vessel is equipped with a ship-to-air guide, and the Steel and Iron, which is flying at low altitudes, can also be used for emergency shelter. With the Outstanding maneuverability of Second Generation The Steel and Iron, the possibility of avoiding guidance is very high.

Second Generation The Steel and Iron has a climb rate of Twenty-seven meters per second and has no obvious infrared characteristics, making it difficult to be accurately locked. Most Air-To-Air guides use infrared guidance. Also in other words, the target of the Air-To-Air guide is not the body of the airplane, but the infrared heat radiation generated by the airplane engine. [

Second Generation The Steel and Iron adopts pure electric power source. The electric energy generated by the Electric-powered Engine is very small. It is Air-To-Air, or ship-to-air guidance, or Surface-To-Air. Good aim at The Steel and Iron.

Izual controls Second Generation The Steel and Iron, flying to AIRE n Island at a speed of nearly three hundred kilometers per hour. The Steel and Iron is currently about 10 kilometers from AIRE n Island, flying from the current location of The Steel and Iron to AIRE n Island, which is only a little over two minutes, according to the speed of The Steel and Iron.

Nearly two minutes later, there was a nautical mile between The Steel and Iron and AIRE n Island. Shi Lei told Izual to stop. He observed the position of The Steel and Iron and AIRE n Island on the front projector.

“Sr, on-board anti-detection system, scanning to ultra low-altitude radar detection, our position is exposed!” Izual reminded Shi Lei that this result has long been expected.

Shi Lei didn’t care at all, dare to rush in, Shi Lei wouldn’t be afraid!

“Izual, prepare for the Virtual Operating System, I will take over the Control Authority of The Steel and Iron.” Shi Lei told Izual. The Virtual Operating System is the Virtual Remote Operations Combat Equipment System, which differs from the Motion Operating System in its principles.

“Sr, the Virtual Operating System is ready for accomplish, and you can take over the Control Authority of The Steel and Iron at any time.” Izual prompts Shi Lei.

Shi Lei held his hands slightly, as if there was an invisible u-shaped joystick. On the projection cloth, Izual gave a text prompt, ‘The Steel and Iron Controlling Right countdown to five seconds, five, four, three, two, one , Controlling Right After the handover is completed, the automatic Control System will continue to assist the driving operation. ‘

Shi Lei controls The Steel and Iron, skilled in using the Optical Aiming System, locking the position of the Nine No. 10 military naval vessel. Although the weather conditions are very unsatisfactory, the Optical Vision System’s Night Vision Function can lock the position of the Nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

When the optical aiming system locks the target, Shi Lei additionally uses the sonar positioning assist aiming to further precisely lock the position of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

“sr, received the lineage information from AIRE n Island, is it read?” Izual controls The Steel and Iron’s Auxiliary System to help Shi Lei deal with the information outside the battle.

Shi Lei’s thumb, which had already been lifted, was slightly loosened. “Read! Look at the Fei Lu Nation’s coconut and say what it is.”

On the front of the projector, Izual converted the line-based information into a text information, which was displayed in the form of Levitate.

‘This is the inherent territory of Fei Lu Nation, please indicate the identity Identification Code, otherwise it will be regarded as a malicious invasion! ‘

Shi Lei sneered and shook his hands again. “Izual, give the coconuts a line of electricity, tell them that this is the domain of the Clear Sky Pirate Group, let them get out!”

Izual just went out of the information and Shi Lei’s thumbs up pressed. On the guide suspension bracket under the second generation The Steel and Iron cabin, a Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guide, dragged a fire tongue and flew past the No. 10 military naval vessel.


AIRE n Island, Nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

When Fei Lu Nation Elite Squadron, who was stationed at the No. 10 military naval vessel, received feedback from Shi Lei, they were still wondering what the Clear Sky Pirate Group was, the person responsible for radar detection, screamed loudly: Oops, the enemy shot!”

The Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface is not flying fast. It only has 240 meters per second. A distance of about one nautical mile takes about five seconds.

After the radar screams, the Swift Arrow guide has hit the hull side of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

“hōng lóng ~ ”

The Swift Arrow Series guide is just a Small-scale guide. Although the power of the Air-To-Surface model has increased, it is only a Small-scale guide. Nine No. 10 military naval vessel had a huge gapon the side of the hull, but did not disintegrate the nine No. 10 military naval vessel.

Shi Lei controls Second Generation The Steel and Iron and continues to approach the N. No. 10 military naval vessel looking for the next attack.

Nine No. 10 military naval vessel Internally, the resident captain Lemass has not figured out what it is. He said loudly: “Bacarton, what happened?”

Bacarton is the radar of the N. No. 10 military naval vessel. He said quickly and clearly: “We have been attacked by the target of the previous radar, and the other is the enemy!”

“Damn! What is the other side’s power? What is the Pirate group? The Pirate group has a guide…” Lemass’s words have not been finished yet, and it is a loud noise.

Nine No. 10 military naval vessel was violently shaken, and some equipment installed inside was damaged by the guide attack.

The timid Sish Candice, anxiously said: “Captain, I still don’t want to die, what should we do Ah now?”

Lemass coldly glanced at Sish Candice, the timid guy who was not selected by the formal route to the No. 10 military naval vessel defense system, but the above-mentioned relationship household, who put him in gold plating.

“Give me shut up, we are not dead yet!” Lemass roared.

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei has shot two Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guides in a row. The Steel and Iron has no Swift Arrow-type Air-To-Surface guide. There are only two Swift Arrow b-type Air-To-Airs. There are also two Crush Sea Series Air-To-Surface guides.

Although the two Swift Arrow Series Air-To-Surface guides did not destroy the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, they have found the key position of the nine No. 10 military naval vessel, Shi Lei smiled and said: “Izual, Adjust the pilot datum to the Zhenhai type guide position!”