
Chapter 963

hk951 true or false message?

Shi Lei received a Gold Vein data worth five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan from the National Security Agency Internal Network of Nanyue Nation. According to the truth, Shi Lei should be very happy. In fact, Shi Lei did not feel too happy.

This value of five hundred 2 Billion Xia Nation Yuan’s Gold Vein data, placed in front of Shi Lei, gave Shi Lei an illusion that Nanyue Nation deliberately gave him.

Why do you say that?

Why is the data so important only in the Third Level? It can be placed in a higher level of confidential space, giving more stringent protection.

Not only that, this Gold Vein’s data encryption method is only the long password encryption of Ordinary, which makes Shi Lei very puzzled. According to the value of this data, it is definitely worth using the special Encryption Scheme, and even it is worthwhile to develop an Encryption Scheme for it.

‘Is this a virtual Fake data? ‘Shi Lei secretly guessed the true or false of this piece of data. If this is a virtual Fake data, and in the corresponding area, Nanyue Nation has a spy, isn’t it a carefully arranged fishing trap?

As long as someone goes to the relevant area investigate, it is appropriate to get the data of Gold Vein, and Nanyue Nation can also find the culprit of the invasion of Nanyue National Security Agency.

Shi Lei thinks that there is such a possibility of “sex”, but Shi Lei can’t understand, how can Nanyue National Security Agency do such a detailed data in such a short period of time. After all, Shi Lei analyzed the file and the date the file was created. It wasn’t created, it was created for more than a year. and. The last modification time is also half a year ago. [

The file creation time and the file modification time, although you can modify it by some special means, the way of Shi Lei investigate is different from the Ordinary mode. If you modify the time, Shi Lei can query it. The current situation is that the file creation time and the modification time are completely normal. There is no flaw at all.

Shi Lei doesn’t believe that someone has modified the file creation time and the modification time, he will not find it.

If this document is a virtual Fake file data, then the person-in-charge of Nanyue National Security Agency, their main Profession is Cyber ​​Security Specialist, is the Deputy Profession an astrologer, or a prophet?

otherwise. Why did you prepare this document as early as a year ago?

From the file creation time and the file modification time to determine, Shi Lei has a reason to believe that this document is true. However, Nanyue National Security Agency, how to deal with this highly valuable confidential document, is it so rash?

‘Nanyue Nation’s hanging hairs. What is your opinionion? ‘Shi Lei guessed in the heart.

“Izual, extract the time node in the Gold Vein file data. From the file creation, record the time as the node of the previous file modification and make a timeline!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Each modification time of the file. Shi Lei can be investigate out, based on these points in time. Shi Lei can make a timeline. Then follow this timeline, Shi Lei can further investigate.

“sr, the timeline makes accomplish.” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

After a little thought about it, Shi Lei told Izual: “Izual, mark the location of Gold Vein, take the location of Gold Vein as the Center, and retrieve everything to the highway channel of Gold Vein.”

Gold Vein is located on the border of Nanyue Nation and Xia Nation, and most of the Gold Vein is located within Xia Nation. The exploration team at Nanyue Nation is unlikely to travel on the Helicopter. Because Nantheue Nation’s Helicopter is close to the Xia Nation border, it will definitely be warned by Xia Nation and even seen as a provocation by Xia Nation.

The exploration team at Nanyue Nation will not choose the way to walk. The equipment needed to detect Gold Vein is obviously unscientific if it relies on human shoulders.

Only the highway channel is the way that the Nanyue Nation exploration team may choose!

Izual, according to Shi Lei’s command, marked the possible route information on the mapdisplayed by the projector. However, Gold Vein belongs to the remote region and is also about ten kilometers from the nearest road.

Shi Lei’s brow slightly wrinkled, ’10 kilometers away? This is not too far! ‘[

“Izual, retrieve all surveillance cameras that may route, extract all surveillance videos, query the timeline, monitor the recorded driving records, analyze the license plate number, and record the duplicate license plate numbers.” Shi Lei told Izual to let Izual Basic analysis.

What Shi Lei just told is definitely a very troublesome thing. If you let humans to implement this thing, let’s not say how much manpower is needed, let’s talk about whether humans will make mistakes. Implement So boring work, humans generally make mistakes.

Izual implement Shi Lei’s command, first find the route that meets the conditions, and then query the surveillance camera that is owned along the route. This work consumed Izual for some time. After about five minutes, Izual gave Shi Lei feedback on the information, indicating that the work was completed.

“Sr, because of the long time, only some of the surveillance video records were queried, and some time points of monitoring records have been found.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded, “Continue to the next analysis!”

Izual began to analyze the obtained surveillance video, from all the surveillance video, query the license plate repeatedly in the timeline.

When Izual was comparing the information, Shi Lei did not idle. Shi Lei was optimizing the ‘deep recovery’ software. This software is the guy who Shi Lei has eaten for a lifetime! Previous life, Shi Lei relies mainly on restoring data to get the cost of living, as well as the tuition of the University.

Nearly half an hour later, Izual finally accomplished the data comparison, but the results are not so good!

“sr, start at the beginning of the timeline, end at the end, monitor the video recording in the timeline, and find no license plate number repeated three times or more. Repeated two times for the license plate number, a total of four vehicles appeared. Two of the vehicles were Small-scale cars, according to the number sign investigate. The two cars are vehicles in the Xia Nation area, belonging to Xia Nation citizens. Entering Nanyue Nation uses a tourist visa.”

Izual continued to introduce the situation, “The other two cars, one of which is the Nanyue ** side vehicle, are analyzed from the license plate number for the military use jeep. The other is the Large-scale transport vehicle, there is no suspicion. There is no monitoring record. More records of information, law determine more cases.”

Shi Lei smiled started: “Izual, update subsystem’s ‘deep recovery’. The update scheme has been achieved.” Shi Lei will optimize the depth recovery software, let Izual update to load the Main System.

“sr, update is complete.” Izual quickly updated the Deep Recovery System.

“Izual, launch Deep Recovery System, will just check, delete the history of the surveillance camera, use the depth recovery Subsystem. Restore all the history.” Shi Lei once again told Izual, let Izual restore the history of Security Surveillance Camera Record data.

The history of the Security Surveillance Camera is saved in the corresponding Hard Disk device. Although the history is deleted, the deleted level can still be extracted from the bottom level in the Hard Disk.

This kind of history. It will not be erased at all, unless it is repeated Low-level FormAT&T ing. If it is only High Grade formatted, it is impossible to succeed.

Shi Lei optimizes depth recovery software, precisely as stated in order to restore the record of Security Surveillance Camera. Thus determine more information. It’s more than half an hour past, it’s already more than two in the morning on June 4. Shi Lei’s sleep seems to have all come to mind.

Before Shi Lei fell asleep, Izual finally analyzed it again. This time, Izual got an almost complete monitoring record and recorded it through matching. Three of the vans appeared seven times in the timeline.

“Is the identity of the three vans found?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual projected the identity of the three van owners on the projector. Shi Lei looked at the identity of the three people and found no other party.

‘It’s weird, this is not right! ‘Shi Lei in the heart thinks secretly. “Izual, check if the three vans have a car GPS system?”

In the afterlife, the average vehicle has a car GPS system. In 2007, most vehicles did not have a GPS Global Positioning System.

“Sr, target three vans, all without car GPS navigation.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei is a bit depressed. If Izual finds three vans with a GPS Global Positioning System, then Shi Lei can sign the Indic Positioning System’s Third Grade Management Authority to investigate the driving records of the three cars.

As long as you check the driving records of the three cars, you can know if they have been to the vicinity of Gold Vein. If the three vans have been to the vicinity of Gold Vein and have been there many times, then it is natural to prove that there is at least a suspect near Gold Vein, not something that Nanyue National Security Agency has pulled out.

The target vehicles that Izual compares with the license plate, without the GPS Global Positioning System, know how to record their trajectory, and naturally know whether they are close to the vicinity of Gold Vein.

‘Damn, this piece of data is really fake! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is a little roaring. If this is a fake data, Shi Lei will not slapNanyue Nation.

If this is a true data, Shi Lei will use this data to find a suitable advantage for himself.

“Izual, check out, where is the nearest surveillance camera from Gold Vein, and where is it?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Izual immediately replied, “sr, the closest surveillance camera to Gold Vein, more than 20 kilometers.”

“Idiot Izual, it seems that there is only another way to determine the result!” Shi Lei in the heart has another method, but that method has a few danger…

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, the monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m to read.)

Ps: [Special thanks] x00852alliance lord, reward 100,000, plus will be accomplished before April 19, Hope for understanding.

[Thank you for your appreciation] or 丶, 夜夜雪荷香, reward 100

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