
Chapter 950

hk938 abnormal situation, test Shi Lei?

Lu Qiang is the Major General lofty position Division Commander of the Rongcheng Military District. He is one of the first people to meet Shi Lei in the Rongcheng Military District.

“Division Head Lu, Rongcheng Military District, what’s the matter with me?” Shi Lei in the heart guessed that the Rongcheng Military District called him in the past, what is the matter, if Lu Qiang doesn’t make it clear, Shi Lei in the heart is really A bit imaginary.

Is it not a tragedy for someone in the Rongcheng Military District to make a heartbreaking thing?

Is it something about the Lion d Combat System? Li Yuan, the guy didn’t handle it well? ‘Shi Lei secretly thought, he had two sets of Lion d Combat System to the Rongcheng Military District through Li Yuan, but I don’t know if the Rongcheng Military District will give it!

“Shi Lei, you can rest assured that you don’t have to think about anything. This is a good thing.” Lu Qiang was on the phone and promised Shi Lei.

Shi Lei hē hē A smile, no more to say, directly responded: “Okay, when will I come over?”

“The sooner the better!” Lu Qiang said quickly. “Commander He is looking for you a little bit. You come early, we will finish it early!”

Shi Lei in the heart is a bit curious, what does He Zhenbang have to look for him? It can’t be a small thing. He told him to go to the Rongcheng Military District to deal with Right? Shi Lei. I don’t believe it, He Zhenbang will be so nonsense.

“Division Head Lu, you send someone to Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field to pick me up, I will come over later,” Shi Lei agreed. Although he did not understand what the Rongcheng Military District was looking for, he did decide to go to the Rongcheng Military District. [

Rongcheng Military District is unlikely to be disadvantaged to Shi Lei because Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District are partnerships, and Shi Lei owes a large sum of money to Rongcheng Military District, plus Shi Lei holds some very advanced technology, Rongcheng Military How could District have a face with Shi Lei before they got these technologies?

After hanging up the phone, Shi Lei asked Izual, “Izual, how many of The Steel and Iron, how many The Steel and Iron, and how many Lion d Combat Systems we have near the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters. I want us to be at any time. The information data is mobilized.”

Shi Lei handed over to The Steel and Iron of the Rongcheng Military District, the Lion d Combat System, all with the System Back Door. If Shi Lei needed to control them, they could bypass the Safety Certification System of the Rongcheng Military District through the System Back Door.

Also in other words, Shi Lei can directly control The Steel and Iron in the Rongcheng Military District, as well as the Lion d Combat System. As the saying goes, the heart of the victim can’t be, and the heart of the person can’t be prevented. Shi Lei, although guessing that the Rongcheng Military District will not harm him, can also have a precautionary attitude.

“Sr, The Steel and Iron, which can be called, has only a total of ten spares in the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters; in addition, the Lion d Combat System has only one prototype, and the prototype does not have any Weapons System.” Izual responded Shi Lei.

“Impossible!” Shi Lei did not believe this result at all. This is not to say that Shi Lei does not believe in Izual, but that Shi Lei does not believe in the scope of the Rongcheng Military District Headquarters. There are only so few The Steel and Iron and Lion d Combat. System.

“Sr, Rongcheng Military District Headquarters, there is a large area of ​​electromagnetic shielding area, System controlled commercial satellite, the fundamental method penetrates this layer of electromagnetic shielding area. The recent area of ​​The Steel and Iron and Lion d Combat System, there is only so little The number.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei Nai’s sigh, the location of the Headquarters in the Rongcheng Military District, is obviously not normal without electromagnetic shielding or electronic interference.

“Okay, I understand!” Shi Lei responded, and he would like to see what the Rongcheng Military District is going to do. “Izual, prepare sfeplan, once the contact is not available to me, adjust sfeplan to the highest priority, implement sfeplan !”

The so-called sfeplan is a Shi Lei pre-set Self-preservation Plan. Shi Lei is currently a person with identity and status. If Rongcheng Military District wants to do something to him, Shi Lei is not without self-protection.

“yes, sr!” Izual immediately mobilized wnMiwang’s resources and began to prepare sfeplan. As Shi Lei’s final Self-preservation Plan, sfeplan is very large, and Izual also needs to prepare for a short time.

June 3, 1:17 pm.

Shi Lei has just arrived at Fallen Jade Mountain Training Field. The Armed Helicopter of the Rongcheng Military District has arrived almost simultaneously. The driving of Armed Helicopter is an old acquaintance, Shi An Group Head of the Third Mechanics Group in Rongcheng Military District.

“Hey, Group Head Shi, how come you pick me up Ah?” Shi Lei in the heart is a bit suspicious. Usually he goes to the Rongcheng Military District. The Rongcheng Military District has always sent an airplane and a driver, even if it is related. Personnel came over and took the airplane without personally driving the airplane.

When including the first time to meet Shi Lei, Shi An did not personally drive the airplane. This time, personally driving the airplane, Shi Lei guessed that there is any relationship between them? [

Shi An looked serious and whispered: “Shi Lei, don’t talk, let’s go.”

Shi Lei in the heart is even more alarming. What happened to the ‘Rongcheng Military District? In the end, is it bad for me, or what is the situation in Rongcheng Military District and I need to go to the rescue? It’s really troublesome to make such a mysterious secret! ‘

On the arm of Arm An Helicopter who was driving Shi An, Shi Lei was wearing a soundproof earmuffs and eyes closed. He was too lazy to guess anything. The so-called when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, there must be a road to the mountain, there is always a solution, and now it is useless.

After more than an hour of flight, Shi Lei and Shi An landed peacefully in the Rongcheng Military District. On the apron of the Rongcheng Military District, unexpectedly, there was no one on the entire apron.

From the airplane, Shi An took Shi Lei, all the way through the all kinds of shortcuts, trying to avoid other people’s eyes and ears, and finally came to a hidden Underground building entrance.

Shi An passed the Safety certification and got permission to enter. He took Shi Lei and walked in quickly. He walked and said: “Shi Lei, you haven’t been to Rongcheng Military District today, and no one knows that you have been to Rongcheng Military. District.”

Shi Lei opened a play with a smile : “Group Head Shi, don’t you know that I have been to the Rongcheng Military District?”

“I don’t know! I am at the Third Mechanics Group today, arrange a whole group for mountain cross-country training, and the entire Third Mechanics Group can testify for me!” Shi An said seriously.

Shi Lei shrugged and did not answer.

After entering the Underground building entrance, I walked through a slow downward passage, which took about ten minutes. According to Shi Lei’s estimate, it should be 200 meters deep in the Underground, and there was a huge metal door in front of them.

Shi Lei looked at this huge metal door, his face full of shock, ‘damn Rongcheng Military District, this is the Underground Anti-Nuclear War Security Door, what did they take me to the Security Room of the Underground Anti-Nuclear War? Is there any issue in the Security Room of this Underground Anti-Nuclear War? ‘

When Shi An and Shi Lei walked to the huge Underground Anti-Nuclear War Security Door, the huge metal door opened automatically, and Shi Lei visually observed that the thickness of the metal door exceeded 1.5 m.

Such a thickness, plus two hundred meters deep buried Underground, what is the weapon, can it be broken down?

“I am afraid that only ultra-high energy, Ultra-high Temperature laser, it is possible to destroy this anti-nuclear door!” Shi Lei sighed softly.

Shi An turned to look at Shi Lei and asked, “What?”

“Nothing, let’s go!” Shi Lei followed Shi An and walked for more than ten minutes before coming to a hidden room inside the Underground Anti-Nuclear War Security Room.

He Zhenbang sat in the Room. When Shi Lei arrived, He Zhenbang hā hā laughed and Shi An had quietly receded as if it had never appeared.

“I said, Commander He, we see it at first sight. How do you make it so secret? People who don’t know, think we are spies to meet!” Shi Lei said casually.

He Zhenbang’s face “color” is serious: “We are spies meet!”

“Hmm?” Shi Lei’s face changed.

He Zhenbang replied with affirmation again: “Shi Lei, you don’t know my real identity Right? Let me tell you, I am the same person with the Faction, I am…”

“Hands up!” Without waiting for He Zhenbang to finish, Shi Lei has drawn out the black star 92-style pistol that he distributed to him in the Rongcheng Military District.

Shi Lei doesn’t quite understand what rhythm is now, from the anti-common situation arranged by Rongcheng Military District, to now He Zhenbang’s nonsense, Shi Lei in the heart High Degree.

“Who are you?” Shi Lei held pistol in both hands and pointed his finger at He Zhenbang, asking in a harsh tone.

He Zhenbang’s face is “exposed” with a strange god “color”, “Shi Lei, what are you doing? I am He Zhenbang! We are together, we are all…”

“Shut up!” Shi Lei sighed and said loudly: “Raise your hands, slowly squat down, then kneel on the floor, and immediately implement!”

“Pā pā pā pā pā~ “The empty Underground Anti-Nuclear War Security Room, suddenly came a round of applause, the Major General Division Commander Lu Qiang of the lofty position came out and said: “Shi Lei, don’t be excited, that It’s Commander He.”

Shi Lei looked towards Lu Qiang, and looked toward He Zhenbang. His face was “exposed” and he was puzzled and hesitant. “Division Head Lu, you told me to come to Rongcheng Military District, what is it?” Say, what kind of tricks are you playing?”

Without waiting for Lu Qiang and He Zhenbang to answer, Shi Lei continued: “I don’t care what you are playing, you need to explain it now, otherwise I don’t mind notifying the higher level.”

Shi Lei was talking at the same time, the black star in the hands of the pistol, the muzzle never left He Zhenbang.

He Zhenbang smiled, “Shi Lei, this is a misunderstanding!”

“Misunderstanding?” Shi Lei hē hē smiled. “Commander He, this misunderstanding, you still explain the explanation. Otherwise, I will inform the higher level! Although I don’t know any senior leaders, the guys in Shuangqing City are very willing. Help me.”

“Shi Lei, contact you today, let you come to the Rongcheng Military District, until now, we are all testing you.” He Zhenbang said in a serious tone

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗