
Chapter 938

hk926 Medical Security System !

Shuanghu District, First General Hospital.

Yue Dexuan dialed a mysterious phone number, and in the cell phone earpiece, there was a waiting sound of ‘dū dū dū’, waiting for a full twenty for a few seconds, and was about to be prompted when the person answered. The phone.

In the earpiece, a slightly unpleasant voice sounded, “Who are you looking for?”

Yue Dexuan In the eyes, she reveals the surprised god “color”. From the voice of the other party, it can be determined. The other party should be an old man. He can hear the disappointment in the tone of the other party, but why is it not good? Yue Dexuan secretly guessed that he should not offend the other side Right?

“Hello, I am Yue Dexuan of CCTV Television Station, friend of Old Brother Zhou. Old Brother Zhou said that if I have any trouble in Shuangqing City, I can contact this phone.” Yue Dexuan submitted his name and said that he is also People with Organization.

At the other end of the phone, I was silent. Waited for a while before started talking: “Old Zhou ?SpeCIA l Advisor that Old Zhou Right?”

“Well, that’s right, it’s our SpeCIA l Advisor Old Brother Zhou on CCTV Television Station.” Yue Dexuan responded quickly, for fear that the other party would not understand.

“Know it! What trouble do you have in Shuangqing City?” The old man at the other end of the phone asked Yue Dexuan, as if Yu Dexuan had any trouble in Shuangqing City, he could do the same.

Yue Dexuan’s face is “color”, “I Hope, you can help me teach a person!” [

“Learn one person? What is the identity of the other party? What is the name?” The owner of the mysterious number, cautiously asked, did not directly agree.

Shuangqing City is a DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City. Although it is in the political aspect, it is not as strong as Capital City. The political status of Shuangqing City is already at a very high level.

From the top Nine Great Elders Group in Xia Nation, the people who entered the Nine Great Elders Group usually have Mayor of Shuangqing City, which can be determined, Shuangqing City’s political status in Xia Nation.

Because of this, Shuangqing City also has the corner “color” of the hidden dragons and crouching tigers. What if it is the horn of the heavens, can you just talk about it? After all, the people who dare to offend CCTV Television Station solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor, can you have nothing to rely on?

The kind of Idiot that doesn’t have the power to install 13 is not as much as you think, especially when faced with an opponent with a true and reliable identity.

Of course, the guy whose head is caught by the door panel needs to be specially excluded!

Yue Dexuan came to Shuangqing City before investigate Shi Lei’s identity, and Shi Lei related behind the official forces, he detailed the old man on the other end of the phone.

“The other party doesn’t have any official background, just a rich rich man. He is the EO of Dream Entertainment Company, he and Shuangqing City Police Department …”

Yue Dexuan’s commentary has not been accomplish, and was interrupted by the old man on the phone. “Is it Shi Lei?”

“Yeah?” Yue Dexuan in the heart was surprised, but after a moment of thinking, he guessed what Shi Lei’s reputation in Shuangqing City, how could it be that the city knew him?

After all, Yue Dexuan ‘justly’ found a person to help him teach Shi Lei, but the other side also knows Shi Lei’s name, can’t this explain that Shi Lei’s reputation in Shuangqing City is very bad?

“Yes, it’s Shi Lei! I Hope you can teach the lesson Shi Lei! Although the company where Shi Lei is located is richer, but only has money!” Yue Dexuan disdained with a sneer.

Xia Nation is a magical country, in the country of Xia Nation, if you want to succeed, unless you are born again like Shi Lei. Otherwise, even if you have extremely advanced technology, you must rely on the power of Official to grow up.

Yue Dexuan thinks that Shi Lei is just a rich man, how can he compete with power? Yue Dexuan I don’t know, Shi Lei is the Major of the Rongcheng Military District!

In addition to the identity of Rongcheng Military District Major, Shi Lei also holds some advanced war machines, plus the Mirror Science and Technology Group, which owns the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, so that the personnel who know these existences attach great importance to Shi Lei, Shi Lei has a lot of voice in Shuangqing City, not because of anyone else, but because of Shi Lei’s own power, he has such powerful power! [

“Is it really Shi Lei?” The old man at the other end of the phone asked, confirming.

“Well, it’s Shi Lei! What’s wrong?” Yue Dexuan is not an idiot. He can hear that the other party’s tone is different. Secretly said in heart. Is this something unexpected? Is there anything unexpected?

The old man at the other end of the phone suddenly sneered a few times. “If it is Shi Lei, I can only tell you that you want to teach him, it is very difficult. This morning, I am at the Shuangqing City Police Department with the National Security Agency. The Bureau Chief did not pick him up.”

The owner of the mysterious phone number is the DIRE ct Authority of Dragon Rise’ Plan, the enemy of Jian Shuang, Jia Zhengchun!

“What?” Yue Dexuan in the heart, the Bureau Chief of the National Security Agency, did not suppress Shi Lei? That Shi Lei is in Shuangqing City, what is the status?

Yue Dexuan looked at the white hospital ceiling and suddenly gave birth to a gloomy cold feeling, in the heart of the involuntary Fantasy. If Shi Lei is going to be against him, will he send Killer something?

Killer, who pretends to be a Doctor, injects cyanide into the bottle. The lethality of cyanide is 100% and there is no chance of exemption. If you add cyanide, you can also find out what traces, then add bubbles?

That is the legendary Air Needle!

Air Needle is a very dangerous medical incident, but it can also be a very effective way to kill.

The so-called Air Needle, exactly as stated, uses an empty injection device to inject a certain amount of air into the body of the person who needs to be murdered, so that the air enters the human body. Due to the heartbeat in the human body, the air and the blood in the heart are stirred to form a numerous foam. When the heart contracts, these bloody fluids discharge the heart or block the pulmonary artery, which is very likely to cause heart failure. And drowning.

This kind of high mortality program, in all kinds of Film and Television works, is often taken out of the matter, some of the doctors who pretend to be Doctor, very much like to do this kind of thing!

Yue Dexuan is more and more afraid, he is worried: “The National Security Agency’s Bureau Chief can’t suppress Shi Lei? It’s bad, I offended Shi Lei, will he retaliate against me Ah?”

Jia Zhengchun When the eyeballs turn, he originally had a deal against Shi Lei’s poison in the heart, but the poison was very complicated to implement. Now, what about Yue Dexuan can be used to deal with Shi Lei?

“Yue Dexuan? CCTV Television Station’s Deputy Station DIRE ctor is Right?” Jia Zhengchun, though inquiring, but the tone is very positive, “You said, how did you offend Shi Lei? All the process is said! Right, You can call me Elegant Jia.”

Yue Dexuan said quickly, the whole process of the matter was said, and finally concluded: “Elderly Jia, the whole thing, is exactly Shi Lei behind the scenes, “he is doing everything, he arranged all the things, deliberately let people Drunk me, trying to murder me through alcohol!”

Jia Zhengchun in the heart One joy, from the description of Yue Dexuan, Jia Zhengchun clearly determine, the mastermind behind this matter is Shi Lei.

‘Catch your little tail, Shi Lei, I see how you escape this time! ‘Jia Zhengchun in the heart, Daxi, this morning, the reason why he did not Shi Lei is not that his power is not enough, nor that Shi Lei’s power is too big, but that he does not have a reason to be justified.

Now, the reason for this justification has appeared. Jia Zhengchun can open and above the board to deal with Shi Lei, and stand at the commanding heights of law and morality, Shi Lei fundamentally resists.

“Very good, Yue Dexuan, I will take people to Shuanghu District right away, are you still in Shuanghu District Right? If I find out, those who fill your wine, can you still recognize it?” Jia Zhengchun asked.

Yue Dexuan can recognize the people who fill the wine. This is very important. If you can recognize it, you can threaten to force them to identify Shi Lei and condemn Shi Lei.

If you recognize these people, how do you identify Shi Lei?

Jia Zhengchun explained the stakes and showed the National Security Agency Leader why he couldn’t help Shi Lei in the morning and dispel Yue Dexuan’s concerns.

Yue Dexuan gnashing one’s teeth said : “certainly can! I will forever forget!”

As the solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station, Yue Dexuan has suffered such a shame? How could he forget the people of Ge Dahu?

“Very good! We meet at Shuanghu District Police Force Substation, I will help you revenge today! I have to look at Shi Lei, what is the power of the sky!” Jia Zhengchun happy to reply Yue Dexuan.

After hanging up the phone, Yue Dexuan smiled and Xu Yanying sitting beside him curiously asked with a spoiled tone: “Station DIRE ctor Yue, can someone help us revenge?”

Yue Dexuan hēi hēi smiled and nodded, “En! A very powerful person, come out to help us revenge!”

In fact, Yue Dexuan does not know the identity of Jia Zhengchun, but the other party can mobilize the National Security Agency Bureau Chief, and then it can be broken out, how difficult is the identity of Jia Zhengchun.

“Station DIRE ctor Yue, will the other party let us with Shi Lei burn both jade and common stone?” Xu Yanying asked with a worry. She just listened to Yue Dexuan’s answer. Some people suspected that Jia Zhengchun at the end of the phone wanted to be the cannon fodder and had a hard time with Shi Lei.

Yue Dexuan’s face was slightly changed, then shook his head: “Impossible Right?”

Xu Yanying smiled. “Well, I have to worry about it!” In fact, Xu Yanying in the heart is still worried, and this worry is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that there are any bad things that are about to happen.

5:50 pm.

The spirit of Yue Dexuan and Yue Shangyun was better. Under the doctor’s arrangement, Xu Yanying went through the discharge procedure for the two. They were going to the Police Force Substation in Shuanghu District to work with Jia Zhengchun to determine Shi Lei’s guilt.

At the time of discharge, Xu Yanying in the heart’s unpredictable hunch reached the limit, so that Xu Yanying suddenly fell to the ground with a white face.

“Little Xu, what’s wrong with you?” Yue Dexuan asked with concern. Xu Yanying is his secretary. Although it is just a ‘曰’ relationship, there is no feeling, but it is also a secretary!

Xu Yanying put on a painful god “color”, her hands clasped her lower abdomen, and said: “Station DIRE ctor Yue, my lower abdomen is very painful, it may be, maybe it is the one!”

“Well? Strange, how is this month so early?” Yue Dexuan looked suspiciously at Xu Yanying.

Xu Yanying shook her head in a blank voice. “I don’t know, it hurts a little belly!”

Yue Dexuan frowned and finally sent Xu Yanying back to Shuanghu District First General Hospital with Yue Shangyun, started talking: “Little Xu, you have a good rest in the hospital, I and Shangyun go to the Police Force Substation in Shuanghu District.”

Xu Yanying opened her mouth and finally did not speak. She was in the heart and wanted to call Yue Dexuan. She had a special hunch for the danger from a young age. This time she felt the death threat. However, she did not know how to explain to Yue Dexuan, so she chose silence.

In some cases, you can choose ‘rather what dies is the fellow Daoist, but not this poor Daoist’. Fellow Daoist can only ‘please stay’!

Shuanghu District, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei in the living room, a new installation of the “projection” type projector, so that he can lie on the sofa, you can also view the data information of various sorts and varieties.

On the projection cloth in the living room, the ward screen of Shuanghu District First General Hospital is displayed. The images are really Yue Dexuan and Yue Shangyun, and Xu Yanying.

All public hospitals in Shuangqing City are equipped with Medical Security System…

(To be continued.)

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