
Chapter 936

hk924 big man Ah? Disrespect, we drink a bottle!

On June 1st, 12 scored 13 points at noon.

Shuanghu District, Emerald Lake Business District, Emerald Lake Fish Village, built along the lake, Shi Lei currently ‘Centre hospitality’ CCTV Television Station’s solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan.

Shi Lei once ordered ten bottles of five 12 degrees of Wuliang “Liquid”, and suggested that Mu Shuang’s capacity for liquor is very good, it seems to be completely to sell the rhythm of Mu Shuang.

Yue Dexuan is in the heart and thinks that Shi Lei has been forced by the authority of CCTV Television Station to make concessions. He did not think that Shi Lei is going to ruin his rhythm.

When ten bottles of five 12 degrees of Wuliang “liquid” were brought up, and all were opened, Yue Dexuan said that the ten bottles of five 12 degrees of Wuliang “liquid” are just clouds, the spoiler suddenly unexpectedly to.

Yue Dexuan heard the sound of arrogance behind him, his face changed suddenly. The obese body stood in a way that violated the laws of physics. ‘Teng’ stood up and turned to look behind, and the fat kept shaking.

“Hey, which one can’t hold the stick in the chaos?” Yue Dexuan A pure old Capital.

Standing behind Yue Dexuan, there are eight men, young and middle-aged, all dressed in short-sleeved shorts, arms, shoulders and even faces, with different tattoos. pattern.

Standing in the forefront of the middle-aged man, with a bit of fierce smile, there is no tattoo on the arm, just the left shoulder of the sleeves, “lude” out of a part of the tattoo pattern, part of the tattoo pattern is pale yellow Color, can’t see what is specific. [

“Old FAT&T y, who are you?” The middle-aged man stared at Yue Dexuan, spit out Shuangqing City’s native dialect tone, and his expression was very unfriendly.

A youngster standing behind a middle-aged man, first glanced at Shi Lei, then looked towards Yue Dexuan, with a pair of ‘Daddy is a rogue’ expression, loudly: “Fatty, my Big Bro asks you. !”

Yue Dexuan brows slightly wrinkle, these are obviously the hooligans in the eyes, and Yue Dexuan is not afraid of them. As the solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station, Yue Dexuan has never considered the threat that can be posed to him by the little miscellaneous on the street.

“Do you know my identity? A group of little fools, give me a roll! Look at the eye-catching thing!” Yue Dexuan coldly snorted, although not named his identity, but also showed that he is an identity people.

However, Yue Dexuan forgot that this is not Capital City, here is only Shuangqing City, a brick fell, not going to nine Directors, the hoodlum on the street, there is no such high political sense, will not be a sentence The implicit discourse of identity ‘ is scared.

Yue Shangyun both hands crossed near chest, looking at his uncle with a calm face, he did not have any worry at all. After all, when is the hoodlum on the street, dare to attack the solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station? Unfortunately, Yue Shangyun also forgot, here is Shuangqing City.

The only “color” that is “exposed” is “exactly as stated” Xu Yanying. This “sexual” sense of beauty with a strange look, looked at Shi Lei, and then looked towards those hoodlum.

‘These hoodlum, is it Shi Lei arranged? However, how did Shi Lei arrange it in advance? ‘Xu Yanying in the heart secretly guessed.

Mu Shuang is sitting next to Shi Lei’s. She is also guessing, is this all arranged by Shi Lei? From the current situation, it seems that all this is arranged by Shi Lei!

Because Mu Shuang knows the middle-aged person, the leader of the Emerald Lake Business District, Black Tiger Gang, the guy named Big Bro Tiger.

Ge Dahu looked at Yue Dexuan, in the heart, sneer, ‘Old FAT&T y, I am too lazy to know your identity! Dare to offend Mr. Shi, and still in Shuanghu District, don’t know if you should be stupid, or do you dare to be big? ‘

Ge Dahu received the information that Shi Lei sent to Izual more than ten minutes ago. After Shi Lei and others entered Emerald Lake Fish Village, he followed the younger brother. When there was a signal agreed with Shi Lei, Ge Dahu immediately jumped out and made a mistake, ready to follow the instructions of Shi Lei’s, and teach Yue Dexuan.

“Old FAT&T y, don’t know what identity you are?” Ge Dahu was in a slapin the air and approached Yue Dexuan in two steps.

Yue Dexuan apparently realized that something was wrong. He turned back and looked towards Shi Lei, only to find that Shi Lei was in the ear of Mu Shuang, saying something whispering and simply ignored him.

“Shi Lei, you solve this issue!” Yue Dexuan Nai screamed. [

Shi Lei turned to towards Yue Dexuan, and his face “shows” a smattering of the god “color”, in a strange tone: “Hey, how do you know my name? Do we know? Who are you?” ”

This obvious tone of ambiguity, let Yue Dexuan in the heart sink, his face was gloomy 『color』, turned look towards Ge Dahu, whispered: “What identity is I? I am afraid to say scared to death you!”

Ge Dahu didn’t care: “Let’s talk about what kind of terrifying identity?”

Yue Dexuan took the initiative and stepped down the voice. “I am the Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station. If you dare to move me a hairy hair, you all can’t eat a pocket!”

As if to strengthen his threatening tone, Yue Dexuan continued: “If I get a little bit of damage, when I return to CCTV Television Station, the black “color” issue of your Shuangqing City Shuanghu District will be exposed on a large scale. And then caused the authority’s High Degree to pay attention. I think, you should know the consequences of this situation Right?”

Ge Dahu’s smile, he in the heart has long been expected, Yue Dexuan’s identity is not simple. He considered a lot of situations, but never thought about it, Yue Dexuan is just the authority of the news media aspect. If Yue Dexuan is a military, political dignitary, Ge Dahu may still be afraid.

But Yue Dexuan is just a news media person, or a person from CCTV Television Station. Ge Dahu is really not afraid.

Ge Dahu also learned to use Yue Dexuan, which lowered the sound, and whispered the non-standard Xia Nation Mandarin: “It turned out to be the Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station, disrespectful!”

Yue Dexuan had a smile on his face. He thought that Ge Dahu was shocked by his identity, or was shocked by his threatening language, but the next moment he knew he was wrong!

Ge Dahu suddenly raised his voice. “Brothers, come to know a big man. This is the Deputy Station DIRE ctor of CCTV Television Station. This is a big man!”

Black Tiger Gang’s Chief Beater Little Leopard quickly stepped forward and said with a kind of diligent attitude: “Deputy Station DIRE ctor, hello, hello, I am Little Leopard of Black Tiger Gang, I can play ten people by yourself, you see See if I can go to CCTV? Can I go to the Spring Festival Evening?”

Yue Dexuan has a face of “color”, one person playing ten people, can this skill be on CCTV and Spring Festival Gala?

Little Leopard didn’t mind that Yue Dexuan didn’t answer. He turned and walked to the Black Tiger Gang table, grabbed a bottle of white wine from the table, then went to the table where Shi Lei was, grabbed a bottle of five that had been opened. 12 degree Wuliang “Liquid”, handed Wuliang “Liquid” to Yue Dexuan Road: “Deputy Station DIRE ctor, first time meet, let’s do one!”

Yue Dexuan’s face is “white”. This is not because he doesn’t drink a bottle of five 12 degrees of “grain”, but instead drinks five 12 degrees of Wuliang “liquid” in one breath. This is a proper tragedy. Rhythm!

Little Leopard looked at Yue Dexuan with a smile, holding Wuliang’s “Liquid” in his right hand, and his attitude towards Yue Dexuan was very tough. A pair of Yue Dexuan didn’t drink is the rhythm of don’t give face. As for don’t give face? Little Leopard said before, he can play ten alone, Yue Dexuan is an obese figure, even if it counts as two people, it can’t beat Little Leopard!

Ge Dahu is screaming in the yin and yang: “Deputy Station DIRE ctor, do you look down on us hoodlum?”

Yue Dexuan’s face “color” has become a bit pale. He already knows what is strange about it. Reminiscent of Shi Lei’s attitude before clearing the relationship, Yue Dexuan gave birth to a strong sense of ominousness.

Yue Shangyun sat next to Shi Lei’s, he looked at Shi Lei anxiously, whispered: “Mr. Shi, Station DIRE ctor Yue is surrounded by those hoodlum, what do we do now?”

Shi Lei said slowly: “How do I know? How do you deal with these troubles? How do you deal with them now!” Shi Lei said casually, but did not pretend not to know Yue Shangyun.

Yue Shangyun was reminded by Shi Lei that the face “show” had a “color” of surprise, how to deal with it? Naturally, I have trouble finding Police Force! Yue Shangyun quickly took out the cell phone and was ready to call the police.

But Yue Shangyun found that the cell phone basically dialed the alarm call!

An emergency call like an alarm call can be dialed even if there is no signal, even in the case of arrears of downtime, even without the sm phone card installed.

Just now, Ye Shangyun’s cell phone, I’m really calling the police!

Yue Shangyun made an eye for Xu Yanying, indicating that Xu Yanying called the police. He stood up and went to Yue Dexuan. As an assistant to Yue Dexuan, as a relative of Yue Dexuan, Yue Shangyun talked about how To stand up and help Yue Dexuan.

“Brothers, this bottle of wine, I helped the leader drink!” Yue Shangyun is not an idiot. When he stood up to help Yue Dexuan stop the wine, he once again pointed out Yue Dexuan’s ‘leadership’ identity, Hope Ge Dahu, etc. People can be interested.

Ge Dahu squinted at Yue Shangyun and did not stop Yue Shangyun’s alcohol-saving behavior. Instead, he said: “Yes, know how to help the leader stop the wine, the young man has a future!”

Little Leopard was very sensible and handed five 12 degrees of Wuliang “liquid” to Yue Shangyun, then he snorted and finished the bottle of wine in his hand, and straightly put the bottle upside down, indicating that the bottle has been No wine.

Yue Shangyun in the heart He smiled, he didn’t know, the bottle in Little Leopard’s hand, the “liquid” body is boiled water, or white wine!

However, the current situation obviously does not allow Yue Shangyun to suspect anything. He can only took a deep breath, and then he leans his head and puts five 12 degrees of Wuliang “liquid” into the mouth.

After a bottle of five 12 degrees of Wuliang “Liquor”, Yue Shangyun flushed, and in contrast to Little Leopard, as if nothing is the same, this is basically certain, Little Leopard is just boiled!

“Very good, very straight!” Ge Dahu clapped his hands and applauded, then continued: “Give this brothers a bottle of five 12 degrees of Wuliang’s liquid, which counts on my account!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗