
Chapter 934

hk922 proud CCTV Government Station!

June 1st.

Dragon Rise’ Plan DIRE ct Authority Jia Zhengchun, First Round and Shi Lei’s contest, obviously fell to the bottom. Because, here is Shuangqing City, here is Shi Lei’s Old Nest.

Even though Jia Zhengchun is a mana, it is not Capital City. As a strong dragon, Jia Zhengchun must also be suppressed by the local snake.

Shuangqing City Police Department, Jia Zhengchun Looking at Shi Lei’s smile of ‘little man’s dedication’, leaving the Police Chief Office, his expression was quite silent, and there was no anger or disappointment.

Jia Zhengchun The formerly Shi Lei’s sophistry, the smoldering fire, has gradually calmed down. Although Shi Lei has achieved a little victory for the time being, Jia Zhengchun has already thought of a poison meter to deal with Shi Lei.

Shi Lei drove the white-colored Porsche Cayenne and left the Beiyu District as a winner, returning to Shuanghu District.

Shuanghu District.

Emerald Building, 38th floor.

Dream Entertainment Company’s Temporary Headquarters, Mu Shuang currently Office, hosted guests from Capital City. Ling Yumo did not join in the fun of Mu Shuang’s Office, but at YuMo Medical Limited Company, trying to plan and manage the Company. [

Like the Capital City Police Department, Mu Shuang’s Office also has VIPs from Capital City. These VIPs from Capital City are not the personnel on the official face, but the executives of Capital City CCTV Television Station.

Mu Shuang’s Office, Small-scale business meeting area.

CCTV Television Station came to Shuangqing City’s personnel, belonging to CCTV Television Station’s absolute executive, a solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor, this year only five 12 years old Yue Dexuan is CCTV Television Station, the future competition Station Director’s powerful corner “color”.

Accompanied by Yue Dexuan to CChuang Television Station in Shuangqing City, there are a lot of personnel, more than twenty personal, but with Yue Dexuan came to the Dream Entertainment Company to negotiate the personnel, only two people.

One is Yue Dexuan’s nephew, 30-year-old Yue Shangyun, who is the assistant of Yue Dexuan, who is paving the way for him, and Create is at the CCTV Television Station.

The other is Xu Yanying, a two-year-old 12, a very savvy young woman who is the female secretary of Yue Dexuan, part-time living assistant. After all, Yue Dexuan was only five years old and his marital status was divorced. In the life aspect, Yue Dexuan is very empty!

Yue Dexuan is sitting opposite Mu Shuang, the five 12-year-old divorced single uncle, with a pair of eyes looking at Mu Shuang, as if to swallow Mu Shuang into the stomach.

Xu Yanying, who is temperamental, is not interested in the eyes of Yue Dexuan numerous Mu Shuang. There is no trace of jealousy at all. On the contrary, Yue Shangyun, the face “color” is somewhat unnatural.

Yue Shangyun likes Mu Shuang, a woman of this type. Noble is cool and temperamental. Just like a Mount Tian Snow Lotus, it can only be seen from a distance. From the current situation, it seems that Yue Shangyun is worried about Mu Shuang, the white Mount Tian Snow Lotus, which has been tarnished by Yue Dexuan.

It used to be that there was no such situation. Anyone who asked for the power of CCTV Television Station had to pay some price. Otherwise, how could Yue Dexuan raise a temperament of a hungry wolf in “color”?

‘Unfortunately, unfortunately, Yue Dexuan, the old guy, is so old, and wants to compete with our youngster for the resources of beautiful woman! ‘Yue Shangyun is snoring in the heart.

He did not dare to say to Yue Dexuan that Yue Dexuan is his uncle and that the status on CCTV Television Station is very high. Unless Yue Shangyun doesn’t want the current status, he dares to hit his uncle.

Xu Yanying seems to have seen through the heart of Yue Shangyun. Her pretty and cute squinted at Yue Shangyun, her eyes suggesting a teasing god, and her face is seduce.

Yue Shangyun was ignited by Xu Yanying. He had to admit that Xu Yanying seduce the man’s skill very high. He carried his uncle Yue Dexuan and worked with Xu Yanying.

Xu Yanying’s opinion is that if Yue Dexuan conquers Mu Shuang, then naturally, Xu Yanying is not required to accompany him at night, and Xu Yanying naturally has time to accompany Yue Shangyun. [

Unfortunately, they are all wrong!

How could Mu Shuang be conquered by a Yue Dexuan?

Yue Dexuan does not look in the mirror. What is the appearance and shape of his fat pig? Why attract Mu Shuang? Is it the privilege of CCTV Television Station that he holds in his hands?

Mu Shuang For the recent days of Brave’s World of Dream Entertainment, recently, CCTV Television Station was actively contacted in an attempt to broadcast Brave’s World’s First Martial World Struggle for Power Competition through CCTV Television Station.

In Xia Nation in 2007, the online game was regarded as a beast, especially some Bear Child. For the online game, forgetting to eat, abandoning the school, and making the online game’s reputation very bad.

CCTV Television Station As the OffiCIA l Government Station of Xia Nation, in the publicity aspect of boycotting online games, you must lead by example. How can you easily promote the online game?

Let alone talk about the full live broadcast report!

Mu Shuang took a lot of effort to move the project. After the excuse of ‘Xia Xia Nation’ and ‘Xia Nation Ancient Era Culture’, CCTV Television Station reluctantly agreed to contact Dream Entertainment Company.

After a long period of hard work, the senior executives of CCTV Television Station finally decided to send solid authority Deputy Station DIRE ctor Yue Dexuan and Dream Entertainment Company contact. But this Yue Dexuan is a full-fledged “color” wolf. For his private life, he obviously intends to use his power for personal gain.

Mu Shuang’s brows were deeply wrinkled, and she glanced at Yue Dexuan with disgust, in which she was quite unhappy.

“Station DIRE ctor Yue, our Dream Entertainment has the sincerity to cooperate with your CCTV Television Station.” Mu Shuang emphasized the sincerity of Dream Entertainment Company and continued: “Brave’s World has a very wide range of Gamer groups in Xia Nation, if CCTV Television Station Live Brave’s World’s First, a Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, will receive a very impressive rating.”

Yue Dexuan The old god was leaning against the leather sofa, and even squinting his eyes, as if he had not heard what Mu Shuang was saying.

Mu Shuang did not give up the intention of persuading Yue Dexuan, she continued to strive for: “Station DIRE ctor Yue, our Dream Entertainment Company, will not charge any copycopy tax on CCTV Television Station, but will be independent to give CCTV Television Station a live broadcast. In addition, we don’t need your popular channels or Gold time. We only need some channels with lower ratings, even new ones.”

CCTV Television Station As Xia Nation’s OffiCIA l Government Station is not fake, but it is not the most powerful Television Station, its rating is not the highest of the Television Station, let alone CCTV Television Station, there are some low ratings Channel.

As Mu Shuang said, CCTV Television Station will have higher ratings and time slots for live broadcasts of Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and may have higher ratings.

Even if CCTV Television Station’s entire channel has no schedule, CCTV Television Station, as a government station, has the privilege of opening a temporary channel.

Although opening a TV channel is not an easy task, CCTV Television Station has this ability and also has this privilege. As for the newly-developed TV channels, no programs can be broadcast and no ratings are available. Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition can be played, and at least the ratings of 5 Million people will be exceeded.

“Station DIRE ctor Yue, what is my proposal?” Mu Shuang’s heart has been sinking. From the attitude of Yue Dexuan, Mu Shuang can see that CCTV Television Station is not willing to cooperate with Dream Entertainment Company.

Yue Dexuan answered the question: “Miss Mu, time is not early, how about we have lunch together?”

Mu Shuang subconsciously wants to shake his head and refuse.

Yue Dexuan’s eyes are so toxic, directly to see Mu Shuang’s hesitation. In the past, Yue Dexuan responded to such a situation, all on the wine table, allowing the other party to agree.

This time, Yue Dexuan is also planning to do this!

“Miss Mu, it’s just lunch. We’re coming from Capital City, is it your Dream Entertainment Company, and you’re not allowed to entertain us for lunch?” Yue Dexuan deliberately asked, “If that’s the case, we CCTV Television Station, I doubt your sincerity in cooperation.”

Mu Shuang in the heart is very disgusted with Yue Dexuan’s proposal. If Dream Entertainment is Mu Shuang’s own business, she will definitely grab the cup on the coffee table in front of her and pour the tea inside on Yue Dexuan’s face. However, Dream Entertainment Company is a Shi Lei’s company, and Mu Shuang Hope is able to take care of Company for Shi Lei and develop Dream Entertainment Company better.

When Mu Shuang promised, Mu Shuang’s Office door was opened.

Shi Lei hum little song, a smile came in. When he looked at Yue Dexuan, he apologized and smiled at Yue Dexuan. “Sorry for the inconvenience, sorry for the inconvenience, I don’t know.” You are talking about things.”

Mu Shuang’s Office, soundproofing works very well, and there is no such thing in other Offices. At the time of the renovation, did you do a special soundproofing and mute treatment for Mu Shuang’s Office? And the reason for this is just because of Mu Shuang’s Office, is there a separate lounge?

When Shi Lei was just outside the door, he did not know the inside of Mu Shuang Office, so he came in directly. Within the entire Mirror Science and Technology system, only Shi Lei will directly enter Mu Shuang’s Office.

Even if Ling Yumo enters Mu Shuang’s Office, he will politely knock on the door instead of coming in directly.

Yue Dexuan looked at Shi Lei with a heavy face. He just felt it, Mu Shuang promised his request, but Shi Lei would be so stunned, Mu Shuang would not promise his request, suddenly It became a “fan” to get away.

“Who are you? Why are you so rude to come in?” Yue Dexuan looked at Shi Lei with a cold eye, neither polite nor friendly. Then turned to look at Mu Shuang, sneer two channels: “Miss Mu, this is the personnel of your Dream Entertainment Company? So there is no such quality! Before entering the door, even knocking on the door will not?”

Mu Shuang looked at the world with a smile, and Shi Lei stared at Yue Dexuan. In just over ten seconds, Shi Lei saw that the uncle of Yue Dexuan had no idea for Mu Shuang.

“Hey, uncle, Your Mother is the lady, your wife is also a lady, your qun girl is “sex” is a lady, you qun male “sex” to Thailand to be a lady!” Shi Lei evil curse.

Shi Lei still needs to be polite for the old man who dares to play Mu Shuang’s idea? Absolutely not needed!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗