
Chapter 893

hk881 Brave’s World Sign up for the icebreaker!

Angel Parliament has a powerful Supercomputer Holy, computing “sex” can reach 80tflops, eight times the Dream Entertainment Supercomputer Origin!

Last time, Raphael threatened Dream Entertainment’s Cyber ​​Security. In fact, the calculation of Supercomputer Origin’s computing “sex” was so bad that it was suppressed by Supercomputer Holy, which gave Angel Parliament and threatened Dream. The opportunity for Entertainment.

Shi Lei originally planned to find a mCompany custom-made Supercomputer that can achieve 300tflops. However, due to budgetary expenses, Shi Lei gave up this plan and decided to only need one 100tflops Supercomputer.

As the saying goes, Saion lost his horse and knew that it was a blessing. Shi Lei gave up the Supercomputer that ordered 300tflops. Now mCompany, just sent a Supercomputer with a design theory of 320tflops, which is the best gift for Dream Entertainment.

If Shi Lei has shown it before, Dream Entertainment needs to purchase a Supercomputer, will mCompany still give it away? This is definitely an issue!

Tom Cruise looked towards Shi Lei, answering Shi Lei’s issue, “Mr. Shi, I said Supercomputer, all components have been made accomplish. However, we did not carry out the installation and debugging work, but the simulation test. Hardware utilization And the actual computing resources value is the estimated data we calculated based on the historical data of other Supercomputers.”

When it comes to this, Tom Cruise once again “exposed” a look of apology, “Mr. Shi, maybe this Supercomputer is assembled after compcomplish, hardware utilization will be further reduced. If Mirror Science and Technology Group has Better Supercomputer “System”, or Supercomputer internal design, it is best not to use our mCompany Supercomputer “Operation” for System and design.”

Shi Lei’s mouth smashed, mCompany’s technology is not as good as ntelCompany, or bmCompany, but mCompany has at least self-knowledge, not blind self-confidence, this Shi Lei is very satisfied.

“Well, Mirror Science and Technology Group does have a better Supercomputer “System”. Mr. Tom, as far as I know, Li Jian Nation’s law does not seem to allow such advanced Supercomputer, export to Xia Nation area Right?” Shi Lei asked. [

Li Jian Nation implements a comprehensive blockade of the export of scientific and technical aspects for Xia Nation. All Li Jian Nation cutting-edge technologies do not allow export to Xia Nation. Even the other advanced regions of the World have been combined to block Xia Nation from a technical perspective.

Designing a Supercomputer with theoretically calculated 300tflops, if you want to export to Xia Nation, it is definitely not allowed.

“Mr. Shi, please call me Tom. Our mCompany, which is now integrated into the Mirror Science and Technology Group, is strictly calculated, I am still your subordinate, not so polite.” Tom Cruise said frankly. “Mr. Shi, if we offer a complete Supercomputer solution, including internal design technology and Supercomputer System, then the “Government” of Li Jian Nation will prevent us from selling Supercomputer to you.”

Shi Lei turned his eyes. “If you only sell parts, Li Jian Nation “Government” will not be controlled, isn’t that right?”

“Yes!” Tom Cruise replied affirmatively. “OmCompany is originally a company that sells computer CPUs. If Li Jian Nation does not allow us to export and sell CPUs, then this bill applies equally to ntelCompany. The central of ntelCompany The amount of processor exports far exceeds our mCompany, and they naturally look for Li Jian Nation ‘Government’ to protest. Therefore, only the parts are sold, and Li Jian Nation “Government” will not interfere at all.”

“In this case, Tom, that Supercomputer, you will ship it as soon as possible,” Shi Lei said. However, he just finished and immediately said: “Wait, don’t ship it for a while, I have other arrangements.”

Tom Cruise was a little confused by Shi Lei. He will send it over and will not send it for a while. Is it going to be sent over, or is it not sent?

“Mr. Shi, is your opinion?” Tom Cruise had to ask again.

“You have packaged all the parts for the time being, so they can be shipped at any time.” Shi Lei said, “Additional explanation: “Mirror Science and Technology Group, ready to select a branch address in the Xia Nation area and the Li Jian Nation area. I need to consider considering placing the Supercomputer in Xia Nation or Li Jian Nation.”

Tom Cruise blurted out and said: “Mr. Shi, the best in Li Jian Nation!”

Shi Lei glanced at Tom Cruise, like a smile yet not a smile and asked, “Why?”

Tom Cruise is a bit embarrassed. He just chose Nation pride. He can’t help but choose Li Jian Nation. “Mr. Shi, I just think that Li Jian Nation is more fair in the law aspect.”

Tom’s extra-sounding voice refers to Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Audit Department, which oppressed Dream Entertainment Company and almost let Dream Entertainment Company withdraw from the Xia Nation area.

Shi Lei shook his head. “Any Nation’s law is to take care of the strong! On Xia Nation, or Li Jian Nation, as long as Mirror Science and Technology is powerful enough, Law will take care of us!”

Tom Cruise is slightly startled, Shi Lei said that it is not false, on which Nation, the strong is always the strong, law is more inclined to the strong! At the beginning, Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Audit Department dared to wear shoes for Dream Entertainment because the Dream Entertainment Company was not strong enough. Switching to the current Dream Entertainment Company, Network Entertainment Audit Department dare to find the trouble of Dream Entertainment Company? [

The luncheon ended in a pleasant atmosphere, mCompany’s high-level personnel, not ready to stay in the Xia Nation area for a long time, they need to return to Li Jian Nation to host the normal operation of mCompany.

At the high level of mCompany, Shi Lei was specially instructed to receive the Technology Chief Engineer Old Iven. Shi Lei proposed some technical development directions of the central processor in the next few years, and the price of the mCompany central processor is custom-made. Suggestions on the difference between different styles of “sex”.

In the next few years, mCompany will be completely suppressed by ntelCompany, not how uncomfortable the mCompany product is, but mCompany’s product line development strategy has a flaw.

NtelCompany’s product line, from high to low, is not as fancy as the mCompany product line. With different grades of CPUs and strategies for different user needs, mCompany has almost no resistance.

Shi Lei’s proposed strategy, precisely as stated, for the ntelCompany product line, allows mCompany to adjust product line and product prices, as well as product development direction.

Old Iven assured Shi Lei that he would lead the mCompany’s R&D team, Accomplish Shi Lei’s Task. For Old Iven’s promise, Shi Lei can only express his belief that mCompany’s foundation is a little worse, and can’t rely on two days a day to get back the gapwith ntelCompany.

After mCompany left, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Shi Lei and two younger sisters returned to the Emerald Lake Building.

In Mu Shuang’s Office, Shi Lei sits on a leather sofa in the Small-scale business meeting area, Ling Yumo sits next to him, and quiet looks at the books on corporate management aspects.

Mu Shuang sat opposite Shi Lei’s and placed a report on the coffee table in the middle. After looking at Ling Yumo, he said, “Shi Lei, don’t you know if you have recently paid attention to Brave’s World’s?”

“Brave’s World? What’s wrong with Brave’s World?” Shi Lei asked inexplicably.

“Chief Xie reports to me, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and the number of applicants is far below the predictions of the company’s internal evaluation department. What do you think of this?” Mu Shuang pointed to the coffee table. Report the document, indicating Shi Lei.

Shi Lei picked up the report file, and after carefully reading it, the brow wrinkled. The registration for Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition started on the twenty day in May, but three days passed, except for various activities. Registration, the normal channel of registration personnel is very few, almost can be described as ‘poor’.

Gamer, who is currently enrolled in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, has no 30% of Gamer’s total. This is definitely bad news. According to Shi Lei’s original estimate, Gamer participating in the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition does not require 100%, but at least 90% Right?

Until this moment, Shi Lei admitted that his idea of ​​opening was too naive, and most of Gamer did not buy it at all. Those who don’t buy it, know clearly that even if they participate in the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, and there is no Hope to win, then why waste the registration fee?

Mu Shuang looked at Shi Lei frowns and proposed a solution: “Shi Lei, not as good as our cancelled registration fee, as long as Gamer can sign up for free, then the Gamers have no concerns about Right?”

“No! If you don’t get the registration fee to participate, then all our previous efforts will become a joke. Moreover, without the registration fee, our competition has lost its meaning.” Shi Lei rejected Mu Shuang’s plan.

Mu Shuang said: “Shi Lei, although we are exempt from registration fees, but as long as Gamer signed up for the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, their consumption will naturally become higher. On what Gamer, Hope wins. Want To win, you need a better Equipment, a higher Grade, more consumables, all of which require financial support. For example, a higher Grade, it will require more leveling time, and the economy will consume more. Do you understand? This is another way to consume the Copper coin of Gamer and control Brave’s World’s economy.”

Shi Lei is still frowns and has no words.

“Furthermore, the participation of all the people is a gimmick!” Mu Shuang added: “We can set more awards for those who don’t have Hope and see the award-winning Hope.”

“Shuang Shuang, we can’t exempt the registration fee, but I thought of a good idea!” After the reminder of Mu Shuang, Shi Lei hēi hēi laughed.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗