
Chapter 861

hk849 powerful Izual!

Izual As the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, Gamer has usually distinguished the difference between Izual Virtual’s personality and the real Gamer.

However, Izual is always just the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not the true ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. As long as Izual does not take that step, there is absolutely no real intelligence!

Smart, representing life!

It’s not that easy to create a True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System!

Izual made the ‘error, the determination, using Dream Entertainment Company’s Main Server, Supercomputer Origin, to assist Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer defense, which allowed the Big Penguin Company Organization’s Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition to find out the defense. Possible weaknesses of System.

Broken Knife found Brave’s World’s wmbServer, and the strength of the defense was constantly promoted. His face was not nervous, but he smiled. “hā hā hā , Dream Entertainment Company’s Defense System, is in a state of being guarded. The other’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System is fooled and began to increase the defeat of Brave’s World wmbServer. Brothers, we only need the offensive Brave’s World now. OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer, as long as it waits for Dream Entertainment’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, after the crash, the entire Dream Entertainment Science and Technology Company’s Server is not in our hands?”

“Good!” nnwz’s person-in-charge responded loudly, “Crazy offensive! Since Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, don’t give up protecting Brave’s World’s wmbServer, then we’re consuming Dream Entertainment Company’s Main Server. If Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, gave up Brave’s World’s wmbServer, as long as we break through Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, we can humiliate Dream Entertainment Company!”

The current situation is in a dilemma!

Whether Izual rescues Brave’s World’s wmbServer will fall into the trapof inferiority! To save Brave’s World’s wmbServer, Izual must call Brave’s World’s Main Server Origin; if you don’t save Brave’s World’s wmbServer, Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website will fall into the hands of the other party. [

Even if close Server doesn’t work, as long as the Server is closed, the other party can hijack the domain name, making it easier to create trouble for Brave’s World.

Dream Entertainment Company’s Main Server · Supercomputer Origin’s computing resources, only the data of kotfls and the data provided by wnMiwang, the gapis too big. However, this is an integrated high-concentration computing resources, not the kind of distributed computing resources provided by wnMiwang. The utilization of integrated computing resources is higher. It is far from the distributed computing resources of loose structure, which can be compared.

May twenty day, one and a half in the morning.

Emerald Building Basement Fifth Level · In the Main Computer Room, the buzz of the computer is very obvious. In particular, back to the “swing” in the Room, the noise caused by the cooling fan is almost twice the standard.

Supercomputer Origin’s cooling fan runs at high speed and represents Supercomputer Origin, which is currently used at high loads. In fact, Supercomputer Origin’s computing resources have been mobilized by more than 80%.

In addition to a large part of the need to work with wn · Provide Outstanding access services for Brave’s World’s Gamer, another part of the computing resources, all invested in Brave’s World wmbServer defense.

Supercomputer Origin has spent about a percent of Forty’s computing “sex” ability, helping Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website, taking on the role of shunting, resisting attacks, and even feedback data.

Mysterious voice chat room.

Broken Knife excitedly said: “Brothers, they all took out the trick at the bottom of the press box. Dream Entertainment Company’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System can’t stand it, we just defeated the Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System of Dream Entertainment Company. Will achieve the final victory.”

Izual’s successive efforts to extract Supercomputer Origin’s system resources are close to the threshold of Supercomputer Origin. Shi Lei added some threshold restrictions when modifying Exceed Grade to calculate Origin’s “Operation” system.

This is to prevent Supercomputer Origin from automatically restarting and leaving a hole in the external Hacker.

If it is not Shi Lei’s personal authorization, only Izual can cancelled the threshold of these thresholds. Once Izual canceled the Supercomputer Origin threshold setting, then Supercomputer Origin is very likely to be compromised by the invading personnel. Even getting the authority of the Dream Entertainment Company Main Server can cause even more damage in Brave’s World.

Izual is a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence with an Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module. When Izual discovered that the conventional defense mode was adopted, Brave’s World’s OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer crisis, not only did not decrease, but also suffered a more serious attack.

If Izual is Early Grade or Mid Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, I am afraid I can only increase the strength of the defense with the opponent’s attack. But Izual is different. After analyzing the Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module, Izual found the error of the First track command.

Izual only High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence system, an error is found before a command, Izual no humans have, that situation face-saving for themselves, Izual a direct negation of the previous command, from Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website of wmbServer In the middle, the support of Supercomputer Origin was withdrawn. [

In this way, Brave’s World’s wmbServer is faster than the danger!

Brave’s World wmbServer, which is not specially protected, urgently needs Izual’s help. Izual has taken a different approach to the invasion of the Dream Entertainment Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website home page Hacker. Izual’s calculations are very fast, and in just a few tens of seconds, Izual calculates the results. Although the results are not particularly detailed, you can finally have a target.

In the net world, the difficulty of breaking the “sex” attack is far less than the difficulty of losing the defense. Izual cancelled Supercomputer Origin’s protection of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website’s wmbServer, but instead used Supercomputer Origin to search for Hacker that invaded Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website.

Izual internally stores numerous data. After Logical Judgement, Izual clearly chose ‘relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers’. Izual gives up the more difficult defenses, but chooses less aggressive offenses, which is what Izual’s powerful logic program does.

Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, a total of ten companies, a total of nearly 300 Hacker, collectively attacked waveServer of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website.

Izual determines a puaddress and immediately uses Black Magic Software to attack a target.

Izual’s ‘temporary workaround, obviously saved the safety of Brave’s World wmbServer.

Hacker, attacked by Izual, quickly surrendered to Black Magic Software’s Silverway. This is not to say Black Magic Software how how powerful, comparable to the World Grade Hacker standard or something, but, Izual holds the resources too large, in addition to the Dream Entertainment’s Main Server, Supercomputer Origin, as well as the same solution wnMiwang.

Although wnMiwang provides distributed computing resources, the structure is relatively loose, and when the quantity is concentrated to a certain extent, it will produce amazing quality changes.

Izual is squandering the computing resources provided by wnMiwang, and quickly counter-invading Brave’s World’s personnel. Use wnMiwang’s computing resources to target the general Hacker, even if the other party is World First-rate Expert, in front of wnMiwang, it is just a cloud.

As a simple example, Izual can use wnMiwang to bully Ordinary Hacker. If wnMiwang seen as Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, World First-rate Hacker seen as a household car, the face of military use Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle, domestic cars have the power to resist it?

After Izual denied the previous order, in less than three minutes, attacking Brave’s World’s Hacker army, Izual killed at least 100 people!

The Hacker coalition of ten online game operators, in front of Izual and wnMiwang, and Black Magic Software, is like a toy, and Izual’s is free!

Izual’s decision to ‘relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers was very successful. From the root, the issue of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website wmbServer was solved.

In the mysterious voice chat room, Broken Knife was surprised and said: “Oops, the other party’s Safety On-duty Personnel joins the battle. Dream Entertainment Company’s Safety On-duty Personnel is very powerful, we are taking the limelight!”

In fact, the so-called Safety On-duty Personnel is just that Izual has changed the strategy. Broken Knife with World Exceed Class standard is easily deceived by Izual.

The Hacker power of the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Organization, under the pressure of Izual’s, just found the weakness of the Dream Entertainment Company, and was directly extinguished by Izual.

Izual’s approach to handling Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition is very precise and decisive. Even if you change to Shi Lei, you will not be better than Izual in the face of the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition made by Big Penguin Company.

Has Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module, Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module and Human Emotion Emulation Simulation Module of Izual, there is little difference between humans. The only thing Izual lacks is the creativity and ‘Self-Awakening.

In the network, the mysterious voice chat room, Ma Huatang extremely furious said: “This is what you said, the success rate is more than 90%? When the power of Dream Entertainment strikes, you all run away like a stray dog. You You can run away once or you can escape two times, but one day, when all the routes that can be escaped are all blocked, can you escape?”

Broken Knife opened his mouth and eventually did not speak.

“Friends, take a look at the momentum of Dream Entertainment Company, look at Brave’s World’s threat, can you come up with real strength and revenge on Dream Entertainment Company?” Ma Huatang said with a hateful iron.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗