
Chapter 850

hk838 special reward, little demoness?

What is Dream Goddess?

Goddess among Dream Goddess, exact as stated Dream!

Every male in the heart has a Dream Goddess of his own, perhaps a second-dimensional character, perhaps a three-dimensional Celebrity, or a purely Unreal idea.

On which kind of existence, she is in the heart of Dream Goddess!

Under normal circumstances, men can only be in their minds, and Fantasy communicates with their Goddess. But what if Dream Entertainment provides a communication environment for Gamer?

Brave’s World, like the Dream Entertainment Company, is not just an online game, it’s a new exotic life. Among Brave’s World, there are a lot of Gamers who don’t indulge in the upgrade, but hang around to browse the scenery, or communicate with Non-player Controlled Characters in Brave’s World.

Brave’s World offers a wide range of different needs for all kinds of Gamer!

Shuangqing University, educational institute speCIA l event.

Shi Lei stood on the makeshift stage and introduced it with a microphone. “You must be curious, what is Dream Goddess.”

The so-called Dream Goddess, exact as stated our Dream Entertainment Company, will create a brand new character in Brave’s World according to your Gamer’s request. A Goddess that belongs to you only Gamer! ”

The Gammers on the scene shouted loudly. There are many Brave’s World Gamers at Shuangqing University, not only Male Player, but also a large number of Female Players. The female Players on the scene expressed their dissatisfaction. One of them stood in front of the Female Player, loudly: “Unfair! Unfair! Why only Goddess? We want a god! We want a god!”

With the first protesting Female Player, the remaining Female Player followed suit.

Section Head Hong Xiang is a little nervous, he has not experienced such a situation, in the face of Gamer’s loud protest, Hong Xiang can only look to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei complexion calmed, Gamer’s protest, Shi Lei met too many times. I saw Shi Lei with a smile and a natural tone: “You junior female student, please give a little quiet. About the issue of ‘Dream Goddess, · There is only one place for this event. According to the rules set by our Dream Entertainment Company, Shuangqing University meets The required Gamer is only Male Player. So the reward for this event is ‘Dream Goddess, not ‘Dream God.’

The girl who took the lead, asked aloud: “Senior male student, what rules did you make for Dream Entertainment?” The girl played Snake and talked with Shi Lei about the ‘senior male student sister.

Shi Lei glanced at the girl who spoke, and the Ordinary looks pretty, but it can’t be said to be ugly. “junior female student, our Dream Entertainment Company has a very simple rule. Only choose Shuangqing University Grade Ranked Top 10’s Gamer. As a direct application candidate for ‘Dream Goddess’, Shuangqing University Ranked Top 10’s Gamer is all Male Player. Gamer of the same Grade, decided to Ranked according to the percentage of Experience.”

Shi Lei’s explanation gave the presence of Gamer a sense of identity, working according to Grade, and relying on Gamer’s strength. This is also the most basic way of distinguishing between strong and weak in Brave’s World.

“Unfair, what about our other schools’ Gamer?” Another boy said, this boy is the backbone member of the Science and Technology University next to Shuangqing University, Second-year student Xia Xiaobai, Science and Technology University Computer Science Department. , previous life and Shi Lei have fought several old opponents.

Shi Lei glanced at Xia Xiaobai, with a sly look on his face. In the heart, he sighed a little, giving birth to an illusion that was completely separated. ‘Little Bai, unfortunately. We didn’t extend the previous life’s gratitude and grudges. ,

“Excuse me, schoolmate, which school are you from?” Shi Lei pretended not to know Xia Xiaobai, politely asked.

“Science and Technology University !Second-year ·Xia Xiaobai !” Xia Xiaobai said with pride. “I am currently Seventeenth Grade, ranked in Brave’s World First, two hundred and twenty twenty, and you Shuangqing University is the highest Grade. Sixteenth Grade , isn’t that right ?”

Xia Xiaobai’s Grade is located in the Brave’s World First ladder. He does have pride and pride. Shi Lei smiles and says: “Summer schoolmate, sorry for the inconvenience. Today is Shuangqing University speCIA l event. Our Dream Entertainment Company only accepts Shuangqing. Students from the University participate. Of course, we welcome the schoolmate visit of Science and Technology University, but according to the rules, you can’t participate in the event.”

Shi Lei’s attitude is very polite, so that people can’t find a place to attack, which makes Xia Xiaobai a bit sloppy, and I don’t know how to answer it.

The students at Shuangqing University cheered. They heard that Xia Xiaobai had Seventeenth Grade, and the heart was still worried, fearing that Xia Xiaobai snatched the limelight of Shuangqing University. But Xia Xiaobai is not a student at Shuangqing University at all, and he does not even participate in the qualifications. [

“Below, please take the name of the schoolmate of Section Head Hong and stand on the stage.” Shi Lei looked towards Hong Xiang, Hong Xiang holding the Expert of the Top 10 position of the Shuangqing University Grade.

Hong Xiang cleared his throat and said: “Wang Daolin, Lin Hao ······” has read ten names in a row. Shi Lei only knows one of them, that is the formly classmate of the same class, sports committee member Lin Hao .

When Lin Hao stepped onto the stage, she nodded in a good manner to Shi Lei. Shi Lei also responded politely. Everyone had a schoolmate, even if it was just a nod, Shi Lei never forgot each other.

When the Expert of Top 10 of Shuangqing University Grade stood on the stage, Shi Lei started talking: “Congratulations to your ten lucky ones, you may have the chance to make your Dream Goddess appear in Brave’s World. Appeared by your side!”

Shuangqing University’s top ten Experts, all showing a smile.

Shi Lei continued: “Now, each of you has three minutes of speech time. You can tell your dreammates in the heart to every schoolmate present and try to impress them. During this time, our staff of Dream Entertainment Personnel will be given a voting card to all Shuangqing University students present. Each voting card can only be voted for one of the top ten Experts. Which Dream Goddess you like best, which one is voted for. Please note that the voting card needs to fill in the unique digital account of Gamer. Any Gamer who does not fill in the digital account is deemed to be automatically abstained. For the students of the foreign school, please cooperate with us. Our Dream Entertainment can determine the attribution group of Gamer according to the digital account. The Gamer account of a non-Shuangqing University group will also be considered a valid ticket.”

Shi Lei’s commentary made the students from the field have some dissatisfaction, but here is Speqing University, Dream Entertainment’s speCIA l event, and only for Shuangqing University. They are not satisfied with it.

“Ten Experts, when you introduce your Goddess in the heart, you can introduce them from the aspects of personality, image, etc., or directly select some well-known female images, including but not limited to two-dimensional anime, game character, novel character, and real women. Star Celebrity, etc.” Shi Lei patiently introduced. “However, when selecting a publicly-recognized female image, the Company will strive to obtain the corresponding image usage rights. If the law is authorized by the corresponding image, the Company will only serve as a reference and actively cooperate with Gamer to establish a brand new female character image as the final Dream Goddess.”

Shi Lei’s explanation is very important. If the female image chosen by Gamer belongs to another company, or simply an actual person, Dream Entertainment Company cannot use it directly and must be authorized in advance.

For example, if an Expert chooses ev’s Rei Ayanami, Dream Entertainment Company first needs to get a contact with whrCompany and get permission from khrCompany to use Rei Ayanami’s image. Otherwise, Dream Entertainment is involved in the infringement and is sued by khrCompany for the claim.

“Well, starting with Tenth Place, First Place is the last introduction!” Shi Lei chose an unfair sequence of presentations. The Experts of the previous speeches are destined to suffer.

The reason is that the members of the Ruling Security Company are still issuing voting cards to the students, and some of the students did not focus on the lectures of the top ten Experts.

Although the order of this speech is unfair, does it correspond to the different status of Expert, and the treatment is different? The Top Ten Experts did not have much opinion. The students of Grade Ranked Tenth first started their speeches.

Twenty minutes later, it was Lin Hao’s turn. Lin Hao holds the microphone, lightly coughed, started talking: “My Goddess in the heart is Zhao Ling’er! That’s right, “Zhao Ling’er of the Legend of the Sword and Fairy!Zhao Ling’er in me” The heart is perfect, I can’t accept the last tragedy of Zhao Ling’er, my Hope Zhao Ling’er appears in Brave’s World, and my Hope Zhao Ling’er can be with me. I heard about a Game Development from Dream Entertainment Company. Group ,exactly as stated The team that developed “Legend of the Sword and Fairy”, I Hope, they brought Zhao Ling’er back to Brave’s World!”

The copyright of “Legend of the Sword and Fairy” belongs to Softstar, and Xie Hui is the leader of the development team, but there is no copyright of “Legend of the Sword and Fairy”. If Dream Entertainment wants to bring Zhao Ling’er to Brave’s World, you must obtain an image license from Zhao Ling’er from Softstar Company.

The last speaker was Wang Daolin of Grade Ranked First, and Wang Daolin Grade was only Sixteenth Grade. Although this Grade is not the highest Grade in Brave’s World, Wang Daolin entered Brave’s World’s time, only one week!

“My Goddess is He Wanqiu!” Wang Daolin cherished the words like ink. After that, he put down the microphone and did not say the opinion.

Shi Lei stood by and heard the name of ‘He Wanqiu, and suddenly felt familiar. Then he remembered that He Wanqiu was the Superstar that he met exactly on the airplane and Li Cai liked it.

He Wanqiu has a high reputation in Xia Nation and is not a small name abroad. She is a young generation of idol actresses, especially some university students. Both men and women like He Wanqiu.

‘He Wanqiu that little demoness? Damn Wang Daolin, Hope, don’t vote for him! Shi Lei in the heart, he dare not provoke He Wanqiu.

Formerly, in the Capital City, the Uncles of the Patriot Company are jealous of the identity of He Wanqiu and He Wanqiu. It is absolutely impossible to simply Celebrity.

Shi Lei does not have a relationship with Hope and He Wanqiu.

However, this wish may be a little bit more difficult. Because things are gradually moving towards Shi Lei not in the direction of Hope…