
Chapter 817

hk805 Lessons Nanyue Nation? Mother-in-law route! [happy New Year]

Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, lost a total of one level file, one level of intelligence data. Level intelligence data, involving Supernatural Force: Levitate.

Shi Lei is very curious, XUNX 2005 month 7 day lost another file, what is recorded, or what thing, will it be another Supernatural Force?

If it is another Supernatural Force, what exactly is it?

“Uncle Ling, you can rest assured, I will be tight-lipped!” Shi Lei is doing a guarantee, Ling Yuguo is his future Father-In-Law, how could he hang Ling Yuguo?

‘Shi Lei this brat, although some fickle, but still good for Yumo, he should not be behind the pit me. Well, I am also his Quasi Father-In-Law, which is half awkward. He can’t always bullshit Right?, Ling Yuguo in the heart secretly thinks.

“Shi Lei, the lost file in 2005, relates to our defense safety! That file records our Nation and Nanyue Nation, the defense safety data bordering the border. Although we have always suspected that it is a spy of Nanyue Nation, enter Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, stealing the file, but suffering from no exact evidence.” Ling Yuguo said a secret.

Shi Lei sucked in a cold breath !

Nation border safety data? Was it lost in the Western Headquarters? Ling Yuguo has not yet fallen down? How big is the power of Ling Family?

Shi Lei took a look at the tone and asked him: “Uncle Ling, the defense safety data is lost. Didn’t the border defense be adjusted? The data, lost for two years, Nation should have been accomplished to adjust Right? What is the use of an outdated data?”[

In fact, Shi Lei would like to ask why Ling Yuguo is not responsible for losing such important data.

Ling Yuguo seems to see Shi Lei’s doubts, started talking: “My country and Nanyue Nation’s border defense arrangements have long been adjusted. Although this thing I am lucky to escape the blame of the upper level. However, once the border defense What is the issue, I am not good!”

Defence safety data, after loss, will naturally make rapid adjustments. Although after adjustment, outdated data does not have much value. However, this adjustment process consumes Nation’s financial resources. This responsibility falls on Ling Yuguo.

After a pause, Ling Yuguo continued: “Our defense safety has made adjustments, but this matter can’t be so simple. So, our faction, we need to give a little lesson to Nanyue Nation.”

Ling Family naturally has a faction of Ling Family. Otherwise, how could Ling Yuguo escape the blame?

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up, “Lesson?”

“Yes! It’s a lesson!” Ling Yuguo hated: “Warning about Nanyue Nation, let them be honest. But this thing, we didn’t find the exact evidence that Nanyue Nation was stealing data. If you find the exact evidence Even if we clean up Nanyue Nation, they don’t dare to speak. After all, they are wrong. And Nation will support our actions. After Nanyue Nation is cleaned up, my responsibilities will naturally decrease. This is over. But there is no conclusive evidence.”

Shi Lei coughed, “Uncle Ling, your opinion is let me find Nanyue Nation and steal evidence from Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters data?”

If Ling Yuguo wants Shi Lei to do this, it will be very difficult. Because, this time happened, it was a little too long. Two years ago, the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters had been investigate and found no suspiciousness.

After a lapse of two years, Shi Lei reinvestigate, the difficulty is beyond imagination.

“If you can, my Hope, you can find the exact evidence between this and Nanyue Nation.” Ling Yuguo took a Hope.

Shi Lei’s face is “dark”, “Uncle Ling, I am afraid this thing is a bit difficult. I can investigate to be related to Nanyue Nation, just because of a series of related and related data. Specific evidence, maybe early It has been drowned in the long river of time. However, Uncle Ling, I can help you with another thing.”

“Hey?” Ling Yuguo looked at Shi Lei with amazement. He had an uncertain answer in the heart.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Uncle Ling, if you just want to warn Nanyue Nation, this thing, I can do it for you!”

“You?” Ling Yuguo hā hā laughed. “Shi Lei, although you have some power in Shuangqing City, but in the face of a Nation, your power is simply unable to withstand a single blow.”[

Shi Lei Mystery is said with a smile : “Is it?”

Ling Yuguo is a little hesitant. After all, Shi Lei created the too much Miracle, which makes people unable to see him.

“Hey, Uncle Ling, let’s go ahead, Little Mo calls us!” Shi Lei pointed to Ling Yumo at the door of the villa, then picked up the three cubes of carton paper from the Porsche Cayenne trunk, hēi hēi said with a smile : “Uncle Ling, help the handle, I can’t hold it alone!”

Ling Yuguo took three cartons from Shi Lei and hugged them in front of him. He felt a little weight and felt some weight. He frowns said: “Shi Lei, what is this thing?”

“Uncle Ling, you can rest assured that it is definitely not the thing that is illegal.” Shi Lei did not say straight, but held three other paper boxes with one hand, closed the trunk door, and held the box with both hands, together with Ling Yuguo. Go to the door of the villa.

Ling Yumo stood at the door and looked at Shi Lei and Ling Yuguo. One person held three paper boxes and walked in a harmonious relationship. In this case, Ling Yumo raised an illusion. ‘If Shi Lei smashed me, maybe we can live at home and the family is happy together. ,

Ling Yuguo and Shi Lei, changed their shoes, held three cardboard boxes and walked into the hall on the first floor of the villa. Jiang Ling was not in the hall. She was cooking in person. !

Although Ling Yuguo is in a high position, she does not hire a private chef at home, and she does not even have a life babysitter.

This kind of cooking is generally done by Jiang Ling, but Ling Yuguo does not.

How can the Chef of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters be able to cook? Bureau Chief Ling who can’t cook, when Vice-department Head Jiang is not at home, can only eat pity instant noodles!

No doubt, Bureau Chief will also eat instant noodles!

Shi Lei and Ling Yuguo put six paper boxes on the solid wood coffee table in the lobby on the first floor. Ling Yuguo carefully looked at the carton, but the appearance of the carton, except for a light green Möbius Strip lpg, did not Any other information.

“Shi Lei, what exactly is this? You know my family and are not allowed to accept valuable gifts.” Ling Yuguo asked with a look.

Shi Lei hasn’t answered yet. Ling Yumo is starting talking on the side: “Dad, I know what this is!”

Ling Yuguo and Shi Lei together looked towards Ling Yumo, Shi Lei did not tell Ling Yumo, what gift he had prepared. Even Ling Yumo didn’t know that he had prepared a gift.

Ling Yumo pleased raised a small white chin, “Stone Monster, which contains the product of YuMo Medical Limited Company Right?”

I heard YuMo Medical Limited Company, Ling Yuguo in the heart, and Shi Lei’s identity, a little more. ‘Yumo Medical? Directly named after Yumo? It seems that Shi Lei, this brat, really cares about Yumo! ,

Shi Lei smiled and nodded. “Yes!”

Ling Yumo Jiao said with a smile : “The light blue color of the Möbius Strip LG · I know it is the symbol of Yumo Medical. Yumo Medical is currently only pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, you are so confident to declare, my Mama will definitely Like. I guess the box inside should be it Right?”

“Hey, Little Mo, I don’t see it, you are very smart!” Shi Lei made a look of surprise, although she was praising Ling Yumo, but how to think, he thinks that Ling Yumo is stupid.

Ling Yumo tenderly snorted, making the best of both worlds. With Ling Yuguo beside, Shi Lei can only resist the entanglement of the expression on his face.

At 6:30 in the evening, Jiang Ling made a dinner and asked the three to go to the dining room to have dinner.

At the dinner table, Ling Yumo pre-emptively said: “Mama, Shi Lei brought you a gift!”

Jiang Ling looked at Ling Yumo with a smile. She smiled and asked, “What gift?” When she was cooking in the kitchen, she didn’t hear the discussion of the three people. Naturally, she didn’t know. Shi Lei sent six sets of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence. Prosthetic.

Ling Yumo responded with a small cocky: “Mama, don’t you always want pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic from Yumo Medical Student? Shi Lei sent six sets, how about, like Right?”

Jiang Ling was amazed, “Six sets? What version?”

Ling Yumo licked his mouth and looked towards Shi Lei. “Stone Monster, what version of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic?”

“Three sets of Leg Section Version · a set of Knee Section Version, a set of Foot Section Version, and a set of Palm Section Version.” Shi Lei replied with a smile.

Jiang Ling’s face was “sinking” and immediately said: “Shi Lei, wait for a meal, then take it away!”

“Hmmm?” Shi Lei is a bit puzzled.

Ling Yumo also strangely asked, “Mom, why Ah?”

Ling Yuguo also knows about ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, and his wife did say it many times, wanting pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic. It is not Jiang Ling’s own needs, but City First Hospital needs.

Hearing that Jiang Ling refused Shi Lei’s gift, Ling Yuguo also looked at Jiang Ling strangely.

Jiang Ling glanced at Ling Yuguo and explained: “The total value of the six sets of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic is six million Xia Nation Yuan, Old Ling, can you accept it?”

Ling Yuguo was surprised to see Shi Lei, although he had heard of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, but I don’t know it was so expensive!

“Shi Lei, you still take it back, we can’t accept it!” Ling Yuguo answered resolutely.

Shi Lei scratched his head and coughed aloud: “Auntie, although they are worth six million, I just give it to you, and you won’t be profitable isn’t that right?”

Jiang Ling still refuses: “No, we can’t accept it.”

“Auntie, can’t you see that?” Shi Lei began to explain. “I took six sets of pArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, but Yumo Medical announced that it will give you six free places to give to City First Hospital. You City First Hospital, you can These six free places are arranged for the handicapped people who really need it. What decision to choose for the person is given to Auntie, how?”

Shi Lei changed the way to give gifts to Jiang Ling. Although Jiang Ling is not greedy, she has a fatal weakness, that is, Good. Like the Huang Huang of Li Zhiyue, Shi Lei is just a different means.

If Jiang Ling agrees, that means accepting Shi Lei’s gift, Shi Lei and Ling Yumo’s future road may be flatter!

Shi Lei took a good step and chose the mother-in-law route to please her mother-in-law to achieve the goal of being with Ling Yumo. The love between him and Ling Yumo, due to the existence of three other women, is bound to be difficult.

Therefore, Shi Lei can only continue to show his attention to and care for Ling Yumo from various aspects, and finally get permission from Ling Yuguo and Jiang Ling, even if it is only the default.

‘I hate Marriage Law! I want to go back to Ancient Era…, Shi Lei thought silently.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗