
Chapter 802

hk790 a-level Top-secret Intelligence, mysterious slate!

On the 11th of May, twenty a little at night.

Shi Lei came to the 17th floor of the Emerald Lake Building with Devil Mercenary Corps under the Angel Parliament. It was completely remodeled by the Ruling Security Company and became the Headquarters of the Ruling Security Company.

The Core Talents of Ruling Security Company, which is gathered here, is responsible for Child Company Safety under Mirror Science and Technology, and implement Shi Lei’s command.

Shi Lei, with Shen Xiaoheng, came to an interrogation room at the Ruling Security Company Headquarters to prepare a second time to interrogate Shen Xiaoheng. The interrogation room at Ruling Security Company does not use one-way perspective glass, just a simple interrogation room.

Shen Xiaoheng looked at Shi Lei sitting opposite, nervously saying: “Mr. Shi, the plan you just mentioned, I am afraid the law is accomplish. My organization belongs to the Organization of the Angel Parliament, named Devil Mercenary Corps. Devil Mercenary Corps has deployed intelligence personnel in the major metropolitan areas of Xia Nation, but the entire Intelligence Organization has adopted a vertical contact, and each intelligence action group, directly with Devil Mercenary Corps Headquarters contact, orders them from Headquarters. Shuangqing City There are three action groups in total. I and Ding Zhige are Little Group and there are two other Little Groups.”

Shi Lei frowned, “Do you know the situation of the other two action groups, personnel identity?”

“Know.” Shen Xiaoheng nodded and explained: “According to the rules of Devil Mercenary Corps, our three intelligence operations groups should have been unaware of each other’s information. However, our three intelligence action teams are in Shuangqing City. The incubation time has been ten years. So in private, our three intelligence action groups know each other’s identity and share information from time to time. Improve Task acceptance rate.”

‘ten years? ‘Shi Lei in the heart, the layout of the Angel Parliament in Shuangqing City has been going on for ten years. What about other cities? At least for ten years, Right?

‘In the beginning, Angel Parliament chose me, maybe it was premeditated! ‘Shi Lei associates with previous life, and his entanglement with Angel Parliament may not be that simple.

Including the fact that he was controlled by the Angel Parliament, and the “shooting” was killed. It was also full of all kinds of misunderstandings. One of the biggest doubts, precisely as stated why Xia Nation’s Air Defense alert, why not identify the Li Jian Nation man-machine. Unfortunately. Shi Lei has not been able to determine an accurate information until now.

“Shen Xiaoheng, your opinion is, do you become the leader of the other two intelligence action groups?” Shi Lei asked coldly.

“Yes! Mr. Shi, I don’t dare to deceive you. I can help you identify the other two intelligence action groups. I don’t have the luxury to live. But I can let my family pass. I don’t have anything. I know, they are all Ordinary people.” Shen Xiaoheng pleaded with a tone of voice.

Shen Xiaoheng didn’t make any bad ideas. Did not want to deceive Shi Lei. Exactly as stated because he preserves his family. As a member of Devil Mercenary Corps, Shen Xiaoheng is tired of such a life, he is not Hope’s own son, the future road is the same as himself.

Shi Lei crossed his hands and fingers and looked down at his head. He tried to counter the plan of Shen Xiaoheng. If you have not yet started implement, you have already failed. Shen Xiaoheng can help him fight the Angel Parliament, but he wants to pass the Angel Parliament of Shen Xiaoheng, which may have a low “sex”.

In Devil Mercenary Corps. Shen Xiaoheng’s status is too low and has no influence at all. Shi Lei wants to deal with the Angel Parliament by attacking the members of the Angel Parliament. At least the anti-personnel in the Angel Parliament or the Devil Mercenary Corps has a low status.

“Speak out the member identity of the other two action groups!” Shi Lei retired, although the temporary law used the conspiracy to deal with the Angel Parliament, but the fight with the Angel Parliament in the Shuangqing City’s minions, Shi Lei is also quite happy to do.

Shen Xiaoheng slowly spoke out the list of two other intelligence operations team members of Devil Mercenary Corps. The two intelligence action teams have a total of five people, three in group and two in group b.

“Mr. Shi, the top-secret Intelligence of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, is currently in the hands of the group.” Shen Xiaoheng added an additional sentence.

“What?” Shi Lei was surprised to see Shen Xiaoheng, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters lost on February 17th, Top-secret Intelligence, now May 11th, almost three months, isn’t the intelligence yet? Was it transferred?

Shen Xiaoheng understands why Shi Lei is surprised. He explained: “The top-secret Intelligence data of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters is not Data, but a mysterious slate. So, they have no way to take network transmission.”

“mysterious slate? This news, what channel do you know? Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters Why not take air transport? Or send more people to ship?” Shi Lei pointed to the question of suspiciousness.

Shen Xiaoheng was completely confessed to his life. He was simply ignorant and inexhaustible. After his son was born, Shen Xiaoheng completely changed. His life target was placed on the descendants of Inheritance.

“In the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, there is a spy, his name is Yang Lin. Our intelligence, exactly as stated, bought Yang Lin, he told us.” Shen Xiaoheng replied. [

‘And Yang Lin? This guy, not only related to Wo Sang Nation, but now entangled with Angel Parliament, who is he? ‘Shi Lei ponders the identity of Yang Lin.

Shen Xiaoheng continued to explain: “Mr. Shi, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, the law will transport the slate by air. The original of the slate is very mysterious, and has a strange power, perhaps a spoke, maybe It is an electric magnetic field. In short, that mysterious slate can interfere with the operation of all Electronic Equipment. If it is placed on the aircraft, the aircraft’s Electronic Equipment will run at all, and even the start can not be done.”

After a pause, Shen Xiaoheng said: “Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters aspect, in order not to attract the attention of many parties, they specially transformed a commercial vehicle, removed all the electronic equipment inside the commercial vehicle, and only adopted pure mechanical The “fighting” method is convenient for transporting mysterious slate. After we got accurate information from Yang Lin, we also modified an Audi tt sports car and finally succeeded in the robbery!”

“Where is the slate now? The specific location! In addition, do you know, what is recorded on the slate?” Shi Lei in the heart has a feeling, perhaps on the slate, what is quite remarkable content.

“Mysterious slate is in the hands of the group. They are currently renting a villa in the No. 12 of the Victory Road II 19 in Beiyu District. In the basement of the villa, the mysterious slate is stored.” The group is the only three of Shuangqing City. The Human Intelligence Action Group, another two-person group is group b, and Shen Xiaoheng and Ding Zhige are groups.

Shi Lei nodded slightly, that understands that the original Top-secret Intelligence is a mysterious slate and will operate in the Interference Electronic Equipment. It is also understandable why it stayed in Shuangqing City for nearly three months.

Because, it is not convenient to transport!

“Mr. Shi, I will tell you another piece of information.” Shen Xiaoheng once again volunteered: “I also know, Devil Mercenary Corps’ list of intelligence operations in Rongcheng City.”

Shen Xiaoheng did not mention any conditions and directly stated the list of information operations teams of Rongcheng City.

For the cooperation of Shen Xiaoheng, Shi Lei knows the purpose of Shen Xiaoheng, and he preserves his family. Shi Lei patted Shen Xiaoheng’s shoulder and promised: “After this is over, I will arrange a new identity for you and will arrange for you a plastic surgery doctor. But now you need to stay Here, the City Police Department will announce your death and Ding Zhige’s death, and Hope can paralyze Devil Mercenary Corps.”

Shen Xiaoheng understood the nod, if Ding Zhige and Shen Xiaoheng disappeared at the same time, and Ding Zhige died, Shen Xiaoheng was still alive, and Devil Mercenary Corps’s intelligence operations in Shuangqing City and Rongcheng City were all cleaned. Then it is a fool, and I know that Shen Xiaoheng has an issue. By that time, his family was absolutely spared.

Devil Mercenary Corps’s rules of procedure, Shi Lei is very clear!

Shi Lei stepped out of the interrogation room and told the elite members of the Ruling Security Company to strictly guard Shen Xiaoheng. He could not carelessly and could not give Shen Xiaoheng the shackles of his hands and feet, even if he was eating.

Devil Mercenary Corps member’s combat power, Shi Lei in the heart is still counted. If you relax your vigilance and cause the elite members of the Ruling Security Company to die, it is not friendly!

“Zifeng, come over!” Shi Lei greeted Li Zifeng at the door of the monitoring room at the Ruling Security Company Headquarters.

Li Zifeng trotting came to Shi Lei and respectfully said: “Boss, is there anything?”

“Follow me!” Shi Lei led the way, walked into the Ninth monitoring room, started all the monitoring equipment in the Ninth monitoring room, and personally called Shuangqing City’s Monitoring System to locate and monitor the Devil Mercenary Corps intelligence operations team in Shuangqing City. region.

After processing the monitoring screen, Shi Lei adjusted the identity data of the five intelligence action group members of Devil Mercenary Corps in the police network. “Zifeng, you bring people to monitor these five people, and once they appear, collect their Dynamic Behavior Signature immediately. Keep track of them anytime, anywhere, pay close attention to everyone they touch. I need all the data about them, understand? ?”

Shi Lei got the data from Shen Xiaoheng’s mouth, but did not immediately pick up the people, but made proper arrangements. He needs to verify that the information that Shen Xiaoheng said is true or false. Even if Shen Xiaoheng is very convincing, Shi Lei believes in his determination.

At the same time, about the top-secret Intelligence of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, the mysterious slate that can be operated by the Interference Electronic Equipment, Shi Lei is also quite interested. Therefore, he needs to be well prepared to get enough benefits.

(To be continued.)

Ps: snf

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