
Chapter 51

hk051 seems to have met Senju Senryu

After lunch, Shi Lei and Ling Yumo returned to the dormitory together. Shi Lei had wanted to play in Ling Yumo’s dormitory for a while, but was blocked by Mu Shuang.

Shi Lei, who sneaked into the unsuccessful, only returned to his dormitory, but found that Little Plum was not there!

This introverted Little Shota doesn’t know where to go!

After entering your own Room, Shi Lei unlocks the door, opens the computer, and telnets into the server of Shuangqing University to check the status of the server.

Since the morning, Shi Lei has top secret, cleaned up the Virtual System in Server and drove the guys at Science and Technology University out. At present, Shuangqing University’s Server administrator, currently fully restores the order of the On-campus Forum. [

Although Science and Technology University has lost the Control Authority of Server, many of the Computer Science Department’s students in their schools have already

Shi Lei has a notebook in his left hand, leaning against the wall and looking at Ling Yumo sideways. “Little Mo, help me take a few days off and tell Teacher Li that I am sick and can’t attend classes for the time being.”

Ling Yumo looked worriedly said: “Stone Monster, what are you going to do? You have already escaped a lot of courses. What if you fail the exam? Do you want me to lend your class notes to you?”

Shi Lei smiled. “Little Mo, I am Stone Monster, how can I fail the exam? At the end of the period, I will borrow your class notes. Genius like me will never hang up!”

Ling Yumo pouted and snarled his nose. “Smelly Stone Monster, when you really hang out, beware of my Junior School Brother in the coming year!”

Shi Lei hēi hēi smirk, “Become Junior School Brother, you can’t run away! Well, Little Mo, I will go first, remember to help me with leave!” He turned his back to Ling Yumo and put his right hand up. Pendulum, chic away.

Holding the notebook, Shi Lei went back to Jingya Garden and started preparing to capture the Supercomputer, the final preparation.

Capturing the Supercomputer can’t be missed!

Once this opportunity is lost, it is difficult for Shi Lei to have another chance to get Supercomputer in a short time.

Supercomputer Swallow, located at Wo Sang Nation Tokyo University of Technology, is responsible for the worldwide scientific information and computational research project, the gs project. And, Supercomputer Swallow, also undertakes the calculation of many external projects. After all, just one Tokyo University of Technology, gs project team, the fundamental method completely takes up the performance of Supercomputer Swallow.

Tokyo University of Technology, in order to make reasonable use of resources and transfer the cost of Supercomputer Swallow to other users, they opened up the business cooperation of Supercomputer Swallow. Some research companies, or t companies, need to use the Supercomputer when they need to use the Supercomputer Swallow part of the system resources.

It is also because of the commercial cooperation between Tokyo University of Technology and the opening of Supercomputer Swallow, which caused a serious System Flaw. Shi Lei of previous life caught the Supercomputer Swallow and used Supercomputer Swallow as the base point to control a lot of Supercomputers!

Although Shi Lei knows Supercomputer Swallow, the serious System Flaw. However, it is not easy to invade that System Flaw. After all, invading into the inside of Supercomputer Swallow, you also need to fight against the authority group. If you don’t have some high-performance Server support, the action of capturing Supercomputer Swallow is very likely to fail!

Sitting in front of Number One Server, unlocking the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program, Shi Lei debugged his own Boulder FIRE wall. Boulder FIRE wall, in the era of six years, is the most advanced FIRE wall, Shi Lei incorporates the advanced FIRE wall concept of later generations.

Just as Shi Lei was ready for further action, his cell phone suddenly rang and he received an SMS. Shi Lei Open cell phone, SMS is a strange number, only the word ‘return’!

Shi Lei frowns, think about it, who is it, will you contact him in this way?

‘Is it Fei Feng? Did they have an accident? ‘

Shi Lei quickly found the name changing software in Number One Server, then remotely connected to Shuangqing University Server, controlled the mobile service base station through Shuangqing University Server, and directly dialed the phone sent by SMS with an unregistered number.


On the phone, Ye Feng’s voice came, and Shi Lei didn’t answer, and immediately hang up. It’s not Shi Lei. Regardless of Ye Feng, Shi Lei is worried that his phone will be monitored by the Police Force. The number that Yes Feng sent to SMS will be known by the Police Force and listed in the surveillance sequence.

In the mobile base station, Shi Lei debugged the signal and nicknamed Ye Feng’s cell phone number to another unregistered number before re-using the unregistered number and dialing the phone to Ye Feng. [

Shi Lei’s voice is very small, almost let Ye Feng not hear the same, “Ye Feng, I want to tell you a bad news, you just shouldn’t send me an SMS, I didn’t leave you an email address? Why not pass the electronic Email contact?” Shi Lei did not wait for Ye Feng to explain, immediately said: “Ye Feng, you will immediately take the phone card out and throw it into the toilet!”

Shi Lei paused and quickly asked: “Yes, that phone card, is it your friend? Is there a real name registration?”

Ye Feng did not understand: “Shi Lei, what are you nervous about? This phone card is a new card that was bought, and there is no real name registration.”

“Can I be nervous? My phone number should be monitored by the Police Force. The SMS you just sent to me should not be intercepted by the Police Force. If you don’t want to be tracked by the cell phone, then it’s fast. Point to throw away the cell phone card! I am temporarily blocking the signal of your cell phone card, but the law is long-term shielding, you better move faster!” Shi Lei urged: “You send me an email, I will give you a voice Address , our network voice contact !”

Ye Feng hang up the phone, open the cell phone back cover, remove the cell phone card, throw it into the toilet, and then wash away with water.

A woman, in the awkward Xia Nation language, asked: “Ye Feng Jun, what happened? Why did you lose the cell phone card?”

Ye Feng glanced at the woman, her eyes were a bit complicated, both embarrassing and grateful.

“Senju Senryu, don’t worry, nothing!”

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