
Chapter 272

hk260 Hacker Union wants fish in troubled waters?

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Black Tiger responded with dignity: “The strength of Mr. M is really terrifying. Although the principle of Moon Virus is very simple, he can actually do this!”

“Second brother, you said Blazing Sword Raphael is awesome, or the mysterious Mr. M? They are both, I am afraid it is World Summit Grade Hacker!” Black Heart’s tone reveals an envy, but is electronic voice Changing software has lost this taste.

Black Tiger replied with affirmation: “They are both World Summit Grade Hacker suspects! But who is more powerful, I don’t know. Raphael formerly has done three earth-shattering major events, he has been immersed in Li Jian Nation Li Jian Nation’s Pentagon has also been intercepted and a data has been intercepted at the Pentagon. The most terrifying is that Raphael formerly controlled the North American Air Defense Command Unit. He is an Exceed Grade that lets Li Jian Nation face his face. Hacker !”

“Mr. M is not bad Right? Mr. M made Wo Sang Nation Tokyo City, falsely reported the false news of Level 9 big earthquake, and released the so powerful thing of Moon Virus. Also besieged by Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Next, Safety escaped. Is he worse than Raphael?” Black Heart is clearly a supporter of Mr. M.

Black Tiger is not sure: “Black Heart, I said, I don’t know. But if only from their deeds, the Raphael caused a sensation of a bit bigger. Anyway, this time there is a good show, two World Summit Grade Hacker, to fight in Wo Sang Nation. The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is afraid to drive mad Right? And Li Jian Nation can’t sit still, after all, Raphael formerly brought them a big loss!”

Black Heart thought shadowy’s started talking: “And the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency is also coming in? hēi hēi, if Raphael and Mr. M are caught, then it’s fun!”

“You think too much!” Black Tiger sneered, “The guys at the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, who want to deal with the World Summit Grade Hacker, are basically impossible. The only guy who has Hope, only look at it. Can you trace the paddress of Raphael. As for Mr. M, I am afraid I will not provoke him!”

“Second brother, since Raphael and Mr. M, in Wo Sang Nation War, not as good as our Hacker Union, but also take the opportunity to fight Wo Sang Nation?” Black Heart is afraid that Black Tiger will not agree, continue started talking: “second brother The last time Wo Sang Nation attacked our Xia Nation, the Sakura Virus was mostly made by the Sakura Group. Are we not revenge?”

Black Tiger said: “This hate must be reported! Only two World Summit Grade Hacker battles, we have to wait and see, after they really fight, we sneakily mixed into Wo Sang Nation!”

Black Heart hā hā laughed, “This is good! Second brother, when we can, we can follow the two big Experts, where are they playing, where are we going to destroy!”

“No! This kind of fish in troubled waters, if it is taboo by two Experts, is too bad for our Hacker Union. We just need to take out our Hacker Union’s demeanor and play our own standard!” Black Tiger Sure enough, it was Hacker Union’s militant who agreed to the attack on Wo Sang Nation.

“Second brother, since I have decided to attack Wo Sang Nation, I will inform our Inner Member first! No temporary notice, many Inner Members are basically not online!” Hacker Union’s Inner Member, only 461, including Shi Lei’s Black Stone Sockpuppet.

These Inner Members, if placed in the Third Generation Hacker Organization, are the absolute backbone Elite. Even some of the powerful Inner Members can become the Core Member of the Third Generation Hacker Organization, or create the Third Generation Hacker Organization!

“Go!” Black Tiger agreed, and he was thinking about the specifics of Wo Sang Nation.

In Hacker Union’s Inner Forum, Black Heart sent a message to the Inner Member with the Core Member’s identity, and Hacker Union’s third time War for Wo Sang Nation is about to begin!

As for the time and target, I haven’t said it for a while, just saying that the Core Layer is still under negotiation.

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden, Building Ten 2003 Room.

Shi Lei currently watched the feedback information from Moon Virus on Number One Server. The Third Generation Moon Virus has a small statistical information. Every time it successfully infects a computer EQ uipment, Moon Virus will send back the machine maddress of the computer EQ uipment, which is convenient for statistical information.

From the statistical information of Moon Virus, it has exceeded the 400,000 computer EQ uipment is infected!

Depending on the number of infections and the level of damage done, Moon Virus may be known as Exceed Grade Virus and will even be rated as a classic Virus case in the future. [

Shi Lei took the water cup and took a sip of water to see the situation of Wo Sang Nation net world and the situation of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website.

If Raphael accepts the declaration of war, the proud Raphael will definitely respond to Mr. M at NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei smiles, NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website, which looks calm now, but Shi Lei knows that once NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website, there is any accident, Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency will be First time Kill it.

Shi Lei would like to see Raphael, besieged again by the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency!

To this end, Shi Lei decided to do something more.