
Chapter 259

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Shuangqing City Police Department First Vice-chief, was kicked to the ground!

The pain from the stomach is far less than the humiliation in my mind, causing great damage!

Dai Guanghua is more angry than the eyes, and is forced to stand up from the ground. [] Shi Lei ran quickly, with a smirk on his face, “Āiyā, Police Officer Dai, are you gonna have Right?” [

Going to Dai Guanghua, Shi Lei bent down and pulled up one of Dai Guanghua’s arms, pretending to be holding him up.

Dai Guanghua’s voice is cold and whispered: “Shi Lei, count you, actually dare to yin me!”

“Police Officer Dai, you are laughing, we are testing!” Shi Lei’s voice did not deliberately depress, but Light made a sound and let everyone hear. “I just said that the Campus Security System is the system that defends student safety, and I will really attack you to accomplish the test.”

Dai Guanghua light snorted, broke away from Shi Lei’s palm, said with a sneer: “Shi Lei, you better pray for what Campus Security System, just tested successfully, otherwise”

Shi Lei complexion unchanged, instead turned to the lens of Shuangqing Television Station, facing the news Reporter: “You are friends, just that is just the test content, please do not learn!”

“Let’s go! Shi Lei, let’s go back and see the test results!” Dai Guanghua urged.

Everyone returned to the security room together, at the moment. Everyone in the security room looked at the wall with a stunned look. Sixteen monitors arranged by 4*4.

Sixteen monitors, the display matrix, shows the action of Shi Lei sneak attack Dai Guanghua, and it is two angles!

There are both Shi Lei’s front and back, completely recorded, and the whole process of Shi Lei’s murder!

In the audio system of the security room, the warning sound is currently broadcast. A danger event has occurred in the campus. More information appeared on the client of the Campus Security System. For example, the specific location of the danger event, the degree of danger, and personnel information.

However, the personnel information is temporarily blank space.

Dai Guanghua came in and saw the process just in time. All displayed in it, his face is more gloomy. A secret look at Zhou Yan, with a question in his eyes, Zhou Yan nodded to him.

Ji Mingye saw Shi Lei coming in and was surprised to ask: “Shi Lei, this Campus Security System. Can you really recognize human Dynamic Behavior?”

“Yes, Department Head Ji!Campus Security System, built-in Fantasy Science and Technology Company, the most Core technology, Dynamic Behavior Catching Program!” Shi Lei will be the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program. Go to the Fantasy Science and Technology Company and reduce your own sparkle. Prevent being peeped by someone who cares.

Although the facts were in front of him, Dai Guanghua questioned the opening question, “Shi Lei, the test just was unfair.”

Hearing Dai Guanghua’s remarks, Shi Lei is not in a hurry. Slowly, he asks: “Police Officer Dai, just the test, how is it unfair?”

“Just you attacked me, I accidentally fell to the ground. Who knows your Campus Security System, can you detect the issue by detecting the fall? If I didn’t fall?” Dai Guanghua said However, his words, but also a bit of reason.

v Reporter Zhou Yan, unwilling to intervene: “Bureau Chief Dai is right! Mr. Shi Lei, you have blown up the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program, and now it has transcended our knowledge. The scope. I don’t know if you can test it again?”

“Do you want to test it again?” Shi Lei held his chin and made doubts. In fact, he was tempting Dai Guanghua fooled!

Dai Guanghua was really confused by Shi Lei’s doubtful gesture. “Shi Lei, the last test, you attacked me. This time, how do you change me to attack you?”

Shi Lei smiled, “Police Officer Dai, are you sure? I once again reminded that the Campus Security System, as a System for protecting student safety, only triggers the Safety of the student, and triggers the alarm of the Campus Security System!”

Dai Guanghua didn’t hear Shi Lei’s opinion, but instead showed a cool color. “Shi Lei, don’t worry, I won’t stop the middle of the game like this last time, I must accomplish the test!”

“Good! Let’s continue testing! In order to dispel your doubts, this time we are not allowed to use our feet, not to knock people down on the ground, how?” Shi Lei threw his own conditions.

The people followed Shi Lei and Dai Guanghua again and came to the campus. Shi Lei and Dai Guanghua stood opposite each other, only about three meters away from each other.

‘Shi Lei, just the humiliation you gave me, this time I must return it to you! ‘Dai Guanghua in the heart is malicious and even ready to go down.

Shi Lei Can you not know the mind of Dai Guanghua?

“Shi Lei, are you ready?” Dai Guanghua pretended to politely ask, just wait for Shi Lei to answer and he was ready to give Shi Lei a taste!

“Ready, come on!” Shi Leibone barely fell, quickly turned and ran away, while running, while extending his right hand, raised his head and made a ‘I Love You’ gesture.

Dai Guanghua chased two steps, loudly: “Shi Lei, aren’t you talking about testing? What are you running?”

Shi Lei stopped, hēi hēi a said with a smile : “Bureau Chief Dai, has been accomplished the test! I have just proved that the Campus Security System can Seize human Dynamic Behavior!”

“How to prove it?” Dai Guanghua incomprehensible inquiry.

“Let’s go back to the security room and see it!” Shi Lei sold a pass, took everyone, and returned to the security room again.

The display matrix of the security room is showing the situation of Shi Lei and Dai Guanghua, one of which shows the ‘I Love You’ gesture of Shi Lei’s right hand.

And display a line of information prompt: ‘Detected seek for help signal, automatically lock the seek for help source! ‘

Shi Lei pointed to the Monitor that showed ‘I Love You ‘gesture and explained: “I have said it over and over again. The Campus Security System is the system that protects student safety! Since it protects student safety. There is naturally a method for seek for help. The seek for help method of the Campus Security System is precisely as stated to make the ‘I Love You’ gesture. Whether it is left or right, whether it is positive or negative, as long as it is the ‘I Love You’ gesture, the Campus Security System will Automatic Seize seek for help signal, giving a guardian prompt.”

The Reporter of many media faces the Monitor that shows ‘I Love You’. Take a quick photo and write down what Shi Lei said.

“How? Police Officer Dai, can this prove that the Campus Security System can indeed detect human Dynamic Behavior?” Shi Lei asked Zhao Guanghua. “Police Officer Dai, although you are the First Vice-chief of the Shuangqing City Police Department. Perhaps I am not as good at mastering crime scenes. But for the Computer Program aspect, you still rarely play Dadao in front of Guan Gong!”

“You!” Dai Guanghua was almost smothered by Shi Lei, but there were many media reporters present, and Dai Guanghua could only endure anger.

Zhou Yan of v, pointing to the computer screen, in the interface of the Campus Security System client. Personnel information In the column, ask: “Mr. Shi Lei, why does the Campus Security System recognize the personnel information?”

Shi Lei stares at Zhou Yan with a look like ‘You are Idiot’. “Zhou Yan Reporter. Please don’t know the truth! Identify the human FaCIA l Feature through the camera. Do you know what technology is it? I tell you. It is the most advanced technology in the world, namely FaCIA l Recognition Engine! Level technology, we are bluntly saying that we don’t have Nation! The whole World, and only the most powerful Nation, will be applied in the field of Most Sophisticated!”

Zhou Yan’s rare face was reddish, she wanted to refute Shi Lei, but she finally endured it. After all, she really doesn’t understand what fre and does not understand camera monitoring technology. [

Shi Lei went on to say: “However, since Zhou Yan Reporter asked about this issue, I can tell you. Although the Campus Security System still recognizes the personnel information, but after the Campus Security System, the built-in Dynamic Behavior Signature Database is created, We can finally identify the person!”

The Dynamic Behavior Catching Program can be either independent Seize Dynamic Behavior or Dynamic Behavior Signature. Everyone’s Dynamic Behavior Signature, like a fingerprint, is unique.

This different feature, although discernible by the naked eye, can be discerned by the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program.

Once Shuangqing University, collect the Dynamic Behavior Signature of each student and store it on the server side of the Campus Security System. When a danger event occurs, the Campus Security System can determine the corresponding personnel based on the corresponding Dynamic Behavior Signature.

Shi Lei glanced around the media Reporter and continued to spit out a heavy news!

“When we built the Dynamic Behavior Signature Database of Shuangqing University and Campus Security System, any personnel not recorded in the Dynamic Behavior Signature Database will be monitored by our entire Shuangqing University. As a result, it is significantly improved. The degree of monitoring of the foreign personnel gives the foreign personnel enough shock!” Shi Lei said with a sharp tone, this function was also last time, after Ling Yumo was tracked, Shi Lei decided to add.

The media reporters did not speak, and Ji Mingye asked with delight: “Really?”

“Of course, Department Head Ji!” Shi Lei respectfully said.

Ji Mingye asked: “The Dynamic Behavior Signature Database is not that difficult to build? How long does it take?”

“Department Head Ji, there is no difficulty in setting up the Dynamic Behavior Signature Database. It’s just a little troublesome. It requires the participation of every student in the school. Let them do some regular actions, record the camera, analyze the Dynamic Behavior Signature, and store it. According to the number of students in our school, it takes at least a month!” Shi Lei responded with a smile, Shuangqing University has a lot of students, and it is for this reason that Shi Lei does not load the Dynamic Behavior Signature Database.

About the Campus Security System, in fact, has shocked many media Reporter!

Zhou Yan, including v, has expressed shock at the Campus Security System. However, Zhou Yan was invited by Dai Guanghua to find Shi Lei troublesome.

Her eyes turned slightly and stared at the display matrix. The sharp voice was: “Mr. Shi Lei, although the Campus Security System is very outstanding, I have to regret that this Campus Security System seriously infringes the student’s personal. **right!”