
Chapter 1865

Final-066 is unexpected!


Dream Entertainment Company has announced that its online game Brave’s World will be on July 13th at Xia Nation Time, 12 will be noon, officially started online update.

It is now the 11th Forty-nine score, officially updated from Brave’s World, and 11 minutes. Of course, Brave’s World online update is just a scorpion. The real purpose is to collect user’s computing resources through IWNMiwang.

Although Shi Lei is full of confidence, how many Gamers have chosen to support Brave’s World and support Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei has no spectrum.

Shi Lei did not answer Tao Wenxian’s issue, but instead told me: “Izual, counting all Signed In’s Brave’s World’s IWNSeed, and counting IWNMiwang, how much computing resources can be collected to the maximum without affecting Gamer’s normal game.”

All three are wearing the LIPLens-type Information Processor. Izual can send statistical information directly to the Virtual Transparent screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor for easy viewing by three people.

Waiting for about two minutes, Izual finally counted. Even if powerful, such as Izual, the data counted by 10 million, it takes a certain amount of time, two minutes, it is already very fast processing speed.

The Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor shows the current number of online users of Brave’s World, which has surpassed 48 Million!

According to Izual, the relevant information in the LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparency screen, this data has exceeded the average online data of the last seven days of Gamer.

Through this one data, it is obvious that Gamer supports Brave’s World and supports the attitude of Dream Entertainment. Shi Lei three people sighed in relief at the same time, hanging heart. It was finally put down.

Especially when they saw the Virtual transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor, showing IWNMiwang, Shi Lei three people laughed all the time when 680,000tflopscomputing resources could be collected to the greatest extent without affecting Gamer.

Although IWNMiwang counts the average computing resources provided by each IWNSeed in the case of integrated computing. There are only 0.001tflops, and even fewer.

But now, IWNMiwang’s way of collecting computing resources has changed, far exceeding the level of OverSeed, and how much computing resources are collected directly without affecting Gamer’s normal game. At most, there is only computing resources that maintain the basic operations of the system.

In the case of this extreme mode, IWNMiwang collects more than ten times more than the average standard of computing resources, without any issue at all.

“hā hā !Big Brother Stone, look and see. The current online Gamer, currently and quickly increased!” Tao Wenxian reminded Shi Lei, but in fact, Izual showed the data in the LIPLens-type Information Processor of the three people. . No reason is that Tao Wenxian can see, but Shi Lei can’t see it!

Shi Lei smiled and nodded. “Yes! According to the current situation, the computing resources collected by IWNMiwang may eventually break through 1 Million !”

Raphael agreed: “Stone, your estimate is too conservative. More than 1,000,000tflops’ computing resources, there is absolutely no issue!”

Shi Lei nodded dullly and did not express his opinion.

Raphael directly commands Izual: “Izual, the Gamer data of the on-hook behavior is counted, and the Gamer of the Personal Game Server is used for statistics.”

Izual immediately displays two data on the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

Raphael smiled and said: “Gamer on the hook, more than 5 Million, I think there will be more! After all, there is no 12 o’clock, and some of the on-hook Gamer may enter the game on time at 12. Gamer with Personal Game Server now only has a login rate of less than 10%. After a while, when Gameer Signed In with Personal Game Server has Brave’s World, the computing resources provided by Personal Game Server are quite impressive!”

Shi Lei affirmed: “Well, that’s right, there is this truth!”

Time passes by, and the closer the time is to the 12 point, the higher the online rate of Brave’s World’s Gamer. At 11:55, the number of online Gamer has broken through 50 Million.

This means that in just six minutes, there is more than 2 Million Gamer Signed In!

You know, the entire Brave’s World’s registered Gamer has been able to break through 60 Million, and even six thousand 1 Million have not been reached. In this, there must be a part of Gamer, who should have only registered Brave’s World, and then tried to give up Brave’s World.

Although this data must be rare, it does exist!

Brave’s World’s is really attractive, but not everyone likes it. There are always some alternatives, Gamer, who really don’t like Brave’s World.

For example, Shi Lei formerly personally found the reason for Gamer’s boycott of Brave’s World’s in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. It was because part of the inside of Brave’s World, Non-player Controlled Characters, showed the same emotion as real humans, making him feel It is not suitable.

What is Shi Lei’s reason for this marvel?

In the last five minutes, Brave’s World’s online Gamer number increased faster and faster. From 11.5 to 56, within a minute, close to 700,000 Gamer Signed In Brave’s World.

Fifty-sixth to Fifty-seventh points, close to 1 Million Gamer, enter Brave’s World.

Countdown Infrad minutes, Signed In Brave’s World’s Gamer, more than 1 Million!

That’s right!

In one minute, Signed In Brave’s World’s Gamer exceeded 1 Million!

Counting Second minutes, data remains above 1 Million!

Even though I used to see winds and waves, and even Shi Lei who has seen Supernatural Force, I was quite surprised. Shi Lei predicts that the final data of Brave’s World online Gamer should be 50 Million.

But now?

The number of Brave’s World’s online Gamers is now over the XMMX Million, EQ uivalent to 54% Gamer online rate.

According to Izual’s statistics, the total number of Brave’s World active Gamers is almost 54 Million. In fact, it should be Five Thousand of Five Thousand, and it is a little bit worse before 54 Million.

In other words, there is a part of the inactive Gamer, and also temporarily signed Ind Brave’s World, supporting Brave’s World’s online update.

11:59, from the Dream Entertainment Company, the update time announced, and one minute!

In the last minute, Brave’s World online Gamer data, continued Crazy’s soaring, even surpassing the previous speed.

When 12 was rounded up, the online Gamer that was added in the last minute was only about 10 people, and it reached the level of 2 Million.

Brave’s World is currently online Gamer, reaching 56 Million!

How many computing resources can the 56 Million online Gamer provide?

Most of Gamer’s Computer System has about the 8Gflops to 20Gflops computing resources, which is 0.’s computing resources.

Among them, Brave’s World only needs 4Gflops’ computing resources in the case of minimum running effect, Computer System reserves 1Gflops’ computing resources, and in other words, most of the storage resources provided by Gamer are not too much.

Even so, 56 Million Gamer, the computing resources provided for IWNMiwang, is exactly the same as Shi Lei and Raphael, reaching 1,040,000tflopscomputing resources!

The full 104 million Tflops of computing resources, it is exaggerated!

Shi Lei looked at 1,040,000tflops’ data and showed a satisfied smile on his face. Originally, Shi Lei’s predicted that it was only half of this data.

Now with such a large amount of computing resources, Shi Lei is more confident that in Internet World, Butler’s real IPaddress is found just like Fish A Needle From The Sea.

“Big Brother Stone, let’s get started with Right?” Tao Wenxian asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded, with such huge computing resources, how could Shi Lei not act? For Shi Lei, the time is very valuable.

“Izual, ready to launch Fish A Needle From The Sea plan!” Shi Lei said.

Filtering Butler’s real IPaddress across the Internet scan is actually not complicated, it’s just a lot of work, and you can’t shrink any work, only one retrieve, and test the information.

Just like checking the soybeans of a football field and discovering the only one, the surface is painted with a little San horn pattern of soybeans. Is this work complicated?

Absolutely not complicated!

Is there any difficulty with the pattern of Little San on the surface of the bean? Or is it complicated? It’s just a huge amount of work!

What is the huge amount of soybeans in a football field? The one that wants to find the only one that depicts the Little San horn pattern is indeed a huge amount of work.

Now, the work of Shi Lei’s three-person implement is actually similar to picking soybeans. They sniff every existing IPaddress on the Internet, and probe the device and system message under each IPaddress, and the subnet information, so that determine whether it is a Butler.

This one job is not complicated!

It’s just that the workload is far more than the soybeans from a football field, and the only one of them is the one that marks the Little San horn pattern.

“Fish A Needle From The Sea plan starts, the Logical Analysis program is currently started, IWNMiwang computing resources is injected, and the Grading System currently opens!” Izual issued a prompt for information.

Shi Lei’s Fish A Needle From The Sea plan, officially opened…

(To be continued~^~)