
Chapter 1696

HK1675 fights and escapes!


Móng Cái City, Lonely Massacre Organization.

Slaughter Mercenary Corps has only six members, plus three Genetically Modified Fighters, which completely suppress Lonely Massacre to more than two hundred people.

The night provided a good cover for Slaughter Mercenary Corps, and with the special ability of the Genetically Modified Fighter, it was possible to change the color of skin into Dark, which resulted in nine people in the district, suppressing the achievements of more than 200 people.

If it is during the day, even if the Slaughter Mercenary Corps and the Genetically Modified Fighter exceed the Lonely Massacre Organization, they will be killed by the Lonely Massacre Organization.

“Group Head, Second Set Solution?” Deputy Group Head Shadow Blade Edge was surprised to ask, with a touch of worries.

The so-called Second Set scheme is when they meet the unstoppable power, they wait for an opportunity to get out of the battlefield, instead of killing and accomplishing the task.

“Yes!” Blood Spear said affirmatively.

Shadow Blade Edge hesitated, “Duke Jehovah over there, we…”

“We belong directly to Chaos Serpent!” Blood Spear didn’t seem to be the same as Esteemed Jehovah. “If you wait for a moment, the enemy’s reinforcements are too strong, let the three Genetically Modified Fighters go up, let’s look for a chance.”

“Understand!” Shadow Blade Edge responded affirmatively.

Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Second wave reinforcements come quickly, far beyond the expectations of Blood Spear, less than three minutes after the fall of The Steel and Iron, five black mAT&T e Dawns, under the cover of the night, come To the periphery of the Lonely Massacre Organization.

Dawn on-board Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, First time found six members of Slaughter Mercenary Corps, Ye Feng inside the Dawn on-board Communications System, commanded, “Assign target. Use Electromagnetic Artillery attack !Sanpao, your target It is the leftmost one, and the target of Liang Zi is Second on the left. The targets of Xingrui and Mingxuan are the two on the right, do you understand?”

“Understand!” The four responded in unison.

“Lock the target, attack after three seconds! If the target is off target, Freedom will re-shoot!” Ye Feng again commanded.

Three seconds passed. In the middle of the night, five air-compressed sounds, Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery’s initial velocity, reaching 3600 meters per second.

The five members of Slaughter Mercenary Corps didn’t even react to the reaction and were hit short-distance by Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. A huge hollow appeared in the body part that was hit!

The only escape was the Blaughter Mercenary Corps’ Blood Spear. In the face of such a sudden change, Blood Spear just fell for a moment and immediately fell to the ground and rolled over.

‘sniper ? ! Damn Jehovah, what enemies have been provoked? ‘Blood Spear while rolling on the ground. Thinking about this issue.

However, this issue became the last thought of Blood Spear!

Because the five Second Generation Dawns killed their respective targets, they all aimed at Blood Spear. Even if Blood Spear’s evasive action is very scientific, what about it?

Second Generation Dawn owns Izual’s aimed at the Auxiliary System. Coupled with the power of Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery, Blood Spear was hit at the waist when it was tumbling on the ground, and the upper body and the lower body were inconsistently tumbling.

When Second Generation Dawn annihilated Slaughter Mercenary Corps. Jehovah received the message almost at the first time. Slaughter Mercenary Corps was too small to see Jehovah, Jehovah invaded their internal WIRE less communication channel, and their actions and plans were clear.

When the Slaughter Mercenary Corps was annihilated, Jehovah immediately issued orders to three Genetically Modified Fighters.

‘Keep the communication quiet, go to the scheduled withdrawal point, and turn on the communication again. ‘

After the release of Jehovah’s orders, three Genetically Modified Fighters quietly left the perimeter of the Lonely Massacre Organization.

Jehovah is not aware of the battle scene, but Jehovah does not want to take risks. The three Genetically Modified Fighters have residual value and cannot be easily broken in Móng Cái City.

The three Genetic Warriors incorporate the chameleon’s genes, suppressing human body heat radiation, and smoothly avoiding Dawn’s Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, leaving the battlefield with ease and heading to the scheduled retreat.

The five men of Punishment Merc Warsquad did not relax their vigilance by destroying the Slaughter Mercenary Corps. They had already received news that the enemy had a Genetically Modified Fighter.

At the beginning, in the Compass Area, they fought with the Genetically Modified Fighter, and they were very aware of the power of the Genetically Modified Fighter. Therefore, they maintain High Degree vigilance.

“System, scan the surrounding information, did you find an abnormal situation?” Ye Feng took the initiative to ask Izual. In accordance with the truth, they destroyed six enemies, and the Genetically Modified Fighter should run out and play with them.

But now, the Geographically Modified Fighter doesn’t appear!

Neither Shi Lei nor Ye Feng thought that Jehovah directly ordered the Geographically Modified Fighter to retreat. After all, in Shi Lei’s view, if the Genetic Warrior suddenly broke out, it is not impossible to threaten the Second Generation Dawn.

“Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector did not find any target, high-frequency detection radar did not find any target, according to System determine, the enemy can shield the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector scan, please keep High Degree vigilant.” Izual responded to Ye Feng.

Five Second Generation Dawn launched a pull-net search to try to find hidden enemies until Izual scanned the footprints on the ground through a low-light night vision device. “The Captain Ye , System scans to human footprints. Image information, after system analysis determine, a total of three persons left the region.”

Ye Feng sighed in relief, then reported to Shi Lei: “Boss, the enemy may have left!”

Shi Lei frowned. “Leave? A’Feng, tell me to start all The Steel and Iron!” Shi Lei intends to let Izual control the numerous The Steel and Iron, searching around Móng Cái City and Móng Cái City .

“Okay!” Ye Feng affirmed.

“Look at Lonely Massacre and comfort Lonely Massacre’s issue. All personnel casualties are paid in accordance with regulations.” Shi Lei sighed, even though Shi Lei did not know the casualties of Lonely Massacre, but he also I know that the situation is definitely not very good.

After the instructions, Shi Lei did not wait for Ye Feng’s response, and ended the voice communication.

“Izual, control The Steel and Iron, and track the position of the enemy to escape!” Shi Lei told him, leaning back on the chair, in the heart of the irritated.

Jehovah and the Mysterious Organization did not sit still or care, but took the initiative to provoke the war. Shi Lei and Jehovah irreconcilable until the death of the situation, officially entered the Reality force struggle Phase.

Distant Li Jian Nation, a mysterious hall.

Inside the hall, there is a computer EQ uipment, and two huge information display walls. Amdusias stood next to Jehovah and asked a little bit of his face: “Jehovah, tell me, how is Slaughter Mercenary Corps completely destroyed?”

“I didn’t say it?” Jehovah said calmly, the neutral voice that passed through the voice changer, without any fluctuations in tone.

“Mirror Science and Technology Group got involved? Killed Slaughter Mercenary Corps ?hā hā hā !” Amdusias extremely angry and laughed, “A good Mirror Science and Technology Group !Jehovah, you tell me why our secret action is Mirror Science And Technology Group know? If I remember correctly, only you and I know the route of this action Right?”

The opinion of Amdusias is very obvious. He can’t reveal the route information himself. Only Jehovah leaked the route information, which is likely to incur the impact of Mirror Science and Technology Group.

Jehovah was silent and he did not have First time to answer Amdusias.

“Jehovah, did you fall to the Mirror Science and Technology Group?” Amdusias was a bit suspicious in the face of Jehovah’s silence.

Jehovah looked towards Amdusias, said with a sneer: “Idiot! If I fall to Mirror Science and Technology Group, I will kill you in First, then tell Chao Lei the identity of Chaos Serpent!”

Amdusias thinks that this is also the case. In the case of self-knowledge, the tone slightly converges. “So why does Mirror Science and Technology Group know about our actions?”

“Because I found out that there is Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Peripheral Organization in Móng Cái City. So, by the way, I want Destroy. It went very smoothly, and Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Peripheral Organization Lonely Massacre has been killed more than fifty. People. But the support power of Mirror Science and Technology Group is too fast. However, only Slaughter Mercenary Corps has been lost. Three Genetically Modified Fighters, I have ordered them to go to the bay, I will arrange the power to transport them into Xia Nation! Jehovah explained plainly.

Amdusias is slightly sighed in relief, as long as the three Genetically Modified Fighters do not have an issue, things are not without room for recovery.

Slaughter Mercenary Corps, although it is the focus of Organization, Merc Corps, can’t be lost. In Amdusias’ view, Merc Corps is just a consumable item!

“Genetic Warrior escaped! Jehovah, arrange for the Genetic Warrior to enter Xia Nation and hand it over to me!” Amdusias stared at Jehovah’s eyes, with a tone of unbearable rejection.

I don’t know, Amdusias’s move completely falls into the trapof Jehovah!

Originally, Jehovah was still thinking about how to avoid the traces and let Amdusias take over this dirty job. But even though Jehovah, who is self-proclaimed by God, did not expect Amdusias to take the initiative to take over this troublesome thing.

Jehovah did not immediately agree, but the silence of the pretending gesture.

Amdusias light snorted, “Jehovah, you understand, although the accidental situation caused the Slaughter Mercenary Corps to be completely annihilated. But you also need to take responsibility, the management of the three Genetic Warrior, temporarily give me a more appropriate point. ”

“What are you going to do with them?” Jehovah paused for a moment and asked.

(To be continued~^~)