
Chapter 1561

HK1540 Hello , Little Airplane !


“Jazz, you will know when you get there!” Shi Lei replied to Tao Wenxian, “implement command, hijacking Li Jian Nation’s Pilot-less Aircraft!”

After Shi Lei’s edification, Tao Wenxian has entered Dark, he nodded affirmatively, “OK, Big Brother Stone!”

Xia Nation Time, February twenty On the 6th, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Shuangqing City has been shrouded in Dark, and the same is true in the open sea.

Two Second Generation Shadow Dragons, sailing off the coast, have long since crossed the Xia Nation territorial waters and are currently on their way to Guam. The luck of the two Set-up Shadow Dragon is not so good, and the sea is now a strong wind.

Shadow Dragon’s flight speed has been greatly suppressed, almost suppressed to the point of less than one third, only only Sixty kilometers per hour.

Tao Wenxian looked at the Shadow Dragon through the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor. He asked: “Izual, check out the weather forecast for the open sea.”

“Mr. Jazz, please wait a moment, System currently query.” Izual ice-cold unfeeling, in response to Tao Wenxian.

After waiting for about a dozen seconds, Izual again reported the situation, “Mr. Jazz, the bad weather in the open sea will continue to exceed Forty-eight hours. In addition, according to the weather forecast information feedback, the weather conditions in the open sea may worsen within 12 hours. “”

“What will happen?” Tao Wenxian asked.

“The wind is further increasing, at least to the level 9 wind; in addition, there will be rainy weather with rainfall exceeding 100 mm per hour.” Izual replied to the specific situation.

Rainfall is 100 mm per hour, which is a very amazing data. If placed in an inland city, the local government will release Red Rainstorm Signal, which is a good disaster prevention measure.

“Damn!” Tao Wenxian darkly cursed, “Izual. Simulate to calculate if our Shadow Dragon will be affected!”

“currently perform simulation tests, please wait a moment…” Izual calls IWNMiwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources to quickly perform simulation tests.

Waiting for nearly three minutes, Izual only feedback information, “Mr. Jazz. The simulation test results show that if there is heavy rainfall in the outer sea area, Shadow Dragon will be greatly affected, and the flight speed may be reduced to twenty kilometers per hour. Shadow Dragon’s Communications System will be affected by thunderstorms, and Shadow Dragon may enter the autonomous driving program. If there are special flight requirements, please set the flight plan in advance. However, Shadow Dragon can leave the rain zone ahead of time, the impact will be reduced. degree.”

Tao Wenxian squeezed his fists, “contact Big Brother Stone !”

“Okay, current contact. please wait a moment.” Izual connected to the LIPLens-type Information Processor worn by Shi Lei through Tao Wenxian’s LIPLens-type Information Processor.

“What?” Shi Lei stopped the hands of the keyboard and asked.

Tao Wenxian reported the results of the Izual simulation test to Shi Lei. “Big Brother Stone, do you want to continue? In such a bad weather. Li Jian Nation’s Pilot-less Aircraft, I am afraid I will not fly out of the Guam base Right?”

Shi Lei’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Go ahead! If, in bad weather conditions, the Pilot-less Aircraft at the Guam base is all inside the base, then hide the Shadow Dragon and wait for the weather conditions to improve. First time hijacked Guam’s Pilot-less Aircraft.”

“Understood!” After Tao Wenxian responded, he ended the call and continued to focus on the two Set-up Shadow Dragons. At the same time, Tao Wenxian began to set up the Shadow Dragon’s Auto-pilot Mode details.

If the weather in the open sea becomes extremely harsh, Shadow Dragon needs to enter the Auto-pilot Mode, and then Tao Wenxian needs to preset the detailed parameters. Of course, if you don’t need specific operating instructions, you can rely solely on Shadow Dragon’s autopilot program to be fully qualified for Ordinary.

Li Jian Nation Guam military base.

Guam’s location, the weather is even worse, not only the wind, but also has started heavy rainfall. As predicted by Tao Wenxian, the Pilot-less Aircraft at the Guam military base returned to the base to avoid bad weather.

Sebinsk and Sukla are the two radars at the Guam military base radar station. The violent storms of the Storm Storm, almost all the soldiers at the Guam military base are annoying, but they both like it.

Because they can take a rest and rest, in such bad weather conditions, it is almost impossible to have the Aircraft implement flying Task, they do not need to pay attention to the radar.

Sebinsk currently eats canned beef. He swallows the beef in his mouth and asks: “Sukla, this time I am going back to China, are you going to get married?”

Sukla smiled. “Yes, brothers, my wife has given me the last night. If I don’t marry this time, I am afraid the groom is not me!”

“hā hā hā !” Sebinsk hā hā laughed, “Sukla, will you invite me to a marriage when I get married?” Sebinsk asked seriously.

“Of course! Brothers, we have been working together for four years, we are friends!” Sukla responded affirmatively.

“That can be said! Although I am in Utah, you are in Florida, a little farther away, but I will not miss your wedding, my good brothers!” Sebinsk made his promise.

But Sukla stared at the radar screen behind Sebinsk. “Hey, brothers, look at it, is there anything unusual? I seem to see an airplane!”

Sebinsk quickly put down the canned beef and turned to look at the radar screen, but the radar screen was calm, and Sebinsk heard a laugh behind him.

“hā hā hā ,brothers , you don’t really think that someone is flying Right in such bad weather conditions?” Sukla hā hā laughed and grabbed Sebinsk’s canned beef.

Sebinsk pretended to be angry and turned to look at Sukla. “You bastard, want canned beef, don’t you know how to apply?”

“No, no! Brothers, my quota has already exceeded the standard. If you apply again, every can be deducted 12US Dollar, I am not stupid, these two US Dollar cans. Actually 12US Dollar!”

The two joked, ignoring the radar screen, really flashing a light spot. But this light spot, only flashed two times, disappeared without a trace.

In the night sky outside the sea, Izual controls two Set-up Shadow Dragons. Further reduced the Flight High Degree, a High Degree that is almost 10 cm apart from the waves.

Izual dynamically manages Shadow Dragon’s Flying High Degree, through Shadow Dragon’s Optical Detection System, and Image Recognition Engine. Once Izual determines the Wave’s High Degree, it may threaten Shadow Dragon, and Izual will temporarily promote Shadow Dragon’s flight. . Through such a flight mode. Let the Shadow Dragon be almost parallel to the waves and prevent it from being discovered by Guam’s radar.

Near midnight, Izual prompts, “Mr. Jazz, System will automatically manage the flight of Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragon is away from Guam. It takes about 11 hours to 18 hours.”

Tao Wenxian just just accomplished the detailed parameters of Shadow Dragon’s autopilot program. He submitted the specific data to Izual and yawned: “Well. Izual, I slept first. In any case, please contact me immediately.” !”

“Understood, Mr. Jazz.” Izual definitely responded.

Another Security Room, Shi Lei currently, looks at the inside of Yinni Nation. Shi Lei is still trying to track the mysterious forces hidden in Yinni Nation.

However, after a whole day, plus one night, Shi Lei still did not receive any evidence. Shi Lei has conducted a comprehensive analysis and screening of the Safety Monitoring System of the entire Jakarta area, and found no personnel that may be snipers.

Shi Lei closed his eyes and recalled the data of the previous investigate in his mind, but none of the data was useful. The identity of Mysterious Sniper is still a mystery.

“Sir, System has inquired about the Yinni Nation Import and Export Administration data, import and export shore surveillance video records, no suspicious personnel found.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Izual has the ability to process tasks in a multi-threaded manner. Izual can serve multiple tasks, not only communicate with Shi Lei, but also communicate with Tao Wenxian, and even implement thousands of them, even Hundred-thousand Millions of instructions.

Shi Lei sighed. “How is the situation at Izual, Tao Wenxian?”

Izual displayed the relevant information in the LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparency screen. After Shi Lei looked at it, he showed a sneer. “I didn’t expect, even God is helping Li Jian Nation? Hēng! I want to Going against the sky! District Tempest, how can you block Shadow Dragon! Izual, make sure Shadow Dragon is smooth and implement Task!”

“Understood, Sir!” Izual confirmed the response.

One night passed by, Second Heavens, three days in the sun.

Izual informed Tao Wenxian that Shadow Dragon had left the Tempest area and was less than 100 nautical miles from Guam.

Tao Wenxian wakes up from Izual and looks at the relevant situation through the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

Guam military base.

Sebinsk reminded Sukla, “Hey, brothers, ready to work, two Pilot-less Aircraft, will take off from the base, give them the corresponding Radar Identification Code!”

Sukla sent the temporary Radar Identification Code, two Pilot-less Aircraft, taking off from the switch island military base. Temporary Radar Identification Code, which is the ‘Identification Certificate’ of the Guam military base Aircraft.

If there is no aircraft with a temporary Radar Identification Code, it is basically impossible to land at the Guam military base. Unless you have a manual authorization, you can make a landing.

Through the mechanism of the temporary Radar Identification Code, the Guam military base can effectively identify the identity of the excluded aircraft and manage the take-off and landing of the aircraft more efficiently.

Two Pilot-less Aircraft, leaving the Guam military base, two Second Generation Shadow Dragons, discovered about two Pilot-less Aircraft on-board radar in about a dozen minutes.

Two Second Generation Shadow Dragons carried out the Ultra Low-altitude Flight, immediately below the two Pilot-less Aircraft at the Guam military base, and forced the scanning of the Pilot-less Aircraft invading the Guam military base with the on-board WIRE less device.

Tao Wenxian quickly tapped the intrusion command on the keyboard with both hands, and said to himself: “Hello, my Little Airplane!”

Unfortunately, Tao Wenxian didn’t add one more sentence: ‘Let me bring you the coins and fly with you! ‘

(To be continued~^~)