
Chapter 1515

HK1495 disorder and the influx!


Xia Nation, February 15th, 12 points at 0:00 am.

Shi Lei, through SecondIWN, joined Izual to accomplish the invasion of the entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid Management System. According to Shi Lei’s technology, Nanchao Nation’s Power Grid System, which requires full recovery, requires at least 12 hours or more.

But less than eight hours from the opening of Nanchao Nation Stock Market!

Nanchao Nation’s Power Supply interrupt, telephone communication interrupt, network interrupt, the entire Nation caught in the Dark and Disorder.

The Nanchao Nation’s Government opened the national emergency plan, and all the Police Force and Intelligence Security Department personnel in the country were involved in the security management. Even the army of Nanchao Nation is always on standby.

Fortunately, Nanchao Nation’s Government and the Army’s Power System and Communications System were not invaded by Hacker. In fact, Shi Lei wants to invade, no, it should be a massive invasion, and destroying the Nanchao Nation Official and the military’s network and power, there is basically no possibility.

Otherwise, according to Shi Lei’s character, you will definitely hit Nanchao Nation in the end, completely sinking!

Nanchao Nation’s situation was very bad. In the midst of a black light bonfire in the middle of the night, there were numerous people who rioted and almost attracted the attention of the whole world.

Shi Lei, who started as a sergeant, yawned and said: “Izual, control SecondIWN, black out Nanchao Nation’s Airport Management System and Port Management System, the time limit is ten minutes. Once the time restriction is reached, whether or not accomplish work, start IWNSeed self-removal program, clean up all the traces. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir!” Izual responded to Shi Lei but immediately sent a question. “Sir, if the Main System uses SecondIWN, accomplish the task ahead of time, do you need to start the IWNSeed self-delete program in advance?”

Shi Lei thought for a moment and gave two treatment options, “If you accomplish three minutes in advance. Continue to use SecondIWN to invade NIS. If you have less than three minutes remaining after accomplishing the First Task, start the IWNSeed self-delete program in advance.”

“Yes, Sir!” Izual responded again.

Shi Lei yawned again and stood up and went to the lounge. “Izual, there is Emergency Situation, please contact me!”

“Understand!” Izual responded. Continue, “Sir, Goodnight!”

Shi Lei waved his right hand and waved a few times to express his return.

As a High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, even with the ability and logic of Logical Analysis comparable to humans. But the program is always a program, no human emotion, no need to rest, 7*24 hours of uninterrupted work.

‘System Administrator enters the rest state. Authorize System Administrator to begin controlling SecondIWN. Gather 892Tflopscomputing resources …’

‘Analytical target: Gimpo Airport, Incheon Airport, Gimhae Airport, Cheongju Airport, Jeju Airport; System detected Nanchao Nation common 16 ports, ignoring secondary targets, select main targets: Port of Busan, Port of Gwangyang, Port of Incheon. Total attack target Quantity: 8…’

‘currently calculate the best attack plan and enter the deep natural Logical Thinking mode…’

‘Turn on Virtual Simulation Function…’

Formerly. When Izual first appeared, Shi Lei chose to play Chinese Chess with Izual in order to test Izual’s intelligence level.

Izual was not written by Shi Lei, or it was not entirely written by Shi Lei. Shi Lei only accomplished part of it, while the other part seems to be Izual’s own accomplish. In fact, Izual is accomplished by that mysterious purple light.

Shi Lei is not a full writer of Izual’s, so Shi Lei does not fully understand Izual’s intelligence level and related functions. In order to further understand Izual, Shi Lei needs some auxiliary determiner scheme, so he chose Chinese Chess.

Not Xia Nation Chinese Chess, but International Chess!

Shi Lei is not proficient in International Chess, Izual is tested by International Chess, and it is only a Shi Lei’s solution. Because International Chess is very special, it is not possible to calculate all the results because of the powerful Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System.

At the time, Shi Lei sat in front of the Number One Server, launched the International Chess program, and chose to play against Izual. Shi Lei asked Izual to learn the rules of International Chess and let Izual go white.

But Izual has not been out of the First step!

Because Izual’s Logical Core Program has a calculation disorder, it is impossible to figure out how to get out of the First step.

Shi Lei added the strategy determine function to Izual, which he said at the time, “What should you do with the Unable to Judge First step? Since the First step is taken, the Second move will produce 72,084 different Chess Match. Third step At the time, there are about 900 Chess Match. There are more than 318,000,000,000 Chess Match in the Fourth step. Chinese Chess may produce more Chess Match than the number of atoms in the universe. Which Unable to Judge is the starting scheme? Is that the best choice?”

“Yes, Sir !System Unable to Judge is the best choice, please ask the System Administrator for the implement command.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Early Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Izual of Intelligence System Phase, the ability to handle issues on its own is not strong, and quite a lot of work requires Shi Lei to give a complete indication solution before it can be solved.

But Shi Lei Hope Izual is smarter, with a human-like Logical Judgement, at least to the same extent as humans.

“You can’t make a First step choice because Unable to Judge, the first step of the way is the best. Because the First step is the farthest from the perfect ending, once you choose it, there will be endless possibilities. But this too This means that no matter what plan you choose in the First step, there are endless possibilities in the future. Even if the First step, the Second step, the Third step are all wrong, you still have the opportunity to change the adverse results and make a remedial solution. You only need to make a choice of First step, and then make a modify determine again according to the subsequent situation. Understand?” Shi Lei guides to establish Izual’s Logical Core Thinking Strategy.

“currently store the Logical Thinking Strategy and accept System Administrator to inject the new Logical Thinking Strategy, System acquired modify.” Izual immediately responded to the situation and immediately made the International Chess First Step selection.

As Shi Lei calculated, International Chess had endless possibilities, even though he initially suppressed Izual, but after accepting the new Logical Thinking Strategy, Izual quickly turned defeat.

‘System makes a choice, abandon Virtual Simulation calculations, and choose to invade 8 targets at the same time! ‘

Izual made his own choice according to the Logical Thinking Strategy proposed by Shi Lei formerly. Perhaps it is not the best solution, but he has made the right choice.

Although the entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid System was attacked, some key locations have a backup power system that is independent of the grid.

Airport and Port exactly as stated such a key place!

Izual controls SecondIWN and simultaneously invades eight targets. Due to Izual’s invasion strategy, Izual’s invasion was very sharp, and it has the intrusion features of Shi Lei, Raphael, Tao Wenxian, and even Numerous Xia Nation Hacker, Wo Sang Nation Hacker, and Nanchao Nation Hacker.

SecondIWN has 892Tflops’ computing resources. Under Izual’s control, it seems to be a Hacker army, impacting eight target Management Systems.

‘breakthrough Port of Gwangyang Port Affairs Management System , currently delete the Port Affairs Management System, currently delete the data library, currently perform Hard Disk Low-level FormAT&T ing operation, currently current overload operation…’

‘Port of Gwangyang ,End…’

‘System currently invades the Incheon Airport Management System , currentlyly …’

‘Incheon Airport ,End…’

‘Jeju Airport,End…’

‘Port of Busan ,End…’


‘All target accomplishes intrusion, time determine, System consumes 8 minutes 17 seconds 31 milliseconds, exceeding the time specified by System Administrator, giving up secondary target NIS. ‘

‘Start the IWNSeed self-removal program, currently clear the trace of SecondIWN, and periodically clean up the trace of the Main System…’

‘accomplish System Administrator directive, System Administrator sleep state, generate unreported information, wait for System Administrator to wake up, report again…’

Shi Lei is in a sleep, naturally, does not know the situation of Nanchao Nation, how much disorder. Throughout the Nanchao Nation, there were many public riots in the dark, especially in Seoul City, and even the looting of the store.

Overseas, Li Jian Nation and Europe, have been paying attention to Nanchao Nation. At the same time, the International Floating Capital of numerous is also concerned about the situation of Nanchao Nation.

Numerous International Floating Capital, outside of Nanchao Nation, are waiting for the opening of Nanchao Nation Stock Market, and once they open, they will never subordinate.

These International Floating Capital are even more embarrassing than the Dream Entertainment Company. They are bloody and ruthless capital, only pursuing higher profits and not pursuing anything else.

Mu Shuang woke up early and put on the LIPLens-type Information Processor, telling Izual to show the news infrastructure of Nanchao Nation.

“Well?” Mu Shuang looked at the content of the LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparency screen, and the expression on the face was very exciting.

“Izual, what is the situation? Was it Shi Lei yesterday?” Mu Shuang asked Izual.

Izual did not respond, because this information, according to Izual’s determine, may have a bad influence on Shi Lei, Izual refused to answer.

Mu Shuang didn’t get an answer, but what is the difference with getting the answer?

‘Shi Lei ah Shi Lei, you guy, it’s too tossing. However, in this case, maybe there are more choices! ‘Mu Shuang’s eyes sparkled inexplicably.

(To be continued~^~)