
Chapter 1508

HK1488 burned hardware!


Romantic Valentine’s Day, Samsung Company is destined to be a tragedy!

Although the Samsung Company took out the solution that the Samsung Cellphone could not be turned on in just one hour and seven minutes, it was only Shi Lei’s First Round attack!

The Shield Wall made by Mourned Star Assassin code only shields the Samsung Cellphone’s System from the software level, and makes the Samsung Cellphone’s screen unable to display the corresponding content. At the same time, the physical buttons cannot play a corresponding role.

Shi Lei has just developed the Mourned Star Disaster, which is a further Virus program!

If Mourned Star Assassin also left a living path for the Samsung Company, then Mourned Star Disaster did not leave any living.

Because, Mourned Star Disaster is the Virus program that destroys Samsung Cellphone hardware!

When Izual sent the Mourned Star Disaster, it again sent Mourned Star Assassin. However, this time the text message of carry and bear Mourned Star Assassin is no longer the balance prompt information of Telecommunications Operator, but the Valentine’s Day greeting information sent by random number.

‘Valentine’s Day Happy, do you remember our child? I am waiting for you in the old place, child wants to meet you! ‘This SMS, exactly as stated Second Round carries the malicious SMS of Mourned Star Assassin. It is full of malicious, not only will shield the Samsung Cellphone’s Operating System, but also let other cell phone users, bear the emotional danger.

In fact, Nanchao Nation is all over the territory, because this SMS, just a few minutes, has occurred more than a thousand contradictions between men and women. This result, Shi Lei did not expect it.

Shi Lei now regularly observes the OffiCIA l Website of the Samsung Company and studies the cell phone management software of the Samsung Company. Shi Lei is very insidious, placing the Mourned Star Disaster Virus in the server of the Samsung Company, cell phone Management Software requesting data.

Because Samsung Cellphone Management Software needs to rewrite the Operating System for users, the user’s Samsung Cellphone is available in a variety of models. To reduce the size of the cell phone Management Software and improve software safety, the Cyber ​​Security Department designed the cell phone Management Software as a network client model.

When the user connects the cell phone to the cell phone Management Software via a USB cable, the cell phone Management Software identifies the specific Samsung Cellphone model. In the Data Server, download the corresponding System program and write it to the cell phone.

Shi Lei puts the Mourned Star Disaster Virus in the corresponding Data Server, when the user of the Samsung Cellphone, through the cell phone Management Software, rewrites the Samsung Cellphone to the System. Mourned Star Disaster Virus will enter the cell phone with the cell phone Management Software.

If you don’t have the help of Samsung Cellphone Management Software, Mourned Star Disaster Virus can also enter the System Ground Level of the Samsung Cellphone. However, in that case, Mourned Star Disaster Virus. At most, System is deleted, and hardware cannot be destroyed.

You can enter the inner core of the Samsung Cellphone through the Cell phone Management Software of Samsung Company Official, and Shi Lei can pass the Mourned Star Disaster Virus. Directly burn down the processor chip of the Samsung Cellphone.

If the processor chip of the Samsung Cellphone is burned down, can the Samsung Company recover via the cell phone Management Software? If the Samsung Company can pass the issue of software repair hardware. That Your Mother is simply the rhythm of the sky!

“Izual, this time there are not many recruits in the Samsung Cellphone?” Shi Lei asked Izual, second time to spread Mourned Star Assassin, although Shi Lei changed a pattern. But on this cusp, Shi Lei guessed that the person recruited should not be too much.

However, Shi Lei clearly overestimated the IQ standard of the Nanchao Nation people. After all, who is okay to guard against SMS poisoning?

Second Round Mourned Star Assassin Virus, although it is not infected with the numerous Samsung Cellphone, it is not because the Nanchao Nation people are getting smarter, but a lot of Nanchao Nation’s Samsung Cellphone user, and haven’t had time to recover their Samsung Cellphone.

According to Izual’s feedback information statistics, the Samsung Cellphone in the network has only a total of 2 Million, and almost 99% points to the Samsung Cellphone user.

Shi Lei hā hā laughed. “So, just less than one in ten thousand of the Samsung Cellphone user, may you survive?”

“According to the network statistics of the Telecommunications Operator, this is indeed the case.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Nanchao Nation.

In Internet World, the numerous Samsung Cellphone user posted a complaint. Although the Samsung Company urgently provided a solution to the problem that the cell phone could not be turned on, the user of the Mobile Phone System was first restored, and they said that their Samsung Cellphone was once again unable to boot.

Currently, the users who restore the Samsung Mobile Phone System are basically young users, or users who know some computers. Their Samsung Cellphone is hacked again, and of course the ATM Samsung will be posted on the network.

One of the posts is quite unique.


“Samsung Cellphone is a bit uncomfortable, it is simply Samstupid Cellphone! 》

I hate the Samsung Cellphone now!

Although the Samsung Cellphone is our Nation First brand, it is true that the quality of the cell phone of the Samsung Company is really worrying.

When the Samsung Cellphone first issue appeared, the Samsung Company took out the solution in one hour and seven minutes, and I was very touched. After all, in the face of large-scale batch issues, the Samsung Company gave a seemingly perfect solution in such a short period of time. How can it not be touched?

But now, I have to say that the Samsung Company is bullshit!

Why do you say that?

Because my Samsung Cellphone, according to the cell phone Management Software provided by the Samsung Company, has just recovered, but now it is another tragedy, and it has entered a state of being unable to boot.

I admit, I handcuffed, ordered a strange SMS, and then the cell phone was tragic. I know, some people have to say, you are numb, nothing to do, what to SMS.

But I want to say, Damn Your Mother, cell phone doesn’t look at SMS, or cell phone Ah?

Samsung Company, please tell me, what should I do now? Don’t tell me, reply to the cell phone Operating System again using the cell phone Management Software you provided.

Your program and the siege lion, do you know how long it takes to recover a cell phone? Moreover, who can guarantee that the next time I open SMS, will it continue the tragedy?

Garbage Samsung Cellphone! It is simply Samstupid Cellphone!

Angry turn to GLFaction!


This post is really not the gunmanship published by Shi Lei, but it is genuine. Post by Nanchao Nation’s Samsung Cellphone user.

As this post says, can cell phone still have a pleasant view of SMS?

There are a lot of replies under the post. The large part is the user of the Samsung Cellphone. They all say that the landlord should not give up and wait for the Samsung Company to give a solution to prevent the SMS from crashing.

The Samsung Company’s Technical Department and Cyber ​​Security Department are also depressed. They originally thought that the issue was solved. A similar issue will not happen again, but I did not expect it to come again.

The Specialists at the Samsung Company Cyber ​​Security Department, don’t know, Hacker can indeed come back again and continue to kidnapthe Samsung Cellphone so that it won’t boot.

But usually. The Samsung Company gave the solution, and after Hacker’s move was cracked, Hacker wouldn’t play the same trick again.

Chi SeungHyeog frowns, a depressed curse: “Which damn Hacker is it, is it a boring egg? Actually use two times the same attack method.”

Che UnJun frowns said: “Heng He, now is not a time to complain, think about how to solve the issue.”

Chi SeungHyeog smiled and said: “Section Head, this issue is not easy to solve. Although I don’t want to admit it. But this time for our Hacker is very good, the other party forcibly broke through our cell phone Operating System. Infused Shield Wall source code into System Ground Level , which has the priority of First priority. It is very, very difficult to decrypt similar attacks.”

“Heng He, you said it. It is very, very difficult, there is still a way, isn’t that right?” Che UnJun asked.

Chi SeungHyeog shook his head. “Section Head, you know, why bother asking?”

“Is it really only a matter of rebuilding the cell phone Operating System and adding a new protection scheme?” Che UnJun also said with a bitter smile. If you rebuild the Operating System of the Samsung Cellphone, it is a very large job with a new protection scheme.

Not only that, but if the Samsung Company wants to rebuild the cell phone Operating System, what about Microsoft’s System? What about Nokia’s SYM bian? Exit their Operating System Alliance?

Besides, rebuilding the Mobile Phone System, the amount of work, can not be accomplish in a short time. Rebuilding Mobile Phone System, EQ uivalent to What works, can be understood as AppleCompany, developing iOSSystem, Samsung Company develops an Operating System exclusively for Samsung Company.

In this way, safety can be guaranteed!

But in the current situation, how can I give the Samsung Company time to rebuild the Mobile Phone System? Rebuilding the Mobile Phone System, not a year and a half, or even three years and five years, is basically very difficult.

The Samsung Company’s Technical Department and the Cyber ​​Security Department have not yet discussed how to deal with the Samsung Cellphone SMS crash event, and the new issue is coming again.

The numerous Samsung Cellphone users contacted the Samsung Company’s customer service center and asked why the Samsung Cellphone could not be recovered through the cell phone Management Software provided by Samsung Company.

This issue immediately caught the attention of the High Degree of the Technical Department and the Cyber ​​Security Department. They chose the best policy, it is impossible to restore the Operating System of the Samsung Cellphone, except for the Samsung Cellphone hardware, the issue may occur.

The Hardware Engineers of the Technical Department quickly found three Samsung Cellphones, two non-Smart Phones and two Smart Phones.

The Cyber ​​Security Specialist of the Cyber ​​Security Department connects the three cell phones to the computer via a USB cable and restores the System through the cell phone Management Software.

But when the progress was restored, when it came to 99%, the Samsung Cellphone of the non-Intelligence System immediately crashed. After a while, the other two smart cell phones also crashed.

The Technical Engineers of the Technical Department, after quickly disassembling the three cell phones, got a tragic and reasonable answer. The processor chips of the three Samsung Cellphones were burned by powerful currents.

For a time, the Cyber ​​Security Specialist of the Cyber ​​Security Department and the Hardware Engineers of the Technical Department, look at me, I look at you, no one can get a better way.

(To be continued~^~)