
Chapter 1497

HK1477 Non-violent Retaliation Plan !


Mu Shuang has a heart of Business Queen. In normal times, Mu Shuang’s character is a bit deserted, and there are very few jokes.

“Hey? Shi Lei, do you have anything to ask? Is there anything else Izual doesn’t know?” Mu Shuang tweeted.

Shi Lei sighed, Izual is just the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, not the True ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. Some things that require subjective thinking analysis, Izual is basically not very good compcomplish.

“Shuang Shuang, Izual is not a panacea.” Shi Lei responded with a sentence and continued, “Shuang Shuang, how professional are you about Stock Market?”

Last time, Mu Shuang joined Izual and forced the acquisition of AMDCompany by manipulating the Stock Market. In Shi Lei’s opinion, the operation of Mu Shuang is simply stunning.

Mu Shuang thought for a moment and then continued: “Shi Lei, what company do you want to acquire? In view of the last time we forced the acquisition of AMDCompany. We have received a lot of attention. Once we have some action in Stock Market, we will definitely Arousing a rebound, we can’t buy the Large-scale Science and Technology Company silently.”

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Shuang Shuang, this time, we don’t need to acquire Company!”

“Hey? Then you talk about it, what is the specific thing. Stock Market’s things are changing rapidly, and specific things need specific solutions.” Mu Shuang does not exaggerate the promise of too much, which is the result of Mu Shuang’s character, Mu Shuang Like to seek truth from facts.

“Shuang Shuang, do you know 1997 year, Southeast Asia economic crisis?” Shi Lei did not say anything specific, but asked another thing.

For Business Queen Mu Shuang, how could you not know such a classic thing?

“Of course I know! Shi Lei, do you want to impact the financial system of a certain region?” Mu Shuang asked with some surprise, when Shi Lei had not answered yet. Mu Shuang continued. “Shi Lei, do you know how much money we have at Mirror Science and Technology Group?”

Shi Lei doesn’t know, it doesn’t matter, Izual knows. In the LIPLens-type Information Processor, the relevant data is displayed immediately.

The entire Mirror Science and Technology Group. With a very large working capital, there is a working capital of 8.16 Billion US Dollar and 4.8 Billion Xia Nation Yuan. Coupled with some loose money, there is about 9 Billion US Dollar.

That’s right!

Mirror Science and Technology Group does have so much money!

This is the income earned by Dream Entertainment Company, which sells VRGame Set and LIPLens-type Information Processor. Although it is speculated that the VRGame Set and the LIPLens-type Information Processor are all profiteering products.

But the outside world does not know. VRGame Set and LIPLens-type Information Processor are not only huge profits, but also unimaginable profits.

Taking the LIPLens-type Information Processor as an example, Dream Entertainment sells the Ordinary Lithium BAT&T ery version at a cost price of 3000Xia Nation Yuan. The price is 1 million US Dollar, which is equivalent to 8 million Xia Nation Yuan. Also in other words, each LIPLens-type Information Processor, the profit is 7.7 million Xia Nation Yuan.

Dream Entertainment Company. The 1 Million Deputy LIPLens-type Information Processor was officially released. The profit is 770 billion Xia Nation Yuan, which is converted into US Dollar 96 billion US Dollar.

but. Dream Entertainment Company has made a number of investments, including Ten-thousand Mu Earth Headquarters, Yellow Triangle Region Headquarters, Neutrino Communications Technology, Quantum Communications Technology, and Quantum Computer Technology. Therefore, some of the funds of Mirror Science and Technology Group are consumed.

After Mu Shuang asked, he still did not wait for Shi Lei to answer. “Izual has told you the detailed data Right? Currently, Mirror Science and Technology Group’s working funds, about 9 Billion US Dollar. If you need to divert the investment reserve for other projects, you can squeeze out some of it. However, it is not recommended to use These funds.”

Shi Lei smiled and said: “I didn’t know it, I actually have so much money! Shuang Shuang, if we use these funds, how can we achieve the 1997 year’s financial crisis?”

Mu Shuang chuckled. “Shi Lei, you really have a little Bai. It’s a little bit of money. Once you put in the International Exchange Rate Market, you can’t afford a wave. Izual, send data about the 1997 financial crisis. Give Shi Lei.” Mu Shuang told Izual.

Mu Shuang owns Izual’s high authority, and Izual immediately implements Mu Shuang’s order to list the 1997 year’s financial crisis in Asia, and the related data is listed.

Shi Lei looks at the relevant data on the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor. Looking at a pen over Hundred-billion US Dollar, Shi Lei’s expression is a bit depressed.

“Shi Lei, you saw the related data Right? That is more than the Hundred-billion US Dollar transfer, and there is a larger international Floating Capital support. I personally estimate that the final participation is more than Trillion US Dollar. It caused the economic crisis.” Mu Shuang explained the situation.

Shi Lei said with a bitter smile : “Shuang Shuang, I have no intention of attack Exchange Rate mechanism! Shuang Shuang, if we say, we only target one Nation’s Stock Market?”

In the 1997 year, there were some flaws in the Exchange Rate mechanism of Southeast Asia countries, but now, the flaw has not been filled up, and it is more difficult to want the attack Exchange Rate mechanism. At the same time, Southeast Asia countries have revived Essence Qi, and it is not easy to fight them.

“Shi Lei, I have to remind you of the risk of attack Stock Market. In case the funds are intercepted, we will be very badly damaged.” Mu Shuang reminded Shi Lei.

“Shuang Shuang, your opinion is, Nation, our attack, is it possible to directly intercept our funds by means of Official?” Shi Lei did not understand.

“There is a possibility, although the possibility is very small. But no one can say that in case of such a situation, we are very passive,” Mu Shuang responded.

Shi Lei thought a little, “Shuang Shuang, in another way, we didn’t actively suppress the Stock Market at first, but created the news that the Stock Market is about to collapse, and then showed the identity attack. If it is said, the official Nation’s Official is open. With our funds intercepted, their Nation credits will be downgraded, and they may not dare toigh?”

Mu Shuang frowns, hesitated: “Shi Lei. You did this, thought about the consequences? If we open to the public and a certain Nation, it is definitely not a good thing for our development. After all, our Brave’s World, A game that is a Worldwide game. If it is said that our attacked Nation, blocking our Brave’s World, what should we do?”

Shi Lei didn’t think about this issue at first. After Mu Shuang, Shi Lei started thinking about it. What Mu Shuang said is very likely to be realized.

After all, Brave’s World of Dream Entertainment Company. Basically, it is a tumor-like existence. It bypasses the local Cyber ​​Security regulatory authority and performs airborne operations.

Although Dream Entertainment Company proactively filed taxes in the regions where it operates, who knows the real data? Besides, Dream Entertainment Company takes full advantage of Shuangqing City’s tax exemption policy. All physical products, all of which are sold as Shuangqing City, are sold worldwide. Although other Nations have not collected tariffs for the time being, who knows that they will not receive them in the future?

“Shuang Shuang. You make sense. If we say, we transfer the funds to an Offshore Company and do it again?” Mirror Science and Technology Group’s funding is not reserved in Xia Nation’s state-owned Bank.

If there is a state-owned bank of Xia Nation, what happens in the event of a change. People can freeze your money anytime, anywhere. The funds of the Mirror Science and Technology Group are all placed in the Swiss bank to prevent malicious freezing.

“If it is the newly established Offshore Company, the issue is back to the original concerns, and the funds may be intercepted.” Mu Shuang said with concern.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “This kind of thing will not happen, because the target we choose to attack is Nanchao Nation. This Nation has a high credit rating. If their Official, there is a matter of intercepting Stock Market funds, I am afraid. Investors at Nanchao Nation will definitely flee. As a result, the impact on Nanchao Nation will be disastrous. Therefore, they can only act according to the rules.”

Mu Shuang sighed in relief, “I thought, you want to attack Africa, a small Nation’s Stock Market! That Nation’s Stock Market, there is no rule at all. Since it is Nanchao Nation’s Stock Market, it is not impossible. Attack. However, our capital is too little, we need more preparation, create an information, let Nanchao Nation’s Stock Market fall, do a good job.”

“I don’t understand these things, Shuang Shuang, can you handle this matter for you?” Shi Lei started talking.

Mu Shuang teased: “Shi Lei, aren’t you afraid that I will run with money? 9 Billion US Dollar, this is an astronomical amount of money, do you believe me?”

Shi Lei said loudly: “Shuang Shuang, you have to run and run! Money is nothing more than just a number, and you are unique and unmatched, and no more money can be exchanged.”

Mu Shuang in the heart suddenly rose and moved, ‘Shi Lei ah Shi Lei, how are you, how can I be good? Could it be that you really want to be cheaper with Yumo Younger Sister? ‘

“Shi Lei, you think about it. After you decide, please contact me. Attack Nanchao Nation’s Stock Market is not a small matter, and the transfer of funds is not a small matter.” Mu Shuang responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said directly: “Shuang Shuang, I have already considered it! This thing, you immediately start implement, let Izual help you. Desperate to crush the Stock Market of Nanchao Nation, the worse the better!”

“Well, since you have already decided, I will start preparing for work today. Right, with Izual’s help, I have to see what level I can do.” Mu Shuang said with a hot tone.

Obviously, Mu Shuang feels very happy about being able to call 9 Billion US Dollar for a stock market gamble.

“Okay, Shuang Shuang, don’t force yourself, pay more attention to rest. No matter what the outcome is, no matter whether it is profit or loss at the end, don’t have a psychological burden.” Shi Lei showed a good attitude.

Mu Shuang is affirmed: “Reassured, this time, it is absolutely impossible to fail. Just earn more and earn less issuance, my Hope our money, at least doubled!”

Shi Lei in the heart thinks secretly, if the funds double, he may have more ideas…

(To be continued~^~)

PS: 3200+ conscience words!