
Chapter 1490

HK1472 reverses the turn!


Jingya Garden, Building Ten.

The 1970 No. 3 Room and the 1970 No. 4 Room have been modified to become a Second Generation Dawn’s hangar.

Originally belonging to Shi Lei’s Second Generation Dawn, it has been placed in Nanyue Nation. In order to better protect its own safety, Shi Lei ordered Li Cai to build a Second Generation Dawn.

When Cahill and Pudelo blocked Shi Lei’s Second Generation Dawn in the No. 3 Room and the two sides failed to negotiate, Cahill sprinkled a dozen magnetic Bombs on the Second Generation Dawn’s body.

The magnetic Bomb is not large, about two centimeters in diameter, and the thickness is almost one centimeter. EQ uivalent to the length of a half-one dollar coin and the thickness of seven or eight coins.

Although the magnetic Bomb is small in size, its explosive power is not small. The fact that two Safety guard doors were blown up by the magnetic Bomb is a testament to this fact.

Cahill and Pudelo quickly exited the No. 3 Room, but Shi Lei ignored the two, but was nervous about the HUDMonitor driving the inner cabin.

Previously, when Cahill and Pudelo rushed in, Shi Lei lost a small Electronic Equipment, an EMPElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb.

Through the EMPElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb, the internal electronic equipment of the magnetic Bomb was destroyed, and the electronic components inside the magnetic Bomb failed, so that it could not be detonated.

Nearly ten seconds later, Shi Lei’s mouth had a pleased curvature, and the magnetic Bomb did not explode!

Cahill and Pudelo rushed in, Cahill coldly snorted, “It turned out to be EMPElectromagnetic Pulse Bomb! I thought it was an illusion!”

Shi Lei sneered, “Cahill? Pudelo? Who are you?” Shi Lei said as he pulled out the Alloy Heavy Sword.

The Second Generation Dawn has powerful power output and power output, such as the Second Generation Dawn. If you force the Alloy Heavy Sword, you can definitely squat the Ordinary.

Cahill sneered: “Mr. Shi, don’t think that there is Metal Exoskeleton, we can’t help you! Pudelo, get started, don’t take it down!”

Pudelo puts a loose expression. Suddenly nodded: “No issue, Captain Cahill!” After the talk, Pudelo’s assault rifle fired at Shi Lei. ,

“Innocent!” Shi Lei is light snorted. According to Second Generation Dawn’s Defensive Power, assault rifle can’t do anything.

Shi Lei held the Alloy Heavy Sword in his right hand and waved at Cahill. Dawn’s powerful power guarantees the speed of the sword.

however. When the sword of Alloy Heavy Sword was about to hit Cahill, Cahill’s figure suddenly disappeared and appeared again two meters away.

“Izual, calculate. Target just the speed!” Shi Lei calmly told.

Second Generation Dawn’s optical detection system, completely Seize the action of Cahill, Izual through a complicated calculation, and finally got the answer.

“Sir. The fastest speed of the target is 30 meters per second.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei’s face suddenly changed. What is the concept of 30 meters per second? Simply convert it. 30 meters per second EQ ual to 108 kilometers an hour.

This speed exceeds the speed of most cars!

“Damn! These two guys, is it TALENS’s Experimental Body?” Shi Lei in the heart was shocked if they were TALENS’s Experimental Body. Then they belong to the Dragon Rise’ Organization, or?

“Mr. Shi, your speed is too slow!” Cahill sneered.

Pudelo used the assault rifle, which appeared to be a random point, but after ten shots, Pudelo suddenly changed the direction of the shot. Suddenly, a bullet hit Dawn’s HUDMonitor outer layer, which is the ultrahigh strength Bulletproof Glass.

Such a close-range design, even the ultra-high strength Bulletproof Glass, can not resist too much times!

“Captain Cahill, I have to agree with the second, this guy is too slow! Right, Captain Cahill, are we going to catch him, or kill him?” Pudelo said unscrupulously.

Shi Lei in the heart was annoyed and made the decision, “Izual, take over the Second Generation Dawn’s Control System, launch the Dynamic Behavior, and kill the two guys!”

“Yes, Sir!” The so-called Dynamic Behavior Predicted System is a High Grade function System that has been carefully analyzed based on the huge Dynamic Behavior Signature data library.

Predicting System through Dynamic Behavior, Izual can infer the next action of the target according to the Dynamic Behavior of the target, and make related adjustments according to the action changes of the target.

While Izual controls Dawn, although in combat creativity with random resilience capabilities, there is no human driver Outstanding. But in fact, Izual also has the advantage, that is, almost no control, and far faster than the human driver.

When Izual took over Dawn’s Operating System, Cahill didn’t notice it, he only felt that Dawn had more Electromagnetic Fluctuations.

I haven’t waited for Cahill to figure out what’s going on, Izual controls Dawn’s right hand and once again slams his sword to Cahill.

This time, Izual controlled Dawn, the speed of the sword is at least twice that of Shi Lei’s, and Shi Lei, who is driving the inner cabin, has some discomfort, but can still withstand it.

Cahill suddenly became tragedy. In Cahill’s opinion, Dawn’s is very slow and it is impossible to hit him, but now Izual is in control, and in the face of the quickly transferred Alloy Heavy Sword, Cahill can only avoid it.

However, Cahill has made a mistake, how can he retreat?


Alloy Heavy Sword cuts off Cahill’s right arm!

If it wasn’t for Cahill’s last moment, slamming one side and letting the chest pass, the sword would definitely kill Cahill.

Pudelo still didn’t understand what was going on, Izual controlled Second Generation Dawn to chase Cahill. Second Generation Dawn’s maximum theoretical speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

Although the area of ​​the 1970 No. 3 Room is too small and there is not enough room for acceleration, Izual controls the Dawn and adds it from zero speed to 100 kilometers per hour in less than two seconds.

Cahill lost his right arm and his body’s center of gravity was unstable. When he hadn’t regained his position, Izual had already controlled Dawn to chase him.

Izual controls Dawn’s right arm, holding an Alloy Heavy Sword and a straight thorn, and Alloy Heavy Sword is inserted directly into Cahill’s chest.

Pudelo was so scared by such a change, and Cahill’s eyes jerked, blood leaking from his mouth, and he said vaguely, “You…you… actually,…have…hey…hey”

Cahill’s words were not finished, and they swallowed the last breath.

Shi Lei in the heart Thinking, what Cahill wants to say, ‘What do I have? Combined with the current situation determine, Cahill thinks that the Dawn controlled by Izual is the speed that I am controlling, and the Dawn suddenly becomes faster, which makes Cahill misunderstand? Could Cahill think that I am also the Experimental Body of TALENS technology? ‘

After Izual killed Cahill, there was no stopping for Pudelo. Dawn, who was rushed over by Pudelo, was terrified. He shot and tried to attack Dawn’s eyes and quickly retreat on the other side in an attempt to leave the No. 3 Room.

Shi Lei’s order to Izual was to kill two people. When Shi Lei did not issue an update command, Izual firmly enforced the order.

Second Generation Dawn Under the control of Izual’s, the speed was suddenly more than twice as provoced. Proud excites the adventure of Alloy Heavy Sword, but his own center of gravity is unbalanced, and it is absolutely impossible to avoid the next attack.

“Wait a Wait!” Pudelo shouted.

Alloy Heavy Sword The speed-changing attack to Pudelo, Shi Lei quickly said: “Stop!”

Izual slammed, the edge of Alloy Heavy Sword, about two centimeters apart from Pudelo’s neck.

“Pudelo? Do you have any last words?” Shi Lei said sarcastically.

When Shi Lei drove the Second Generation Dawn, the positions of the two sides exchanged again, and Shi Lei changed back from the prey to the hunter again.

Even though Cahill and Pudelo are the Experimental Body of TALENS technology, they don’t want to fight the Second Generation Dawn with the flesh. After all, they retain all the characteristics of human beings. They should be shallow Experimental Body, and the added genetic power is not strong enough.

“Mr. Shi, I can tell you the information, what you want to know, I can tell you anything, but please give me a way to live,” Pudelo said.

Shi Lei hā hā smiled and said: “How do I know if the information you are talking about is true or Fake?”

“I won’t make fun of my life!” Pudelo said eagerly. “I haven’t lived enough. I want to continue to breathe fresh air. I want to continue to enjoy this wonderful world.”

“Is it?” Shi Lei’s tone, still maintaining a skeptical attitude, put pressure on Pudelo.

Pudelo went out and said: “Mr. Shi, in any case, you have the initiative, why not choose to get more information? If you think that I will deceive you, can you kill me?”

Shi Lei looked at Pudelo with surprise. “Don’t you be afraid that I will ask for intelligence and kill you?”

“Afraid! But at least one chance, isn’t it? If I don’t delay the time, I will die soon. Even if I delay the time, the chance of surviving is less than 10,000, but at least it is also a chance with Hope. isn’t that right “Pudelo said something sad.”

Shi Lei suddenly took a look at Pudelo, at least his survival strategy is very high, and most people can’t reach such a realm.

“Okay! Then, tell me, who are you?” Shi Lei chose to ask for information. As for the question, whether or not to let Pudelo go, it depends on Shi Lei’s mood.

(To be continued~^~)

PS: Hunter…prey…hunter…