
Chapter 1480

HK1463 Gene Coding Virus, bad trouble!


In fact, Shi Lei is not worried about the Reality invasion of the multinational Hacker coalition. Shi Lei does not believe that the armed personnel dispatched by the multinational Hacker coalition can also compete with Izual-controlled Automated War Weapon.

Because it is Shuangqing City, no matter how much the multi-national Hacker coalition is hoisted, they can never have heavy weapon. At the maximum, there are several RPG soldier launchers, which is almost the limit.

If there is more powerful weapon, the top of Xia Nation will definitely be angry. At that time, Xia Nation will not behave on the bright side, but it will definitely start in the dark.

Armed personnel without heavy weapon, how do you fight against Automated War Weapon controlled by Izual?

Needless to say, He Zhenbang said he sent two Special-type War Squads to help Shi Lei. At present, these two Special-type War Squad have not yet arrived in Shuanghu District, nor do they know if they were also given a power outage by Shuangqing City?

Jingya Garden, Building Ten.

Shi Lei sits in front of the Number One Server and continues to analyze the Worm Virus inside the Shuangqing City Power Grid System. Hope uses the source code of Worm Virus to discover the variation rules of Worm Virus.

He has parsed hundreds of Worm Virus source code, in the heart with a little thought, in order to verify the idea of ​​the heart, Shi Lei commanded: “Izual, extract No. 001 Worm Virus source code Seventeenth line; No 002 Worm Virus source code Twentieth six lines; No. 003 Worm Virus source code Thirtieth five lines; No. 004 Worm Virus source code Sixteenth line…” Shi Lei screamed a bunch of data.

Izual faithfully records the information that Shi Lei said, accurately extracting each line of source code. A total of ninety lines of source code data were extracted before they stopped.

“Put all source code, pass the Caesar Cipher number of values, and then sort them in order.” Shi Lei continued to command.

The so-called Caesar Cipher, this is the most primitive way of encryption. By moving the digits of the letter. The information is simply encrypted.

For example, ‘LOVE’ is the original information, encrypted with the simplest Caesar Cipher, and all letters are shifted back by one, which becomes ‘MPWF’. This encryption method is easy to crack.

The digit-equivalent shifting scheme is the more confidential Caesar Cipher Encryption Scheme, which also uses ‘LOVE’ as the original information. ‘L’ is the First bit, moving one bit backwards and becoming ‘M’; ‘O’ is the Second bit, moving two bits backwards and becoming ‘Q’, the same reason is to calculate the Third bit and the Fourth bit, and finally Got ‘MQYI’. Implemented information encryption.

This simple Encryption Scheme, which is popular in writing popular pop, is very popular. Especially the secret love letter between men and women, using Caesar Cipher encryption, unfamiliar with the rules of the outsider. I don’t even know the communication between the two people.

Using the bitwise equivalence back-shifting scheme, a little more safety than the original Caesar Cipher. However, there is a higher Grade Caesar Cipher. It will not be discussed for the time being.

Izual performs data analysis according to the solution provided by Shi Lei. This simple work. Even if it is 90 lines of source code, Izual only took less than a second.

Shi Lei looked at the analysis that Izual parsed, and his face gradually showed a smile, “Izual. Convert all the code to case and convert it to binary.”

“Yes, Sir.” Izual immediately converted the code, ninety lines of source code, thousands of English letters, converted into binary data consisting of 0 and 1.

“Run these binary data directly!” Shi Lei told again.

Izual started running binary data according to Shi Lei’s command. When Izual started binary data, a Sakura consisting of 0 and 1 appeared on the screen.

“Sure enough! With Sakura’s genes, we wrote the variation rules for Worm Virus.” Shi Lei said with a sneer, from the variation rules of Worm Virus, it is not difficult to see that its author should be Wo Sang Nation.

I found the variation rules for Worm Virus and Shi Lei started writing the Exclusive Killing Tool. This time, Shi Lei can finally completely kill Worm Virus.

Shi Lei quickly wrote accomplished the Worm Virus Exclusive Killing Tool, then contacted Ling Yuguo and sent the Worm Virus Exclusive Killing Tool. “Uncle Ling, our Specialist, found the variation rules, this is the latest Exclusive Killing Tool. 100% guarantees the killing of Worm Virus.”

“Okay!” Ling Yuguo’s voice was in a happy tone. Shuangqing City has been out of power for more than two hours, and Ling Yuguo is under great pressure.

Shi Lei used the voice of meditation to tell Izual, “Izual, use the Exclusive Killing Tool to completely clean up the Worm Virus in the Shuangqing City Power Grid System!”

Izual controls the Worm Virus Exclusive Killing Tool, calculates Lightning through IWNMiwang and Exceed Grade, performs accelerated operations, and quickly cleans up Worm Virus in the Power Grid System.

Nearly five minutes later, Izual reported: “Sir, the Power Grid System’s Worm Virus is completely hunt down.”

Shi Lei nodded, and then waited for quiet. If Worm Virus is still not dead, I am afraid that it will come back after a while. Waiting for nearly five minutes, Shuangqing City’s Power Grid System, there is no Worm Virus, Shi Lei finally sighed in relief.

“Uncle Ling, Worm Virus cleaned up, Power Grid System should be restored!” Shi Lei explained to Ling Yuguo.

Ling Yuguo is also sighed in relief, “Well, I immediately inform the staff of the grid, let them debug the grid.”

The Power Grid System is very quick to debug, because only the storage system of the grid has an issue, not a physical issue. Once the management system’s issue is resolved, a little debugging can restart the grid.

After about fifteen minutes, Izual prompts: “Sir, Shuangqing City Power Grid System is back to work!”

Shi Lei looked out the window, and many of the households in Jingya Garden lit up the radiance of the lights, apparently regaining power.

“Shi Lei, Power Grid System is back on power!” Ling Yuguo said to Shi Lei on the phone.

“Well, Uncle Ling, I have to deal with a few things here, and I will deal with it later.” Shuangqing City’s power restoration means that Shuangqing City’s SoCIA l Public Safety System is restored, and Izual will regain control of the entire Shuangqing City. Happening.

“Okay, Shi Lei brat, if you need help, remember to contact me!” For Shi Lei to help solve the Power Grid System’s issue, Ling Yuguo said that he had a feedback.

“Well, Uncle Ling, if I can’t handle it, I will definitely contact you.” Shi Lei affirmed, Shi Lei took the initiative to hang up the call.

“Izual, retrieve the entire Unknown Identity personnel of Shuangqing City!” Shi Lei issued an order to Izual.

Izual uses the voice of ice-cold unfeeling, responding to Shi Lei, “Sir, please wait a moment, System currently accesses Shuangqing City Government monitoring route, has passed the authority certification, and currently takes over the Monitoring System, currently taking over 3% point seven.”

The LIPLens-type Information Processor Virtual transparent screen displays the countdown time to take over the Shuangqing City Monitoring System.

Shuangqing City Government controls more than one hundred 600,000 cameras, and Izual wants to take over all surveillance cameras and it takes time to process.

Near 11 o’clock in the evening, Izual achieved data access for all surveillance cameras. Through surveillance camera detection, there is no Unknown Identity personnel in Shuanghu District.

This result made Shi Lei very suspicious. The personnel of Unknown Identity, I am afraid that the power of Shuangqing City suddenly recovered, they hid in the area without surveillance cameras, or in the private indoor area.

“Izual, is there a suspect target in the entire Shuangqing City area?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual loads Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, Human FaCIA Feature Recognition Engine, Image Recognition Engine, determine whether a target has a threat, and Izual can perform multiple aspects of comprehensive determination. Therefore, Izual rarely makes a mistake.

“Sir, the threat target of Unknown Identity has not been found yet.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei frowned, and the situation was unscientific. Is it the multi-country Hacker coalition that has made a World Grade standard Worm Virus, and only sent 19 armed personnel to try to invade the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Headquarters?

If the multi-country Hacker coalition forces, really only sent 19 people, would like to defeat Mirror Science and Technology Group, steal data from Mirror Science and Technology Group, they are too much to look down on Mirror Science and Technology Group Right?

However, this possibility is very small, and Shi Lei does not believe it.

“Izual, real-time retrieve Shuangqing City all Unknown Identity threat targets.” Shi Lei told me that once the threat target appears, Izual will remind Shi Lei of First time.

Izual, according to Shi Lei’s command, retrieved more than one hundred 600,000 surveillance cameras from Shuangqing City. Fortunately, Shi Lei played a careful eye when signing the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine license contract with Shuangqing City Government. Shi Lei asked Shuangqing City Government to prepare the server responsible for monitoring camera computing. Fantasy Science and Technology Company is only responsible for authorization and maintenance.

With Shuangqing City Government’s own server, Izual has completely controlled over one hundred 600,000 surveillance cameras without additional resources for IWNMiwang and Supercomputer Lightning.

Izual uses the server resources of Shuangqing City Government to detect and scan the Unknown Identity threat target, which is within the scope of the surveillance camera of Shuangqing City. There is really no threat target.

However, waiting patiently always pays off.

Through the surveillance camera of Beiyu District, Izual suddenly found two targets with threats.

‘CN-CS-0091 found threat target, target confirmed for two Unknown Identity personnel driving motorcycles…’

‘System has locked target, second time detects target Identity Information, unable to confirm target identity …’

‘Detect target possible destination, analyze possible destination importance…’

‘Image Recognition Engine determine target , 74.22%confirmed target carries firearm , classified as threat target, notifies System Administrator …’

Izual’s internal logic system, which determines the seriousness of the matter, Shi Lei does not know for a while, a bad trouble is currently close to…

(To be continued~^~)

PS: Because Big.trouble is a river crab, it can only be changed.