
Chapter 1348

HK1332 Nano Robot !


Yellow Triangle Region, late at night.

Shi Lei and Michael’s forces, just accomplished the exchange of hostages, immediately stunned. Michael’s power, Crazy’s rescue team led by Shi Lei.

However, fortunately!

Michael mistakenly estimated one thing, that is, Second Generation Dawn, replaced the communication solution, and adopted Neutrino Communications Equipment, which was not subject to electromagnetic interference.

The so-called one-step mistake, full of loses!

The current situation is exactly as stated. Michael is forced to retreat and threaten Shi Lei not to attempt to track them. Otherwise, he will launch the Full-sized Large-scale Guided Missile.

If Michael really launched the Full-sized Large-scale Guided Missile, Shi Lei one side, in addition to the six Second Generation Dawn, no one really survived.

Even with six Second Generation Dawns, Shi Lei didn’t take the risk of destroying the Full-sized Large-scale Guided Missile with Izual’s assisted operation.

Because no one knows how much Guided Missile Master has!

In the unlikely event that Michael holds hundreds of Guided Missile, Shi Lei can only watch He Wanqiu die without any means.

“Boss, what do we do?” Ye Feng asked Shi Lei through the Dawn on-board Communications System. Shi Lei’s face is changing, thinking for less than ten seconds, using Dawn’s loudspeaker, loud: “Retreat!”

Lonely Massacre’s one hundred Elite member, worn by the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, was shielded by electromagnetic interference signals. Unable to receive the sound of Dawn on-board Communications System. Therefore, Shi Lei directly orders the speaker.

The retreat order was issued and six Second Generation Dawns were divided into two groups. Shi Lei personally led Zhu Mingxuan and Chen Xingrui to open the road ahead; Ye Feng took Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao, after the end of the team.

Xia Nation Time, January 10, a little fort in the middle of the night; local time, 0:00 am Forty.

Shi Lei entire group returned to Kapa Town, here is Shi Lei’s power center in the Yellow Triangle. In other words. They are temporarily safe, at least not worried about being attacked by Guided Missile.

Kapa Town has the Guided Missile Defense System built by Ruby Laser Artillery. Although not as sharp as Li Jian Nation’s Nation Guided Missile Defense System, but against the Ordinary’s Guided Missile, there is no issue at all.

Kapa Town, even in the middle of the night. Still busy with Extraordinary.

Shi Lei invested a lot of power in Kapa Town, and currently built the Research and Development Manufacturing Center that Li Cai needed. The four-hour day and night kept working. The six Specialist of Rongcheng Military District, for the excitement of Kapa Town, did not make a fuss about nothing. Because it helped Shi Lei build the Research and Development Manufacturing Center in the Yellow Triangle Region, the construction unit of the Rongcheng Military District.

“Professor Li, please, please!” Back to Kapa Town, Shi Lei did not drive Second Generation Dawn. He is currently speaking to the Medical Specialist in the Rongcheng Military District.

Professor Li is the temporary leader of six Specialist members of the Rongcheng Military District. Shi Lei directed Professor Li and immediately inspected He Wanqiu for physical examination.

“Okay. Major Shi, we will immediately test Miss He’s blood sample to determine if Miss He is abnormal.” Professor Li responded to Shi Lei.

He Wanqiu looked at the nervous Shi Lei and chuckled. “Shi Lei, I said. They didn’t abuse me, didn’t give me any strange thing. Or what medicine to give me, I don’t need to check the blood Right. ? “

Shi Lei shook his head: “Must be tested!”

Shi Lei is very clear about the style of the Angel Parliament. If it wasn’t just an accident, Shi Lei wanted to test He Wanqiu’s blood sample while exchanging hostages.

He Wanqiu reluctantly said: “Okay!” He Wanqiu was a little bit painful, but he took a blood sample with Professor Li and asked: “Shi Lei, can I call my dad?”

Shi Lei patted the forehead, had just been busy on the road, and worried about Michael’s attack. He actually forgot to congratulate He Zhenbang.

“Can you! Wait a moment!” Shi Lei turned and walked to another Room. After a moment, Shi Lei brought back a LIP Lens-type Information Processor and handed it to He Wanqiu: “Know how to use Right?”

He Wanqiu gave a white glance to Shi Lei, “LIP Lens-type Information Processor, the concept product of your Dream Entertainment Company, and the 2007 World’s most popular Science and Technology product. Why don’t I know?”

The LIP Lens-type Information Processor has earned the honor of the 2007 most popular Science and Technology product. Of course, it has another honor, that is, the champion of the 2007 Tucao product.

Because of the user of numerous, can’t buy LIP Lens-type Information Processor, what can I do without spitting? Do you want to buy Bomb to bomb Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters Ah?

He Wanqiu took the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and immediately dialed He Zhenbang’s contact number. Since Shi Lei did not match He Wanqiu to the corresponding Super Source Cube, he authorized He Wanqiu’s LIP Lens-type Information Processor to access his Super Source Cube. So, on the side of He Zhenbang, He Wanqiu’s calling number shows the Shi Lei’s number.

He Zhenbang turned on the phone and eagerly asked: “Shi Lei, what happened?” Although it was already Xia Nation Time, it was close to two in the middle of the night, but He Zhenbang still did not sleep, but waited for the result.

He Wanqiu’s eyes are red, and the voice is crying: “Dad!”

“Little Qiu? You…Shi Lei saved you back?” He Zhenbang’s voice was full of surprises, then loudly: “A’Rong, Little Qiu is back, Little Qiu is all right!”

A’Rong is Director of Mama Wang Rong, Capital City Finance Department of He Wanqiu. When He Wanqiu was kidnapped, Wang Rong fainted directly. After awakening, he came to the Rongcheng Military District and waited for He Wanqiu’s news.

“Little Qiu, are you safe? When are you coming back?” The Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor came with the voice of Wang Rong.

He Wanqiu nodded and his voice whimpered: “Mama, I am Safety, and temporarily in the Yellow Triangle Region, I might come back during the day.”

“Yellow Triangle Region? Is there Safety? No. I told your dad to send someone to pick you up!” Wang Rong anxiously, her impression, the Yellow Triangle Region is very disorder.

He Wanqiu hasn’t spoken yet. He Zhenbang interrupted Wang Rong, “A’Rong, don’t worry, there is Shi Lei, there is safety.”

Wang Rong agreed: “Well, Shi Lei is a good guy! Right, Little Qiu. When you come back, bring Shi Lei back together.”

He Wanqiu has a red face. Shi Lei, who looked at the expression naturally, was shy and said: “Mom, what are you talking about!”

Shi Lei in the heart is also secretly guilty, Shi Lei also wears the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. And the two share the same Super Source Cube, Shi Lei can also hear the call.

“Mom, Dad, the time on your side is not early, let’s rest, I will be back tomorrow!” He Wanqiu said thoughtfully.

He Zhenbang hā hā smiled twice. “Good, Little Qiu, give me a thank you to Shi Lei!”

Shi Lei would like to suddenly say “no thanks”. But Shi Lei thought for a moment. If He Wanqiu knew it, he heard her Mama. What kind of consequences should there be, Shi Lei chose to shut up.

Local time, January 10, two o’clock in the morning.

After more than an hour of testing, He Wanqiu’s blood sample test is accomplish, and Professor Li’s face is relaxed. Reported to Shi Lei: “Major Shi, Miss He’s blood sample test results show that Miss He’s body does not have any issues, there is no toxin and Virus infection.”

Shi Lei sighed in relief, “Thank you, Professor Li!”…

“You’re welcome!” Professor Li knows the identity of He Wanqiu, He Wanqiu has nothing to do, and Professor Li is equally happy.

“Professor Li, let’s go to rest. Tomorrow, we will return to the Rongcheng Military District.” Shi Lei told me that Professor Li’s eyebrows revealed a tired look.

Obviously, the high strength of the repeated times is a big pressure for the six Specialist members of the Rongcheng Military District.

“Okay.” Professor Li didn’t say much. He turned to follow Shi Lei’s subordinate and walked to the restroom.

Shi Lei looked at He Wanqiu, and for a while, He Wanqiu seemed to have scored two points. “He Wanqiu, you have to go to rest! Remember, what happens must not take the interference bracelet and don’t wet it. Water. Well, my opinion is, you are afraid that you can’t take a shower this evening!”

He Wanqiu frowned, not only dissatisfied with Shi Lei’s full name, but also dissatisfied with not being able to take a bath. “Shi Lei, what is this explosion ring, what are you going to do?”

When he was just talking to his parents, He Wanqiu deliberately did not say anything about the explosion ring, which was exactly as stated. But such a thing that can explode at any time is worn on the hand. If He Wanqiu is not worried, it is definitely dupe.

Shi Lei thought: “You should need to go back to Shuangqing City before you can get rid of it!”

Mirror Science and Technology Group has a baby in Shuangqing City that can make any Electronic Equipment useless. At the beginning, Shi Lei paid a price for the baby.

“Okay! I am going to sleep, let’s talk tomorrow!” He Wanqiu yawned.

Shi Lei said to Ye Feng: “A’Feng, arrange a best Room!”

Ye Feng definitely nodded, “Miss He, please come with me.”

In the hall, only Shi Lei and some staff members were left, and Shi Lei also yawned and was tired. When he is just about to take a break, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor prompts Raphael calls.

Shi Lei, who was still sleepy, looked at the Raphael’s calls and went straight to wake up. After a little hesitation, Shi Lei chose to answer the call.

“Good evening, Mr. M!” Raphael’s voice, with a ridicule.

Shi Lei responded dullly, “Good afternoon, Raphael!” According to the time difference, Li Jian Nation should be afternoon.

“First of all, congratulations, successfully rescued He Wanqiu. Secondly, we have found your details, you acquired dipCommunications Research Company, successfully established Neutrino Communications network, isn’t that right?” Although it is the text of the inquiry, but the tone It is a positive attitude.

Shi Lei did not speak, Angel Parliament investigate to dip Communications Research Company, Shi Lei is not surprising.

“Is it the default? Mr. M, I have a good news, there is a bad news, which one do you want to listen to?” Raphael smiled and asked Shi Lei.

“Be free!” Shi Lei didn’t let Raphael cocky speak calmly, as if there was no interest at all. In fact, how could Shi Lei not be interested?

“That tells you bad news! He Wanqiu, there is Nano Robot, our latest research by Angel Parliament!” Raphael hā hā laughed, “Nano Robot, do you know what it is?”

In the voice of Raphael, there is a schadenfreude.

At the moment of hearing the Nano Robot, Shi Lei’s face suddenly became very ugly. Because, Shi Lei knows Nano Robot!


Ps: conscience 3300+ word