
Chapter 1346

HK1330 Michael’s big game!

The Yellow Triangle Region, 15 kilometers from Ten Yellow Mounds, drove the Second Generation Dawn’s Shi Lei when the LIP Lens-type Information Processor received the information from Raphael, ordering the entire team to suspend operations.

The relationship between Shi Lei and Raphael cannot be described in a few words.

Are the two enemies?


Are the two friends?


Are the two enemies or friends?

Who can make it clear?

Raphael repeatedly leaked confidential information from Angel Parliament, and Shi Lei did not know what to do with Raphael. After all, every leak of Raphael’s secrets is true.

Shi Lei is not a cold-blooded animal, and it is impossible to be indifferent to what Raphael does. After receiving the Raphael’s information, Shi Lei couldn’t help but ask the Raphael in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

‘What big plot? ‘

If you can choose, Shi Lei does not want to ask Raphael details. After all, the two men’s positions are hostile, and Shi Lei does not want to owe Raphael.

But due to the fate of He Wanqiu, Shi Lei had to bow his head and only bow to Raphael.

‘Mr. M, you are too young to see Michael! Michael is the Fifth Giant of the Angel Parliament. This information, I knew it very early, but I always pretend not to know. Because, Michael is the assistant who claims to be World God. Whether it’s Hacker’s technical strength or the ability of other aspects, I’m not Michael’s opponent. ‘Raphael did not immediately explain the details, but was touting Michael.

Shi Lei waited patiently. Did not respond to Raphael.

Sure enough, Raphael’s Second Item information was sent immediately. ‘Mr. M. Borrowing a word from your Xia Nation, Michael plays a big game of chess in the next game! From the initial disguise of Brave’s World’s fanatics; then gathered Gamer into Shuangqing City, arrested by your Dream Entertainment Company; then kidnapped He Wanqiu, guided you through He Wanqiu to exchange hostages; finally chose to host hostage exchanges in the Yellow Triangle Region. Throughout the process, all from the beginning to the end, all of Michael’s designed plans. Everything follows Michael’s script in the implement. ‘

Shi Lei’s face, suddenly changed!

Michael actually used a hidden meter!

Michael disguised Brave’s World fanatics, carrying firearm into Shuangqing City. Containing Dream Entertainment Company, Shi Lei misunderstood that he wanted to assassinate himself. Moreover, He Wanqiu was kidnapped, and Shi Lei mistakenly thought again. Michael is kidnapped by He Wanqiu. Therefore, there is no fear of entering Shuangqing City.

However, after the reminder of Raphael, Shi Lei suddenly realized that whether he brought firearm into Shuangqing City or kidnapped He Wanqiu, the ultimate goal was only to guide him into the Yellow Triangle Region.

Angel Parliament’s target, from the beginning to the end is his Shi Lei!

Shi Lei’s face was gloomy, he didn’t think of it. Actually, Raphael’s crafty plots and machinations.

‘Thank you! ‘Shi Lei replies to Raphael. Shi Lei’s mood is very complicated, Raphael revealed this important information to him. Shi Lei doesn’t know how to treat Raphael.

Is it really necessary to kill Raphael?

‘you are welcome! Mr. M, you are my target, I am not Hope, you are dead in the hands of Michael, you can only die in my hands! ‘Raphael’s reply to Text Message, although the expression of the opinion is very cold, but the words revealed in the line, but it is a faint worry.

Shi Lei did not reply to the Raphael, but took control of the Second Generation Dawn and came to a mountain buggy. He looked at Michael and asked: “Lucas, your purpose is to attract me to the Yellow Triangle Region?”

Michael’s expression was startled, then frowning, revealing a dissatisfied look, “Dulles told you?”

, Shi Lei and Michael both restrained the Hacker Sockpuppet without calling each other, lest they be inadvertently heard by the Specialist of the Rongcheng Military District.

Shi Lei did not admit, “No!”

“Hēng! Don’t deny it, I know it’s Dulles! We have been skeptical, some people have leaked internal secrets. This time, Plan, I only told Dulles to test Dulles. Since you dragged this time, you know the truth, then The answer is obvious, it must be what Dulles told you.” Michael said with certainty.

“Lucas, let’s talk, what hidden hello card are you in the Yellow Triangle?” Shi Lei asked, straightforwardly, because of the life safety of He Wanqiu, Shi Lei had to be cautious.

Michael twisted his neck and ignored Shi Lei.

Shi Lei pulled out the Alloy Heavy Sword and put it on the ground. The sound was coldly said: “Michael, don’t test my patience.”

“Shi Lei, do you dare to kill me? He Wanqiu is still in our hands. Do you have other choices besides choosing to exchange hostages? Shi Lei, I advise you to calm down! According to your understanding of us, you should Know the role of the positioning of the bracelet. If I say that I am dead, do you think He Wanqiu will not be buried with me?”. Michael has a tough attitude. Faced with fierce and tough’s Second Generation Dawn Metal Exoskeleton, Michael is not afraid of Shi Lei’s sudden injure.

Shi Lei took a deep breath, in the heart’s nervous anxiety slowly calmed down. Michael is right, Shi Lei does not dare to kill him, Shi Lei can only act according to the original plan.

“All members, go ahead. The situation has changed, we may be ambushed, always be vigilant!” Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, commanded all operations personnel.

This time, a total of one hundred and one 12 people participated in the rescue operation. Among them, the Rongcheng Military District has three members of the Specialist and Medical Specialist, five members of Dark Hell, one hundred Elite combat members of Lonely Massacre, and Shi Lei personally participated in the operation, a total of one hundred and one 12 people.

One hundred and one 12 operations personnel, including six Specialist members of the Rongcheng Military District, all wearing the LIP Lens-type Information Processor for the battlefield communication contact.

“Received!” Ye Feng responded to Shi Lei in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

The fifteen-kilometer journey was only a twenty minute for the rescue team driving the mountain buggy. At less than ten and a half, Shi Lei had already arrived at the pre-agreed hostage exchange location.

Shi Lei drove directly to Second Generation Dawn, walked to Michael, started talking: “Contact your people, we have arrived, don’t dilly-dallying, let them hurry up to the agreed place to exchange hostages!”

Michael did not refuse, dialed a set of phone numbers, using English: “We have reached the target position, you speed up!” After that, Michael hangs up directly.

Shi Lei always felt that something was wrong. He looked at Michael and then started talking: “Lucas, Hope, don’t make any tricks. Don’t think that your people have He Wanqiu, we also control you!”

Michael has an indifferent expression, “calm down calm down, I know, I can value my life very much!”

“Don’t forget, you also brought an explosion ring!” Shi Lei reminded Michael that Michael had a silver-white metal ring on his hands and feet, and the inside of the metal ring was effectively as stated. Once the situation is not right, Michael can never survive!

Michael nodded. “I know, my little life is pinched in your hands!”

Yellow Triangle Region, close to eleven o’clock in the middle of the night, Shi Lei led the rescue team, waiting for the agreed Ten Yellow Mounds. As time is close to eleven o’clock, the forces belonging to Michael have not appeared.

The uneasiness of Shi Lei in the heart is getting stronger and stronger, as if something is going to happen.

Suddenly, a series of densely lit flares hit the dark night sky, illuminating the sky like white. Shi Lei’s Second Generation Dawn, prompting Shi Lei, found a numerous human thermal radiation response in due west.

In less than a minute, a blond middle-aged man, with a team of more than 300 people, came to the appointed place.

“Is the opposite of Dream Entertainment Company?”. Blond middle-aged man, politely asked loudly.

Shi Lei did not respond, but Ye Feng stood up and responded: “Yes.?”

“Yes! Excuse me,?” The blond middle-aged man was once again polite.

Ye Feng claphis hands, two elite members of Lonely Massacre, escorting Michael out, and using a flashlight, taking photos of Michael to make it easier for the other party to see.

“What about Miss He Wanqiu?” Ye Feng asked.

Opposite the blond middle-aged man, also claphis hands, two men with black masks, politely walked out with He Wanqiu, they did not hold He Wanqiu’s arms, just one left and one right’ Protect ‘He Wanqiu and let He Wanqiu come out by himself.

Ye Feng looked at He Wanqiu, LIP Lens-type Information Processor quickly compared Human FaCIA l Feature with Dynamic Behavior Signature, and after determining the identity of He Wanqiu, Ye Feng asked: “Miss He Wanqiu, are you gonna have Right?”

In the 2008 era, the word ‘Miss,’ is not as filthy as the later generations.

He Wanqiu nodded. “I am fine, no harm!”

The blond middle-aged man also uses the English opening to ask: “Mr. Lucas, are you still Right?”

Michael used Xia Nation to say: “Rex, I am very good! He Wanqiu is very important to them, they don’t dare to do anything to me. But they also brought me an explosive ring!”

Rex exactly as stated that the blond middle-aged man, who looked at the silver-white metal ring of Michael’s limbs, did not say anything, but asked: “Mr. Lucas, how should we exchange hostages now?”

Michael looked at Shi Lei and asked: “Shi Lei, we are both directly released, I walked over, He Wanqiu came over by myself? Or what other way?”

(To be continued…)