
Chapter 1344

Powerful cards from HK1328 Angel Parliament!

.Xia Nation Time, January 9th, 11:04 am.

Shi Lei and Angel Parliament Invisible Fifth Giant Michael, when the stalemate, the Rongcheng Military District suddenly called. Shi Lei, with a complex mood, chose to connect to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and prompted the Rongcheng Military District calls information.

“Shi Lei,?” He Zhenbang’s voice came over, and his tone revealed anxiousness.

Shi Lei in the heart, sigh, ‘? Hēng! Angel Parliament, is it really so magical that you can get through the relationship of Rongcheng Military District? ‘

“Yes, Commander He, what’s the matter?” Shi Lei kept politely polite.

He Zhenbang turned his head and said with a tough command: “Shi Lei, this person, you can’t move!, and his companions.”

Shi Lei’s face was gloomy. He looked to towards Michael and did not immediately agree with He Zhenbang. Instead, he asked: “Commander He,?”.

He Zhenbang said with anger: “I don’t care what identity he is! I just said, let him go immediately and guarantee his safety!”

Shi Lei’s face is changing. The Rongcheng Military District is indeed the closest partner of Mirror Science and Technology Group, but at the same time, Shi Lei is not without a left hand.

The Steel and Iron, the Lion d Combat System, manufactured by Rongcheng Military District, and even the Dawn delivered by the Mirror Science and Technology Group to the Rongcheng Military District, can be fully controlled as long as Shi Lei is willing.

Even though and the Rongcheng Military District fell out. Shi Lei is not without a fight. However, Mirror Science and Technology Group has begun to take root in Shuangqing City, if not a last resort. Shi Lei is not willing to tear his face with the Rongcheng Military District.

Shi Lei deep took a deep breath, suppressing the emotion in the heart, tempted to ask, “Commander He, don’t know if I can ask,?”

He Zhenbang is angry and helpless: “This damn badard, he kidnapped my daughter! If he is dead. My daughter will be buried. You said I can’t keep him? Shi Lei, you 10 million don’t tell me, !”

“What? No. Of course not.” Shi Lei’s face was very impressive, unbelievable, with a touch of tension, and unspeakable anger.

Shi Lei has already guessed that He Zhenbang’s daughter is He Wanqiu. Although Shi Lei and He Wanqiu are between this little demoness. On the surface, it doesn’t fit very well, but in fact, Shi Lei’s heart doesn’t hate He Wanqiu.

Now that He Wanqiu has been caught by the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei understands the Angel Parliament’s means, as long as it falls into the hands of Angel Parliament, then… the consequences can’t be imagined!

“Shi Lei, I just got a strange call. The other party directly dialed the emergency route. Then the other party said that I caught my daughter. And I also heard the voice of Little Qiu. The other person told me by name, immediately Call you,” He Zhenbang said in detail, then asked: “Shi Lei,?”

Shi Lei was silent for a moment, then said: “The forces they belong to are Mirror Science and Technology Group irreconcilable until death. This time, they carried five pistols with muffler installed and camouflaged as Ordinary’s Gamer, containment Emerald Building. Commander He, I think you should understand, what is their purpose Right?”

“I understand!” He Zhenbang’s voice was bitter, and then silenced for a while, started talking: “Shi Lei, I owe you a favor. As long as you are not a treason, I will help you settle everything!”

He Zhenbang’s commitment is heavy!

In addition to treason, He Zhenbang will settle all issues for Shi Lei! In other words, even if Shi Lei kills the street, He Zhenbang will also mobilize all resources to help Shi Lei calm all the issues.

Shi Lei smiled. “Commander He, I am also a friend with Wanqiu. If you insist, and guarantee his safety. But Commander He, you thought about it, even though we put him, how to guarantee Wanqiu’s Safety What?”

He Zhenbang As the actual controller of the Rongcheng Military District, how could you not understand this fact?

However, He Wanqiu 100% died; there is still a chance of one in ten thousand, and the other party keeps the promise of letting go of He Wanqiu.

“Shi Lei, we have no choice!” He Zhenbang responded decadently. When he knew that He Wanqiu was kidnapped, He Zhenbang was more anxious than anyone else.

Shi Lei looked down and looked at Michael with a smile on his face. He flashed a killing intent in his eyes. “No! Commander He, we choose to exchange hostages!”

“What is the opinion?” He Zhenbang asked inexplicably. He Zhenbang didn’t know the details. He didn’t know Michael’s importance to the Angel Parliament.

Shi Lei explained roughly: “Commander He, for our enemies, but instead use him to let our enemies exchange hostages with us. Only in this way can Wanqiu be safely returned.”

Michael listened to the conversation between Shi Lei and He Zhenbang, his face changed. All this, Shi Lei is in the bottom of my eyes and put it in my heart.

“But…” He Zhenbang still wants to say something, Shi Lei directly interrupted He Zhenbang.

“Commander He, please believe me! I want to save Wanqiu back, only the only way!” Shi Lei said firmly, Shi Lei knows the style of Angel Parliament very much, and wants to save He Wanqiu, it is only this way. .

The fate of He Wanqiu, apart from the road of Xiang Xiaoyu, there is no Second possibility at all.

He Zhenbang in the heart hesitated. After all, He Wanqiu was his daughter, and he was involved in the great decision of He Wanqiu’s life. He Zhenbang didn’t dare to gamble.

Shi Lei understood He Zhenbang’s concerns, and he sighed. “Commander He, I will give you evidence, keep the phone open, I will prove it to you!”

He Zhenbang sighed in relief, “Good!” He Zhenbang is temporarily unable to make a decision. If Shi Lei gives enough evidence, He Zhenbang can make up his mind.

Shi Lei kept talking to He Zhenbang, looked toward Michael, expressionless said: “Lucas, this is your card?”

Shi Lei did not call him Michael, nor would he naturally call Shi Lei Mr. M. Both sides are very restrained and have not introduced official power.

Michael hā hā laughed, “Shi Lei, I said before, people are in Jianghu, I can’t help myself! Now, do you understand?”.

Shi Lei coldly snorted, using the gesture command, through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, told Izual to inform Li Zifeng of Ruling Security Company that he would come in with a cell phone. Thanks to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, integrated soccell phone chip, Shi Lei did not carry other cell phones.

In addition, Shi Lei and He Zhenbang are talking over the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, so Shi Lei uses the gesture command.

In less than thirty seconds, Li Zifeng took a cell phone and reported: “Boss, this is the company’s public number.”

Shi Lei pushed the cell phone to Michael and glared at Michael. “Telephone to inform you, we choose hostage exchange, don’t do anything to hurt He Wanqiu. Otherwise, I will be on you, double back. !”

Michael said with a sneer : “Shi Lei, I warn you, if you don’t let me go now, He Wanqiu’s life, I don’t make any guarantees!”

“Is it? If He Wanqiu is dead, I will definitely send you to the funeral!” Shi Lei’s tone, there is no too much emotional fluctuations.

In the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, He Zhenbang’s voice came, “Shi Lei, calm!” Shi Lei did not reply, but looked at Michael.

Michael looked at Shi Lei seriously, then his face regained a smile, and the voice was evil and charming: “No discussion?”

“I think I have made it very clear. I don’t understand what you are doing. If I let you go, what is the consequences of He Wanqiu, do you think I don’t know?”. Shi Lei looked at Michael contemptuously.

Michael was silent for a moment, as if thinking about Shi Lei’s proposal.

“Lucas, I said last time, I will contact you immediately. My choice is that we will exchange hostages. If you don’t want to, I would rather give up He Wanqiu and kill you.” Shi Lei’s voice is cold.

He Zhenbang immediately protested in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, even if He Zhenbang understood.

Michael looked up and looked at Shi Lei. His eyebrows were wrinkled and his face was no smile, only coldly grabbed the cell phone on the stainless steel table, pressed a series of numbers, and then chose to talk free.

Waiting for about thirty seconds, the phone was connected, Michael in the pure Xia Nation language, started talking: “, the threat program failed, Dream Entertainment chose hostage exchange. I am now detained by Dream Entertainment, you have to be hostage.”

“Mr. Lucas, are you gonna have a Right?” On the other end of the phone, there was English.

Lucas shouted: “Tell Xia Nation! The other party is listening to our conversation. I am not sure if the other person understands English. I am not Hope, you are killed, understand?”.

“Understand!” The Xia Nation language from the other end of the phone is stuttering. “Mr. Lucas, we will be kind to this lady. Excuse me, where and when are we going to exchange?”

Since Michael was a captive hostage, the staff of Angel Parliament one side did not say the words ‘exchange hostage’, but simply simplified the word ‘exchange’.

Michael looked towards Shi Lei and asked: “Shi Lei, how did you plan?”

It is very important to exchange the time and place of the hostages! .

(To be continued…)

Ps: Sure enough, everyone did not find the serial number of the previous two days, there is an issue! Ah hā hā hā ……