
Chapter 1340

HK1314 Fifth Giant’s plot!


On January 3, zero Twenty-seven points; Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2001 No. 3 room. Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian, determined by the Izual projection on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, confirmed the fall of Light and Dark Twin Stars.

Tao Wenxian finally understood what Shi Lei said, Light and Dark Twin Stars is back to God what is the opinion. Tao Wenxian’s expression is a bit complicated, it seems to be admired, but also nervous.

“Big Brother Stone, they… are they dead?” Although they are enemies, both sides are World’s Top Level Hacker, and Tao Wenxian has produced an emotion like if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

Shi Lei nodded. “Shide! Angel Parliament’s standard configuration, sodium cyanide oral sac. If necessary, they will choose to commit suicide to prevent the disclosure of Angel Parliament’s secret.”

Tao Wenxian sighed, “Big Brother Stone, I am a little hungry, want to drink, how do we eat late at night?”

Shi Lei nodded. “No wènti. However, to drink, it is best to come back, my capacity for liquor, you know!” Shi Lei’s capacity for liquor, still a bottle of slag.

On the other side of World, Li Jian Nation.

Angel Parliament, the first person of World God, suddenly received a message, the voice of neutrality with a sadness: “Light and Dark is dead!”

Invisible Fifth Giant Michael, put away the cynical evil and charming voice, was surprised: “God adults, Light and Dark Twin Stars master Supercomputer sii, but also took over Supercomputer Holy, Ember, and thre, did this fail? And was it found by Dream Entertainment Company?”

“Not the Dream Entertainment Company, but the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pentagon.” First Giant Jehovah. Although it is called World God, it is not a real God.

About what happened between Light and Dark Twin Stars and Dream Entertainment. First Giant is also not kěnéng’s countless know. “Michael, you go to investigate this thing. Also, my Hope, you don’t want to fail again!”

“Understood, God, I will kill all the heretics for you!” Michael said firmly.

“Go on!” First Giant’s tone restored indifference.

“god.!” Michael was deeply embarrassed and then left.

When Michael stepped out of the secret stronghold of Angel Parliament. The face regained the cynical smirk. “The two Idiots of Light Star and Dark Star are finally dead! Ah hā hā. Now, it’s my turn to go to the stage!”

Obviously, Michael is not saddened by the death of Light and Dark Twin Stars. Instead, it is full of schadenfreude.

“Dream Entertainment Company ?Hēng! Although not know what you used. Even with the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and Pentagon, Light and Dark Twin Stars was eliminated, but I am definitely not such an idiot.” Michael whispered Self-speaking.

“Hey, after all, Light and Dark Twin Stars is a member of the Angel Parliament, and I will avenge you for it!” Michael started Red’s Ferrari sports car, and the tires rushed to the ground with a white smoke.

In the early morning, Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian had a lot of wine. The result was too obvious.

Tao Wenxian’s capacity for liquor is very good. Conquer Shi Lei as easy as blowing off dust. Shi Lei had an early squat, and Tao Wenxian had been drinking eleven bottles. I returned to the rest of the 2004 Room.

In the morning, 10:50.

Shi Lei finally got rid of the powerful debuff called ‘drunk’ and barely recovered his sobriety.

“Izual, what time?” Shi Lei swayed and had a dizzy head, asking about Izual.

Izual is the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, also known as the Computer Program, which does not require any rest. The four hours of twenty provide a variety of ancillary services for Shi Lei.

“Sir, now Xia Nation Time, January 3, 10:51 am.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

“Is it eleven o’clock?” Shi Lei shook his head with a smile. “It seems that drinking less in the future is really too late.” Shi Lei said to herself.

If there is any Emergency Situation, Shi Lei who is caught in a drunken debuff will definitely be very depressed.

“Izual, our network, is it not attacked yet?” Shi Lei asked again.

Although Yesterday defeated the Light and Dark Twin Stars of the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei also determined that the Angel Parliament had hidden power, and Shi Lei believed that the Angel Parliament would never give up.

After all, even Shi Lei does not know the identity of Light and Dark Twin Stars, but the strength of Shi Lei know Light and Dark Twin Stars. Angel Parliament lost two of the most top Hackers at once, they will never shrink back easily.

At least the Angel Parliament that Shi Lei knows belongs to the type that must be reported!

“Sir, Dream Entertainment’s network is in good shape and has not been attacked.” Izual reports on the real-time situation of the Dream Entertainment Company network.

Shi Lei frowned, muttered to himself: “No, it shouldn’t! Angel Parliament, is this shrink back? Even if they have a lot of losses, they should find our Dream Entertainment account.”

Shi Lei’s idea is a typical crime. Hey, Angel Parliament came over, and Shi Lei worried that the Angel Parliament had caused tremendous damage to Dream Entertainment’s network. Now, Angel Parliament is not coming over, and Shi Lei feels that Angel Parliament should not be called.

Isn’t this typical pumping?

However, waiting for a few days, Angel Parliament still did not move, until January 7, Angel Parliament still did not move.

It seems that the Angel Parliament, because the loss is too great, Dream Entertainment is too powerful, and abandoned the same as Attack Dream Entertainment.

Shi Lei doesn’t believe it at all!

Shi Lei is not a case of not knowing the Angel Parliament. What the Angel Parliament should be planning, once the Angel Parliament moves, it will definitely let Dream Entertainment drink a pot.

In fact, Shi Lei guessed that there was no mistake, and Angel Parliament did have a conspiracy. Invisible Great Giant Michael, currently Secret Plan for the action of Dream Entertainment Company.

However, Michael did not intend to deal with Dream Entertainment in the network. The attack launched by Light and Dark Twin Stars is already very powerful in Michael’s opinion.

Since Light and Dark Twin Stars have failed, Michael doesn’t think he is doing better. Simply take a different approach and prepare to deal with Dream Entertainment Company in the real world.

For a few days, Michael has made detailed investigate and plan. Michael is very clear about know, Xia Nation is a strict Nation for Forbid Guns, and Shuangqing City has High Degree martial law.

Unidentified personnel, wanting to enter Shuangqing City, is not that easy. In order to get into Shuangqing City, Michael spent a few days, Crazy’s leveling in Brave’s World, and treating himself as a Brave’s World’s Gamer.

From January 3rd to January 7th. Michael showed Nouveau Riche temperament, directly used US Dollar, purchased numerous supplies, and hired the Higher Grade Gamer to practice, and finally rose to Twentieth Grade.

Not only that, but Michael is also searching for the way to get vrGame Helmet and LIP Lens-type Information Processor in the Official Gamer Forum. At the same time, Michael in the Official Gamer Forum, throwing a high-priced purchase of posts.

Finally, Michael searched for a post about vrGame Helmet about Gamer’s containment of Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters.

Michael made all the preparations in order to imitate Gamer’s containment of the Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters. Michael didn’t want to get vrGame Helmet, but Hope entered Shuangqing City.

Only when I entered Shuangqing City, I had the opportunity to get in touch with Shi Lei, and I had a way to get rid of Shi Lei!

On January 7th, Michael pulled a group of Gamer, who also mixed his private Armed Might and went to Shuangqing City in Xia Nation.

Xia Nation Time, January 9th, 8am.

Dozens of blond forwards, very rusty, holding a red banner, trapped outside the Dream Entertainment Company.

The red banner says: ‘We want vrGame Helmet, we want Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, we want LIP Lens-type Information Processor. ‘

I have to say that these blond blue foreigners are very careful, their banner slogan is actually Xia Nation, not English.

Dream Entertainment Company’s working hours are nine o’clock in the morning, and it is only eight o’clock. The Dream Entertainment Company’s personnel has not come yet.

Other Company personnel who are based in the Emerald Building have no too much curiosity about the behavior of these foreigners. Because, such a thing, is not the first time.

Emerald Building’s property management staff, there is no way for the foreigner’s containment behavior. After all, they are foreigners, and they haven’t done anything too much, just holding up banner protests.

Is it because of this behavior, take them away?

No one can guarantee that those foreigners of Crazy will go to the consulate file a complaint|sue, which will cause diplomatic events!

At nine o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei received a phone call from Mu Shuang. “Shi Lei, our company was blocked again. About 50 people were surrounded by the company and asked for equipment such as vrGame Helmet. How do we get it? Do?” Mu Shuang’s tone is somewhat helpless.

Shi Lei frowned, “Someone is blocking the Company? This is not kěnéng!”

In order to reduce the impact of the non-hǎode, the last time Gamer blocked the Dream Entertainment Company, Dream Entertainment Company issued a clear announcement, any Gamer once blocked the Dream Entertainment Company, Dream Entertainment Company will retain the deleted account, blacklist, and even It is a penalty for prohibiting registration of accounts.

With such a serious punishment, the Ordinary Gamer should no longer contain the Dream Entertainment Company. What is the situation surrounding the Game Entertainment of the Dream Entertainment Company?

“Shuang Shuang, you should be careful, don’t leave the company, let me deal with this matter!” Shi Lei responded, he always felt that this thing is not simple.

In fact, this is not a simple matter. In the Gamer, the Invisible Giant Michael of the Angel Parliament is hidden! .

(To be continued…)
