
Chapter 1338

HK1312 What is bad luck? This is!

.Brook Street No. 21 Building, No. 5 room on the Twenty-eight floor.

Here is the temporary seat of the Angel Parliament hiding Little Giant Light and Dark Twin Stars, where they control the Supercomputer group and invade the Dream Entertainment Company.

However, now, Light and Dark Twin Stars are very depressed!

In particular, Light Star, the last minute, he held the pearl of wisdom to analyze the breakthrough plan of Bloody-hand Butcher. The next minute, the action of Bloody-hand Butcher, proved the correctness of the Light Star analysis.

However, Bloody-hand Butcher chose to take hostage targets, which turned out to be their Light and Dark Twin Stars!

What is bad luck?

This is!

The mental state of Light and Dark Twin Stars is like riding a roller coaster, constantly ups and downs!

Initially, Light and Dark Twin Stars heard the gunshots, they thought their position was exposed, and Dream Entertainment Company sent people to kill. But they suddenly found out that it was the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was currently pursuing the wanted criminals.

When they were slightly sighed in relief, they suddenly found that Bloody-hand Butcher wanted to take them as hostages and confronted the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.

If they are Ordinary people, maybe there is still a chance. But they are not ordinary people. They have a case at the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. If Bloody-hand Butcher takes them as hostages, the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation will definitely take advantage of the fishermen.

To put it more, even worse, through their investigate discovery, Bloody-hand Butcher never left alive and fell into the hands of Bloody-hand Butcher, which is definitely a great tragedy!

Light and Dark Twin Stars is indeed a bad luck, and Dark Star is pale. Tension: “Brother, what do we do?”

Light Star bit his teeth and said, “Try hard!” Light Star beckoned against Dark Star, “Follow me, we can’t fall into the hands of Bloody-hand Butcher!”

Light Star walked to the bedroom with the Dark Star. There was no bed in the bedroom, but a downward speed slider. “younger brother. Go ahead!”

Light and Dark Twin Stars’ escape plan is obviously similar to Shi Lei. In fact, this is the standard practice of the Angel Parliament. The upper and lower floors are kept open to prevent being completely blocked.

“Brother, what about you?” Dark Star didn’t have First time to escape, but instead looked at Light Star. After all, it is twin’s own brothers. It is impossible to have no family.

Light Star coldly snorted, “Go!”

Dark Star bit his teeth, no hesitation, grabbed the speed slider and slid down. After reaching the lower floor, Dark Star started talking: “Brother, hurry, I’ll wait for you !”

Light Star did not answer. Turn around and open the closet. Inside the closet, obviously not clothes. Instead of the different sorts and varieties of weapon, Light Star actually picked up the rpg soldier rocket launcher.

This kind of killing weapon, even though firearm Lawful Li Jian Nation is also a prohibited weapon.

Light Star picked up the soldier rocket launcher, aiming at the Room door in the living room, while the eyes were looked at the computer screen not far away.

On the computer screen, Bloody-hand Butcher is almost at the door of the No. 5 room.

Light Star counts down from the countdown, ‘3, 2, 1! Bloody-hand Butcher , Drop Dead! ‘

“sōu ~ ”

The soldier rpgrocket launcher fired a rocket, a white smoke crossed and shot at the door of the living room. At the same time, Bloody-hand Butcher lifted the military use m1014 automatic shotgun, aiming at the keyhole of the No. 5 room and triggering the trigger.

“pēng~ ”


The loud gunshots just sounded, but the Room door made of solid wood suddenly turned into pieces, like sharp sharp knives, and shot into the body of Bloody-hand Butcher. At the same time, the fire and high temperature heat waves from the face made the Bloody-hand Butcher burn in a large area. However, Bloody-hand Butcher has been stabbed into the body by the pieces of solid wood, apparently not alive.

In the Room, Light Star jumped on the speed slider to the Twenty-seven layer at the moment of launching the individual rpg rocket.

“Run !Run !Run !” Light Star suppresses the sound and reminds Dark Star to run. If it is not outside the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, Light Star definitely will come out.

Time went by Forty seconds, Hidden Thorn, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, connected the Safety Monitoring System to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. He found that Bloody-hand Butcher went to the No. 5 room and quickly went to the FBI Federal Bureau. Of Investigation’s action person-in-charge report: “Edelin Senior Officer, Bloody-hand Butcher is preparing to catch hostages, the target is No. 5 room!”

Edelin roared: “Fuck! All ready to act!”

“Edelin Senior Officer, please be careful, the m1014 automatic shotgun in the other hand is very powerful, your bulletproof clothes can’t stop!” Hidden Thorn reminded the time, but the starting point is very good.

Edelin coldly snorted and said : “Can’t let Bloody-hand Butcher take the hostage, or we will fall into absolute passiveness!”

“Okay! Edelin Senior Officer, don’t act now. I have a plan. The No. 5 room is far from the Fire Fighting channel. Bloody-hand Butcher is going to guard against our raid. His action is very slow. When he arrives at the No. 5 room. When I am ready to break into the door, I remind you to launch the attack. How?” Hidden Thorn said a simple plan.

The No. 5 room is at a distance from the Fire Fighting channel, which is enough to reduce the power of a considerable portion of the bullet for a shotgun. For the Ordinary firearm, the distance of more than ten meters, there is no issue at all!

“Good! Keep us informed!” Edelin agreed to the plan of Hidden Thorn.

When Hidden Thorn looked at Bloody-hand Butcher and aimed at the keyhole of the No. 5 room, the moment he shot, he was preparing to report to Edelin, but he was shocked by the situation!

Edelin in the Fire Fighting channel suddenly heard the gunshots and the violent explosions in the corridor. He quickly passed the Bluetooth headset and asked: “Hidden Thorn, what the hell are you doing? What happened?”

Hidden Thorn’s mouth was slightly shocked, and it’s obviously shocked. “Edelin Senior Officer, I don’t know what happened! However, when Bloody-hand Butcher fired, there was a sudden explosion at the door of No. 5. Room The door was completely destroyed, and Bloody-hand Butcher was unclear.”

“What?” Edelin apparently expressed unimaginable results for such a result.

“Edelin Senior Officer, you can come out, Bloody-hand Butcher is lying on the ground for a while. However, be careful of the No. 5 room, just the explosion power of the No. 5 room door, no less than the individual rpg rocket!” Hidden Thorn is very accurate, that is caused by the explosion of a single rpg rocket!

Edelin’s face is very ugly!

What exactly is this with?

Obviously, it was to arrest the Hacker who invaded the Pentagon Internal Network, and to meet the robbers and the Bloody-hand Butcher who met the wanted list of Third Place. Now there is another explosion that is not less powerful than the individual rpg rocket. Did Li Jian Nation become A’Fu Nation?

Edelin bites his teeth: “Action!”

A dozen agents quickly rushed out of the Fire Fighting channel and first discovered the Bloody-hand Butcher lying on the ground. One of the agents carefully checked the situation of Bloody-hand Butcher. Other agents pointed the gun at Bloody-hand Butcher. Once something was wrong, they definitely fired.

‘Safety! ‘The agent who checked in front, reported using tactical sign language, and then continued to draw tactical sign language, ‘target has died, waiting for the next step. ‘

Edelin was cautiously leaning against the wall near the hole in the No. 5 room door. He used his right hand to draw tactical sign language and told the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation to enter.

An agent took the lead and rushed in, looking for shelter cover, then observing, and then loudly: “Safety! No targets found!”

Currently Light and Dark Twin Stars in the No. 5 room of Twenty-seven, I heard the situation in the Twenty-eight building, and Dark Star had an anxious situation on his face. On the Light Star currently wrist computer, enter the command.

Finally, Light Star pressed the confirmed command, and he nodded to Dark Star. The two quickly opened the door and ran fast to the end of the corridor.

Their targets are neither elevators nor Fire Fighting channels, but garbage channels. In front of the Light Star, the first to enter the narrow garbage channel, with the power of the feet, try to slow down the speed of the decline.

Dark Star also jumped into the junk lane, and the two attempted to escape through the garbage channel.

“Edelin Senior Officer, Monitoring System was attacked by Hacker. I have lost the picture of Monitoring System. I guess, I am afraid it is the target of Pentagon. When we arrested Bloody-hand Butcher, we found our action!” LIP Lens-type Information Processor, reporting to Edelin.

Twenty-eight Building No. 5 Room, Edelin looked at the computer EQ uipment in the room and the speed slider in the bedroom, plus Hidden Thorn’s report, and the explosion that just happened, he wanted to understand what he wanted.

“Oops! No. 5 room personnel, exactly as stated Pentagon Hacker to catch, hurry to search for their tracks, don’t let them run away!” All kinds of clues contact together, Edelin finally determined, No. 5 room exactly As stated the target they want to capture.

‘Damn! There is such a coincidence! Bloody-hand Butcher chose what hostage is not good, and it happened to be the Hacker who invaded the Pentagon! ‘Edelin in the heart.

Hidden Thorn in the heart was surprised, then his hands were in the void and tapped quickly. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor provides a Virtual keyboard with a very high recognition rate and almost the same error rate as a physical keyboard, except that there is no pressing feel provided by the keystroke.

‘Hurry up! Access to surrounding monitoring equipment! ‘Hidden Thorn in the heart urges the hands faster. After about thirty seconds, the Virtual Transfiguration screen of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor displays the security screen provided by the Security Surveillance Camera around Brook Street No. 21.

‘what? ‘Hidden Thorn looked at the alley behind the building. Two currently rushing figures, his face was bright. Through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, the command was issued: “All external personnel attention, all external personnel attention! Two The suspect, in the western alley behind the current building, fled to Northern and immediately arrested them!”.

(To be continued…)