
Chapter 1334

HK1318 steals Supercomputer Holy!

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Dream Entertainment Company’s network framework ranges from OffiCIA l Website to Official Gamer Forum, from Official Virtual Goods Trading System to Dreamer Online PaYM ent System and the most critical Brave’s World.

All network modules, all require Interweave Net Miwang and Exceed Grade to calculate Lightning support. If you remove the support of Interweave Net Miwang and Exceed Grade to calculate Lightning, all of Dream Entertainment’s network will be out of service.

Even though Brave’s World can only maintain the most basic operation!

This is the lethal card that Shi Lei masters. If this trick let card is used, Shi Lei will get the numerous computing resources.

However, this trick has drawbacks!

The essence of Interweave Net Miwang is cloud computing, which brings together Gamer’s computing resources through Brave’s World. If Brave’s World has stopped serving. So, how do you collect Gamer’s computing resources?

It is for this reason that Shi Lei has not used lethal cards. But now it’s time to go to life and death. If you don’t defeat the Angel Parliament and block the three forces of Li Jian Nation, the Dream Entertainment Company will have a tragic rhythm.

Under this rhythm, Shi Lei does not have so much scruples!

“Izual, Brave’s World’s online user, how much?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual immediately showed the number of Brave’s World’s online Gamer in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor: 18,281,906 people.

“More than 18 million Gamers?” Shi Lei brows slightly wrinkle, the invasion of Angel Parliament, has indeed affected the normal operation of Dream Entertainment.

Under normal circumstances, Brave’s World’s Gamer online rate basically maintains between 70% and 80%. Brave’s World currently has more than a registered number of Gamers than the 30 Million. The current online rate is comparable to the breakthrough Sixty.

The Angel Parliament invaded the Dream Entertainment Company, resulting in a situation of Brave’s World network big delay, giving ten percent to twenty of the personnel. Temporarily gave up entering Brave’s World.

This is only the impact of a short time!

Once Dream Entertainment Company can’t quickly resolve Brave’s World network delay, Gamer will lose more.

Shi Lei closed his eyes, about a few seconds later, started talking: “Izual, in Brave’s World, released a full server announcement, Brave’s World will be a ten-minute online update! Online update period. Gamer will not play properly. Gamer can stay in Brave’s World. If Gamer stays in Brave’s World and carefully read the update instructions provided by Official, you will receive a gift. Well, Random Draw Prize Box !”

After a little pause, Shi Lei continued: “This time online update, choose update ‘Lost Treasure’! In Brave’s World. Hold a grand event. A campaign about the former treasures!”

“yes, sir!” Izual replied to Shi Lei, Brave’s World’s Large-scale event ‘The Lost Treasure’, not Shi Lei’s temporary thoughts, but the development of accomplish, which is similar to a copy of a traditional online game. activity.

However, the lost treasure is not a copy map, but a public open Underground city map. All Gamers are on the same map. Instead of an independent copy map.

Shi Lei chose to publish this update, mainly to gain time. Within ten minutes of stopping Brave’s World, call all Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources to annihilate the Angel Parliament’s invasion.

In Brave’s World, Izual released a full server announcement and gave Gamer a one-minute buffer time to get Gamer back to Safety.

Even if Gamer is currently fighting, Izual will control their opponents to escape directly. Perhaps this rude solution is not appropriate, but it is the most direct and effective solution.

“Sir, thirty seconds later, Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning are ready to compcomplish!” Izual reminded Shi Lei, the Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, to pass the sound directly into Shi Lei’s mind, with a degree of confidentiality. improve.

In 30 seconds, Shi Lei is not wasted!

Shi Lei is ready to anti-track and anti-intrusion, looking at the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, the countdown number displayed on the Virtual transparency screen.

‘3, 2, 1! Interweave Net Miwang assembles 1700tflopscomputing resources, Supercomputer Lightning, and provides 300tflopscomputing resources. ‘

Interweave Net Miwang, which is supported by all network modules, cuts off more computing resources, exceeding the previously estimated 1400tflopscomputing resources.

Shi Lei looked at the data from the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. The face finally showed a smile. ‘Angel Parliament, you have been pleased for so long, now it is my turn to perform! ‘

“Sir, the anti-tracking channel is established, tracked to the other party’s data, has successfully cracked the twenty Six Platform Zombie Server, and traced to the real ipaddress!” Izual obtained Interweave Net Miwang and Exceed Grade to calculate Lightning’s computing resources, and the anti-tracking sudusignificant was improved.

Shi Lei personally looked at the data for second time analysis and verification. Through Izual’s preliminary data analysis, Shi Lei finally found a wènti.

Angel Parliament’s attack, not origin in an ipaddress, Angel Parliament’s attack data flow, the main origin is in four ipaddress.

Shi Lei further tracked the results of the Izual tracking and finally found the Supercomputer group that powered the Angel Parliament attack.

“It turned out to be a Supercomputer with a computing performance of 200tflops!” Shi Lei could not help but started talking.

Tao Wenxian by LIP Lens-type Information Processor, heard Shi Lei’s talking to himself, asked: “? Big Brother Stone, Angel Parliament actually has Supercomputer 200tflopscomputing resources of”

“No!” Shi Lei inquired about the situation of the Supercomputer being tracked. The smile on his face is getting more and more popular. This Supercomputer is not the Angel Parliament, but the Li Jian Nation Official isn’t that right?

“Jazz, if I am sure that there is nothing wrong with this, this Supercomputer belongs to Li Jian Nation Official. It should be a currently tested Supercomputer, temporarily borrowed by Angel Parliament. hēi hēi 嘿, if we play this Supercomputer, You said Li Jian Nation Official will ask the Angel Parliament for trouble?” Shi Lei seems to be asking, but his hands are already tapping the source code on the keyboard.

A line of implement code is emitted, and Izual immediately tries to control the Supercomputer sii. Unfortunately, Supercomputer sii is the latest Secret Supercomputer from Li Jian Nation, and the level of safety is very high.

Even if Shi Lei, nor kěnéng get the Controlling Right of Supercomputer sii for a short time. However, Shi Lei can cut off the Angel Parliament’s control of the Supercomputer sii.

Through the flaw mastered by later generations, Shi Lei injected control code into Supercomputer sii. After successfully injecting the control code, Shi Lei did not release the Supercomputer sii in First time, but continued to track the other three IP addresses of the Angel Parliament that provided the attack data flow.

After about two minutes of exploration, the identity of the three Supercomputers, Shi Lei all found. All three Supercomputers, Shi Lei, are familiar.

In particular, the Angel Parliament’s private Supercomputer Holy, Shi Lei joined the Angel of the Angel Parliament, Supercomputer Holy’s performance has not kept up with the era, for the internal training of the new tool.

Under the guidance of Abdiel, Shi Lei basically fully understands Supercomputer Holy!

As for Supercomputer and Ember, Shi Lei borrowed from Uriel and Uriel agreed to lend to Shi Lei. However, only once, Shi Lei did not fully understand the situation of the two Supercomputers.

‘hēi hēi, turned out to be Supercomputer Holy! Hey, I was looking for Supercomputer Holy, I didn’t expect it to come to the door! Could it be that the mountains and the waters are full of doubts and nowhere? ‘Shi Lei in the heart is thinking about it.

Previously, the Dream Entertainment Company faced the invasion of the Angel Parliament and was beaten to fight back. Even, it was brought into a large pit by its own lethal card Attack Recoil, which provoked the three forces of Li Jian Nation.

Originally, Shi Lei had already made the worst plan, but now he found Supercomputer Holy and Shi Lei in the heart.

Shi Lei is very familiar with Supercomputer Holy and is more familiar than Izual’s Parent Server Supercomputer Origin.

Shi Lei, who is familiar with Supercomputer Holy, has a clear understanding of Supercomputer Holy’s Back Door flaw, Operating System, authority group assignment, safety defense mechanism, and alarm setting scheme.

To put it another way, Shi Lei wants to invade the Supercomputer Holy, basically without the hassle, and can be described as ‘light car.’

Shi Lei let go of Supercomputer and Ember, and let go of his unfamiliar Supercomputer sii, and directly chose Supercomputer Holy as the target.

‘My Little Guai Guai, Stone Monster is coming again! ‘Shi Lei involuntarily emerged with a smile of nostalgia. At the time of the Angel Parliament, it was not all black memories.

‘If I remember correctly, Supercomputer Holy’s Ground Level Code has a reserved Back Door, perhaps the one left by First Giant, or someone else. Just pass this reserved Back Door and you can directly control the Supercomputer Holy! ‘Shi Lei is looking for Supercomputer Holy’s Ground Level Code Back Door.

In less than a minute, Shi Lei found the reserved Back Door and successfully entered it.

‘The password is still the same! No difficulty at all! ‘Shi Lei entered a simple digital password and successfully entered the Supercomputer Holy.

‘computing resources to reach the 50tflops of Holy, in this era, is still a powerful Supercomputer! ‘Shi Lei in the heart sighs, Supercomputer developed sudu too fast, in just a few years, Supercomputer Holy, almost to the point of elimination.

After controlling Supercomputer Holy, Shi Lei in the heart secretly sneered, Supercomputer Holy in his hands, can perfectly solve the current troubles of Dream Entertainment….

(To be continued…)