
Chapter 1332

HK1316 Real catastrophe!


Dream Entertainment Company’s network, currently accepts the Angel Parliament’s stealth Little Giant Light and Dark Twin Stars’ attack.

Originally, Shi Lei opened the lethal card Attack Recoil in an attempt to counterattack the Angel Parliament’s attack. When Attack Recoil was just opened, it really surprised Dark Star.

But the next development, completely out of Shi Lei’s unexpected. Angel Parliament has mobilized almost 10% of 300tflops’ computing resources, impacting Dreamer Online PaYM ent System.

Although the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System has both Protect Recoil and Endless Defense System protection, it is still very stressful in the face of the impact resources of 300tflops.

Attack Recoil does not have a First time bounce attack because the data flow strength of the attack is too high and the Attack Recoil is temporarily stagnant.

This is an invasion of the most dangerous of Dream Entertainment Company since its inception.

“Jazz, hurry up, mobilize computing resources, and block the other’s vandalism!” Shi Lei said loudly in the Voice Communication Channel built by the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

Tao Wenxian also discovered the pressure on the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System. “Okay, Big Brother Stone!” Tao Wenxian has no nonsense, he knows that now is the key moment.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian jointly protected the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System. Although the Light and Dark Twin Stars were blocked, the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System could not be accessed normally during the continuous attack.

To make matters worse, Izual needs to assemble all the idle computing resources of Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning in order to deal with the Light and Dark Twin Stars attack. Therefore, the Dream Entertainment Official customer service Center also stopped providing telephone voice services.

This caused the numerous caller to consult the Gamer Online PaYMent System’s Gamer, unable to get a response, so that this part of Gamer, caused anxiety and nervousness.

After all, Dreamer Online PaYM ent System is related to their immediate interests!

Light and Dark Twin Stars dominated the Supercomputer group led by Supercomputer sii, causing great trouble for Dream Entertainment Company. but. Whatever happens must not think, this is the ultimate means of Light and Dark Twin Stars.

In fact, this is just the beginning!

The real catastrophe is coming soon!

Li Jian Nation. New York, an unknown apartment.

Dark Star monitors data, and expressions are excitedly said: “Brother, Dream Entertainment’s Dreamer Online PaYM ent System, has completely suspended the service.”

As the Light Star led by the attack, the expression on the face is calm, it seems that everything is under control, but the heart of Light Star is very pleased.

‘Raphael that waste material can become a Four Giant! Hēng! ‘Light Star in the heart is spit, though. As a stealth Little Giant, Light Star knows that they are two brothers and can’t stand in Light.

“younger brother, next, we have to weaken the attack a little! I control Supercomputer sii. You control Supercomputer Holy, Lava and Ember, and slowly reduce the strength of the attack data flow.” Light Star commanded.

Dark Star is shocked, “Brother, weaken attack? Why is this! As long as we continue to attack, Dream Entertainment Company will definitely have a lot of trouble. In their Official Gamer Forum, there are already many, many Gamers, questioning Dreamer Online PaYM The ent system’s safety. As long as we broke the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System. Dream Entertainment Company is over!”

Light Star sighed, Dark Star said, Light Star can’t understand?

However, as Shi Lei miscalculated the strength of the Angel Parliament, Light Star also misrepresented the strength of the Dream Entertainment Company.

Dream Entertainment Company’s Dreamer Online PaYM ent System, which suffered an attack close to 300tflopscomputing resources, did not crash. There are no signs of collapse.

Although the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System has been completely out of service, even the Dream Entertainment Official Home Service Center has stopped voice access, but this does not mean that the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System is about to be compromised.

“younger brother, we can’t break Dreamer Online PaYM ent System !” Light Star sighed. “However, I also prepared a mysterious Great Gift for the Dream Entertainment Company!”

“What Great Gift?” Dark Star curiously asked.

Light Star didn’t say it directly, “younger brother, don’t worry, you know it right now! Now, slowly reduce the attack data flow strength of the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System. Note that you must slow down a bit.”

Dark Star didn’t ask why, just follow Light Star’s instructions.

Light and Dark Twin Stars slowly reduced the strength of the attack data flow. Shi Lei immediately found out that ‘咦, the strength of the attack data flow is reduced? ‘

In the face of the sudden proximity of Angel Parliament to 300tflopscomputing resources, Shi Lei had too many guesses, but couldn’t guess where the Angel Parliament got the computing resources.

Close to 300tflops’ computing resources, not a small amount!

If it is the Angel Parliament’s proprietary Supercomputer, as ‘formerly’ has a nameless Fifth Giant, Shi Lei can’t possibly know.

‘Is this the sudden computing resources that are suddenly coming out, is the Supercomputer that the Angel Parliament invaded, forcibly erupted? ‘Shi Lei produced this idea when the strength of the attack data flow weakened.

‘As long as you lower it a little, Attack Recoil can be implemented. At that time, hey, Angel Parliament, have you look good! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is looking forward to the Angel Parliament’s invasion of the impact data flow intensity a little further.

After about three minutes, Shi Lei smiled, ‘reaching the tipping point! Attack Recoil is on! ‘

On the screen of Number One Server, a series of data is refreshed, Attack Recoil is finally open, and numerous intrusion data is returned to Light and Dark Twin Stars.

However, Light Star has already learned about Shi Lei’s lethal card, how can it be attacked by Attack Recoil?

Light Star controls the Supercomputer sii, directing the data flow of Attack Recoil, directly to the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation’s OffiCIA l Website, according to Light Star’s default plan.

Currently, Light and Dark Twin Stars attacks the computing resources of the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System, which is almost 200tflops. When the data flow of Attack Recoil was directed by Light Star to the OffiCIA l Website of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, the huge data flow broke through the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation’s OffiCIA l Website in an instant.

Not only that, but after the huge anti-attack data flow and the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation’s OffiCIA l Website, Light Star once again led the attack data flow to the CIA Central Intelligence Agency’s OffiCIA l Website.

The OffiCIA l Website of CIA Central Intelligence Agency, like the OffiCIA l Website of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, collapsed just for a moment.

Light Star still hasn’t stopped!

The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and the CIA Central Intelligence Agency’s OffiCIA l Website have only been broken. For Light Star, it has not yet achieved its goal.

Light Star’s plan is very evil, and he leads the data flow of Attack Recoil to the Li Jian Nation Pentagon’s Internal Network.

The Pentagon is the Department of Defense of Li Jian Nation, and its significance is very important. In Hacker World, there is a very important achievement, which is precisely as stated to capture the Pentagon Official’s Internal Network.

But this glory, few people get it! Of course, the kind of achievements that broke through the Pentagon OffiCIA l Website and showed off everywhere, but many people have succeeded. Pentagon’s OffiCIA l Website has no confidential content and has been compromised without loss.

‘Dream Entertainment Company, I don’t know if you will fight against the Department of Defense. Who will win? ‘Light Star selected Pentagon’s Internal Network as the final target, guiding the data flow of Attack Recoil and impacting Pentagon’s Internal Network.

The fatal flaws of Attack Recoil appear!

Attack Recoil’s data flow, once booted, may attack other targets instead of the attacker itself.

Pentagon, as the Department of Defense of Li Jian Nation, stores numerous Confidential Information in the Pentagon’s Internal Network. Once the Pentagon’s Internal Network is compromised, in the unlikely event that Hacker steals secret data, it will be a big mess.

Do not think that Pentagon’s confidential data will definitely isolate the network storage. Although access to the Internet is at risk of Hacker attack, without the Internet, Pentagon’s productivity will be reduced to a heuristic.

The so-called “can not be ruined, can not be afraid of Hacker, will not access the Internet?”

Again, Pentagon has confidence in its Cyber ​​Security team, and even if Hacker comes in, they won’t let Hacker steal data.

When Pentagon’s Internal Network faced a computing resource attack close to 200tflops, Pentagon’s Cyber ​​Security Department, suddenly High Degree nervous. All Security SpeCIA lists are all in action, blocking the ‘powerful Hacker’ invasion.

However, this is not a powerful Hacker invasion at all, but the data flow of Attack Recoil.

The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and the CIA Central Intelligence Agency’s OffiCIA l Website, after being attacked by the Attack Recoil data flow, as Li Jian Nation’s two intellectual organizations, how could they be willing to give up?

The two Intelligence Organizations quickly launched investigate, tracking the Hacker who invaded them, and quickly stared at the Attack Recoil data flow.

Another drawback of Attack Recoil is exposed, even if it is a reverse attack, but the attack is sent from the Dream Entertainment Company, the corresponding data flow end point ipaddress, exactly as stated Dream Entertainment Company.

Therefore, the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and the CIA Central Intelligence Agency pursued the data flow of Attack Recoil and traced it to the Dream Entertainment Company.

As for the tracking, they still can’t trace it. See if Dream Entertainment Company’s technology is powerful!

Pentagon’s Cyber ​​Security Specialists, after blocking the 200tflops attack, also began to reverse the attack origin. According to the Pentagon style, they never let go of any Hacker who invaded the Pentagon. If the Dream Entertainment Company is tracked by the Pentagon, it is absolutely irrational!

Compared to the previous Dreamer Online PaYMent System was invaded, the current situation is the real catastrophe!

The catastrophe of the crisis!
