
Chapter 1325

HK1309 murder a person with a borrowed knife, Li Jian participated!


Raphael revealed the news of Angel Parliament to Shi Lei four times, and Shi Lei did not know what Raphael is. Did Raphael not sever Hope and want to pull him into Angel Parliament?

Shi Lei can’t join the Angel Parliament!

It is also impossible for Raphael to quit the Angel Parliament!

The two are destined to be enemies. Why did Raphael reveal some of the Angel Parliament’s Confidential Information to Shi Lei?

Shi Lei can’t understand…

“Trap?” Shi Lei’s eyes are fleeting and become staunch. “Even if it is a trap, in the face of absolute force, everything is vain!”

Mirror Science and Technology Group is very powerful at Nanyue Nation. If you tear your face, the energy that erupts will definitely surprise the Angel Parliament!

Li Jian Nation, New York City, Angel Parliament secret stronghold.

On the top floor of a Large Building, inside a wide Office, full of blond Raphael, respectfully, standing forward at a desk, whispered: “god, we can’t fight again, will Does Mr. M pull in our Angel Parliament?”

Behind the desk, a leather Great Class chair is facing the Raphael, just a neutral voice. “Raphael, you should know, Mr. M and we are not friends! Uliel and Gabriel’s death, exact as Stated Mr. M caused!”

“But…” Raphael struggled, trying to say something, but was directly interrupted.

“Enough! Raphael, go on! According to our plan, I don’t have any surprises with Hope! Do you understand?” The neutral voice conveys an unquestionable tone that does not allow Raphael to refute.

Raphael sighs, “god.!”

This is the internal language of the Angel Parliament. When you meet with First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah, you must say this in order to show respect for First Giant.

After Raphael exited Office, First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah was light snorted. “Raphael, if it’s not on the face of your big brother, I’ve been…”

First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah didn’t say the specific way of the press, just took out a cell phone and dialed a number. When the route is connected, he commands: “Michael, implement Second plan!”

“Follow, my God!” On the other end of the line, there was an angry and charming young male voice.

Michael, Angel Parliament Invisible Fifth Giant!

Except for First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah, even though Second Giant ‘Archangel Leader ‘Gabriel doesn’t know!

Michael is an invisible card for the Angel Parliament, and his strength has also reached the World Summit Grade!

First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah has lost trust in Raphael, and some important Tasks have been handed over to the invisible Fifth Giant.

Xia Nation. Shuangqing City.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian stayed by the computer, waiting for the Angel Parliament’s Second Round attack, but the Angel Parliament did not have a Second Round attack.

The two waited until noon at the New Years Festival and did not welcome the Angel Parliament’s second time attack!

Tao Wenxian is somewhat unsettled by the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Contact Shi Lei: “Big Brother Stone, have we been waiting?”

Shi Lei thought for a moment, “wait another two hours!”

The time between Xia Nation and Li Jian Nation is out of sync. Xia Nation is the noon 12 point, corresponding to Li Jian Nation New York, it should be the late night 12 point. They waited until two points, and Li Jian Nation New York was already late at night.

Inferred according to Shi Lei’s. If the attack is not launched at two o’clock in the middle of the night, Angels of the Angel Parliament should shrink their wings and rest for Right?

“Èn!” Tao Wenxian boring to open the minesweeper and start playing minesweeping games.

However, while Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian were waiting, the Angel Parliament was invisible to the Giant Giant Michael. Killed Nanyue Nation in the net world.

Michael used the Angel Parliament’s Supercomputer Holy to make a simple break through the Nanyue Nation Center Television Station, which is the OffiCIA l Government Station of Nanyue Nation, referred to as vtvTelevision Station.

vtvTelevision Station is the government station of Nanyue Nation and is directly managed by the Nanyue Nation Government. The information published by vtvTelevision Station is usually affirmative by Nanyue Nation Official.

Michael broke the OffiCIA l Website of vtvTelevision Station and uploaded a video information on the homepage of OffiCIA l Website.

Video information is actually a video of the Móng Cái City Eastern Factory Dispute!

The quality of the video is very clear, even for the rocket to launch the nest, comes a high-definition close-up. Moreover, on the video screen, the performance parameters of the rocket launching nest and the damage capability that can be caused are listed.

The only thing that is fortunate is that this video, which was posted on the vtvTelevision Station OffiCIA l Website, did not capture the Dark Hell or Lonely Massacre personnel.

In addition to video information, Michael also posted a statement on the vtvTelevision Station OffiCIA l Website home page.


“Móng Cái City Terrorist Attack event, Dark Hell announced responsibility! 》

Hello everyone, Nanyue Nation!

I am the person-in-charge of Dark Hell, and the target of our Organization is against the official rule of the entire Nanyue Nation!

Today, we launched a small-scale exercise in Móng Cái City, annihilating a group of International mercenary. Tomorrow, we will attack the city of Hanoi and create no less than three bombings!

Thank you for supporting us!


After Michael released the video information and the statement, he quickly cleared the intrusion trace without leaving any evidence. This framed Dark Hell’s plan, which was precisely as stated Angel Parliament First Giant ‘World God ‘Jehovah’s preliminary plan.

After Michael implements the Task, he disappears from the Internet, chooses hū hū to sleep, and does not go to Xia Nation and Dream Entertainment.

Nanyue Nation vtvTelevision Station OffiCIA l Website message, about half an hour after delay, was discovered by Izual-controlled information retriever.

“Sir, the information retriever, found the information about ‘Dark Hell’.” Izual directly projected the information into the Virtual transparency screen of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor for Shi Lei to view.

Shi Lei quickly watched the video of the vtvTelevision Station OffiCIA l Website homepage, and then read the statement issued by Michael, his face was black and ugly.

“Damn!” Shi Lei naturally understands that this is framed by Dark Hell!

However, this trick is very powerful!

Because of the frame of Dark Hell’s personnel, the complete shooting of the abandoned factory in Móng Cái City, especially the rocket launching nest, was taken, which is definitely a shock for Nanyue Nation Official.

Although there is no Dark Hell and Lonely Massacre personnel in the video, Shi Lei used video analysis to draw a conclusion. The equipment for this video, even if it did not capture Dark Hell’s member, was definitely taken. Lonely Massacre’s personnel.

Just the Hacker who released this video, I haven’t played the follow-up clips for the time being!

According to the announcement from Dark Hell’s Hacker, Shi Lei guessed that the other party should want to make a bombing case in Hanoi, and then release the relevant video.

‘Fuck! ‘Shi Lei dark cursed, Angel Parliament’s poison, it is really poisonous, it is a deadly rhythm.

Through this video, and affirmation, once the Angel Parliament succeeded in manufacturing the bombings in Hanoi. Then, Dark Hell will definitely become the most unpopular Organization in Nanyue Nation, and it is very likely to be directly defined as the Terrorist Organization.

Tao Wenxian obviously also received Izual’s tips. He asked Shi Lei, “Big Brother Stone, through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, do we want to black out this Television Station?”

Shi Lei denied Tao Wenxian’s proposal, “No!”

“Why?” Tao Wenxian said: “Big Brother Stone, this video and a statement, I am afraid it will suppress our power in Nanyue Nation Right?”

“Jazz, you don’t understand!” Shi Lei sighed, “If we black out vtvTelevision Station at this time, erase the video and the statement, not only will not solve the issue, but it will appear to be somewhat suggestive. Even though Nanyue Nation The top level, understand that we are framed, but the general public will not think so, Nanyue Nation will not let us go.”

“What should we do?” Tao Wenxian was anxious.

Shi Lei took a deep breath, “Patience!”

The New Years Festival has passed by, and for Shi Lei, this is definitely a bad New Years section.

January 2, 7 am.

Early in the morning, Shi Lei was awakened by Izual because Yesterday’s affirmation at vtvTelevision Station was realized. In Hanoi, the capital of Nanyue Nation, three explosions occurred, causing more than 100 deaths.

The three bombings in Hanoi not only shocked the country of Nanyue Nation, but also caused panic throughout the Southeast Asia region, fearing that Dark Hell would come over and find trouble.

For a time, Dark Hell seemed to be the presence of everyone in the Southeast Asia region.

At this time, Nanyue Nation made a decision, and Nanyue Nation officially classified Dark Hell into the ranks of the Terrorist Organization.

Nanyue Nation will conduct an Anti-terrorism exercise in conjunction with Li Jian Nation to clean up the Dark Hell Terrorist Organization member in Nanyue Nation!

Shi Lei looked at the news released by Nanyue Nation and his face was gloomy.

Angel Parliament has a beautiful hand and is ready to do both from the very beginning. If Devil Mercenary Corps succeeds, it will naturally be a joy.

If Devil Mercenary Corps fails, and through the failure of Devil Mercenary Corps, directly murder a person with a borrowed knife, let Nanyue Nation get involved, and even drag Li Jian Nation Official into it.

Shi Lei knows that the official power of the Angel Parliament is very strong, but Shi Lei did not think that the power of the Angel Parliament was so powerful!

What should I do in the face of the joint Anti-terrorism exercises of Nanyue Nation and Li Jian Nation?

This seems to be a dead end without a solution…
