
Chapter 1323

HK1307 unable to withstand a single blow ?


Shi Lei never doubted the strength of the Angel Parliament!

Even if Shi Lei killed Second Giant Gabriel, Third Giant Uriel, Shi Lei still did not underestimate the Angel Parliament. The strength of the Angel Parliament is very powerful, and it is blunt to say that Xia Nation’s Four Great Cyber ​​Security Agency, in front of the Angel Parliament, simply cannot withstand a single blow!

Now, Raphael proactively warns Shi Lei that the Angel Parliament will not only launch attacks in Reality, but also in the net world attack Dream Entertainment Company’s Server.

Although the resources available to Dream Entertainment Company are sufficient, most of the time. But Shi Lei can’t guarantee that Angel Parliament will make any trouble trouble out of nothing.

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City, Eastern District.

Ren Gudu led more than two hundred members of Lonely Massacre and, according to Ye Feng’s orders, rushed to the abandoned industrial park in the Eastern District, surrounded by the abandoned factory where Devil Mercenary Corps was located.

Zheng Sanpao, Ma Liang, Chen Xingrui and Zhu Mingxuan, together with Lonely Massacre, came to the abandoned industrial park on the outskirts of the Eastern District.

Among the abandoned factories where Devil Mercenary Corps is located, First Main War Squad Captain Kang Wodun, when members of Lonely Massacre surrounded the abandoned factory, erected his right hand.

“quiet!” Kang Wodun snorted, looking at a tablet-like device in his hand, showing several members of Lonely Massacre on the screen.

Kang Wodun is equipped with some Wireless cameras around the abandoned factory and equipped with a motion Seize System that will be recorded as long as moving objects pass.

“Looking for cover and preparing for battle!” Kang Wodun said loudly.

Second Main War Squad’s Captain, Anstoe asked: “Kang Wodun, what?”

“The enemy has found us! Fighting on someone else’s domain is really troublesome!” Kang Wodun complained a little. “If I didn’t estimate the error, Lonely Massacre and Dark Hell’s fighter have surrounded us!”

“Fuck!” Anstoe was a little surprised. “We are hiding here, and they have all been discovered by them?”

“Anstoe, don’t talk nonsense, be careful. Lest our losses will be great!” Kang Wodun reminded Anstoe, but Kang Wodun had a disdain in his eyes, apparently looking down on Lonely Massacre and Dark Hell.

The member of Devil Mercenary Corps, immediately after hearing the orders of Kang Wodun, began looking for bunkers. The abandoned factory they chose was not a random choice, but the most robust abandoned factory.

The wall of this abandoned factory, very eccentric, did not use the conventional Factory-type color steel composite panels as the wall, but the use of reinforced concrete. Simultaneously. The ceiling is also made of reinforced concrete and is also fitted with lead plates.

It was because of the roof of the lead plate that Devil Mercenary Corps found the abandoned Factory very simply and used it as a temporary base.

“Kardo, explore the situation!” Kang Wodun in the WIRE less headset. Command the subordinate of the personnel.

Kardo is an investigator at First Main War Squad. He hides in the heights and looks through the telescope to see what’s going on around him.

“Captain, we are surrounded! Preliminary estimates, the total number of enemies is about two hundred. The enemy’s combat quality is very high, equipped with Li Jian Nation’s standard weapon. No heavy weapon.” Kardo quickly reported .

Kang Wodun in the heart sighed in relief !

As long as there is no heavy weapon, the threat to them is not great. Devil Mercenary Corps is also unlikely to carry heavy weapon because the implement is a multinational Task.

“Captain, the enemy has a lot of snipers! We are in danger…” Kardo’s exclamation came to an abrupt end.


Devil Mercenary Corps member in the abandoned factory heard a heavy sound.

Kang Wodun’s face is very ugly, the ground. Kardo’s body is facing up, and there is a small blood hole in his chest, which is bleeding out of the current.

Anstoe’s face is equally ugly, “Gregert.determine, what is the wound caused by the sniper rifle?”

Gregert is the firearm Specialist of Second Main War Squad, this guy can pass through the wound and determine what firearm is causing. Gregert carefully observed the wound on Kardo’s chest, and as time passed, Gregert’s face became more and more dignified.

“Gregert, what did you find?” Anstoe looked at Gregert’s face and immediately asked.

“Captain, I am afraid we are in trouble!” Gregert said with uncertainty.

Kang Wodun of First Main War Squad asked directly: “What trouble? Make it clear at one time!”

Gregert knows that Kang Wodun is the Captain of First Main War Squad. He didn’t sell it. He explained it directly. “Captain, Kang Wodun Captain, you see the wound! Kardo’s wound is very strange. The muscle break of the wound is direct. The force is pulled inwardly by the break, not by the rotation of the bullet.”

“What is the difference?” Anstoe did not understand.

Gregert said with a bitter smile : “The difference is very big! After the regular weapon sub-pops, it will take a high-speed rotation. But hit Kardo’s bullet, but it does not rotate. But it also directly penetrates the chest. The effect. Even the projectile hit the ribs on Kardo’s back and shattered the ribs! This shows that the projectile’s muzzle has a very high initial velocity and carries a lot of kinetic energy.”

“Speak English!” Kang Wodun coldly snorted, his opinion is, let Gregert say that everyone understands the opinion, not the academic issue.

“In short, the other party has an unknown snipe rifle, which is very powerful! According to preliminary calculations, even though we are hiding behind reinforced concrete, we can’t get the guarantee of Safety!” Gregert helplessly said.

Kang Wodun in the heart, I haven’t waited for any order from Kang Wodun. In the abandoned factory, there have been several dull crashes, as if you were hitting reinforced concrete with Steel and Iron!

In fact, it is similar. It is just a projectile launched by Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, which hits the reinforced concrete façade of the abandoned factory and penetrates the outer wall!

Several screams rang, two of them were bad luck eggs, and even were killed by the reinforced concrete shots!

“Away from the wall! Hidden behind the machine!” Kang Wodun quickly issued the latest order, however, waiting for Devil Mercenary Corps, only the Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery?

Outside the abandoned factory, Zheng Sanpao takes the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and targets the abandoned factory. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor he wears is a sniper optimized version. With an external snipe accessory, the sniper can be freed from the observations of the observer, and the independent accimlish snipe Task.

Zheng Sanpao’s sniper rifle is not a World famous gun, but a single-generation Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery designed and produced by Li Cai. The Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator integrated with the N235 Metal Second Phase Application Plan To ensure a sufficient supply of energy.

After the successful use of N235 Metal’s Second Phase Application Plan, Shi Lei has more and more power.

“Mingxuan, as a sniper, you must remember to stay calm under any circumstances!” Zheng Sanpao educated the discipline, just before Zhu Mingxuan, the arm trembled a little before the shot, so that the target was not successfully killed. .

Zhu Mingxuan scratched his head, “Know, Master!”

“Sniper Team, continue to hunt!” Zheng Sanpao nodded, responding to Zhu Mingxuan, then through the Wireless headset, commanded snipe personnel, continue to implement kill command.

The fourth generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s firing sound is very small, only the high-speed object cuts the air’s whistling sound.

Ye Feng looks at the scene through two Second Generation Shadow Dragons. Second Generation Shadow Dragon is also equipped with Small-scale Electromagnetic Artillery weapon. As for Laser Weapon, the volume issue limited to Shadow Dragon is not piggybacked.

Five minutes later, Ye Feng passed WIRE less and ordered: “Sanpao, well, don’t play, time is tight! Liang Zi, Gudu, lead the personnel to attack! Fight for zero casualties!”

“Okay, Captain!” Ma Liang replied helplessly.

Ren Gudu is puzzled and asks, “Boss Ye, the opponent’s combat power is very strong, we want to achieve zero casualties, it is very difficult!”

“Hēng!” Ye Feng coldly snorted, dissatisfied: “Gudu, don’t forget, what are you carrying on weapon!”

Ren Gudu took a moment, “Boss Ye, if the movement is too big, the official force of Móng Cái City, I am afraid…”

“Okay, these things have been solved, don’t worry! I need zero casualties, I have promised Boss, I don’t have Hope casualties!” Ye Feng didn’t give Ren Gudu more The opportunity to explain directly made the tone of zero casualties.

East, abandoned factory one kilometer.

Ren Gudu looked at Ma Liang and asked, “Big Brother Ma, how should we attack?”

Ma Liang patted Ren Gudu’s shoulder. “Isn’t buddy, Captain not talking about it? Don’t save ammunition, give those guys a little bit of awkward! Let them understand, here is our domain, not their Africa!” , World First Merc Corps, wǒ pēi, what toy!”

Devil Mercenary Corps is known as First Merc Corps in the mercenary world. But at this moment, it is obviously awkward.

Ren Gudu got a reminder from Ma Liang, on the WIRE less channel, he ordered, “Prepare the implement cplan!”

Inside the abandoned factory, Devil Mercenary Corps was continuously suppressed by Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, and they were given a chance to breathe after the Ye Feng command ceased.

It must be said that Devil Mercenary Corps chose a good base. Inside the abandoned factory, there were some rusty shovel machines, which saved Devil Mercenary Corps most of its strength, except for a few bad luck ghosts. No personnel loss.

When the gathering of the Sniper Team stopped, the personnel of Devil Mercenary Corps immediately seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack. They must rush out of the abandoned factory to have the opportunity to face the enemy and win. Otherwise, they are always in the abandoned factory, they are only passively beaten!

However, when Devil Mercenary Corps’s personnel, outside the abandoned factory, threw a few flash bombs and smoke bombs, they just rushed out and saw the stunned scenes of let them!
