
Chapter 1321

HK1305 is fully martial!

Beiluo District, Falling Stone Mountain.

Ouyang Xiang can’t refuse Shi Lei’s kindness, Ouyang Xiang knows that this is Shi Lei’s concern for her performance, and in the dark, she shows a faint smile.

As Shi Lei tapped his hands in the void, a secret hidden base was placed in the hillside of the Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company. Two Small-scale Helicopters quickly took off and flew to the Beiluo District.

It is very surprising that when the two Small-scale Helicopters took off, there was no sound! And, they fly very fast, even faster than Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Because they are Third Generation The Steel and Iron!

Third Generation The Steel and Iron, loaded with the N235 Metal Second Phase Application Plan, Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator; also equipped with Neutrino Communications Equipment.

In addition to these two changes, the biggest change, Li Cai, which is exactly as stated niú bāi, once again applied the cutting-edge technology of the Chang’an Aircraft Industry research institute directly to Third Generation The Steel and Iron.

The most Core technology is Co-axial Advancing Blades Conception Technology!

Xia Nation uses this technology, Secret Plan creates the ‘Picture-8′ Unmanned Helicopter, and Li Jian Nation wants to make the s-97’ attacker ‘Helicopter.

Li Cai’s heart-wrenching bullshit, which took the technology directly and applied it to Third Generation The Steel and Iron, completely solved the issue of The Steel and Iron’s flight speed.

The shape parameters of Third Generation The Steel and Iron are basically the same as those of Second Generation The Steel and Iron. In addition to the addition of Co-axial Advancing Blades Conception Technology, Third Generation The Steel and Iron has a propeller in front of the body. It does not differ from Second Generation The Steel and Iron in appearance.

But the performance parameters completely kill Second Generation The Steel and Iron!

For example, the maximum rate of climb rises from Twenty-seven meters per second to Forty meters; the maximum steering speed is 100° per second. Promoted to 130° per second; maximum flight speed from 340 kilometers per hour, promoted to 460 kilometers per hour; cruising speed from 320 kilometers per hour, promoted to 420 kilometers per hour.

Not to mention the promotion of the Energy Supply System, the Third Generation The Steel and Iron, directly equipped with the more powerful Electromagnetic Artillery, and the fierce Ruby Laser Artillery.

Despite the performance of Third Generation The Steel and Iron, the full aspect surpasses Second Generation The Steel and Iron. But the cost of Third Generation The Steel and Iron is also very moving.

A brief introduction to the cost of Third Generation The Steel and Iron is as follows:

Miniaturization schemes such as 1, Neutrino Communications Equipment, Third. Cost cost 6400,000 Xia Nation Yuan.

2, Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator based on N235 Metal Second Phase Application Plan, cost 27 million.

3, Ruby Laser Artillery, cost cost 46 million.

4, Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, cost cost 17 million.

5, body and internal equipment cost. 18 million

Comprehensive cost: 748 million!

This is just a cost. The value of N235 Metal is not calculated. This cost is really a tearful flu. Because the cost of First Generation The Steel and Iron is only less than Hundred-thousand.

The positioning of First Generation The Steel and Iron is completely cannon that can be abandoned at any time. However, starting with Second Generation The Steel and Iron, The Steel and Iron is no longer a cannon fodder.

Third Generation The Steel and Iron can’t be used as cannon fodder!

So even the Steel and Iron developed into Third Generation. Shi Lei still has not given up on First Generation The Steel and Iron.

Shuanghu District and Beiluo District are larger than Forty. At the extreme speed of 460 kilometers per hour at Third Generation The Steel and Iron, it takes only a little more than five minutes.

Five and a half minutes later, two Third Generation The Steel and Iron arrived at Falling Stone Mountain and hovered over Ouyang Xiang.

“Ouyang, you are waiting for the time being!” Shi Lei’s LIP Lens-type Information Processor, which displays images of two Third Generation The Steel and Iron, optical observation systems.

In the dark, two Third Generation The Steel and Iron used infrared to detect the situation of Falling Stone Mountain. The body temperature emitted by human beings is like a little red in the green, so eye-catching!

Two Third Generation The Steel and Iron quickly discovered Forty-six targets, silently approaching Forty-six targets.

“Sir, Forty-six targets, System has been marked accomplish, please make sure the implement kill command!” Izual confirmed to ask Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded and said nothing.

Shi Lei also hates the Drug Lord. Again, this is just the Real Combat Test by Third Generation The Steel and Iron. Shi Lei doesn’t matter the life of the Forty-six name Drug Lord.

“Start the implement kill command!” Izual ice-cold unfeeling, reminding Shi Lei.

Because Third Generation The Steel and Iron uses the Second Generation Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, both the instantaneous release of electrical energy and the continuous release of electrical energy have been greatly promoted.

Therefore, Electromagnetic Artillery on Third Generation The Steel and Iron is the latest research of Fourth Generation!

The power of the Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery is stronger than Dawn’s exclusive Electromagnetic Sniper Artillery. The initial speed is from 3600 meters per second, promoted to 3800 meters per second; the energy storage time is from one second to 0.9 seconds; the energy conversion rate is from 6%, Promoted 0.5%.

Overall, the power of Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery is exaggerated!

Even if the armor is a thinner tank, it is absolutely uncomfortable to withstand the bombardment of Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery. More critically, the Four Generation Electromagnetic Artillery’s energy storage time is too short, only 0.9 seconds.

If Third Generation The Steel and Iron is facing the tank target, the outcome of both sides will be no suspense, and Third Generation The Steel and Iron will win the game!

the reason?

Third Generation The Steel and Iron has a powerful Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, and also has Ruby Laser Artillery, enough for Right?

In the quiet night sky, the quiet effect of Third Generation The Steel and Iron is almost comparable to Shadow Dragon, and there is no sound at all. When two Third Generation The Steel and Iron hovered over the Forty-six targets, an infrared thermal radiation image appeared in the Shi Lei’s LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual screen.

‘Apart from the two nights, all in the building? ‘Shi Lei looks at the infrared heat radiation image. Identify the unknown situation of the Forty-six person.

But the Ordinary building can’t stop Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery!

Izual aimed at two nights of the person, “suo suo!” two light sounds. The next moment, two nights of the person, softly fell to the ground, even the screams are incapable of issuing, they were directly killed by Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery.

Shi Lei doesn’t want to use Laser Weapon, but Laser Weapon is too dazzling and easy to find.

After killing two values ​​for the night personnel. Izual controls two Third Generation The Steel and Iron, scanning the wall thickness of the building and the wall material. Then controlled a Third Generation The Steel and Iron, using the Fourth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery, aimed at the personnel in a building.

“suo ~ !”

“pēng~ !”

The sound of the air being cut rapidly, accompanied by the shot of the antique projectile hitting the prefabricated roof. Then it’s like breaking through a layer of a4 paper. Easily penetrated the roof and successfully shot a target in the Room.

The other personnel in the Room were alarmed by the sound of the antique projectile penetrating the roof. Through the infrared heat radiation image, Shi Lei can see that the people in the Room are currently flustered to find the bunker. However, their behavior is futile!

A Third Generation The Steel and Iron kept shooting the targets in the building. The other is martial law. Once a target escapes, it will be shot.

Just less than a minute. Two Third Generation The Steel and Iron accomplished the shooting of Forty-six targets. The efficient hunting of the Third Generation The Steel and Iron made Shi Lei very satisfied.

“Ouyang, Forty-six Drug Lords are all cleaned up! The relevant path navigation has been sent to your LIP Lens-type Information Processor, about 12 minutes away from you. After you confirmed, come to Shuanghu District immediately, I am a bit Things need to be discussed with you!” Shi Lei said in an unconstrained tone.

Ouyang Xiang did not refuse, nodded: “I know!”

Cut off the contact with Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei has notified the four women. As for He Wanqiu and Aphra Alberta, are these two younger sisters related to him?

“Izual, contact Bai Qiang !” Shi Lei told Izual to call Shuangqing City Police Chief’s phone number via the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

The call was dialed for less than ten seconds and was immediately answered.

“Hey, Buddy Shi, what’s the matter?” Bai Qiang asked ahead. Bai Qiang received some news, Shi Lei seems to have any big moves, but in specific circumstances, Bai Qiang does not know.

Bai Qiang just received the information, indicating that the hoodlum of Shuanghu District has taken full action and is currently conducting a thorough investigation of the floating population of Shuanghu District.

Shuanghu District is Shi Lei’s Old Nest, he absolutely does not allow Shuanghu District, there are any characters of danger!

“Old Brother Bai, there is one thing that needs to be discussed with you!” Shi Lei said, “I need your City Bureau’s monitoring authority, especially the airport, train station, highway section, monitoring authority in these three places. “”

In fact, even if Shuangqing City Bureau does not agree, Shi Lei can also obtain relevant monitoring authority. But to Bai Qiang, in addition to saying that he does not have authority, he still respects the Shuangqing City Bureau. Representing him respecting authority and respecting power.

“This…” Bai Qiang hesitated. “Buddy Shi, what major event is going to happen recently?”

“Èn! However, Old Brother Bai, can’t tell you!” Shi Lei said straightforwardly, because of the decisive battle between Shi Lei and Angel Parliament, Shi Lei couldn’t speak at all, unless open to the public admits that he is Mr. M.

“Okay!” Bai Qiang sighed, “The authority you need, you get exactly as stated.” Bai Qiang said ambiguously, this is to avoid being in a situation in case of an accident.

If Bai Qiang will monitor the authority and authorize Shi Lei, in case Shi Lei uses the Monitoring System, Bai Qiang will definitely be implicated. In this case, it is better to let Shi Lei obtain the monitoring authority. Even if it is found, it will only find Shi Lei’s trouble, and will not find Bai Qiang’s trouble.

“Understood!” Why didn’t Shi Lei understand Bai Qiang’s opinion?

‘Old fox! ‘Shi Lei in the heart dark cursed.

However, with the overall monitoring authority of Shuangqing City, Shi Lei is preparing to establish a complete Monitoring System for Shuangqing City, ensuring that every person entering Shuangqing City will be recorded, ensuring that the Angel Parliament’s personnel is absolutely impossible to mix. Shuangqing City !

(To be continued.)

Ps: The book review area is a little funny, and it is found that the book friend is more suitable for writing novel than the author. The means of stealing the concept is very powerful!