
Chapter 1307

HK1290 refuses to pay, don’t bullshit!


The Rongcheng Military District cleverly used the CCTV news to broadcast two reports about Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. The mysterious and mysterious contact was brought together.

In order to make the two news more influential, Shi Lei intercepted two news videos, first registered an account at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

The Nickname of the account is ‘turth’, and the meaning of Xia Nation is ‘truth’. Through this Nickname, the idea of ​​other people is concealed, and the subconscious mind is realized. The Nickname broke the information, which is exactly as stated. .

After setting up the account, Shi Lei immediately posted a post in English in the Official Gamer Forum. The reason why English is used is because Shi Lei wants to disguise the US branch.


The conspiracy of Xia Nation! 》

Before breaking the news, first send the Xia Nation Official news channel, on the Xia Nation Time July Twenty-seven day, at 7pm, broadcast the news video, a total of two.

‘Xia Nation announces the development of a Small-scale laser patrol boat! ‘

‘Yinni Nation capital Jakarta, suspected of being attacked by Laser Weapon attack! ‘

The Xia Nation Official news channel, the two news broadcasts today, is very interesting in terms of timing. After the previous news broadcast, it was followed by the Last Item news.

Starting from the above two news, we can easily find that there are some similarities between the Small-scale ships in the two news.

Next, this post will use the comparative analysis of the images to identify how similar the two Small-scale ships are.


The hull structure of the two Small-scale ships is strikingly similar. Although we were unable to specifically determine, attacking Yinni Nation’s Small-scale ship, the specific hull size data. However, we can reconstruct a three-dimensional image of the hull structure of two Small-scale ships.

After reconstructing the 3D image, we can see that the hull structure of the two Small-scale ships has a similarity of more than 80%!


Both Small-scale ships are equipped with Laser Weapon!

Although said Laser Weapon. Among several military powers, it has developed into a real-life weapon. But in fact, really can put Laser Weapon. Mounted on a miniaturized ship, there should not be much Nation to do.

At least Li Jian Nation has never had relevant news and reports, but Xia Nation has reported high-profile. For this reason, people have to consider the attitude of Xia Nation, perhaps showing strong force.


The historical relationship between Xia Nation and Yinni Nation!

Looking at the historical gratitude and grudges of Xia Nation and Yinni Nation, the relationship between the two Nations is not friendly, and there is even an unpleasant past. It is not impossible for Xia Nation to dispatch a Small-scale ship carrying Laser Weapon to Jakarta, the capital of Yinni Nation.

Maybe this is a weapon test or maybe?

Regardless of the real situation, the suspicion of Xia Nation is very large. Hope Our great Li Jian Nation, investigate this thing!


Shi Lei quickly got the support of numerous overseas Gamer using the post published by ‘turth’ Nickname. Even some of the Xia Nation’s Gamer watched two news videos uploaded by Shi Lei and found the original news stories. He also shouted the slogan of ‘Great Xia Nation Long Live, Great Xia Nation formidable’ and chose to believe in Shi Lei.

With the hot discussion of the post and Shi Lei’s help, at 10 o’clock in the evening, Great Xia Nation dispatched a laser patrol boat and attacked the capital of Yinni Nation, becoming a hot topic of the Great Xia Nation Internet.

Gamer of Yinni Nation aspect. Obviously, this news is also convinced. As a result, Yinni Nation Official filed a protest and accusation against Xia Nation Official.

In the face of Yinni Nation’s protest, Xia Nation Official chose silence, as if it were the default.

But in the Internet, Shi Lei disguised as a patriot. The news of the Li Jian Nation Mosquito series Drone group and the air raid Yinni Nation Jakarta International Airport was uploaded to the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum.

The id of the uploaded message is also newly registered by Shi Lei, and the Nickname is ‘agz’. It is actually a phonetic abbreviation for ‘Patriot’. The Li Jian Nation Drone group uploaded by Shi Lei through the ‘agz’id, bombing the data of Jakarta International Airport, very detailed.

Even included part of the data from the Yinni Nation Official Air Defense System!

The origin of these data, ke ke, don’t forget, Shi Lei is the Hacker of World Summit Grade, everyone should understand the origin of this data.

There is detailed evidence that Li Jian Nation Drone has bombed Jakarta International Airport, plus some personnel, confirming that Jakarta International Airport is indeed shut down. Suddenly, the Small-scale ship that attacked Jakarta Port seemed to have been dispatched by Li Jian Nation.

The Small-scale ship equipped with Laser Weapon, which power belongs to it, has become confusing. Yinni Nation Official is very depressed, they have to start to doubt again, is Li Jian Nation playing a plot, let them and Xia Nation completely break, and thus into the embrace of Li Jian Nation.

However, Shi Lei did not care too much about the Internet. He knew that Li Jian Nation investigate was not on him, but he would go to investigate Xia Nation in a Military District in the northwest. This is enough. !

At eleven o’clock in the evening.

When Shi Lei was preparing to wash, Izual issued a reminder, “Sir, He Zhenbang calls from Rongcheng Military District, did you answer?”

“Receive!” Shi Lei understands He Zhenbang. This is asking for remuneration. He also has no plans to pay the bill, and naturally chooses to answer.

“Hey, Shi Lei brat, your troubles have been solved, our reward, when do you pay?” He Zhenbang get right to the point of asking for reward, there is no half-pointing opinion.

Shi Lei teased : “Commander He, the relevant data has been sent, or the old address! Includes the manufacturing process and detailed parameters of the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, as well as the raw materials you need to prepare.”

“Hmm?” He Zhenbang asked with some uncomfortable feelings: “Shi Lei brat, are you not ready to play our Right? New energy supply solution, you still don’t give us Core Technology?”

“Commander He, the condition we negotiated is the energy supply solution Right? I am very sure to tell you that the energy supply solution definitely does not include the operating principle of the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator and the conversion of Thunderclash Raw Stone to Thunderclash Electrolyte Solution formula.” Shi Lei said with a smile.

“You tease me?” He Zhenbang said angrily.

“How dare I?” Shi Lei still smiled. “Commander He, the unlocking code for the energy solution, is still your Dynamic Behavior Signature. For the time being, I am a little sleepy. Ready to sleep!”

Shi Lei hangs up the phone directly, even if the other party is the solid authority Vice-commander of Rongcheng Military District, and actually masters the Rongcheng Military District. But Shi Lei knows very well that as long as the Rongcheng Military District does not get the working principle of the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator. And Thunderclash Raw Stone converted the formula of Thunderclash Electrolyte, they had to be soft.

In particular, the ultra-high energy utilization of the Thunderclash Electrolyte Second Phase has forced the Rongcheng Military District to make concessions. Rongcheng Military District uses Thunderclash Electrolyte, which is definitely not as small as Shi Lei.

According to the practice of Rongcheng Military District, they may install Laser Weapon on the tank; it is also possible to combine the Navy aspect to build the Exceed-scale shipboard Laser Weapon directly on the Navy warship.

What’s more, the Rongcheng Military District is likely to send Thunderclash Electrolyte to outer space. Provide powerful energy for the satellite and build a space-based Laser Weapon network. The space-based Laser Weapon network, known as ‘Outer Space Hanging Sword’, once this set of System accomplishes, will make Xia Nation the most critical step against Li Jian Nation.


Time passed by. The blink of an eye is already Second Heaven at noon.

Shi Lei got up early in the morning, but in the morning, all of them invested in the construction of a standard project based on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Shi Lei wants to build a huge Ecosphere based on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, and the complete implement standard, which is a huge job.

Just relying on Shi Lei alone, certainly not accomplish. Shi Lei is just planning a Core project and how to plan for a specific implementation.

For example, the issue of the real map, Shi Lei first wants to achieve full coverage of the real mapof Shuangqing City, then you must collect all the real-time information of Shuangqing City.

Shuangqing City is a SoCIA l Public Safety System developed by Shi Lei’s Old Nest and Shi Lei through the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine. In a seemingly disadvantageous way, I chose to work with Shuangqing City Government to master all the cameras of Shuangqing City.

With these cameras, Shi Lei can collect the real-time information of Shuangqing City on a large scale. At the same time, Shi Lei is also preparing to release the Task. Collect different real-world maps of information through Brave’s World’s Gamer.

With Brave’s World’s Gamer, you can collect real-time mapinformation from all over the world. Shi Lei only needs to pay for Brave’s World’s copper coin. It doesn’t need to take up DreamWork Company’s working funds. This is a very good idea.

In addition to the live map, Shi Lei also attempted to establish a complete product information record System. This set of System is similar to the ‘sweeping QR code’ of the later generations, but Shi Lei will definitely not use the QR code.

Shi Lei wants to establish a standard belonging to Mirror Science and Technology Group through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor instead of promoting others’ standards. Shi Lei wants to create an item information system like the European Food Safety Bar Code.

In the Europe region, the Food Safety Bar Code for an egg can even trace the egg, which animal farm was born.

The product information record created by Shi Lei Hope has reached this level. Recording System through this set of commodity information, not only can determine the true or false of the commodity, but also determine the origin of the commodity, and the related information.

Consumers of Xia Nation often make self-adjustment, indicating that in the Xia Nation environment, consumers buy goods, which is a tough war. Not only determine the authenticity of the goods, but also determine whether the goods are defective and whether the price is too expensive.

Once Shi Lei has established a complete product information record System, the authenticity of the determination only needs to scan a piece of bar code; determine whether the product has an unknown defect, you can browse the product information record System, the user evaluation of the product; as for the comparison price? That is the most basic function!

Throughout the morning, Shi Lei was all used to build an EcoSystem project based on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Until the noon 12 point, Shi Lei received a call from Mu Shuang.

“Shi Lei, come to the company immediately, there is one thing, you need to deal with it yourself!” Mu Shuang’s voice, with affirmation, obviously Shi Lei can not refuse.

Shi Lei is the arm-flinging shopkeeper of Mirror Science and Technology Group. Most things, Mu Shuang can be solved independently. However, there are still some things. Need Shi Lei to handle it yourself.

Even if Shi Lei trusts Mu Shuang very much, he needs Shi Lei to handle it personally. This is the principle issue, not related to trust.


——— ——— Merging the Chapter ———————


July Twenty-eight, noon. 12 points.

Shi Lei currently recorded the EcoSystem project based on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. He received a call from Mu Shuang to inform him to go to the Company to handle the matter. Before I had time to ask what Mu Shuang was, Mu Shuang had hung up.

In desperation, Shi Lei can only temporarily suspend the business case, grab the car key on the computer desk, and rush to the Dream Entertainment Company Temporary Headquarters Emerald Building.

Jingya Garden is very close to the Emerald Building and it takes only five minutes by car.

About seven minutes later, Shi Lei came to the 38th floor of the Emerald Building and directly pushed the door into Mu Shuang’s Office. however. Mu Shuang’s Office is empty, Mu Shuang is not in Office.

‘what? Is this a few opinion? ‘Shi Lei in the heart, thinking about it, Mu Shuang told him to come, but she was not there?

“Stone Monster!” Just as Shi Lei was in a daze, Ling Yumo’s voice came. “This side! Elder Sister Mu Shuang is in the conference room, currently waiting for you!”

“Hey!” Shi Lei walked to Ling Yumo, his right hand smashed on Ling Yumo’s head, and completely confuses Ling Yumo’s long hair before asking: “Little Mo, Mu Shuang, what is it for me?”

Ling Yumo rolled her eyes and said she was very dissatisfied with Shi Lei’s hair. “Stone Monster, Elder Sister Mu Shuang currently negotiates with a company of Li Jian Nation. The other person seems to be the high-level personnel of the dipCommunications Research Company. I don’t know the specific situation. Go to the conference room yourself!”

“You don’t go?” Shi Lei looked at Ling Yumo curiously. This is like the younger sister of the next sister, isn’t there curiosity?

Ling Yumo sighed, “Hey! I have to deal with the Medical Company! It’s just annoying, AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, it’s not enough!”

Shi Lei chuckled twice. Bringing Ling Yumo into his arms and plucking Ling Yumo’s white ears, whispered: “keep it up, Little Mo!”

Ling Yumo turned Shi Lei away and shouted Shi Lei. “Stone Monster, you are going to die, here is Company!”

Shi Lei glanced around and found a lot of people around. He was shocked to see Shi Lei. He coughed and took out the momentum of the company executive. started talking: “ke ke, you just didn’t see anything! Do you understand? I don’t have Hope, in the Company, there are rumors and rumors, which is not conducive to the unity of the company. Well, everyone continues to work!”

Ling Yumo laughed twice and rushed to the area of ​​YuMo Medical Limited Company. Shi Lei walked to the conference room, dipCommunications Research Company, which is the company with Neutrino Communications Technology!

After Shi Lei left, I just saw Shi Lei hugging Ling Yumo’s personnel and immediately whispered it.

“I am going to go, Chief Shi is a real man! Last time no one said that Chief Shi and Chief Mu were a pair. How did Chief Shi and Chief Ling get together?” A young man with glasses, whispered Next to a royal sister.

“Hēng! I don’t understand this? Men don’t have a good thing!” Yu Jie looked disdainful.

Glasses male youth hēi hēi laughed, “I said Big Sister Sun, if Chief Shi looks at you, don’t you stick it up? hā hā hā !”

“Well, you are a Little Gao, are you scratching your skin?” Big Sister Sun is clearly showing signs of anger.

Glasses boy Little Gao has been begging for mercy, “Big Sister Sun is forgiving, I am wrong, I should not be kidding you!”

“Hēng! Just know what’s wrong! Then you talk, how are you going to express your understanding of the wrong attitude?” Big Sister Sun whispered.

Little Gao showed a shy smile. “Big Sister Sun, you can rest assured that this evening, you will be satisfied!”

Big Sister Sun has a look and smiles.

Obviously, these two guys have a leg, as for the Office romance, or the lonely Soul got together, who knows Ah? Dream Entertainment Company, does not interfere with the private life of the person!


Meeting room at Dream Entertainment Company.

Mirror Science and Technology Group aspect, a total of seven people in the conference room, except for Mu Shuang, the other six are all members of the Ministry of Justice, they are mainly responsible for the law-related issue.

Since dipCommunications Research Company belongs to Li Jian Nation’s Company and is an unlisted Company, and the law in both regions is different, if there is no professional law personnel identification, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be some issues in the contract.

When Shi Lei walked into the conference room, Mu Shuang immediately said: “This is Shi Lei, CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. He is also the Stockholder of Mirror Science and Technology Group, and the Great Xia Nation area, Mirror Science and Technology Group. Supervising Officer.”

After introducing Shi Lei, Mu Shuang introduced to Shi Lei: “Shi Lei. This is the CEO of dipCommunications Research Company, Baidewin Paul.”

Shi Lei took the initiative to reach out and used English: “Hello, Mr. Baidewin Paul!”

“Hello, Mr. Shi!” Baidwin Paul said hello in the familiar Xia Nation language. Obviously this guy knows Xia Nation!

Mu Shuang’s pupils are miniature, and Baidewin has not shown proficiency in Xia Nation. Fortunately, however, Mu Shuang did not use Xia Nation to reveal any confidential information.

After the introduction of both parties. Shi Lei only remembers Baidewin Paul. As for his translation, there are nine legal personnel. Shi Lei doesn’t remember it at all, or there is no need to remember it.

“ok. Mr. Baidewin, what is the situation now? Are you dipCommunications Research Company, choose to sell it to us Mirror Science and Technology Group?” Shi Lei did not ask Mu Shuang, but got right to the point to ask Baidewin, this is Mu Shuang Send SMS, let Shi Lei do this, directly explore the bottom line of dipCommunications Research Company.

Baidewin took a look at Mu Shuang. Then looked towards Shi Lei, using Xia Nation: “Mr. Shi, borrowing your words from Xia Nation, you are a direct person. However, I like to deal with people like you.”

The meaning of this sentence is actually saying. He had just negotiated with Mu Shuang and there was no progress, all in a circle.

Mu Shuang, how clever, how can you not hear it? However, Mu Shuang does not have any pissed performance. She knew that this was a negotiating opponent and deliberately angered her, thus making her lose her mind and making unwise decisions.

“Hey? Since this is the case, then Mr. Baidewin, we get right to the point to talk about, how much do you plan to offer?” Lei Lei asked straightforwardly.

‘Idiot Shi Lei ! ‘Mu Shuang is calm, but in the heart is especially speechless. Although she lets Shi Lei test Baidewin, she can’t ask this straightforward question!

Baidewin smiled and said: “Mr. Shi is fast, we believe that your company has been investigate through our dipCommunications Research Company, and our dipCommunications Research Company, with the proven Neutrino Communications Technology program, can establish the Worldwide Accessibility Communications System. We also have advanced quantum communication theory. In the field of Worldwide Quantum Communication Research, we are in advanced status. Our dip communication research…”

“Okay! Let’s not say so many imaginary things are thing, OK?” Shi Lei interrupted Baidewin rudely, then continued: “Mr. Baidewin, you just need to say, you dipCommunications Research Company How much is the offer, will you sell it?”

Baidewin looked at Shi Lei silently, and couldn’t tell for a moment. Shi Lei is a commercial Little Bai, or a pig who eats Tiger’s Expert. After hesitating for a moment, the Baidewin Lion said with a big mouth: “Mr. Shi, our dipCommunications Research Company’s evaluation market value, after dtt evaluation is 170 billion US Dollar. The Fantasy Science and Technology Company of your company is also evaluated by dtt Right? As a Worldwide Four Great accounting firm, dtt’s credit should be no issue!”

Fantasy Science and Technology Company’s dtt evaluation market value is 40 billion US Dollar, and the evaluation of dipCommunications Research Company has 170 billion US Dollar, which is really unscientific.

Because dipCommunications Research Company does not have any products at all, it is the patent fees to maintain the company’s survival. However, the patent cost per year for dipCommunications Research Company is around two thousand 3 Million US Dollars, and the cost of research is more than 15 Million. Also in other words, their annual profit is only less than 10 Million US Dollar.

Such a company, evaluating the market value of 170 billion US Dollar?

Shi Lei unceremoniously pointed out the issue: “Mr. Baidewin, are you in bullshit?”

Baidewin was a little embarrassed. He immediately changed his mind: “Although the evaluation market value of dtt is a bit high, we will not sell it according to the estimated market value. Our ideal price is 120 billion US Dollar!”

Mu Shuang is the first to refuse, “dipCommunications Research Company, not worth the price! Mr. Baidewin, you just said, dtt evaluates your dipCommunications Research Company market value of one hundred and seven Billions US Dollar, I am afraid it is based on, you are successful with Li Jian Nation Department Of Defense reached the status of the order Right? “

If dipCommunications Research Company succeeded in establishing a partnership with Li Jian Nation Department of Defense and won an order for Department of Defense, it would indeed be worthwhile to double the number of Billions US Dollars.

However, since dipCommunications Research Company chose to negotiate with Dream Entertainment Company, their cooperation with Li Jian Nation Department of Defense failed and they were unable to win the Order of Defense.

Mu Shuang was afraid that Shi Lei promised to come down, and the loss of white was too much, so he answered first.

The real situation of dipCommunications Research Company was unceremoniously dismantled by Mu Shuang. Baidewin seemed to have nothing happened, and naturally looked at Mu Shuang and Shi Lei.

In the face of such a cheeky negotiating opponent, Mu Shuang had a headache. Her left hand, erected the index finger, middle finger and nameless finger, indicating Shi Lei thought about it.

Shi Lei nodded slightly, then said: “Sorry for the inconvenience, I will go to the bathroom first!” Shi Lei left the meeting room with the help of urinary law, ready to find a way to deal with dipCompany!



The industry’s conscience 6400+ word count, two chapters in one update for a few days, the reason, interested in knowing, discussion group has discussion.

It was another critical moment. Last time, at the crucial moment, Hacker failed. This time, Hope everyone helped me to subscribe, really!

On Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and three days, Hope everyone helps, Hacker rushed to subscribe, please!

After rushing up, Hacker can get new student|life, write it down completely, and please!