
Chapter 1303

HK1286 bombed Jakarta International Airport!

Yinni Nation capital, Jakarta Port.

Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat Destroy the control center of Jakarta Port thoroughly, the dazzling red light finally disappeared in the air, leaving only the hot air.

Coincidentally, at this time, Izual scanned the wIRE less electric wave of the Mosquito series Drone. Shi Lei and Izual worked together to crack the Mosquito series Drone’s WIRE less Control System in less than fifteen seconds.

This is not the Drone of Li Jian Nation, the safety performance is too bad, but Shi Lei has conducted special research on Li Jian Nation’s Drone Control System, and Izual has the support of Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning.

So Li Jian Nation’s Mosquito series Drone WIRE less Control System was easily cracked by Shi Lei’s.

After cracking the Mosquito series Drone, Shi Lei first discovered the key information: Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s actions, all of which fell into the eyes of Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite!


For this result, Shi Lei screamed involuntarily.

Shi Lei didn’t even think about what Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was exposed to in Li Jian Nation’s sight. But Shi Lei knows that the situation presented by Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat deserves the attention of Li Jian Nation.

Especially the Laser Weapon on the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, Li Jian Nation will definitely be flustered!

‘Damn! ‘Shi Lei in the heart dark cursed, thinking fast, how to deal with it. However, in the current form, there seems to be no way to crack at all.

but. Even if Li Jian Nation is eyeing, Shi Lei will not make Li Jian Nation better. Li Jian Nation Now that you have got your idea on the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, be prepared for the burn both jade and common stone!

the other side. Li Jian Nation observes the situation of the battle through Spy Satellite at the Senior Officer Shane Delila, the highest military affairs of Yinni Nation. When the Mosquito series Drone was discovered and the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was surrounded, Shane issued an order to the First Tactical Aviation Brigade.

“Full-force interference target, make sure to cut off all the external contacts of the target!” Shane yelled.

After the technical adjustment of the intelligence personnel, Shane can finally contact the First tactical aviation brigade directly, instead of relaying commands through the intelligence personnel.

“Received. Senior Officer!” The Task implement personnel of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade responded to Shane’s orders.

Jakarta Port.

Izual found a bad news through the shipborne radar of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. “Sir, the shipborne radar system, found more Drones, a total of four vintage. The twenty frame is less than five meters High Degree. It is close to the sea. It avoids the scanning of the previous shipborne radar.”

The closer the aircraft is to the surface, the more effective it is to avoid radar detection. The sea level is not a plane, but a sphere surface. The closer it is to the surface of the sea, the more it is blocked by the surface.

Shi Lei listened to Izual’s report and realized the plans of Li Jian Nation Drone in a flash. The four 15-meter high-level Drones are clearly bait!

The twenty block Mosquito series Drone hidden in the High Degree flight area less than five meters. It is the real lethal card!

“Sir, around Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. There is a strong Electromagnetic Wave interference, and the data link strength drops by a twenty percent.” Izual once again reported a message.

Shi Lei sneered, “A good Li Jian Nation! A good wishful thinking! I want to cut off the remote data link of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat! Do you think that you can trapArmed Unmanned Patrol Boat?”

After Shi Lei said to himself, the index finger, middle finger and nameless finger of the right hand were pressed on the enter key. After his voice fell, the three fingers were pressed down.

The voice of Izual ice-cold unfeeling reminds Shi Lei: “Sir, System has successfully controlled Li Jian Nation’s Mosquito series Drone, the number of controls is twenty. Currently read the Drone parameter, currently send spoofing information, currently reverse tracking data …”

Shi Lei patiently waited for Izual implement further Task.

“The Drone parameter reads acccomplish, the target is the ‘Mosquito er’ model and the four ‘Mosquito 750’ models, each carrying a HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.”

“Spoofing data sent successfully, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat data link strength recovery!”

“Reverse tracking data accomplish, data origin at Li Jian Nation Pacific Fleet, Seventh Fleet First Tactical Aviation Brigade.”

Izual reported the situation one after another, and Li Wen Nation’s twenty four Mosquito series Drones have all fallen into the hands of Shi Lei’s.

But the First Tactical Aviation Brigade does not know this!

Izual sent a fraudulent information to the First Tactical Aviation Group’s Drone Remote Operated personnel, mistakenly thinking that Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s external data link has been subjected to strong Electromagnetic Wave interference.

The person-in-charge of First Tactical Aviation Brigade reports to Shane: “Report Senior Officer, acccomplish electronically suppresses Task!”

Shane’s face was overjoyed, excitedly said: “Keep pressing! Until we send the personnel to receive this Small-scale Unmanned ship!”

“Received!” First tactical aviation brigade’s person-in-charge, responded directly.

Shane temporarily closed the Wireless headset with the First Tactical Aviation Brigade to prevent his information from being heard by the other party. After cutting off the contact, Shane turned to the intelligence personnel next to him: “I will immediately inform Jakarta’s agent, let’s take care of the Small-scale Unmanned ship in half an hour, no matter how it is handled! Don’t Let Yinni Nation step in and get it, send it directly to me!”

“Understand! Senior Officer!” The intelligence personnel immediately used a secret private route, contacted the agent at Jakarta, and relayed Shane’s order.

Shane’s right elbow, lining the palm of the left hand in the heart, his right hand slightly pinching his fist, with the side of the index finger, gently rubbing the chin’s beard, the look on his face is very pleased.

It seems that everything follows Shane’s script in the implement! But the next moment, everything has changed!

Li Jian Nation Encircling Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat’s twenty four Mosquito series Drone. Originally surrounded by encirclement, the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat was surrounded.

The Drone Remote Operated personnel of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade suddenly found that they lost Controlling Right to the Drone. Twenty four Mosquito series Drone. It flew in the direction of Jakarta’s Port.

Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is about three kilometers from Jakarta Port. According to the speed of the four Mosquito series Drone, it takes less than a minute to reach Jakarta Port.

“hūSenior Officer, call Senior Officer, Emergency Situation!Emergency Situation!” The first tactical aviation brigade’s person-in-charge, in the communication channel. Loudly calling Shane.

But Shane had closed the communication headset before, and now he hasn’t reopened. How can he hear it?

The key is. Li Jian Nation’s Spy Satellite, sent by Shi Lei via the Mosquito series Drone, sent a remote control of the information, and the two Spy Satellites did not work properly.

The ‘live image’ observed by Shane. Just the previous video loop playback!

Shi Lei not only controls the four Mosquito series Drones. At the same time, Shi Lei is still calculating the location of the two Spy Satellites.

Shi Lei attempts to Destroy these two Spy Satellite!

If you don’t Destroy these two Spy Satellites, they will keep track of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, and how does Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat go to the Bermuda Triangle to suppress ‘Pirate’?

The Drone Remote Operated personnel of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade, desperately trying to regain control of the Mosquito series Drone. Twenty four Mosquito series Drones, completely out of their control, flew straight to Jakarta Port.

The person-in-charge of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade, nervously watching the Mosquito series Drone. Feedback back to the on-board angle image. Twenty four Mosquito series Drone, if you enter Jakarta. What will happen to that? The person-in-charge of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade is temporarily not predicted and I don’t want to know!

“hūSenior Officer! Emergency Situation! I heard a quick response! Fuck You, hurry up!” The Person-in-charge of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade did not get Shane’s answer and thought Shane also found out. Mosquito series Drone’s unexpected situation, deliberately avoiding trouble without answering speech information. So, he roared, and Hope Shane replied quickly.

Shane didn’t even know that the four Mosquito series Drones lost control. He was still dreaming, waiting for the agent to capture the dream of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat!

Xia Nation, Shuangqing City.

The Izual-controlled twenty four Mosquito series Drone, Shi Lei on the mapof Jakarta, chose the attack target. Shi Lei does not intend to attack Jakarta Port. Jakarta Port is a natural bay port. It is in good condition. The Small-scale Air-To-Surface Guided Missile carried by Mosquito series Drone can’t cause any great damage to Jakarta Port.

Shi Lei wants to do a lot of damage to Jakarta, especially the damage that Jakarta can’t heal in a short time.

In order to achieve the goal, Shi Lei chose the target very clearly, that is Jakarta International Airport!

As the capital of Yinni Nation, Jakarta naturally owns the International Modern Airport. Shi Lei attempted to use the Guided Missile, attack Jakarta International Airport carried by the four Mosquito series Drone.

Twenty four Mosquito series Drones fly very fast, less than seven minutes, and have arrived in the airspace less than two kilometers from Jakarta International Airport.

Jakarta International Airport has suspended operations in previous attacks. This has reduced Shi Lei’s psychological burden, at least not causing aviation disasters, resulting in not guilty personnel casualties.

“Izual, attack Jakarta Airport !Destroy Air Traffic Control Tower, waiting hall, if there are more Guided Missile, Destroy the Cargo Center!” Shi Lei listed the attack target and ranked the attack priority.

Shi Lei did not list the runway of Jakarta International Airport as an attack target. This is because the runway seems to be very important as a necessary facility for airborne takeoff and landing. But in fact, destroying the runway is the most unscientific. In comparison, the cost of the runway is not high, and the repair is very simple, and the repair cycle is very short. If you choose a runway, it does not meet Shi Lei’s requirements.

Instead, the Air Traffic Control Tower and the Terminal, as well as the Freight Center, are the must-attack targets. Especially Air Traffic Control Tower, if there is no Air Traffic Control Tower, there is a runway, the plane can not take off and land normally!

The waiting hall and cargo center, if destroyed, will be very difficult to repair. Even if it is to rebuild, it will take a long period of time.

“yes,Sir !target has locked accomplish, currently calculates the Guided Missile allocation scheme…” Izual needs to calculate in advance, how to use HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile to cause the greatest damage.

In less than five seconds, Izual has accomplished the calculation!

“Assignment plan accomplish, after three seconds, launch attack!” Izual reported the confirmed attack’s information.

Shi Lei just nodded confirmed.

Izual immediately counted down and locked the target.

The Drone Remote Operated personnel of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade found that the HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile was in the active state through the monitoring feedback screen of the Mosquito series Drone. Moreover, when this group of Mosquito series Drone was at Jakarta International Airport, they shouted in horror.

“oh, no!”




A series of classic Li Jian Nation screams loudly, but these countries can’t stop the twenty Mosquito series Drone and launch the HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile.

A total of twenty four HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, shot to Shi Lei’s three targets!

“hōng hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ~~”

A series of explosions sounded, the bottom of the Air Traffic Control Tower was destroyed, and the upper part fell obliquely; the load-bearing structure of the waiting hall was hit hard, the huge ceiling went to the falling downwards; the cargo center was the worst, count The HellfIRE Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, which exploded into the internal explosion of the Freight Center, seems to have also detonated what combustibles have caused the explosion.

Almost the entire cargo center, was violently exploded, flattened to the ground!

The Drone Remote Operated personnel of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade, looking at the four Mosquito series Drones, caused damage to Jakarta International Airport, and each of them was pale.

Even if Mosquito series Drone suddenly loses control, they also have an inevitable responsibility.

Especially the person-in-charge of the First Tactical Aviation Brigade, he is already sweating at the moment, in the heart hates Shane Delila. If it wasn’t Shane, how could they accept such a tricky Task?

Yinni Nation’s International Airport was bombarded by Li Jian Nation Mosquito series Drone. How could the Yinni Nation aspect be reluctant?

Jakarta’s Defense Bureau door Senior Officer, directly reached the Shane Delila side. After all, Shane is Li Jian Nation’s Senior Officer in Yinni Nation’s Supreme Military Affairs, Li Jian Nation’s Drone attacked Jakarta International Airport in Yinni Nation. In this case, who are you looking for without Shane?

Currently Fantasy captures Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, Shane of the Ascend to Stennis aircraft carrier, and when he receives a call from the Senior Officer of the Jakarta Defense Bureau, it is like a sunny day Thunderbolt squatting on his head.

Not only that, Shi Lei, who is far away from Xia Nation Shuangqing City, with Izual’s, finally locked the exact position of Li Jian Nation Spy Satellite!

(To be continued, please search, novel is better to update faster!

Ps: ——— ———

Industry conscience 4100+ words!