
Chapter 1272

HK1255 discredited Dream Entertainment and Mirror Science and Technology! [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】

As a born-again person, Shi Lei understands the role of network promotion!

You can’t see the Wuliang cell phone manufacturers in the later generations, even when there is no shadow of a product, they dare to spread the overwhelming publicity on the Internet. Whether it’s a Xia Nation vendor, an apple, or a Samsung, there is no exception!

However, Shi Lei has to admit that their promotion strategy is very successful. It is because of their propaganda strategy that their new products have achieved greater success.

Now Shi Lei is also preparing to use the network publicity method to promote the mobile cell phone that Mirror Science and Technology Group has not yet confirmed.

Shi Lei first called Wen Ruoyun, Wen Ruoyun is the General Manager of Immortal Picture Company. Although it is now more than 8 o’clock in the evening, as the middle and high level of the company, there is no concept of getting off work, twenty is working for four hours. time.

“Good evening, Chief Shi.” Wen Ruoyun first asked after the call was made.

“Èn!” Shi Lei complied, then said: “Chief Wen, there is one thing that needs Immortal Picture to handle!”

“Okay, Chief Shi, what are you talking about?” Wen Ruoyun did not have a little bit of the opinion, the existence of Immortal Picture Company, precisely as stated for the Mirror Science and Technology Group other companies.

In particular, Dream Entertainment Company’s Brave’s World, Immortal Picture Company works almost every day, precisely as stated, to constantly improve Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters image.

They try to make every Brave’s World’s Non-player Controlled Characters as realistic and full as possible. At the same time, they follow the instructions of Xie Hui to make more Non-player Controlled Characters, so that Brave’s World can be used directly when needed.

Shi Lei explains in detail the mobile cell phone promotional video he needs. After saying that it was nearly two hours, the cell phone’s battery was hot, and then barely finished the demand.

“Chief Wen, do you understand?” Shi Lei asked.

Wen Ruoyun lightly coughed. Apologize: “Sorry for the inconvenience. Chief Shi, the amount of information you describe is too large. I don’t quite understand some of the content. However, I have already recorded the call and will play it to the Immortal Picture Company’s personnel tomorrow.”

Shi Lei did not blame Wen Ruoyun, except for the relationship between Wen Ruoyun and Li Cai. Also, because he just said a lot of information, how can Ordinary people record the original books?

“Chief Wen, I will give you three days, three days later, I want to see the finished product!” Shi Lei’s tone can not be rejected, after finishing, did not wait for Wen Ruoyun to respond. I hung up the phone.

On the other side, Sunlight Garden.

Wen Ruoyun put down the cell phone, Li Cai is next to it, and has waited for the stars to look forward to Moon’s anxiety.

“Aaah. Damn Big Brother Stone, I have been calling for so long!” Li Cai complained.

Wen Ruoyun calmed Li Cai, “Li Cai, it was a job. For the next three days, I was busy, and Chief Shi only gave three days!”

“Big Brother Stone, the capitalist who squeezes the workforce!” Li Cai complained again, “Big Sister Ruoyun, do you have to work overtime?”

Wen Ruoyun nodded with a smile. “Well, Li Cai, it’s not early, go back!”

“Ah? Go back?” Li Cai was a bit reluctant, but looking at Wen Ruoyun’s firm expression, Li Cai still had no choice but to go back. Li Cai also needs to deal with the LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter miniaturization issue. When Wen Ruoyun is busy, Li Cai can also concentrate on LCA ‘Radiant’ Fighter miniaturization technology.

Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei put down the hard Nokia, held the mouse with his right hand, opened the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, and once again used the well-known leaked account ‘Mysterious Game Insider’.

This well-known leaked account, although many personnel suspect that it is the official support of Dream Entertainment, but after all, there is no evidence. Coupled with this account, always bring some genuine news, Gamer will not pursue this account, what is the situation.

Shi Lei Signed In ‘Mysterious Game Insider’ account, at the Official Gamer Forum, released a rumor about the Mirror Science and Technology Group, which will release a mobile cell phone.


“The industry laughs, Dream Entertainment enters the cell phone field? 》

Dear friends, Hello everyone!

Have you missed me? I am back again! Today, I have brought you a piece of news!

As everyone knows, interlacing is like a mountain. This is a famous saying by Xia Nation. However, Headquarters is located at the Dream Entertainment Company in Xia Nation. I don’t even know this famous saying?

We have to admit that Dream Entertainment Company is the best Network Entertainment Company in the world, and Brave’s World is the most attractive online game in the world.

But this is not EQ ual to say that Dream Entertainment Company has the same omnipotent power as God!

I received a covert message, Dream Entertainment Company, has to enter the mobile cell phone field, and has begun the work of secret research and development.

For this news, I initially thought it was a false news. However, after careful investigate, and I placed it in the intelligence personnel of Dream Entertainment Company, I finally confirmed the authenticity of this news.

After confirming the authenticity of the message, I almost laughed and fell!

Dream Entertainment Company wants to make a mobile cell phone? Is the mobile cell phone made by Dream Entertainment Company ready for use in Brave’s World?

As a non-professional, I am not sure how high the technical content of mobile cell phone is. I know that Xia Nation’s mobile cell phone manufacturing industry is really not technical.

I am making a bold guess here. Is it Dream Entertainment Company, ready to cooperate with other mobile cell phone manufacturing companies to jointly manufacture Dream Mobile Company’s mobile cell phone? Or is it to use the public version directly, and then contact the factory to manufacture?

Dream Entertainment Company, maybe you have achieved impressive results in the network entertainment aspect, and are at the forefront of World. However, mobile cell phone is not an online game, you still play games honestly!

Finally, I predict that the cell phone of Dream Entertainment Company is absolutely ugly!

if not?

I am eating live on youtube!


This time, Shi Lei used the ‘Mysterious Game Insider’ information, which was not as obvious as it used to be to help Dream Entertainment, but naked chose to discredit Dream Entertainment and discredit the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s unreleased mobile cell phone.

There are two advantages to doing this!

First, the attitude of Black Dream Entertainment and Mirror Science and Technology is set, so that the Sockpuppet account of ‘Mysterious Game Insider’ can be separated from the identity of Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Phony Customer!

As for how many people believe that it is not in the scope of Shi Lei’s consideration!

Second, deliberately discrediting Mirror Science and Technology’s unreleased mobile cell phone, let the majority of Gamer have a psychological suggestion in advance, that Mirror Science and Technology and Dream Entertainment’s mobile cell phone is absolutely junk.

At that time, once Shi Lei released the Promo Vid for mobile cell phone, this view will be completely overturned, allowing the majority of Gamer to remember Mirror Science and Technology’s mobile cell phone more deeply.

Besides, the mobile cell phone that Shi Lei is preparing to make is not the cell phone of Ordinary, nor the cell phone of the emerging Science and Technology touch screen. Instead, it directly skips the cell phone of the touch screen and selects Lens like .com. -type Information Processor.

Lin’an Underground Base has developed the Lens-type Information Processor, which is costly and has many limitations, but at least it has been successfully developed!

Even with the current LIP Lens-type Information Processor, the function of making calls has not been added, and the way to connect to the network is only a mode of wifi, but Shi Lei does not have any concerns.

In order to realize the function of making a call and transferring data through the cell phone network, it is only necessary to increase the design of the cell phone function, which is not a difficult matter.

Just EQ uivalent to integrate the cell phone into the LIP Lens-type Information Processor!

As for the integrated cell phone function in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, there will be an increase in the cost of the issue. Shi Lei just wants to say that these cost issues are not issues and will eventually be transferred to the user.

Worldwide’s Nouveau Riche user too much, they don’t care about the price of the product, only worry about whether the product’s experience for oneself is enough Outstanding. For example, .com, so expensive, and in the Xia Nation area, but also all kinds of walls, but Xia Nation’s Nouveau Riche, is not the purchase of the slightest hesitation?

As long as there are Outstanding products, attractive features, don’t be afraid of product sales issue! Excellent high-end electronics, targeted at users, has never been a low-end user.

Shi Lei is very confident about the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, not only because of the appearance of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, but also because of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, which is indeed enough Outstanding.

LIP Lens-type Information Processor, in Shi Lei’s vision, has a too much too much lethal card function, it can’t be successful!

Think about the industry design of X NUMCompany and 5 of appleCompany. It was sprayed into a dog, and all kinds of extra long versions of the ridicule, it is ironic to the extreme. Coupled with the lacquer door factor, 5 seems to be the most bullshit design.

However, 5s, which has the same appearance as 5, only reverses all the factors that are detrimental to 5 by simply changing the fingerprint.

This is the function of a lethal card function!

According to Shi Lei’s design, the LTL Lens-type Information Processor’s lethal card function far exceeds fingerprint unlocking. Why can’t it succeed?

Since it is destined to be successful, it is now actively discrediting it, but it will arouse more attention!

The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, after the release of the smashing Dream Entertainment Company by the ‘Mysterious Game Insider’, some of the other company’s internet merc, suddenly squirted.

In a short period of time, almost the entire Official Gamer Forum is full of ridicule for Dream Entertainment and Mirror Science and Technology Group!


Blessing All book friends, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy family, good luck!